Forms Data Controls :: Can Control The First Record Shown In A Listview

Jul 23, 2010

I have a ListView control that only displays one record at a time. I have a LinqDataSource that can return one or more records. I have a function that determines the number of records and returns a psuedo random number between 1 and the number of records returned. When the page first loads, I want to display a random record. After that, I want the datapager to move the user normally through the records.

In my Page Load Event, if Page.IsPostBack is false, I get the random number. Let's say for simplicity I have 15 records and the randon number generated is 6. How do I tell the LinqDataSource to display the record at index 6?

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Forms Data Controls :: Locate A Textbox Control In A Selected Record Of Listview?

Nov 21, 2010

I need to access a TextBox control inlistview. I have tried the following code behind but I don't retrieve the correct textbox. A snippet of the code is as follows:

<asp:ListView ID="CurrentAlertListView1" runat="server" ItemPlaceholderID="itemPlaceholder"
EnableViewState="false" EnableModelValidation="True" OnSelectedIndexChanged="CurrentAlertListView1_SelectedIndexChanged"


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Forms Data Controls :: Hiding ListView Until Submit / First Navigate To The Page, The EmptyDataTemplate Is Shown?

Apr 9, 2010

I often have some controls (like TextBoxes) for input parameters at the top of a page followed by a ListView to show the results.

When submit is hit, the LIstView shows the results using ControlParameters in the SqlDataSource.

My problem is when you first navigate to the page, the EmptyDataTemplate is shown. This can confuse users.

What is the Best Practice for not showing the ListView or EmptyDatatemplate until there has been a Submit button press?

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview - Create Different Layout For First Record?

Aug 11, 2010

Ina listview control how can I create a different layout for the first record returned, all other records will use my ItemTemplate below?


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Forms Data Controls :: Listview Is Repeating Itself For Each Record Returned?

Dec 21, 2010

I have a listview control on the page.. when the page binds and the listview is presented, there should be only 6 records.. well those 6 are displayed corrected at the top, but then below that is the same 6 records.. and below that is the same 6 records.. this goes on 6 times for the page.

If only 1 record is returned by the query. the page lays out ok and functions as expected.. is there a configuration i need to make to the listview to prevent it from repeating itself the number of records it returns?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Enable Multi Record Editing In A Listview

Jul 14, 2010

I'm trying to create a list of items with a listview (ASP.NET VB) and would like to allow a user to use 1 of 2 checkboxes (or radio buttons), to allow them to mark that record as "approve" or "delete", then once they've made all of their selections, they press a button at the bottom to action each of their requests.

So they might select 10 records to delete and 5 to approve, but I want them to run all at the same time, rather than making them edit a field for them all 1 by 1.

I'm also having a bit of trouble identifying a particular record in my codebehind, is the only way to do it through listview1.items then get the index of it, and compare it to the same sql query somehow?

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Forms Data Controls :: Reset Data Bound User Control Shown With Ajax Pop - Up Extender

Nov 1, 2010

I have a web form, and an "add vendor" button. Click the button, a modal dialog pops up (ajax:ModalPopupExtender). User selects one of two radio buttons which shows a data bound asp:View in an update panel - this view is data bound to a single row and must be populated by the user. However I also want to provide a cancel button which should close the modal dialog and reset the bound view.

However what is happening is that the ModalExtender closes, but when the "add vendor" button is presented again, it's still bound to the same data. Do I need to clear my data source? How so I reset the forms/views so that when the 'add vendor' button is clicked again the form is presented as it should be (IE the 2 select options, picking one re-binds the asp:View)?

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Forms Data Controls :: On New Record - Populate A Value On Listview From A Details View Recordset?

Feb 26, 2010

Hi. On my webpage, I have a listview that has a field called BookId. I also have a Detailsview with an ID field. When I add a new record on the listview, I would like to populate the BookID from the Id on my detailsview (there is a one to many relationship between the 2 ids).

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Push Down Outer ListView From Nested ListView Control

Mar 13, 2011

I have anested ListView control. I also implemented a jQuery to automatically expand the TextBox control inside of the nested ListView Insert Template. The problem is, when the Textbox expand, the outer ListView control is not; therefore, the Textbox control expands underneath the buttons of the outer listView control. How do I expand the outer ListView control as the nested ListView textbox is automatically expand? One great example is in Facebook where if I add a response comment, it'll automatically push any comments below mine down. If nested Listview control is not the best way to do this, what are my options?

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C# - Divide Data Into Several Datasets/listview Which Are Shown In Jquery Tabs?

Sep 6, 2010

I'm extracting data from a webserivce.

This is my select statement to retrieve the data:

string cmdstr = "select title, titlefr, racpnr, racpmodeltype from onl_wgn where show = 1 order by onl_kl, racpnr";

I got 4 groups of onl_kl. Now I want to show each group in a tab of the jquery tabcontainer.

I can pass the data in a dataset from my webservice to my webapplication and databind it to a listview, but I don't know how to seperate the data into the 4 tabs? Is this possible in a way with a listview or using other datacomponents?

If not, should I make 4 select statements in my webservice and send 4 datasets to my webapplication and bind it to 4 listviews each in 1 tab? If so how I can pass a list of datasets from a webservice to a webapplication?

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Forms Data Controls :: Single Click ListView Record To Populate Text Field?

