Web Forms :: Menu Control ... Cannot Select Item At 4th Level

Nov 8, 2010

I have this control on a page. The selections are static. The "maximumlevels" is set to 6. When I click on an item at the 4th level, I can see the postback occur but the "click" event doesn't fire! I'm totally baffeled. I've tested this in the Page Load event. At this point the PRIOR menu selected value shows. On the next menu_click, the previous selection shows. The first menu item is "selected" and has a value of "Overview". The fourth level item has a value of "Child". No matter how many times I selected that item, my check in the Page Load shows the value to be "Overview". I've tested the 3rd level items and on click, I can see the prior menu item value. When I click a 4th level item, the value never changes from the last 3rd level or higher item selected.

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Menu Control Item Is Not Highlighted After Select?

Jul 13, 2010

I am facing one problem regarding asp.net menu control '

see this link

In that we added a menu control in the left side for category.Loading this control using XMLData source

I have added the code below


In tha XML data source transform file is a xslt file

so coming back to the issue.. When we click any menu item, the corresponding menu item is highlighted.

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Web Forms :: Menu Top Level Selected Item Style?

Aug 22, 2010

I want to apply a css class to the level 1 menu item (parent) when it or any or it's children are selected. I've looked at MSDN documentation and any number of examples and walkthroughs but I haven't come up with a way of managing this. I was thinking something like this might work but the style is not being applied to the parent. To further complicate matters, if I try to apply a css style to StaticSelectedStyle it doesn't pick it up at all.

Menu Markup:
<StaticSelectedStyle Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#3333CC" />
Code Behind:
protected void MenuItemClick_NavMenu(Object sender, MenuEventArgs e)
{menuItem parentItem = e.Item.Parent;
if (parentItem != null)
parentItem.Selected = true;

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Web Forms :: Select Menu Item Outside The Text?

Jan 22, 2010

I have an <asp:Menu> object on my webpage and it works but it has a very minor shortcoming that is very irritating.

Currently, the menu item is activated when the user clicks on the TEXT of the menu item (Home for example). However, the menu item does not allow me to click on the menu item when I put the mouse over the rectangle which the menu item is in but not on the text.

So if I click on the WORD Home, it works.

When I attempt to click right next to the word HOME, it does not work. I know that I am in the menu item rectangle because I change the background color when hovering over it.

Is there a way to have the menu be active when the mouse is anywhere in the menu item?

Or am I limited to only being able to click on the menu item hyperlink ONLY?

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Web Forms :: Menu Item Click Event For Menu Control

May 7, 2015

Sitemap & Menu:

<asp:SiteMapDataSource ID="Menu" runat="server" ShowStartingNode="false" />
<asp:Menu ID="Menu1" runat="server" Orientation="Horizontal" OnMenuItemDataBound="OnMenuItemDataBound" DataSourceID="Menu" >
<asp:MenuItemStyle CssClass="Menu" />
<asp:MenuItemStyle CssClass="Level" />
<siteMapNode url="javascript:Logout" title="Logout" description="Logout" roles="*">
<siteMapNode title="Logout" description="Logout"></siteMapNode>

I want OnClick event instead of navigation .

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Web Forms :: Menu Control - Horizontal - Specify Level To Display?

Feb 18, 2010

Using an ASP.NET 3.5 menu control set to horizontal, is there a way to specify that only a certain node of the menu displays? For example, let's say I have a vertical menu on the left side of the master page that is tied to a sitemap and displays these nodes. The submenus would be dynamic and only display when the root node is hovered.

Main Page
Second Page
Sub Menu 1
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Sub Menu 2
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3

A certain (powerful) group of my users will always be going straight to the pages in Sub Menu 1 and pretty much never touching the other pages. They would like a sub-master page that is based on the parent master page so that the primary vertical menu and the sitemappath are all still there but the sub-master page will contain a horizontal menu control that only displays the the Sub Menu 1 node, like this:

Sub Menu 1 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3

Is there a way to set up the menu control to start displaying at a certain node level so the parent nodes and sibling nodes aren't displayed or would this require maintaining a separate sitemap file? I hope this makes sense.

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Web Forms :: Menu Control Click Event Not Firing / How To Pass The Selected Menu Item Text To The Other Page

Jan 10, 2011

I am using frames in my webpage.in one of the frames i have a menu control whose items are database driven.when click on the menu item, i want another page to be displayed in other frame.

now i want to pass the the selected menu item text to the other page using session variable which is in the menu item click event method.but the thing is when i click on the menu item, the click event is not firing.

is there any better way to pass the selected menu item text to the other page?

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Web Forms :: Finding Menu Item From Menu Control?

Apr 15, 2010

I am working with asp.net 2.0 I have 1 problem Regarding Menu Control I used menu control in Master page. Now I have to find out Menu Item from Menu control depending on Condition. how to do that on server and Client side.

