Web Forms :: MenuItemClick Event Not Firing On "child/nested" Nodes
Jan 13, 2010
MenuItemClick event will fire on Page1 and Page2 but not Page3 or Page4. The page will post back but will not fire MenuItemClick event. When mouse hovers over the page1 thru page4 nodes IE status bar at bottom shows javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$Menu1','\/page?.aspx') where ? = 1,2,3,4. I can delete Parent 1 and page1&2 nodes and page3&4 will fire MenuItemClick. Its as though any child nodes after the initial set will not fire the MenuItemClick event.
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Similar Messages:
Dec 4, 2013
I have a Master/Slave GrisViews or some say Parent/Child GridViews.
i want to set my button visible=false in the child gridview if data is not exist.
i try this:
Protected Sub gv_child_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs)
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
e.Row.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "this.style.backgroundColor='#FFC080';")
e.Row.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "this.style.backgroundColor='';")
Dim lblitemid As Label = CType(e.Row.Cells(1).Controls(1), Label)
Dim lblphoto As Label = CType(e.Row.Cells(11).Controls(1), Label)
but it does not working. the button is still there.
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Apr 4, 2010
I am using asp:menu.In this asp menu,on clicking menu item,I want to get the menuitem,and its parent.I tried to use menuitemclick event.But menuitemclick event is not firing on clicking menu item.
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May 4, 2010
I have a fairly complex web app which has two levels of master page. The top level provides a nav bar constructed from a Menu control across the top of the page. Second level master pages provide menus down the side. It all works well.
On both Menu controls, I need to handle the MenuItemClick event. This works fine on the Menu controls on the second-level master pages. However, the Menu on the top level master does not raise the event at all.
This web site makes extensive use of Ajax and the top-level master page contains the ScriptManager. Before I go to all the work of creating a much simpler test site, why the Menu control is not raising the MenuItemClick event?
Here is the markup for the Menu in the top-level master:
Here is the MenuItemClick event handler:
The logging call in the event handler never gets called. Equivalent code in the Menu on the second-level master does get called.
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Jan 22, 2010
I'm sure I'm missing something extremely obvious here, but at this point I can't see it so I need the help.Anyway, I've got a repeater inside of an UpdatePanel. As of right now, I've stripped it down to this, just to try and isolate the problem:
Whether I add the handler during itemdatabound or I add the handler within the repeater itself, it doesn't seem to matter...the event itself doesn't fire. The AutoPostback itself seems to fire, but the event itself doesn't.
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Jan 25, 2010
i'm new one to Asp.net (3.5).. plz tel me how to calculate the node, childnode, sub childnode and so on.. and tel me how to retrive value of all...
Using Recurisive i can do this but i don't how to do..
View 3 Replies
Mar 10, 2010
I want to go to same page by clicking some of my menu items. I am passing the item value(or) text through query string.But my menu's click event is not working. I couldnt get the desired output.
This menu control is in <filename>.master file and event handler is in <filname>.master.cs file.
For reference. My code is below.
protected void TopMenu_MenuItemClick(object sender, MenuEventArgs e)
string item = e.Item.Text;
string linkpath = "~/ProductList.aspx?CategoryName=" + item;
View 2 Replies
Jan 30, 2011
I have a master page, which has a Menu control:
Now I want to "catch" the event when someone click on the new menu item ("Add File"), which will cause a panel in the content page to become visible. I can't catch it in the master page, because then I won't have access to the panel, and I don't know how to catch it in the content page.
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Dec 8, 2010
I hv created a menu during runtime.. my menu items are from the database. . wen i click the particular menu item, it shud redirect me to the related webpage. .
I wanna know how can i make menuitemclick event fired... nd how can i set different redirect webpages for different menu items as all the menu items r loaded at runtime..
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I have designed a collapsible nested gridview project using this article as a reference Collapsible Nested GridView with Paging using ASP.Net. I am trying to modify the code to collapse a gridview when another gridview is expanded so that only one nested gridview will be open at a time.
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I have followed this article: [URL] ....
I have added textbox and checkbox in nested(child) gridview....
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Jan 11, 2011
I have a Web.sitemap like this
Menu A
Menu a
Menu b
Menu c
Menu d
Now I want to insert 2 childs under Home become
Menu A
Menu a
Menu b
Menu B
Menu c
Menu d
My web.sitemap file was like this:
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Jun 29, 2010
i added one treeview control in aspx page .All parent and child nodes are working perfect in this aspx page.
Now this same code i pasted in an ascx page and that ascx page i called through DNN website.That time parent node display is coming properly,but when i click on the parent node child nodes are not showing up?
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Sep 20, 2015
How can I add a Treeview to the DropDownList for show child and parent record..
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Jun 3, 2010
I am able to bind the asp:menu with xml nodes.
