Web Forms :: Maintain ListBox Scrollbar Position On Postback?

Jan 12, 2010

How do i Maintain ListBox scrollbar position on postback ?

further details*

Listbox is populated from database size can change.

Scrollbar is vertical.

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Web Forms :: Listbox Auto Postback - How To Maintain Scroll Position

Mar 11, 2010

I have an asp.net listbox with 15 rows and auto postback when the selected item is changed. This works as expected but, when the form is re-loaded, IE scrolls the list so that the last selected item is now the top visible item in the list. This produces a confusing/jumpy effect for the users and makes the listbox more difficult to use than it needs to be.

Is there any way to get the list scroll position to stay as it was before the postback? i.e, if I select an item from the middle of the listbox, the listbox is scrolled to the same point after postback.

I am using .Net 3.5 but no AJAX.

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VS 2005 How To Keep Position Of Postback In A Scrollbar

Sep 10, 2010

I have a simple question. I need to keep my position af postback in a scrollbar, where a panel consists of 20 equal user controls. I have attached the code below for the simple form and for the user control.

I have added MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback="true" in the webform, but still the position moves back to the top position of the panel after postback.

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Maintaining Scrollbar Position And Div Tag State On PostBack?

Feb 26, 2010

I have a web page that regularly refreshes on post back, and all of this works fine. However, a user has made enhance the page, which I need with:

1) There are 3 asp.panels on the page, which are scrollable vertically. When the page refreshes, the scroll position returns to the top. The enhancement is to maintain the position of where ever the scrollbar is on postback. How do I keep the scrollbar position on post back?

2) Within each of the panels are dynamically added web controls. These web controls contain gridviews, which are themselves contained inside div tags. These div tags can be hiddened and made visible by an image button. This hidden and visible state is actioned by some javascript on the page. Again, the user has asked how it is possible to maintain the state of these div tags on post back, i.e. those that are closed and those that are visible. Currently, the state is on postback for all the div tags to be visible. How do I maintain the state of the visibility of a div tag during postback?

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Web Forms :: Maintain DIV Scroll Position On PostBack?

Feb 21, 2014


I have got the gridview to populate from my own datatable and there are quite a few results in the table. As a result I have a scroll bar on my gridview.

If there is only a few results the gridview works perfectly, however; When I select a row further down in the scroll it selects and highlights but refreshes the view to the top of the gridview.

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Web Forms :: Maintain Scroll Position On Page Without Postback

Mar 11, 2010

I have some collapse able anhcor link tags on a page that reveal some text when clicked on i.e.: [+] Topic This is all done in javascript client side. I would like to maintain the users scroll position on the page when these links are clicked on. They dont cause a postback as iv mentioned above its client side javascript.

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Web Forms ::maintain ScrollBars Position In Asp:Panel On Postback?

Mar 30, 2010

ScrollBar position resets on postback.Is there anyway to maintain position ?I am adding UserControl(s) dynmically to the page, therefore I want to maintian positon (always maintain position at the end)Following is my .aspx file (Just to show where is the asp:panel and User controls)


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Web Forms :: How To Maintain Scroll Position On Postback In Webpage In FireFox And Chrome

Feb 8, 2013

I tried some methods to maintain scroll position on postback but none worked they are

1) In page declaration MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback="true"

2) In Code behind  Page.MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack = true

3)In web.config file in <system.web>  section <pages maintainScrollPositionOnPostBack="true" />

I am not using any updatepanel.

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Updatepanel - Maintain Panel Scroll Position On Partial Postback?

Mar 13, 2011

I have a gridview that putted in ASP.NET Panel. both of panel and Gridview are in an UpdatePanel. there is a column in gridview that Causes Partial PostBacks. i want to Maintain Panel Scroll position on those postbacks.

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Mar 1, 2010

I have noticed that in Google web reader (that lets us read RSS feeds on the web), the page does not seem to load ALL the feeds. Instead, as I scroll down, I can see more and more feeds (and the size of the scrollbar increases if you know what i mean)

I assume they do this by finding the position of the scrollbar and do an AJAX call. Is this correct? How would I do this in ASP.NET?

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Web Forms :: Maintain The Scroll Bar Position?

Apr 7, 2010

i used the dropdown list in user control.when i select the dropdownlist that scroll bar went to top.how can i maintain the scroll bar position in that situation?

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Web Forms :: Maintain Scroll Position Of Div In UserControl?

Sep 10, 2010

I have taken a div inside the UserContol.

this usercontrol is placed in a page having master page.

In div i have checkboxlist control .

I want to preserver scroll position of while postback.

I have also used UpdatePanel in which i have placed this user control.

I have also triedMaintainScrollPositionOnPostback="true"

but does not work.

My page structure is this:

Masterpage > contentplacehoder (child Page) > UpdatePanel > User control > div > asp:CheckboxList

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Web Forms :: Maintain Scroll Position Of Page

Jul 19, 2010

I want to maintain the scroll position of a page. So I try to get the page cordinates and set the position on the page load (actually I've a postback in my page) using JS as follows. What I've done is on a client click on an image get the page cordinates and keep in a hidden field.


