Web Forms :: Control Isn't Shown In Subfolders?

Feb 3, 2010

I've added a .ascx control in a Master Page in the site's root. It is perfectly shown when the page is in the same master page path (in the root in this case), but when the page is contained in a subfolder, the component isn't displayed.

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Web Forms :: Custom Control Not Shown / Implemented When Control Is Used In Testing Project

Mar 16, 2011

My development environment: VS2010, win7. My regular solution setup for authoring a custom control is a Website project which I use for testing purposes and an ASP.NET server control project which is the actual control. Sometimes when I make changes to the custom control project and rebuild the solution the changes I made to the custom control are not shown/implemented when control is used in my testing project so I MUST close the solution and reopen it in order for my changes to appear.

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Web Forms :: FileUpload Control Being Shown As Hidden?

Mar 15, 2010

I`m developing a web app. using VS2005 on Windows Vista and IE 8. As i view my page on IE the FileUpload control doesnt shows.

everything was fine when i was using IE 6 on Win XP.

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Forms Data Controls :: Can Control The First Record Shown In A Listview

Jul 23, 2010

I have a ListView control that only displays one record at a time. I have a LinqDataSource that can return one or more records. I have a function that determines the number of records and returns a psuedo random number between 1 and the number of records returned. When the page first loads, I want to display a random record. After that, I want the datapager to move the user normally through the records.

In my Page Load Event, if Page.IsPostBack is false, I get the random number. Let's say for simplicity I have 15 records and the randon number generated is 6. How do I tell the LinqDataSource to display the record at index 6?

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Web Forms :: How To Use A Treeview To Link To Files In Subfolders

Feb 19, 2010

I have a folder "hr" on my "WebApps" site. In that folder, are a severl subfolders: MS, NC, VA and so forth. Each subfolder contains a series of .pdf documents. Rather than create an .aspx page in each subfolder with a corresponding static link in a default-type page in the parent folder, I thought it would look better to set up a treeview which lists each subfolder name and, when clicked on, displays links to the files inside each subfolder. So far so good. Where it's breaking down is the actual link to each document.

Is there a way to set the hyperlink up programmatically?

This is my treeview code (nothing fancy):



I'm just not sure where to go from here.


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Web Forms :: Deleting A Folder And Its Subfolders And Files?

Nov 3, 2010

new to asp.net I'm trying to dynamically delete a folder so far I have this code


This works well when there are no files or folders in the directory. But if the directory is not empty then I get an error. How can I delete all the files and folders within that directory

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Authentication - Is It Possible To Have Multiple Login Forms To Access Different Subfolders

Mar 18, 2010

Is it possible to have multiple login pages for different folders within an asp.net application? Say I have this structure:


I have 2 different login forms. One for the admin people and one for the customers (the forms are different as the customers need to provide extra information on their login page).

In the authentication section of the webconfig file (which is at the root of the web app), I can only specify one Login page. So how can I make sure thaf if anyone tries to access a webpage in /admin they will be redirected to /login-admin.aspx and if they try to access a webpage in /customer they will be redirected to /login-customer.aspx ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Reset Data Bound User Control Shown With Ajax Pop - Up Extender

Nov 1, 2010

I have a web form, and an "add vendor" button. Click the button, a modal dialog pops up (ajax:ModalPopupExtender). User selects one of two radio buttons which shows a data bound asp:View in an update panel - this view is data bound to a single row and must be populated by the user. However I also want to provide a cancel button which should close the modal dialog and reset the bound view.

However what is happening is that the ModalExtender closes, but when the "add vendor" button is presented again, it's still bound to the same data. Do I need to clear my data source? How so I reset the forms/views so that when the 'add vendor' button is clicked again the form is presented as it should be (IE the 2 select options, picking one re-binds the asp:View)?

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AJAX :: Hidden Or Shown AsyncFileUpload Control Does Not Fire Server-Side

May 27, 2010

I recently came across the AsyncFileUpload control in the latest (3.0.40412) release of the ASP.Net Ajax Control Toolkit. There appears to be an issue when using it in a hidden control that is later revealed, such as a tag with


Server-side Code -

I have a breakpoint on the UploadedComplete event but it never fires. However, if you take the AsyncFileUpload control out of the , making it visible at initial page render, the control works as expected.

