.net - The VS.NET Designer For My ASP.NET Pages Show "response Is Not Available In This Context" For All Controls?
Feb 7, 2011
I have a VS.NET solution that was originally a 3.5 VS.NET 2008 solution, now upgraded to VS.NET 2010 .NET Framework 4.0. I rarely use the 'Designer' tab to preview the generated controls of my ASP.NET pages, but in this instance I want to to see the wizard of an Object Data Source Control.Now ALL of my pages (content pages of a single simple Master page) show the message "response is not available in this context" for all of my controls. I tied deleting the page from my project, adding a new page, and copying back in the source and code; same error. I also tried cutting out controls 1 at a time, and clicking "Refresh" in the designer but I can't find out the problematic issue. Remember every single page in my solution does this.
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Jan 16, 2010
I have a default.aspx page, it contains a checkboxlist and button (Button1). There are other items too but not significant for this question.
The user selects an item in the checkbox list. Based on which item is selected, in my button click code, I take the user to another page (Page2, for example). In that page I have TextBoxes, where user fills some numeric values. On this page (Page2) I have another button (Button2). In the Button2 Click code, I want to use logic, where I need to know what was checked in my checkboxlist in previous page. How can I do that. I get the error
Error 17 The name 'CheckBoxList1' does not exist in the current context
On default page Button click I have like this..
1. How can I recall what was checked in default page checkboxlist?
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Oct 1, 2010
I've got a form with a button on it. You have to be logged in to see this form. I use this code to check if the user is logged in and act appropriatley.
Dim isLoggedIn As Boolean = CType(Session("LoggedIn"), Boolean)
If isLoggedIn = False Then
End If
The button runs a report that takes anywhere from 0.5 to 20 seconds. For testing it just sleeps for 10 seconds.
The problem is this. Say User1 comes to the form, logs in and runs the report. If User2 comes to the form, the page will not load until User1's report is done.
Now, the bonus is if I comment out the response.redirect line, everything works fine. But if that line is in there I will get this problem.
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May 7, 2015
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public DataSet GetData()
List<City> city = new List<City>();
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
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Aug 18, 2010
I'm doing something for paypal.
So i have my values for paypal PDT like this:
and then i will send the form to paypal and get the values (i also need some javascript to do that but it's irelevant now).
So it works ok but it show me all the paypal values on the page.Logical since i do a response.write.
Now my question is if there is a way that i will not get to see the values on the page.
I've tried request.clear ,request.flush but i didn't come up with anything.
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Feb 24, 2011
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var url = System.String.Format(@"[URL]", addressFrom, addressTo);
var result = XElement.Load(url);
and after that display the result on map; OR it must be done completely with JavaScript using the Google maps JavaScript API described here?
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Feb 22, 2010
I used a modelPopupExtender to make a screen freeze. after the saving i do an response.redirect to the same page but when i do that i could see the panel saving again before reload.
here is the code
on Code Behind when finished button clicked i do show the next view from the multiview as well as the New button. inside the finished button click event i do mpeScreenFreez.Hide(); to hide the popupExtender. When i response.redirect i could see the panFreeze panel poping up just before relaod.
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Apr 28, 2010
I am using ASP.NET 2.0 with C#(No AJAX) in my project. In a particular web page, when the a button is clicked, some server intensive processing occurs before the same page is displayed again with the results. While code execution happens on the server in response to Button_Click event, a blank white page is shown to user on his browser in between post backs.
How do i show a message in this case, that the processing is still going on and ask the user to wait.
I have used javascript to show a message on page unload. But this message is also erased when the page is posted back to the server and the user sees a blank white page on his browser. How do i avoid this white page? Is there a way to show a message in the blank white page ?
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Feb 15, 2011
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How can I remove the layover after the dialog is done?
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Jan 28, 2011
I would like to display the list of recently accessed/visited web pages just as google chrome shows. I want to achieve this using C# and asp.net.
I am working on a site where the user can see the list of pages that they have visited, I tried using iframe but that does not work as per expectation. I am looking for a clean and intuitive interface something like google chrome.
I would like to provide a thumbnail view of the recently visited pages.
To keep my question simple, I want to display a list of urls as thumbnails, just as chrome does
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Aug 28, 2010
I have a requirement to show an Exit Popup on one of our processing pages. I am showing the exit popup by registering a client side javascript like
window.onbeforeunload = ShowExitPopUp();
The popup executes fine if you close the window, or try to type in a different URL. However the issue is that my processing page is also performing a "Response.Redirect" on the server side once the process completes. When response.redirect happens the exitpopup also shows up. Is there a way to have the exit popup not show up in that case?
Since my server side code is running through an UpdatePanel, so I have tried registering the following, in an attempt to remove ExitPopup from client side. However this doesn't work since server side redirection happens before end request.
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Sep 8, 2010
I have a UserControl that contains a DropDownList and an ObjectDataSource. That control is used in the markup of my MasterPage.
In the Designer of a ContentPage that uses that MasterPage I can see the DropDownList and the ObjectDataSource. See for yourself.
I know that other controls (like ComponentArt:Grid) only show themself as outer container and hide the inner controls.
I guess that is somehow achievable with attributes. Which ones do I have to set?
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Nov 30, 2010
I have developed a website using ASP.net. The pages use a master page with the background image set to the colour I require. All appears OK until I resize the window - then as I reduce the window size and or change the zoom level - white blank areas appear on the background to the right of the page and textboxes remain the background colour overlaying the white areas. This also happens when view in other browsers.
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