GetScollerPosition function invoke in an image click event. But it's not work as I expected, the SetScrollPostion always find the value of hidden fields as zero.

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Scrolling - JQuery Technique To Select All The Page Controls/divs With A Non-zero Scrollbar Position?

Sep 9, 2010

Is there a jQuery technique to select all the page controls/divs with a non-zero scrollbar position?

I'm trying to solve a problem faced by many; essentially after a partial asp.net postback all the controls/divs that had a scrollbar with a non-zero value (ie: were scrolled down to some position) are reset to the zero (top of the scrollbar).

My approach is to have a jQuery script save all the scrollbar positions for all the controls/divs contained on a page and after the postback, restore all the scroll bar positions.Is it possible, can it even work? If it is, how do I use jQuery to select all the divs with scrollbars and then save those positions.

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Web Forms :: How To Maintain Scroll Position When Redirecting To Same Page

May 7, 2015

I tried out the solution posted for [URL]

Is there any way to maintain scroll position if I need to re-direct to same page?

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Web Forms :: Maintain Scroll Position While Editing FormView

Feb 25, 2016

I have an asp.net c# web forms application with a formview.  When I click "Edit" on the formview, I have set the focus to a textbox.  This works just fine.  

protected void fv_comp_status_list_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (fv_comp_status_list.CurrentMode == FormViewMode.Edit) {
TextBox tb = (TextBox)fv_comp_status_list.Row.Cells[0].FindControl("pol_numTextBox");
} }

The problem is that the textbox is at the bottom of the screen.  I want to set focus on the textbox and also have it move (scroll) to the top of the screen.  This will allow the user to see the entire form, withhout having to scroll initially.  

How can I modify the code to set the textbox (pol_numTextBox) at the top of the page on DataBound once the focus is set?

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Web Forms :: Maintain Scroll Position On Post Back - TabContainer

Aug 5, 2010

I am using usercontrol to populate a web part. The user control consists of ajax tab and in it there is another user control which is a gridview. I add the tabs - My top level usercontrol to the web part. Now when user makes a selection in the gridview (this does a postback) I would like to maintain the scroll position. I tried adding - this.Page.MaintainScrollPositon = true to the page load event of my tabs (priamary) user control. But it does not seem to work. Is there any other way to maintain position in a web part.

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Web Forms :: Maintain Page Scroll Position When Paging In DataList

Jun 10, 2012

I use pagination for my datalist according to this link [URL].....

this is style of pagination

First 1,2,3,4,5 Last

when i run web site i see my datalist with pagination in webpage my datalist is middle of page when i click on page number 2 or 3 to see other page of datalist it reload page and go to top of page i should scroll until I can see my datalist again.

i want when users click on page number after that they see other page of datalist directly not top of page ..

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Web Forms :: Set The Scroll Position Of A ListBox?

Aug 13, 2010

I have found many articles claiming to show you how to set the scroll position of a ListBox, but what they really end up showing you is how to set the SelectedIndex of a ListBox.

Here is what I need: a databound ListBox that's usually going to have around 25 items in it. When the page loads, ALL of the items in the ListBox are selected, and the ListBox is scrolled all the way to the bottom.

I've got the "All items Selected" requirement already, but I can't figure out how to get the "Scroll to the bottom" done.

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C# - Maintain Scroll Position On Autopostback?

Feb 28, 2011

how can I get back to the same position of a page on postback. It always seems to get to the top of the page
I've tried using ' maintainScrollPositionOnPostBack = "true" ' but its not working.

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Maintain Scroll Position On Page?

Jun 7, 2010

I'm using MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback=true property but this doesn't seem to work with chrome. (works on IE),

Is there any other way to maintain scrool position without using this property?

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Webparts - Maintain Position Of Web Part?

Sep 17, 2010

I have created a web part in asp.net application and allowed user to change it position. Now, I want that once user comes back he/she will see the same setting of web part that he/she had left earlier.What is the best approach to maintain the web part position for that particular user.

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Web Forms :: Listbox Item With A Position Prefix?

Nov 7, 2010

I am trying to find the most efficient way to prefix listbox item text with their current index.I have two listboxes on a page, the first holds a list of states, the second holds the selection of states. When the user selects a state into the destination listbox, the state should be prefixed with the current index position. The destination box is sorted, and also has buttons to change the item positionsIs there a way to get the index of the item after insertion, instead of looping through the entire collection to add the index?

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Maintain Screen Position After Post Back

Apr 28, 2010

i find out that whenever there is a post back, the page will post back and go up to the to the top position of the screen. Is it posible for it to maintain the location as it is as before postback??

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How To Maintain Focus Position After Page Partial Post Back

Apr 24, 2010

I have four controls in a page with update panel.Initially mouse focus is set to first control.when I partially post back the page to server the focus automatically moves to first control from the last focused control from the control I have tabbed down to.Is there any way to maintain the last focus?

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