Web Forms :: Loop Textboxes By ID In Code Behind Page?

Jan 6, 2010

I need to know how to loop the user input value in textboxes programatically. For example I have 3 rows of textboxes i have programatically generated with id txtCategory1, txtCategory2, txtCategory3. Since I generated all these textboxes programatically I have no idea how many textboxes will be there. I need to do a looping again to get the value user put in into textbox. How can I get the value of textbox by using ID?

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Web Forms :: Each Loop For Disable/Enable Textboxes?

Sep 2, 2010

I'm trying to set all textboxes on an ASP.NET form to disabled on Page_Load using the following:


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Web Forms :: Create Textboxes Dynamically With Loop According To Dropdownlist.selectedvalue

Aug 2, 2010

I have a dropdownlist whose values are int (actually they are string basically but they can be parsed. they are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.. etc)

I want to create textboxes acording to the number of dropdownlist selected value. Lets say drop down shows 3 and I wanna create 3 textboxes. how can I do that.

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Forms Data Controls :: Check Inside Loop Statement If One Of The Textboxes Has The Same Value

Jan 13, 2011

In my application I have panel which has 5 textboxes. I've written several functions for checking each of textbox if the entered value is ok (number, is this number in database, etc.). If error occurrs textbox which caused it has different color of background.

However I wanted to write (add) function which will check if one of the textboxes has the same value as other. The problem is that function is checking blank textboxes, although it shouldn't - I wrote if statement which allows checking only non-blank textboxes but it doesn't work.

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Forms Data Controls :: Repeater Loop / Collect All Of The Additional Textboxes And Add It To An String?

Mar 17, 2010

The repeater below allows a visitor to click a [+] to add a textbox. They can add as many as they need. Each textbox will contain a name.


I want to be able to collect all of the additional textboxes and add it to an string:


If for example the visitor added two textboxes and typed in "Mary" in the first and "Sue" in the second, I'd like "myAdditionalRegistrants" in the above string to be replaced with:

Mary <br /> Sue

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Accessing Multiple Textboxes In A Loop?

Feb 12, 2010

I have a page where I have 20 textboxes, each indicating a name that I need to go through. Rather than having 20 sets of code, I would rather loop through, something like this:



But it fails to find execute when I hit it, Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

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Creating Textboxes Via Loop In Aspx File?

Mar 3, 2010

I am having issues with giving id to a text box in the aspx for

heres my code


Is there any way of adding in a dynamic id to a textbox created on the aspx file?

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DataSource Controls :: Finding Code To Loop Through The Reader And Output The Details On Individual Lines Of The Page

Jan 14, 2010

I'm currently trying to build a html table from the results of a sql data reader. As my table has multiple records, I want the code to loop through the reader and output the details on individual lines of the page. In ASP I have done this in the past using something like


but as I am using data readers I'm not sure what the equivalent is.

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Web Forms :: How To Make A Loop In Apsx Code

Sep 23, 2010

Recently, I have read an excellent tutorial from asp.net, MVC music store.

I have discover that we can access to variable in strongly typed views like this:


It is very powerful!

Can we do the same with Web Form in aspx pages?

I ask this question because I think that ASP controls for data are very strict like gridview; in fact my real problem is that I want to make a loop in my apsx code and I think that I can't in Web form...

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Web Forms :: Textbox Validation Code Doesn't Run When Textboxes Are Empty?

Jan 13, 2011

I want the validation condition to be: on a pair of textboxes, to be valid as long as at least one of them isn't empty.

So I put a customvalidator on the 2nd textbox, hooked up to the following server code and client code:

<script type="text/javascript">
function ECPhoneOrEmailRequired(source, args) {
var ecPhone = document.getElementById("txtEmergencyPhone");
var ecEmail = document.getElementById("txtEmergencyEmail");
if (ecPhone.value.length < 1 && ecEmail.value.length < 1) {
args.IsValid = false;
else {
args.IsValid = true
Protected Sub CustomValidator1_ServerValidate(ByVal source As Object, ByVal args As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ServerValidateEventArgs)
If (txtEmergencyPhone.Text = String.Empty And txtEmergencyEmail.Text = String.Empty) Then
args.IsValid = False
args.IsValid = True
End If
End Sub

From what I can tell thru breakpoints, this code works fine as long as there's something in one of the two textboxes. When both textboxes are empty, the code is never called - and so both boxes empty ends up being allowed.

So what's the correct way to validate one-or-the-other-nonempty condition?

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Updating A Label During A Code Behind Loop?

May 29, 2010

I'm using VWD2010 express. using C# code behind.

What I need to do is update a label during a loop (simplified from my implimentation). If I can refresh the whole page or an update panel that would work too. I want to give the user more info than just "Please Wait...". So the extreamly simplified version of what I'm trying to do is:

<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
<br />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" onclick="Button1_Click Text="Button" />
protected void Button1_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
for(int i =0; i<=10; i++)
Label1.Text = i.ToString();

Because ASP runs all of it's code behind events before sending the HTML to the user it will not update the label text until after the entire loop has run. I've tried using and update panel and using the UpdatePanel1.Update(); command. I've turned off out buffering Response.Buffer=false; and Response.BufferOutput=false;. I've been searching forums for the past 2 days trying for find a solution. Is this even possilble with ASP or are we at the mercy of ASP only giving HTML to the user when after it's done with it's server side events?

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Repeater Textboxes - Unable To Fetch The Values Of Textboxes

Aug 11, 2010

I have a repeater which is binded using a Collection of Entity Data Framework.

Once the repeater is binded using the datasource, the user can control the no of rows present in the repeater using a Dropdown list on the page. For ex: if datasource has 2 rows, user want to add 3 more rows, user selects 5 from dropdown, which adds 3 additional rows to the Repeater. I am able to do this.

