Web Forms :: How To Show Webservice Response As XML

May 7, 2015

I am using following webmethod

public DataSet GetData()
List<City> city = new List<City>();
DataSet ds = new DataSet();


But it give error like

Error - xml parsing error syntax error line number 1 column 1 in asp.net

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SOAP Webservice XML Response

Jan 22, 2010

I have a SOAP webservice. One method has a return type of XmlDocument. I then sent this service to guys that need to consume it. And this is there response: I see the web service returns and xml string. Why not just wrap the results in the web service response itself? what he means by that? I have asked, but I have received no reply from him yet. That I can make it return proper XML and not XML formatted string?

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JSON Webservice Response Compression In IIS 7?

Mar 20, 2010

I have trouble with JSON response compression. I look to response headers after uploading website to production server (Windows 2008, IIS 7) and found uncompressed response. Turning on "Enabled static compression" and ""Enable dynamic compression" in IIS control panel does not effect. ASPX pages was responsed gzipped, but webservice response uncompressed.

I looked to google, but no answer found about this trouble. Also, I try this [URL] way (and adding to web.config this module) - but this source is excellent working at development machine with ASP.NET development server (and have seven times response size reduced) and totally ignored at IIS7.

How I can apply gzip compression to json responses from my webservice?

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How To Convert XML Webservice Response Data

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I am getting data from xml webservice. The data is coming in:

<![CDATA]> like <![CDATA[Semi-Detached, Didcot]]>.

I have used HtmlEncode to convert or get data from above tag but unable to get data. I wanna get data from <![CDATA]> tag and display in a grid.

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WCF / ASMX :: Can't Read Ping Response From Webservice

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<message>It works!</message>

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WCF / ASMX :: Webservice That Can Send Response Back In XML Format

Jun 17, 2010

I have a webservice that sends the response back in XML format.I'm able to connect and call the webservice adding an external web reference to the Visual Studio project.Then in my code behind:As New servicename_addedLabel1.Text = servicename_added.Functionexposed(param1, param2, etc)With that code I can get the response in a large label and unstructured data. If I "view source" I see the XML structured data.I have tried to create an XML document without success.My goal is to parse the response and write it to a database separating all the fields.

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Cannot Upload A File To A Webservice And Get The Response In Json Format

Aug 10, 2010

I have a simple webservice that I would like to upload a file to. The problem is that I need the response in json.

Form my experience in order to get a response in Json my request has to have a content-type of 'application/json'. But ofcourse this cannot be the case with a file upload since the content type will have to be 'multipart/form-data'.

In my Json i want to return a value showing whether successful and a filename.


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WCF / ASMX :: Webservice Client Response Object Not Getting Populated

Mar 29, 2011

There is an external (Java based ) web service that i am calling. I've added my service reference and verified that Reference.cs has been generated.

Then i call my service form my client website like such:


But my response object is mostly null after it receives the response. The properties that should have values do NOT.

When i look at Trace viewer, the SOAP request is correct and the SOAP response is correct. I get back a valid soap response with all the data i need it's just not making its way back to my response object. I've tried regenerating the proxy many different ways (svcutil) with no luck.

Example of what is in the response object (good data which is not making it's way back to my response object):

<ogc:Spatial_Capabilities><ogc:GeometryOperands><ogc:GeometryOperand>gml:Envelope</ogc:GeometryOperand><ogc:GeometryOperand>gml:Point</ogc:GeometryOperand><ogc:GeometryOperand>gml:LineString</ogc:GeometryOperand><ogc:GeometryOperand>gml:Polygon</ogc:GeometryOperand></ogc:GeometryOperands><ogc:SpatialOperators><ogc:SpatialOperator name="BBOX"></ogc:SpatialOperator><ogc:SpatialOperator name="Overlaps"></ogc:SpatialOperator></ogc:SpatialOperators></ogc:Spatial_Capabilities>

Why isn't the SOAP response making its way back to my response object?

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WCF / ASMX :: Convert Webservice Xml Response To Object Dynamically Using JSON?

May 10, 2010

convert webservice xml response to object dynamically using JSON

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Web Forms :: Cannot Show Response.write On A Page

Aug 18, 2010

I'm doing something for paypal.

