Web Forms :: Create Textboxes Dynamically With Loop According To Dropdownlist.selectedvalue

Aug 2, 2010

I have a dropdownlist whose values are int (actually they are string basically but they can be parsed. they are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.. etc)

I want to create textboxes acording to the number of dropdownlist selected value. Lets say drop down shows 3 and I wanna create 3 textboxes. how can I do that.

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Set SelectedValue In DropDownList With SQLDataAdapter?

Mar 28, 2011

I have a form that's being databound with a SQLDataAdapter. I have a DropDownList with a SelectedValue='<%# Bind("FieldName")%>' on it. I was wondering if there was a way I could remove this field and set it dynamically in the codebehind and still have it insert the value of this field with the SQLDataAdapter. The reason for this is because the control I'm using doesn't have a separate InsertItemTemplate, only an EditItemTemplate which serves both purposes, and I need this to dropdownlist to only be databound on Insert.

Right now it's looking like I'll have to stop using the SQLDataAdapter and Update/Insert the data in the codebehind, but I wanted to see if there was something I was missing just-in-case.

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Value Of Dropdownlist Selectedvalue - Created Dynamically Inside Gridview

Jun 12, 2010

I am having Gridview ie : inside i have placeholder, So on Gridview_RowDataBound - according the Specific Condition getting from DB then - i am Creating the Dropdownlist dynamically here and assign Datasource. so up to this its ok. My Problem When the user Select any value on the Dropdownlist on Gridview ,

i have one button outside the Gridview so if i click the button i am want to get the dropdownlist selectedValue so on the Button_Click Event

i used foreach row in the Gridview.. but i do no how to get the value. as the Dropdownlist is create dynamically on Gridview_RowDatabound event. but here what i have to write to get the dropdownlist?

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdownlist SelectedValue Error "'branchDDL' Has A SelectedValue Which Is Invalid?

Nov 18, 2010

I have a dropdownlist in DetailsView to which items are added programmatically during DataBound event. It is working fine in InsertItemTemplate, but in EditItemTemplate i am getting this error "'branchDDL' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items. Parameter name: value".

. Following is the code:


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Web Forms :: Dynamically Populate Gridview With Dropdownlist And Textboxes?

Jul 3, 2012

Scenario is: I have multiple positions and multiple employees. 

Now in one of my forms I know how many positions are there and corresponding to each position i want to show Employee DropDownList(DDL) and Text Boxes (Start Time, EndTime) and some comments for each position. Employee DDL will be populated from DB and Position name will be displayed on labels and that too are getting form DB

say at one instance i have 5 positions and then i want DDL of EmployeeName for each position and similarly TextBoxes for each positions Where i can ask user to full the information for each Position and user can save the data.

And at another instance similar behaviour is required if Positions are 10 , 3 , 8.

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Create New Control Depending On SelectedValue In A DropDownList?

Feb 25, 2010

I have a with dynamic values from an Enum like: String, Int, Double, Bool, DateTime.How do I create a new Control depending on what is the SelectedValue dynamically into the page? I want a CheckBox for Bool, TextBox for String, Calendar for DateTime etc.

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Setting SelectedValue For One DropDownList Also Updates The SelectedValue For Another DropDownLIst

Jul 21, 2010

I have a WebForms page that has two DropDownList controls on it that both contain a range of temperatures from 60-80 degrees, one for heating the other for cooling. They are declared in the .aspx as:

<asp:DropDownList ID="heating" runat="server" />
<asp:DropDownList ID="cooling" runat="server" />

The values for each list are populated in the code-behind using:

for(int i = 60; i <= 80; i++)
var listItem = new ListItem(i + " degrees", i.ToString());


When I try to set the selected value for each DropDownList using the values in an object containing data loaded from the database using:heating.SelectedValue = myHome.avgHeatingTemp.ToString();
cooling.SelectedValue = myHome.avgCoolingTemp.ToString();

The SelectedValue for both lists is set first to the value in myHome.avgHeatingTemp, then to the value in myHome.avgCoolingTemp. Heres what the values are for each variable after each step of the process of setting the SelectedValues:

Initial State
heating.SelectedValue: 60
cooling.SelectedValue: 60 [code]....

View 1 Replies

MVC :: Dynamically Create Textboxes In View

Nov 11, 2010

I have class as such:


and a class called ReportSource which contains a List<ReportSection> sectionList, and an instance of that ReportSource class is passed to the view to display each table within the list of DataTables.

What I'm trying to accomplish is generate a TextBox in the View for each DataTable displayed, where the user can enter some comments in each of those TextBoxes, and then store those comments in the comments field of ReportSection.

I have a loop in the View as such:


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AJAX :: Dynamically Fill Textboxes And Choose Option In Dropdownlist For Modalpopupextender?

Sep 7, 2010

I have a modalpopup extender that is brought up if the user presses a button. This is fine and the user can enter the data. There are a number of textboxes and dropdownlists. However, I have a gridview which I want to bring up modalpopupextender so the user can edit an entery. How can I set the data to the controls? A dynamicpopulate extender will repopulate the modalpopupextender with all the data. It doesn't make sense for me. Is there anyway I can populate the data with c#? Also can I assign two buttons to call the modalpopupextender?

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Data Controls :: Dynamically Create Labels And TextBoxes

Jun 16, 2015

Referred to your previous article of Dynamically creating textbox . Now i want to add labell also with them

Till now my code

protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<string> keys = Request.Form.AllKeys.Where(key => key.Contains("txtDynamic")).ToList();
List<string> labelkeys = Request.Form.AllKeys.Where(lkey => lkey.Contains("labeltxt")).ToList();
int i = 1;
foreach (string key in keys)


Textbox are generating as i press button but label generate once than it doesnt.I debugged it i am getting count 0 in label 

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Forms Data Controls :: Loop To Create Controls Dynamically From Database?

