Web Forms :: Menu's MenuItemClick Event Is Not Working?
Mar 10, 2010
I want to go to same page by clicking some of my menu items. I am passing the item value(or) text through query string.But my menu's click event is not working. I couldnt get the desired output.
This menu control is in <filename>.master file and event handler is in <filname>.master.cs file.
For reference. My code is below.
protected void TopMenu_MenuItemClick(object sender, MenuEventArgs e)
string item = e.Item.Text;
string linkpath = "~/ProductList.aspx?CategoryName=" + item;
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Similar Messages:
Dec 8, 2010
I hv created a menu during runtime.. my menu items are from the database. . wen i click the particular menu item, it shud redirect me to the related webpage. .
I wanna know how can i make menuitemclick event fired... nd how can i set different redirect webpages for different menu items as all the menu items r loaded at runtime..
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May 4, 2010
I have a fairly complex web app which has two levels of master page. The top level provides a nav bar constructed from a Menu control across the top of the page. Second level master pages provide menus down the side. It all works well.
On both Menu controls, I need to handle the MenuItemClick event. This works fine on the Menu controls on the second-level master pages. However, the Menu on the top level master does not raise the event at all.
This web site makes extensive use of Ajax and the top-level master page contains the ScriptManager. Before I go to all the work of creating a much simpler test site, why the Menu control is not raising the MenuItemClick event?
Here is the markup for the Menu in the top-level master:
Here is the MenuItemClick event handler:
The logging call in the event handler never gets called. Equivalent code in the Menu on the second-level master does get called.
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Jan 30, 2011
I have a master page, which has a Menu control:
Now I want to "catch" the event when someone click on the new menu item ("Add File"), which will cause a panel in the content page to become visible. I can't catch it in the master page, because then I won't have access to the panel, and I don't know how to catch it in the content page.
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Apr 4, 2010
I am using asp:menu.In this asp menu,on clicking menu item,I want to get the menuitem,and its parent.I tried to use menuitemclick event.But menuitemclick event is not firing on clicking menu item.
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Nov 14, 2013
I have this code.
<asp:Menu ID="rootmenu" runat="server" CssClass="linkLableName" Width="156px"
ForeColor="#ffffff" Orientation="horizontal" StaticMenuItemStyle-CssClass="menuItem"
DynamicMenuItemStyle-CssClass="menuItem" OnMenuItemClick="rootmenu_MenuItemClick">
<asp:MenuItem Value="Home" NavigateUrl="~/Main/MainPage.aspx" /> </Items>
[Code] ....
But I cant get it work....
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Jan 13, 2010
MenuItemClick event will fire on Page1 and Page2 but not Page3 or Page4. The page will post back but will not fire MenuItemClick event. When mouse hovers over the page1 thru page4 nodes IE status bar at bottom shows javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$Menu1','\/page?.aspx') where ? = 1,2,3,4. I can delete Parent 1 and page1&2 nodes and page3&4 will fire MenuItemClick. Its as though any child nodes after the initial set will not fire the MenuItemClick event.
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May 7, 2015
Sitemap & Menu:
<asp:SiteMapDataSource ID="Menu" runat="server" ShowStartingNode="false" />
<asp:Menu ID="Menu1" runat="server" Orientation="Horizontal" OnMenuItemDataBound="OnMenuItemDataBound" DataSourceID="Menu" >
<asp:MenuItemStyle CssClass="Menu" />
<asp:MenuItemStyle CssClass="Level" />
<siteMapNode url="javascript:Logout" title="Logout" description="Logout" roles="*">
<siteMapNode title="Logout" description="Logout"></siteMapNode>
I want OnClick event instead of navigation .
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Jan 10, 2011
I am using frames in my webpage.in one of the frames i have a menu control whose items are database driven.when click on the menu item, i want another page to be displayed in other frame.
now i want to pass the the selected menu item text to the other page using session variable which is in the menu item click event method.but the thing is when i click on the menu item, the click event is not firing.
is there any better way to pass the selected menu item text to the other page?