So i have my values for paypal PDT like this:


and then i will send the form to paypal and get the values (i also need some javascript to do that but it's irelevant now).


So it works ok but it show me all the paypal values on the page.Logical since i do a response.write.

Now my question is if there is a way that i will not get to see the values on the page.

I've tried request.clear ,request.flush but i didn't come up with anything.

View 14 Replies

Web Forms :: How To Show A Processing Message While Page Is Loading In Response To A Button Click Event

Apr 28, 2010

I am using ASP.NET 2.0 with C#(No AJAX) in my project. In a particular web page, when the a button is clicked, some server intensive processing occurs before the same page is displayed again with the results. While code execution happens on the server in response to Button_Click event, a blank white page is shown to user on his browser in between post backs.

How do i show a message in this case, that the processing is still going on and ask the user to wait.

I have used javascript to show a message on page unload. But this message is also erased when the page is posted back to the server and the user sees a blank white page on his browser. How do i avoid this white page? Is there a way to show a message in the blank white page ?

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C# - Google Directions Api Web Service - Show Response On Map?

Feb 24, 2011

Is there a way to use the response from the Google directions web service called, for example from c# code like this:

var url = System.String.Format(@"[URL]", addressFrom, addressTo);
var result = XElement.Load(url);

and after that display the result on map; OR it must be done completely with JavaScript using the Google maps JavaScript API described here?

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AJAX :: ModelPopUpExtender Panel Show Up On Response Redirect

Feb 22, 2010

I used a modelPopupExtender to make a screen freeze. after the saving i do an response.redirect to the same page but when i do that i could see the panel saving again before reload.

here is the code


on Code Behind when finished button clicked i do show the next view from the multiview as well as the New button. inside the finished button click event i do mpeScreenFreez.Hide(); to hide the popupExtender. When i response.redirect i could see the panFreeze panel poping up just before relaod.

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AJAX :: Toolkit Slideshow Extender's Webservice - Set Up The Slide Show Based On A Querystring Parameter

Oct 19, 2010

I need to set up the slide show based on a querystring parameter. I thought I had this figured out, but I clearly don't understand something about how the webservice works. I have this in the .aspx page:

<asp:Button ID="btnPrev" runat="server" Text="Prev" />
<asp:Button ID="btnPlay" runat="server" Text="Play" />
<asp:Button ID="btnNext" runat="server" Text="Next" />
<asp:Label ID="lblDesc" runat="server" />
<cc1:SlideShowExtender ID="SlideShowExtender1" runat="server" BehaviorID="SSBehaviorID"
Loop="true" >
<asp:Image ID="tstSlides" runat="server" height="300px" Width="300px" />

And this in the code behind:.........................

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Web Forms :: How To Show Progress Bar When Have "Response.End"

Dec 10, 2010

I have a webform and on one of the button's click, I am performing certain operations and generating a file download option.

Now I want to show some ProgressBar during that operation and once it shows "file OPEN/SAVE" dialog, that progressbar should disappear. I have working code in other scenarios but its not working because I am using Response.End during this button_click process to display File Open/Save dialog. So it displays the progressbar but does not go away after it displays file dialog.

Here is my code.


changed in above code or any other way to display progressbar during this process?

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Jquery - How To Write A File To The Response Stream And Have A 'Working' Modal Window Show/hide

Feb 15, 2011

I need to to export a file to the user. It takes 1-2 min to generate the file so I'd like to have the page go into a kind-of modal mode with a layover on the page and a 'Working' spinner showing. The problem is I can't make the modal stuff go away after Save File dialog is closed.

How can I remove the layover after the dialog is done?

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Web Forms :: Difference Between Response.Expire And Response.ExpiresAbsolute?

Mar 3, 2010

I am not able tto understand the differnce between REspose.Expire and Response.ExpiresAbsolute?

Is it mandatory to use both toghter?

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Web Forms :: Response.Flush() | Response.Buffer = False: Neither Do Anything?

Sep 20, 2010

So,I have this code:


Even though I have buffer set to false,no text is displayed.I have tried adding a response.flush,with and without changing the buffer value.What exactly is wrong?I've also tried it with and without the label(i.e. with or without just Response.Write)

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.net - The VS.NET Designer For My ASP.NET Pages Show "response Is Not Available In This Context" For All Controls?