Jul 22, 2010

I have a listview that has been constructed using tables. I have set the DataKeyNames="SomeTextField" among others. This column is currently not visible in the ListView.

I'd like to populate a textbox on the click of any listview record with the contents "SomeTextField" column.

View 6 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: ListView : Save Any Edited Record Even If The Update Button Is Not Clicked?

Feb 24, 2010

I am using ListView for the first time. I have a requirement that in a listview if I Edit a record and before clicking teh Edit button of tthis record if i click on the "Edit" button in other record, my first record should be saved and second record should open in Edit mode.

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Data Controls :: How To Save Record Radio Button Inside ListView Into Database

Aug 8, 2013

I have a save boutton outside the listview And How to save All Record /value bu using lable and radiobutton of listview at row by row in databace (sql server)..for Example

<asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server" DataKeyNames="Idq"
DataSourceID="quDataSource" GroupItemCount="1">
<td runat="server" />


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Forms Data Controls :: Created A ListView And Attempted To Delete A Record Using The Delete Button And Native Procedures?

Sep 14, 2010

I created a ListView and attempted to delete a record using the delete button and native procedures. It failed and threw an error.Pass in a valid dictionary for delete or change your mode to OverwriteChangesIn researching this issue, it appeared there is a problem with the list view when deleteing and
ConflictDetection is set to










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Forms Data Controls :: Cannot Find Control In Listview

Jan 31, 2011

I've an anchor tag in listview itemtemplate, I'm trying to find that control in Listview Item databound event with the below snippet


but lnkEdit is always null.

I wonder why it is not able to find the control while I can see it in page view source.

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Forms Data Controls :: ItemPlaceHolder In Listview Control?

Sep 29, 2010

Why do we use this in ListView?


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Forms Data Controls :: ListView With A FileUpload Control?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm making a fairly simple online database where a user can upload a PDF file, along with 4 other data fields to a SQL DB. I have it working ok, sending the PDF to the DB as binary data. The problem is I would like to use a ListView control for the user to enter all of their data and choose the file to upload. When I use a ListView I receive the following error:

No mapping exists from object type System.Web.HttpInputStream to a known managed provider native type.
I've included the code I'm using to send the file to the DB (protected void ListView1_ItemInserting),


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Forms Data Controls :: NullImageURL In Listview Control

Dec 30, 2010

I am using a listview control and wanting an image to display if my DB is null for that record. I have used NullImageUrl="~/images/default/image-not-available.jpg" for my gridview controls and this does work, but does not work for ListView controls.Is there something similar i can try?

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Forms Data Controls :: Repeater Control Previous Next Record After Searching?

Jan 27, 2010

I have a search page. If a user enter something into title textbox and search let say it display 15 records.

If click the title of each records, it goes to DetailsPage.aspx.

What I want here is: If user click the title details of a record and leave that search page, I want to put there(On Details.aspx) Previous/Next button arrow so that the user does not need to browse back and see the search results and go to next details.

Note: I am passing ID into querystring when go search page to details page.

How to keep remembering IDs on details page of searched records on search.aspx ?? Use session or something different ? How can I do this ?

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Forms Data Controls :: DataGrid Or Grid-like Control For Record Selection?

Feb 20, 2011

I would like to ask if there is any control act like grid to display records.The 'datasource' will be a customed class, this dataclass has List<T>, so I will populate each element by iteration into the grid.Any control can I use to work like a grid?The number of records will around 100.This control should also allow the user to select a record.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Produce A Blank Record In A Dropdownbox Control

Mar 30, 2011

I have a dropdown box control, populated by an Access data source, and linked to a form control which renders an appropriate record detail when a selection is made. All works as intended. My issue is that each rendering of the page shows the dropdown box carrying the link to the first record, with the detail portion of the page already complete with the information for that record.

I'd much prefer that the dropdown box would carry some text, like "Click to select..." leaving the detail part of the page empty at the first iteration of the page, allowing the user to pick the first record. I can't seem to find any way around this problem with the control or the data, unless I add a record at the top of the file that carries the text.

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Id To A Querystring In A Listview Control?

Aug 31, 2010

I have tried almost evrything and nothing seems to work,,, I dont see errors but the code is not firing when I bind in the properties of the button control ,,nor the code behind.



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Forms Data Controls :: How To Find Control In Listview When Using Datapager

Mar 16, 2010

I have a page where I use the ListView and DataPager.My listview is populated as a table where each row has a bit data a dropdownlist with some values and a link button. Now I am trying to pick out the selected value from dropdown list when I kick on my linkbutton. As long as I'm on page one, everything is woriking fine. But if I go to page three then I can not pick out the value I selected in the dropdownlist. I have tried to add a textbox in the listview and then I am able to get the value out I typed into the textbox independent which side I'm on.

Why can I pick out the value from textbox but not the selected value in dropownlist?

Here is a piece of my code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Access The HeaderText Of A ListView Control

Jan 23, 2011

How to access the HeaderText of a listView control ?

I want to fill the headerText of a listview dynamically.

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Forms Data Controls :: Find Item In Listview Control?

Jan 17, 2010

I have a objeckt :

class myfam


I show object data in a viewlist like this:

Name ,age
Hans 32
John 40

Know how can i find out Hans is in my listview ? ...?? Listview.Items.contain("hans").....THIS is not working

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