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Hidden Or Shown AsyncFileUpload Control Doesn't Fire Server-Side UploadedComplete Event

May 26, 2010

I recently came across the AsyncFileUpload control in the latest (3.0.40412) release of the ASP.Net Ajax Control Toolkit. There appears to be an issue when using it in a hidden control that is later revealed, such as a <div> tag with visible=false.

Page code -
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="act" %>
<act:ToolkitScriptManager runat="server" ID="ScriptManager1" />
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="upnlFileUpload">
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnShowUpload" Text="Show Upload" />
<div runat="server" id="divUpload" visible="false">

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Security :: Why A Forms-authenticated User Needs To Login Again To Role Subfolders In An IIS Server Environment

May 7, 2010

Followed the code sample of Chapter 10 (Logging in) of the Book, Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0, I created an ASP.NET 3.5 website with Forms Authentication. The sample code used Website Administration Tool (WAT) to manage the users, roles, and authorization.When running in the ASP.NET Development server environment, I can first login, then click to open the links for each for the 3 roles.

However when running the sample code in the IIS server environment, I can login but can not open the links for the role subfolders.Clicking each link popped up an error message for opening a login.aspx from the specific subfolder. I don't have a Login.aspx file in each subfolder.The 3 role subfolders were configured as the virtual folders in the IIS Server. Why the sample code worked fine inASP.NET Development server environment, but got an error message from theIIS Server environment? Why an authenticated user can not open the subfolder homepage?

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.net - FormsAuthentication For Multiple Subfolders?

Sep 9, 2010

When i tried to implement form authentication in various subfolders i am getting an error as follows:it is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.

<location path="HelpDesk">
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="Helpdesk/Default.aspx" />

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MVC :: Subfolders Within Controllers Folder?

Feb 4, 2011

I am developing a restful web api using asp.net mvc and trying to extend the MVCWEBAPI project on codeplex that i took from here - http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/MvcWebAPII have added a folder nested within API folder inside the Controllers folder.This path does not work - (nested folder Security)http://localhost/API/Security/Authentication/LoginAlthoug, this path works - (not nested)http://localhost/API/Media/GetMediaThe folder structure is Controllers ->APIWithin API folder I added a Security folder and then added AuthenticationController under it.To make the routing work, I updated global.asax.csBelow is the required code.

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
var map = new NameValueCollection();


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MVC :: Subfolders In The Views And Routes

Mar 21, 2011

I'm looking to add more organization to my Views folder by adding subfolders to the existing structure.




View View





So in order to add the "Configuration" subfolder, I attempted to add a route to the routetable:


This results in a 404 error.

All of the similar posts I've seen on this site and the web have to do with adding "areas" which don't seem to be applicable in the MVC3 arena.

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Website In A Test Folder (Subfolders)?

Jan 7, 2010

test my site using a test folder called /testing...

Suppose i have the following files:-



When i put ALL these files/folders into a folder called "testing" i get an error something on the lines of "MachineApplication etc..", I suppose a lot of people have had problems with this.

But how can i run the site on using a test folder like i want?

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App_Offline.htm Doesn't Work For Subfolders Of Application In IIS?

May 10, 2010

I have placed an app_Offline.htm in the root of my IIS7 application. This works for calls to pages on the root, but not for calls to pages in a subfolder of the application.

How comes? And how to make it work also for subfolders?

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Referencing Page Class In Project Subfolders?

Jan 28, 2010

I have a referencing problem in my project. I have an ASP.NET application where pages are in multiple subfolders. All pages user controls are working fine.

I just want to reference a page class that is not in the root folder (in subfolder from the root folder) in my usercontrol code-behind file like this

if (Page is ar_default){ //}Where ar_default is my page class name as it is in folder name "ar"The user control is also in the same subfolder as the page being accessed.Wnen I use the same method with pages in the root folder, there is no problem at all and it is working although I notice that the classes still not appearing in the coding drop down menu but if I typed the name correctly it work.like so:if (Page is _default){ //}When using the same code with classes in subfolders it is giving this error:The type or namespace name 'ar_default' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)I'm not using any namespaces also.

