Web Forms :: Images Are Not Shown In IE?

May 27, 2010

in my application, images are not shown in IE,where as it works f9 in Mozila, it sucks me,Plz help me to solve out the problemcheck it out the websitewww.clcparivar.inimages visible in Mozila bt nt shown in IE

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Web Forms :: Images Not Shown By Imagehandler.ashx?

Jun 17, 2010

I installed markit slide show module for dotnetnuke but the images are not shown after I upload them .when I right-click on the image and choose properties the sourse of image is like this :http://www.behtinweb.com/DesktopModules/Markit.SlideShow/ImageHandler.ashx?mg=/Portals/0/SlideShow_Photos/388/web_design6.jpg&w=550&h=190&Q=0and when I copy the link in the address bar of my browser I have the "Page cannot be found error" .

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Web Forms :: 2008 - Upload Images To Server (application / Images Folder) And Retrieve (display)

Apr 17, 2010

how to upload images to server(application/images folder) and retrive(display) from and on client PC for asp.net. its just for uplaoding logo directly to server folder and retriving from server to client. i am not getting server path on client pc for image.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Images In Rows / Show Images That Represent The Action?

Mar 15, 2010

i have the following scenario, i have a column of a gridview that shows me a text telling me is the user is allowed or not to access to some page, but now i just showing allow and deny, but i wanna show images that represent me the action, how can i do that?

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Web Forms :: Retrieving Images From Database And Display As Thumbnail Images

Apr 29, 2010


i am using asp.net with c#, i have table images

shop nvarchar(50),
imgc image
imgo image

iam saving images in a database but while retreving it is showing blank images. i want to display as thumb nail images

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Web Forms :: Control Isn't Shown In Subfolders?

Feb 3, 2010

I've added a .ascx control in a Master Page in the site's root. It is perfectly shown when the page is in the same master page path (in the root in this case), but when the page is contained in a subfolder, the component isn't displayed.

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Web Forms :: How To Obtain The URL Shown In The Addressbar For A Subdomain In ASP

Jan 24, 2011

My website [URL]The actual path for es.argyletv.com is argyletv.com/es/. You can access the same files for that website by typing in essentially 2 different addresses, which is bad for search engine optimization. For instance, es.argyletv.com/entry.aspx yields the same result as es.argyletv.com/es/entry.aspx.

I am trying to determine when the subdomain directory is included in the url, so that I can remove it and redirect the user to the url without the directory via a 301 redirect. The problem that I have is that:Request.Url.ToString();[URL]I've also tried to use Request.RawUrl.ToString(); and pretty much every type of output in the request class to no avail. What I need, is to be able to determine what is being shown in the address bar, so that I can direct the user to the correct URL if need be.

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Web Forms :: Web Form Is Shown As Blank First While Loading?

Jan 16, 2011

I have created login page in which if user credential are incorrect it will show the message through jquery notification bar.But, what is happening when page is being postback it will show complete blank page after that it will load the controls of that page and then the error message will be shown if it is there. So, its taking quite a long time .So, how can we access or load the page in faster way?? or should i make any changes while postback?

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Web Forms :: FileUpload Control Being Shown As Hidden?

Mar 15, 2010

I`m developing a web app. using VS2005 on Windows Vista and IE 8. As i view my page on IE the FileUpload control doesnt shows.

everything was fine when i was using IE 6 on Win XP.

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Web Forms :: Flash Banner Not Shown In Gmail Account

Jan 24, 2011

sir i have develop page for sending news letter to my memebers ,in this i have uploaded flash banner .with root path of these where these stored in my site but in gmail account i am not able to see these flash banners ; but images are properly visible. one thing more if i send it to my company mail id then it is ok and every thing is visible. is there any security issue regarding to gmail or yahoo and if yes then what kind of code we have to attach with our html

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Forms Data Controls :: Having To Modift What Is Shown On Grid

Jan 31, 2011

in this code: we are saying that if there is budget data show visibilty on all columns, if there is not budget data only show one column. i would like to add one new thing. If there is budget data and the hide button is pressed then show also col, 4.now if there is never budget data only show co2. this is different than what we have. how can i add this extra logic step?

bBudgetExists = false


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Web Forms :: Disable Grdiview From Subform Shown In The Frame?

Apr 13, 2010

In my web application i need to show a page in the frame by using some options.Successfully i have done it. But from the sub form which shown in the frame, from it on a button click I need to disable or enable the gridview in the main page. How can I do it?

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Web Forms :: Align The Boxes Shown In Role Privilege Together?

Mar 2, 2010

I need to align the boxes shown in Role Privilege together, but I seem to be unable to do so.


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Web Forms Routing Images / How To Use Absolute Url's To Images

Jul 9, 2010

I'm using ASP.NET 4 Web forms routing, for example like this:

routes.MapPageRoute("page-browse", "{Language}/{Label}", "~/Default.aspx")
So the webadress could look like: http://localhost/mywebsite/eng/home

In the root of my website I have a folder "Images".