View 1 Replies
May 2, 2010
I'm looking for a good jQuery or CSS, or combo, library to enance my left side menu in an an intranet application. I don't like the 'hover only' expand/collapse style of the ASP.NET Menu control on its own, and I don't like the 'icon-click only' expand/collapse style of the TreeView control on its own.
I plan on trying the CSS Control Adapters, to render the menu with some self-respect, i.e. as nested <ul> or <ol> elements instead of the usual orgy of tables. Beyond that, I need something to give a bit of style and menulike behaviour to these nested lists, and I would prefer a jQuery plugin for this. Which should I use?
View 3 Replies
Jul 22, 2010
I am using Asp.net Menu, I want to show the menu and sub menu only on click event. How Can I ?
I tried some links
1. Link1
This one show the menu onclick, but the sub menu visible without clicking ?
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Jul 13, 2010
I have one Button (Refresh Button), One ComboBox (containing DEV and UAT as its items) and a GridView on my asp page.
I am filling up my Grid with values from database on the ComboBox's 'TextChanged' event and Buttons's 'Click' event.
First time when page is loaded, there is no information in the grid, but when i choose DEV/UAT from the ComboBox 'TextChanged' event is fired, the grid is filled with the relevant data. That is what i want.
When i click the Refresh Button to refresh the data again, first comboBox's 'TextChanged' event and then 'btn_Click' event is fired.
I want then when a button id pressed only 'Click' event to be fired and not the ComboBox's 'TextChanged' event.
View 5 Replies
Feb 25, 2010
I have been trying to get the ASP 2.0 menu control to work with IE 8, and although it seems to work on VS it does not display correctly in IE 8, but does work with Firefox 3.5.7. What happens is that the base part (or root) menu is displayed correctly. But, when I try and display the sub menus/items all I get is a solid color square where the sub menus/items should be. Anybody have any ideas on this? I am using VS 2005 pro on an XP Pro pc.
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Nov 6, 2010
I just recently got complains from some of my customers, that their drop down menu does not work in IE. The drop down menu is just a white frame, and when navigating down the menu disapperas. I investigated the problem, and found that it works fine in IE6 and other browsers.
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Sep 10, 2010
I would like to change the colour of the font of the selected button in the static menu to identify which page has been selected by the user.
My menu declaration is:
The line <StaticSelectedStyle ForeColor="Red" /> has no effect.
What am I doing wrong?
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Jan 6, 2010
I am using CSS Friendly to solve the Problem of MenuControl with .NETFramework 3. When I copy the related files to the App_Browseres , the Menu style is not working. menu style is retrieve from the CSS file.
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Jul 24, 2010
We have an asp.net application that uses a menu from the master page. It will not work with Windows 7. only the current node and the logout button display (logoout button will not work). Is there a fix for this? the control works properly on XP and Vista.
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Jun 8, 2010
I've made a web page from the tutorials in "How do I" to link a menu to web.sitemap.
I build the site and no errors come up, the site opens in my browser, part of the menus work but the menu that links to the sitemap is not displaying the menu contents.
I've run the code on another machine and also made the code in VWD2010 and it runs as it should.
Un-installed and re-installed VWD 2008 and still no luck.
Think I might be missing some component?.
View 7 Replies
Feb 1, 2011
I want to access child menuitem by name.not index number is it possible? This doesn't working
Menu menuLogin = (Menu)(LoginView1.FindControl("mLogin"));
MenuItem mi = menuLogin.FindItem("Register");
mi.text="Null Reference Exception here";
But this works:
Menu menuLogin = (Menu)(LoginView1.FindControl("mLogin"));
MenuItemCollection mic = menuLogin.Items[0].ChildItems;
MenuItem mi = mic[0]; mi.text="its OK";
I am looking something like this:
MenuItemCollection mic = menuLogin.Items[0].ChildItems;
MenuItem mi = mic["Register"];//or mic.finditem("Register") or so...