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How To Handle Every Request To A Folder (including Requests To Subfolders Within)

Jan 27, 2010

I have a folder structure that is odd and I need to find a way to deal with. Example, if you go to site.com/x/y/z/, I would like to have a script in the /x folder that grabs all incoming requests, even if the request was to /x/y/filename or /x/y/z/1/2/filename. Is it possible?

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AJAX :: Controls Work In Subfolders But Not In Root Folder?

Jan 8, 2010

EDITED To make issue more clear. I have also discovered this same issue with validatorcallout extensions used in a usercontrol in a root page and a subfolderpage

I have a strange issue I cannot figure out. I have a usercontrol that is used to display news story details. One of the requirements is to be able to email the story to someone. In this control I have included a modal popup to do contain the email form. What is really strange is that if the control is used in a page in a subfolder themodalpopup works as designed but when the control is in a page in the root folder while the usercontrol still works, themodalpopup control stops working.



This control gets placed within a masterpage via a base MasterPageClass when there is a storyid in the querystring object


When the master page resides at the root level the popup doesn't work but in anyother folder it does work.

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Localization - Put Resource Files (.resx) Within Subfolders Inside App_GlobalResources?

Mar 30, 2010

Is it possible to put resource files (.resx) within subfolders inside App_GlobalResources? For example:


Or, are all the .resx files placed directly inside App_GlobalResources? If it is possible to use subfolders, how do you programmatically access resources within subfolders?

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Visual Studio 2005 Wont Find Files In Subfolders?

Oct 6, 2010

I am having a heck of a time with this. Visual Studio 2005 SP1 can not find my files and javascript files whenever I put it in the subfolders. In the solution explorer, I've created subolfders such as /js and /css. This is inside my main folder: AJAXEnabledWebApplication1css and AJAXEnabledWebApplication1js

In HTML code, when I put this: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.4.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ui/jquery.ui.core.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ui/jquery.ui.widget.js"></script> [code]...

every single one of them is highlighted that it can not find the specified file. But wait, if I add those files manually to the root folder and to the solution explorer, it is no problem!inside the reference paths for the program, I've also pointed to the root folder location:

c:document adn settingsmynamemy DocumentsVisual studio 2005ProjectsAJAXEnableDwebApplication1

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Visual Studio :: Referencing / Adding Folders Subfolders In Solution Explorer?

Jan 18, 2010

i have few folders which has files & some sub folders ----- in another application

i need to add it in current application

without creating the folders/sub folder/subdolder1 is it possible to add all the subfolders as it is using add exixting item

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Web Forms :: Images Are Not Shown In IE?

May 27, 2010

in my application, images are not shown in IE,where as it works f9 in Mozila, it sucks me,Plz help me to solve out the problemcheck it out the websitewww.clcparivar.inimages visible in Mozila bt nt shown in IE

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Web Forms :: How To Obtain The URL Shown In The Addressbar For A Subdomain In ASP

Jan 24, 2011

My website [URL]The actual path for es.argyletv.com is argyletv.com/es/. You can access the same files for that website by typing in essentially 2 different addresses, which is bad for search engine optimization. For instance, es.argyletv.com/entry.aspx yields the same result as es.argyletv.com/es/entry.aspx.

I am trying to determine when the subdomain directory is included in the url, so that I can remove it and redirect the user to the url without the directory via a 301 redirect. The problem that I have is that:Request.Url.ToString();[URL]I've also tried to use Request.RawUrl.ToString(); and pretty much every type of output in the request class to no avail. What I need, is to be able to determine what is being shown in the address bar, so that I can direct the user to the correct URL if need be.

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Web Forms :: Images Not Shown By Imagehandler.ashx?

Jun 17, 2010

I installed markit slide show module for dotnetnuke but the images are not shown after I upload them .when I right-click on the image and choose properties the sourse of image is like this :http://www.behtinweb.com/DesktopModules/Markit.SlideShow/ImageHandler.ashx?mg=/Portals/0/SlideShow_Photos/388/web_design6.jpg&w=550&h=190&Q=0and when I copy the link in the address bar of my browser I have the "Page cannot be found error" .

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