Image display works when I'm in the root of my website, e.g. by using http://localhost/mywebsite/default.aspx

But when using routing it doesn't work, because the image relative url will look at http://localhost/mywebsite/eng/images instead of http://localhost/mywebsite/images

Is there a way to prevent this using ASP.NET 4 Routing mechanism? Or is the only way to use absolute url's to images?

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Forms Data Controls :: PlaceHolder Contents Not Shown After PostBack

Oct 5, 2010

I have a GridView control which contains a custom <pagertemplate> with a <asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" ID="plcPages"> control. The .aspx.cs file contains the following code:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
... {Other Code} ...
GridViewRow pagerRow = GridView1.BottomPagerRow;
PlaceHolder PagePlc = (PlaceHolder)pagerRow.Cells[0].FindControl("plcPages");
Button btnPage;
int iPageNum;
for (int i = 0; i < GridView1.PageCount; i++) { iPageNum = i + 1;
btnPage = new Button(); btnPage.ID = "btnPage" + iPageNum.ToString();
btnPage.CommandName = "Page"; btnPage.CommandArgument = iPageNum.ToString();
btnPage.Text = " " + iPageNum.ToString() + " ";
PagePlc.Controls.Add(btnPage); } }

Everything works fine the first time the page is displayed. But, when I click any pager button, including the Next and Prev command buttons that are not part of the PlaceHolder, the contents of the PlaceHolder are never re-displayed. I know from searching other posts that the PlaceHolder contents are lost during the trip to the server, but I am already recreating them every time the page is loaded. They are just never being shown again. I've spent the last two days playing with ViewState And every other combination.

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Forms Data Controls :: All Code Inside Repeater Are Not Shown?

Aug 22, 2010

I have a Repeater who should show some data from my ms.sql server. But all code inside the Repater is not shown on my .aspx page. What am i doing wrong. I have a similar Repeater on another page and there it works fine.




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Forms Data Controls :: List View Not Shown All String?

Nov 17, 2010

I am having an issue with Listview controll ,It does not show all string ( string could be 50 words), is there a way around this ,I also have ,one item of listview want to be displayed as hyperlinks .

simple code

this is a part of function that call the listview function


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Forms Data Controls :: Can Control The First Record Shown In A Listview

Jul 23, 2010

I have a ListView control that only displays one record at a time. I have a LinqDataSource that can return one or more records. I have a function that determines the number of records and returns a psuedo random number between 1 and the number of records returned. When the page first loads, I want to display a random record. After that, I want the datapager to move the user normally through the records.

In my Page Load Event, if Page.IsPostBack is false, I get the random number. Let's say for simplicity I have 15 records and the randon number generated is 6. How do I tell the LinqDataSource to display the record at index 6?

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Forms Data Controls :: Borders Not Shown In Internet Explorer?

Feb 8, 2011

I have a grid view to display some info and i want to have each row seperated with a double border.

this is my code:


Borders are visible fine in Mozilla but in internet explorer they are not...

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Forms Data Controls :: Convert String To Date Shown In Calendar?

Dec 7, 2010

I have a GridView where the user can choose an occasion, and I want to show the occasion date in a calendar. How should I convert the date string from the GridView? The code below works except for the rows concerning Date and calendar:


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Sorting When Header Of Grid Is Not Shown?

Feb 3, 2010

guide how I can sort grid data when header is not shown. Actually In my page I have set visibility of header to false and have placed headings in table above the grid (it was done because requirment was to fix header and make grid with scrollable).how I can give sorting functionality with headings in table above the grid

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Web Forms :: Upload Excel To Table As Bulk On Server - Error Shown

Apr 27, 2016

When I try to upload excell to table as bulk on server 64 bit

the error show

(its work on my pc but when i publish it on server error shows)

The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.

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Web Forms :: Memory Usage (consumption) Of Individual Controls On A Web Form Shown In A Browser?

Oct 12, 2010

Is there a way to check the memory usage (consumption) of individual controls on a web form shown in a browser. Like Repeater Control, Multiline Text box etc. The reason is I am putting the repeater control in session and checking the status of controls, based on which I am doing further actions.

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Forms Data Controls :: Database Results Shown In Expandable Boxes Based On Group Name?

Oct 8, 2010

I haven't been using asp.net for that long and i am wondering if i can use a datalist, repeater, etc to pull data from a database, into one of these, but then group them by group with expandable boxes.

I have a SQL database set up, it will be used to list applications upon a webpage. e.g. office.

So colums are id, pro_name, pro_link, group_name, icon_name

I can extract the data but i am unsure on how to get it to display in the way that i want, as i wish it to show it so it is like below


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Forms Data Controls :: Hiding ListView Until Submit / First Navigate To The Page, The EmptyDataTemplate Is Shown?

Apr 9, 2010

I often have some controls (like TextBoxes) for input parameters at the top of a page followed by a ListView to show the results.

When submit is hit, the LIstView shows the results using ControlParameters in the SqlDataSource.

My problem is when you first navigate to the page, the EmptyDataTemplate is shown. This can confuse users.

What is the Best Practice for not showing the ListView or EmptyDatatemplate until there has been a Submit button press?

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