Jun 21, 2010

I would like to find out if there is anyone who would know how to read from a database then returns the same number of records that a stored procedure returns and display those records on the webpage there after pass the ID of the record to a variable to another stored procedure that displays the data related to the record that was clicked, I tried doing this in a asp.net repeater but I can't seem to be able to reference the controls inside the repeater.

<Repeater HTML Code>
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="OpenLogs.aspx.cs" Inherits="OpenLogs" EnableEventValidation="false" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">


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Web Forms :: Loop Textboxes By ID In Code Behind Page?

Jan 6, 2010

I need to know how to loop the user input value in textboxes programatically. For example I have 3 rows of textboxes i have programatically generated with id txtCategory1, txtCategory2, txtCategory3. Since I generated all these textboxes programatically I have no idea how many textboxes will be there. I need to do a looping again to get the value user put in into textbox. How can I get the value of textbox by using ID?

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Web Forms :: Each Loop For Disable/Enable Textboxes?

Sep 2, 2010

I'm trying to set all textboxes on an ASP.NET form to disabled on Page_Load using the following:


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Forms Data Controls :: Check Inside Loop Statement If One Of The Textboxes Has The Same Value

Jan 13, 2011

In my application I have panel which has 5 textboxes. I've written several functions for checking each of textbox if the entered value is ok (number, is this number in database, etc.). If error occurrs textbox which caused it has different color of background.

However I wanted to write (add) function which will check if one of the textboxes has the same value as other. The problem is that function is checking blank textboxes, although it shouldn't - I wrote if statement which allows checking only non-blank textboxes but it doesn't work.

View 22 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Repeater Loop / Collect All Of The Additional Textboxes And Add It To An String?

Mar 17, 2010

The repeater below allows a visitor to click a [+] to add a textbox. They can add as many as they need. Each textbox will contain a name.


I want to be able to collect all of the additional textboxes and add it to an string:


If for example the visitor added two textboxes and typed in "Mary" in the first and "Sue" in the second, I'd like "myAdditionalRegistrants" in the above string to be replaced with:

Mary <br /> Sue

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Web Forms :: Ho To Get All Selectedvalue Of All Dropdownlist

Mar 4, 2011

I have nearly 15 dropdownlist on my web form, and one text box,

any of the selectedIndex change, the total must be reflected to text box,

actually, I have different different value in all dropdownlist, I want average in textbox,

So, I want that,any of the dropdown selectedindex change the average must be reflected in textbox,

I can do it by writing in every dropdown's selectedIndexchanged event,

but, I know that is not correct way,I want dynamically,

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Data Controls :: How To Create A GridView Dynamically And Show Temporary Data From Textboxes

May 7, 2015

I am using

3 textboxes

1 dropdown

2 Buttons ( Add Row , Submit )

1 GridView ( For Temporary Data Holding of above controls )

Now what i want is that when a user fills some data in textboxes and select something from dropdown , then clicks on Add Row , this temporary gridview shows that data in it .... 

how to achieve it ?

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Web Forms :: 'Dropdownlist' Has A SelectedValue Which Is Invalid / How To Fix It

Oct 1, 2010

I have a dropdown list that has a bind on it and I get this error. Why am I getting this error and what can I do to fix it. here is the code for the dropdown I currently have:


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Web Forms :: Setting SelectedValue In Dropdownlist

May 11, 2010

I have a ASP.Net webform with a DropDownList control. This Dropdown gets it's values from a states table in an ObjectDatasource. The Dropdown contains states spelled out.

If I try to set the drop down to:
DropDownStates.SelectdValue = "Ohio"

I get an error that the value does not exist in the dropdown even though it does exist. But if I pad the value with the correct number of spaces to the right, it works like so:
DropDownStates.SelectdValue = "Ohio "
DropDownStates.SelectdValue = "Michigan "

How can I either define the dropdown without trailing spaces in the value of the dropwdown or set the SelectedValue with adding trailing spaces?

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Web Forms :: Check A Selectedvalue From A Dropdownlist Against More Than One Value?

Jul 15, 2010

In SQL, you can create a query and use a "IN".. Select * from tOffices where OfficeID in ('1', '2', '3'). Is it possible, in my vb.net code behind to check if a selected value is "in" a list of values like this?

If ArrangementID.SelectedValue in ("6","7","99") then...

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Web Forms :: DropDownList Check For SelectedValue?

Oct 15, 2010

I have a DropDownList which is databound and pulls back the values from SQL.

I want to check to see if that record contains an assigned value, if not insert a new listItem.

Here's what I have:


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Web Forms :: Dropdownlist SelectedValue Not Changing?

Aug 26, 2010

I have a quick question on my ddl. I have a search page that searches based on the ddl. Once the button is clicked. the result of the search shows on the gridview.Which all works well.Now the problem i am having is that. On my gridview i have a select button that brings out another ddl on an update panel based on the first ddl. When i do this... it goes back to the first record on the ddl and shows a wrong result.. Basically the new ddl is supposed to change on "selectedindexchanged" handler of that gridview which works fine but the selectedvalue is just going back to the first one.

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Web Forms :: Set Selectedvalue In RadioButtonList Dynamically From Database

Aug 11, 2010

rbl.DataSource = ds;

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Accessing Multiple Textboxes In A Loop?

Feb 12, 2010

I have a page where I have 20 textboxes, each indicating a name that I need to go through. Rather than having 20 sets of code, I would rather loop through, something like this:



But it fails to find execute when I hit it, Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

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Web Forms :: How To Set The SelectedIndex Of A DropDownList Based On The SelectedValue

Apr 24, 2010

how do I set the SelectedIndex of a DropDownList based on the SelectedValue

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