The repeater has textbox controls in each row. Now once the user enter the values in this textbox of the newly generated rows, the user can save the values entered with the no of rows specified.

I have a button which is outside the repeater and on click of this i need to validate all the textbox values and save them into dB accordingly.

Here is my code






Right now the problem is im not able to fetch the values of the textboxes present in the newly generated rows.


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RadioButtonList - Add The ListItem Values In The Code-behind Within A For Loop

Jan 27, 2011

Is it possible to add the ListItem values in the code-behind within a for loop? If so, what is it? Here is my current code:

for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)

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Asp.net - Loop In Code Block On Click Argument?

Feb 13, 2010

Basically what i am trying to do is display a list of categories. And if the admin is logged in
i want to show some buttons next to each category. For example a button to delete it. The problem is that i dont know how to pass a parameter to the function that does the action.Like i specify that on button click the function 'DeleteCat' must be called but if i cant pass the ID of the category to be deleted this wont work.I know this can be done with commands and a repeater, but its not an option, i cant use a repeater.So apparanly this is what i am aiming for:


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C# - Optimize Code - Linq And Foreach Loop 15k Records?

Sep 6, 2010

this is my code


basically, the InstellingGegevens table gest filled in by some procedure from another server.
the thing i then need to do is check if there are new records in this table, and fill in the new ones in Instellingens.

this code runs for like 4 minutes on 15k records. how do I optimize it? or is the only way a Stored Procedure?

this code runs in a timer, running every 6h. IF a stored procedure is best, how to I use that in a timer?


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C# - Pass Null Values From Code Behind With Textboxes?

Apr 28, 2010

I have two textboxes and a drop down.User has a option that he should select drop down and enter value in any one of the texbox .

My procedure accepts null values . only problem is how to pass tht from code behind tht the any text box value submitted it shud return the data.

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C# - Accessing Checkbox Inside Html Table Loop From Code Behind?

Feb 8, 2011

I have a question about asp.net

I have this table with checkbox for each row:


table code inside the ASPX page:


So I'm trying to implement the delete selected button.. How exactly do i point to the specific checkbox for a particular row from codebehind when all 3 have the same name chkSelected? I know how to do it with a gridview, but not quite sure how if we do it with a for loop..

Can I do something like this inside btnDelete_Click?


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Web Forms :: Clear Textboxes In A Page?

Jul 6, 2010

I want to clear all textbox controls in page onload, I know this is simple by TextBox1.Text="";. But I want to make this function in a sepearate class file so that I'll pass my page as parameter to this function and this will find all Textbox controls and clear.

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Web Forms :: Can't Disable The Textboxes On The Page

Feb 2, 2011

I am just trying to set it so that when textbox1 is active on the form, all the other textboxes are disabled but for some reason the page still lets the user enter information into the other textboxes? I have tried this so far


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Forms Data Controls :: Loop Through All Gridviews On Page?

May 26, 2010

I am trying to loop through all gridviews on a page to hide them and set their page index to 0. This should be very easy to do and it seems like the code below should work but it doesn't?? How can I accomplsh this with the least amount of code? FYI- this code is executed on a button click.

foreach (Control childControl in Page.Controls)
if (childControl is GridView)
((GridView)childControl).Visible = false;
((GridView)childControl).PageIndex = 0;

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4.0 Framework Request Validation Will Not Allow Code-behind To Htmlencode Textboxes?

Jan 8, 2011

I have a form that I have been getting submissions that have punctuation and special characters that trigger the potentially dangerous Request.Form value error. I have been trying use the httpUtility.htmlencode and Server.htmlencode method to sanitize textboxes and textareas.All my tests do not fire because the built-in request validation of the 4.0 framework prevents the code-behind from executing to perform the sanitization. I have included the ValidateRequest in the page header but no matter what I set it too it still does the same thing.

This is the code I have so far.

Session("RequestID") = Server.HtmlEncode(txtRequestID.Value)
Session("FirstName") = Server.HtmlEncode(txtInstFirstName.Text)
Session("LastName") = Server.HtmlEncode(txtInstLastName.Text) [code]....

What can I do to make this work? According to all the websites I have visited it should work.

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Web Forms :: How To Validate Two Buttons And Two Textboxes On Same Page

Oct 16, 2010

I have a two textboxes on the same page with their corresponding buttons to enter the data and both the textboxes require validation.

The problem is that if any of the two buttons is clicked it causes client side validation. What I want is only corresponding button shud cause validation.

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Web Forms :: How To Display The Values Of The Textboxes In The First Page

Mar 10, 2010

I am using this code which works perfect when I type username and the studentid in my textboxes in the first page.Now after pressing the button to go to the second page , the two labels display the values of the textboxes in the first page BUT when I am pressing a button in my second page I get this error :

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

My code which is in the second page load event is :

Label1.Text = "Name:" + CType(PreviousPage.FindControl("txtusername"), TextBox).Text
Label2.Text = "Student ID:" + CType(PreviousPage.FindControl("txtstudentid"), TextBox).Text

Is there any option to make this labels keep their values ??

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Web Forms :: How To Reference Textboxes On Content Page

Apr 30, 2010

I have 3 columns of textboxes on a content page.

The columns are first name, last name, email address I would like to write a loop that sends an email message to the person if the email address in thir row is not empty.

How do I write such a loop.

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Add Rows With TextBoxes In Page

Feb 18, 2013

i want to repeat rows dynamically , while click on 'add' button

ex: Suppose there are three fields.

     Name  , image Price  and  "Add" button

while click on "Add" button the same row added and save all to the database

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