Feb 7, 2011

I have a VS.NET solution that was originally a 3.5 VS.NET 2008 solution, now upgraded to VS.NET 2010 .NET Framework 4.0. I rarely use the 'Designer' tab to preview the generated controls of my ASP.NET pages, but in this instance I want to to see the wizard of an Object Data Source Control.Now ALL of my pages (content pages of a single simple Master page) show the message "response is not available in this context" for all of my controls. I tied deleting the page from my project, adding a new page, and copying back in the source and code; same error. I also tried cutting out controls 1 at a time, and clicking "Refresh" in the designer but I can't find out the problematic issue. Remember every single page in my solution does this.

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Response Object / Response.AddHeader Is Used To Add A New HTML Header?

Jul 16, 2010


I am using this code to download and its working well for me.But i cant understand the code.Can someone explain me this code to me please?

Response.AddHeader is used to add a new HTML header,but what is an HTML header all about?and the parameters i am passing within it as the name and value;what are they?

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MVC :: Response.End And Filters / Can Get Response.End() To Work When Called

Nov 19, 2010

I have a static method that I use to control REST styled HTTP codes when my mvc application encounters an exception.

The method looks like:


This is static becuase then I can call it within an action or inside a filter. The problem I am having is that when I call RaiseException inside a filter, it stills goes into the requested action. Response.End() doesn't seem to have any effect. Any clues on how I can get Response.End() to work when called?

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Necessary To Call Response.End() After Response.Redirect(url)?

Jan 13, 2011

Is it necessary to call Response.End() after Response.Redirect(url) Update for all the answers. Because some answers say that it's necessary and others say no, I have searched more and have found in msdn under remarks the following: Redirect calls End which raises a ThreadAbortException exception upon completion.

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C# - Using Response.Filter With Response.TransmitFile?

Aug 10, 2010

I'm using Response.Filter in order to implement stream compression in accordance with HTTP Request Header Accept-Encoding

Here's the important stuff:

if (AcceptEncoding.Contains("deflate") || AcceptEncoding == "*")
HttpApp.Response.Filter = new DeflateStream(PreviousOutputStream, CompressionMode.Compress);
HttpApp.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Encoding", "deflate");

By and large this works as intended. However, I'm in a situation where I'm using an ActionResult on an MVC Controller to serve up files to the user agent:

Response.Headers["Content-Type"] = contentType;
Response.Headers["Content-Length"] = contentLength;
if (Request.QueryString["dl"] == "1")
Response.Headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=" + fileInfo.Name;

To be more exact, the action method returns new EmptyResult() after the Response.TransmitFile() call. This works exactly as intended without the Response.Filter modification.

In this situation, the response entity reaches the user agent garbled and unintelligible. FireFox's Poster addon shows empty entities or jumbled entities coming back.

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Error CS0029: Cannot Implicitly Convert Type Media.WebService.multiValuedAttribute To Media.WebService.multiValuedAttribute[]

Aug 5, 2010

In Visual Studio 2008 I have a Class Library project (called Media) to which I added a Web Reference (not a Service Reference) to a third-party web service (wsdl). In the Class Library project a proxy class is created for using the service along with several classes for the types used in that service.

I also have a second Class Library (called Sync) that references the first one. And then I have a Web Site project that references the second class library. All of this is .NET 3.5

So Web Site > Class Library (Sync) > Class Library with web service reference (Media)

I want to step into the generated code, so I fire up the web site in IIS 7.5 and trigger the call to a method in the second class library (Sync) that in turn should call the web service proxy. I was fully expecting to hit the breakpoint, but instead got an exception:

Unable to generate a temporary class(result=1). error CS0029: Cannotimplicitly convert type Media.WebService.multiValuedAttribute to Media.WebService.multiValuedAttribute[]

Why is ASP.NET trying to generate a temporary class? Don't I already have the generated class from the first Class Library (Media)?

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: Context.Response.Output Vs Context.Response.Write()?

Jan 24, 2010

I have written simple HttpModule. context.Response.Output.Write is working fine. but not context.Response.Write().

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