mi.text="its OK";
View 1 Replies
Apr 5, 2010
I am using asp menu control and binding the menu items dynamically based on the screens table from the DB. here is the code how i am binding the menu from the DB.
for (int i = 0; i < dtLeftModules.Rows.Count; i++)
MenuItem objLeftMenuItem = new MenuItem();
objLeftMenuItem.Text = dtLeftModules.Rows[i]["Menu_Name"].ToString();
but when i select the menu item the page is navigated well.. but selsctedstyle is not applying.. still showing same color.
i guess the problem with ajax postback. because i have placed the menucontrol inside the updatepanel and gave the postback trigger target control id as topmenu control id. yes leftmenu is bind based on the topmenuitem click.
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Nov 2, 2010
So i've got a website i''ve been working on using the visual studio development server. When I published it to my web server, the menu control sub-items are not showing up in IE8. They do in firefox. They show in both just fine when working through visual studio.
My dev machine: studio 2008, windows 7 64bit
production server: server 2003 standard 32bit, iis6
Could it be a different version of the .net framework?
View 4 Replies
Sep 17, 2010
I am sorry to be asking what is probably a really stupid question, but i have a problem with my asp menu, when i run it on my dev machine(thru vs2010) it works perfectly, all the menu's are displayed correctly with the correct child items in the correct order but when i publish it to the server all the menu items become flat and take up the whole page. I am populating the menu using a reentrant function as follows to call the function and add the menus i am using
Dim childMenuItems As List(Of MenuItem) = CreateMenuLevel(0, uniquemenulist)
childMenuItems.ForEach(Sub(n) NavigationMenu.Items.Add(n))
Public Function CreateMenuLevel(ByVal parentId As Integer, ByVal menulist As List(Of MenuList)) As List(Of MenuItem)
Dim menuItems As New List(Of MenuItem)
For Each menuListItem As MenuList In menulist.Where(Function(n) n.ParentId = parentId)
Dim MenuItem As New MenuItem
If (Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(menuListItem.PagePath)) Then
MenuItem.NavigateUrl = menuListItem.PagePath
End If
MenuItem.Text = menuListItem.MenuName
MenuItem.Selectable = True
MenuItem.Enabled = True
Dim childMenuItems As List(Of MenuItem) = createMenuLevel(menuListItem.MenuId, menulist)
childMenuItems.ForEach(Sub(n) MenuItem.ChildItems.Add(n))
Return menuItems
End Function
now as i say this all works fine in the dev environment so i dont think its a coding issue unless i am missing something mad.
server 2003 x64
iis 6.0
asp 4.0.303.19
relevant .net 4 framework packs installed
dev environment
visual studio 2010
am using the same browser for to check both dev and server
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Sep 28, 2012
i have a menu, what i want is that when i click on parent item of menu then only subitem should display,mean i dont want to display subitem on mouseover. what should i do.Is there any property should i set or i have to write code for it .
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Sep 24, 2010
I have role assignments on both the first and second level of my menus within my sitemap file. The first level works fine, and I only see items assigned to my role. But roles assignments seem to have no effect on the second level. It seems like if you have access to the first level, you have access to everything on the second level. Is this correct?
From my sitemap (either a SalesRep or an Administrator can see everything underneath):
<siteMapNode title="Administration" roles="SalesRep,Administrator" description="Admin" >
<siteMapNode title="CompanyMaintenance" roles="SalesRep" url="~/Admin/CompanyManagement.aspx" />
<siteMapNode title="Initialize Roles" roles="Administrator" url="~/Admin/Roles.aspx"/>
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Mar 18, 2010
I have taken menu control to display pages on my project. it is working fine in mozilla bu not in safari and internet explorer.
In safari Even sub menu items are not coming. it is displaying like this.
T-Shirts Expand <b>T-Shirts</b> Caps Expand
<b>Caps</b> Bags Expand
<b>Bags</b> Neck
Ties Expand <b>Neck Ties</b> Gift
Items Expand <b>Gift Items</b> in Safari.
In Internet explorer sub menu items are not coming.
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