My Question is how can I display my child nodes of a particular parent as 2 column flyout menu.
find the screenshot below:
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Feb 10, 2011
<VegaMessage Type="EX_ACK_PEN" Value="A">
<VegaField Tag="11" Value="$11" Name="ClientOrderID(11)" />
<VegaField Tag="54" Value="$54" Name="Side(54)" />
<VegaField Tag="55" Value="$55" Name="Symbol(55)" /> [code]....
I have an xml file like this.I wnat to display a gridview when i click on the EX_ACK_PEN i want to display a gridview with fields Tag,Value,Name.How can i get the childnode values .
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Aug 10, 2010
I am able to bind the first level nodes from the xml but not able to display the child nodes in the xml onto the detailsview on grid.
find my snippet below and help me in correcting the issue. I don't want to use the aspx page to bind the datasource.
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Sep 20, 2015
C#- bind treeview runtime using dataset and data table
simple example
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Dec 29, 2010
I have a treeview and all nodes are check box, when user clicks on a button, how can I get all the checked child nodes belongs to specific parent? I wanna something better...
private TreeNodeCollection GetCheckedNodeForParent (string parentNode)
TreeNodeCollection treeNodeCollection=new TreeNodeCollection();
foreach (TreeNode node in tvBaseline.FindNode(parentNode).ChildNodes)
if (node.Checked)
return treeNodeCollection;
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Mar 21, 2011
I have a TreeView control on a ASP.Net page, and the data will be populate by DataBinding, using XMLDataSource.
<asp:TreeView id="treeview1" runat="server" DataSourceID="xmlDataSource1">
<asp:TreeNodeBinding DataMember="All" TextField="#InnerText" />
<asp:TreeNodeBinding DataMember="Categorie" TextField="#InnerText" />
<asp:TreeNodeBinding DataMember="Question" TextField="#InnerText" ValueField="id" />
The XML Data document is as follow:
Project A
It's like something wrong with the TreeNodeBinding. But changing the TextField to example "Value" doesn't work (empty node text).
i don't use XSLT transform file. The Xml will be given directly to the XmlDataSource.
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Aug 24, 2010
I'm positive that, by now, a lot of people have run into this problem but even with all the forum posts with great answers, I still can't seem to get to the bottom of it. Here are some specs:
Windows Server 2008 Visual Studio 2008 x86 So here's the issue:
I have VS2008 installed on the server listed above. This is our development server and everything is created and tested here. I have created an asp.net application, tested it on the dev. environment and everything works great. When I try to migrate this application up to our Quality Assurance environment (which is Windows Server 2003), I get the error in the subject title.
I've read many things that can be the cause of this and I'm positive that I know 2 ways of fixing it. One is from this post: Simple web site problem on Vista, related to <providerOption>, and the other is making sure 3.5 framework is at least installed on the server in question. There are 2 reasons why I'm unable to use these 2 methods:
The patches from DVD that I'm supposed to install won't let me install them. Upon double clicking I recieve a message saying the "Update is not applicable to your computer" I don't have permission to install 3.5 framework on the QA server even though it's installed on the Dev server. I've also tried changing the target framework of my application to 2.0 however this creates a bunch of errors as some of the code is not compatible and is unable to publish the project.
Perhaps know a reason why I can't install those .msu updates or have a workaround to the 2.0 vs 3.5 issue?
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Mar 2, 2011
In my website, I have a TreeView that has this structure:
Is it possible to make the tree in a "collapsed" state where all the Leaf nodes and ONLY leaf nodes are hidden from view until its parent node is expanded? The ideal solution would be to do this without a postback, but any solution at this time would be helpful. The "collapsed" view would look like this:
Expanding the Root, Parent or Child nodes should show their Leaf nodes. Collapsing the node should re-hide its leaf nodes, but leave the child nodes visible.
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May 24, 2010
I'm very new to xml so I hope I'm not asking any silly question here. I'm currently working on populating a treeview from an XML file that is not hierarchically structured. In the xml file that I was given the child and parent nodes are defined within the attributes of the item element. How would I be able to utilize the attributes in order for the treeview to populate in the right hierarchical order. (Example Mary Jane should be a child node of Peter Smith). At present all names are under one another.root
<item parent_id="0" id="1"><content><name>Peter Smith</name></content></item>
<item parent_id="1" id="2"><content><name>Mary Jane</name></content></item>
<item parent_id="1" id="7"><content><name>Lucy Lu</name></content></item>
<item parent_id="2" id="3"><content><name>Informatics Team</name></content></item>
<item parent_id="3" id="4"><content><name>Sandy Chu</name></content></item>
<item parent_id="4" id="5"><content><name>John Smith</name></content></item>
<item parent_id="5" id="6"><content><name>Jane Smith</name></content></item>
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