My code:

<asp:Menu runat="server" Orientation="Horizontal">
<StaticMenuItemStyle CssClass="jobTabNormal" />
<StaticSelectedStyle CssClass="jobTabSelected" />
<DynamicHoverStyle CssClass="jobTabHover" Font-Bold="true" />
<DynamicMenuStyle />
<DynamicSelectedStyle CssClass="jobTabDynamicSelected" />
<asp:MenuItem Text="Job Details" Selected="true" NavigateUrl="#" Enabled="true">
<asp:MenuItem Text="Cargos" Enabled="false" NavigateUrl="~/Pages/cargoDetails.aspx">

View 3 Replies

AJAX :: How To Highlight Menu Item Of Menu Control For Current Page

May 7, 2015

How to center the menuitems and highlight the selected menuitem in menu control in asp.net?

<asp:Menu ID="maspageMenu" runat="server" BackColor="#2D2D30" Width="100%" DynamicHorizontalOffset="2" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="1.4em" Font-Strikeout="True" Font-Underline="True" ForeColor="#009933" Orientation="Horizontal" StaticSubMenuIndent="10px" BorderStyle="Groove">
<DynamicHoverStyle BackColor="#18624F" ForeColor="White" />
<DynamicMenuItemStyle BackColor="White" HorizontalPadding="5px" VerticalPadding="2px" />
<DynamicMenuStyle BackColor="White" BorderStyle="Double" />


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Control Menu Display And Page Level Security Using Active Directory?

Dec 1, 2010

I would like to control the menu display (show/hide menu items) in my ASP.NET 3.5 website based on the user's AD group and also control the functionality within a page using user's active directory group membership. how to do this? menu is stored in an xml file and bound to a control. all the examples I see on the web are related to forms authentication. this is an intranet website with integrated windows authentication and both authentication and authorization should be controlled using user's active directory groups.

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Web Forms :: How To Programmatically Control Individual Menu Item Visibility

Nov 5, 2010

I would like to programmatically hide/unhide Individual Menu items.

How is this best accomplished. I see that intellisense does not have a visibility attribute for Menu1.Items(1).

View 4 Replies

C# - Menu Displaying Different Menu Items Depending On Access Level

Jul 9, 2010

I'm trying to create an asp menu for a website. The site will have 2 levels of user Master users (which will have more options) and Sub users which will have limited menu options.

I was wonder does anyone knows if a way to hide menu items? I've tried google but I can't really find much.

Here's the Asp code


I have worked out how to hide the whole menu when the user is not logged in

MainMenu.Visible = false

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Web Forms :: Menu Control Dynamic Item Display Style Horizontal?

Mar 21, 2010

My menu control is in horizotal style and i want to show it's dynamic item also in horizontal style too, by default they are vertical. Plus the arrow(Static pop-out image) to be shown vertical rather horizotal which is by default. How to do that ?

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Javascript - Hide Menu Item Or Dropdown Menu Item?

Aug 31, 2010

I have dropdown menu item ("pin this site") that i need to hide it or hide menu item itself ("My Network").

When I saw viewsource on page, I got below code.

<a class="zz1_TopNavigationMenu_1 ms-topnav zz1_TopNavigationMenu_3
ms-topnavselected zz1_TopNavigationMenu_9" href="http://mynetworkqa.spe.org"
style="border-style:none;font-size:1em;">My Network</a>
<a class="zz1_TopNavigationMenu_1 ms-topNavFlyOuts zz1_TopNavigationMenu_6"
style="border-style:none;font-size:1em;">Pin this site</a>

How can I hide menu item?

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Forms Data Controls :: Add A Context Menu Strip For A Grid View Control On Right Click Of The Item?

Oct 8, 2010

I want to know how to add a context menu strip for a grid view control on right click of the item..

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Web Forms :: How To Build A Menu And Each Item Of The Menu Has An Image As Background

Apr 19, 2010

I am need to build a menu and each item of the menu has an image as background knowing that i depend on sitemap to build the menu i used


where menuitem is in a css sheet


it display the image but in the wrong place?

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Web Forms :: Menu Collapses Automatically When Click On A Menu Item?

Feb 21, 2011

i have a menu which is collapses as a default. This is done by following query.


Now, the problem is, whenever i click on any menu item by expanding the menu, the item page opens but the menu collapses again. I want to let the menu remain as expanded although a menu item is clicked. i.e. menu shouldn't refresh when a menu item is clicked.

View 6 Replies

Css - Menu Control - Keeping Parent Item Selected?

Jul 22, 2010

I have two ASP.NET Menu controls on a page. One in my header (tabs) for top level pages, e.g. ~/Default.aspx
And one in my sidebar for sub pages, e.g. ~/Products/SomeProduct.aspxI'm using the selected CSS class to ensure that the selected tab is a different colour.Works fine for top level pages, but if I view a sub page, the tab isn't assigned a CSS class of selected.How can I ensure that the top level menu item has a CSS class of selected when viewing a sub page?

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AJAX :: How To Set CSS Class For Selected Item In Menu Control

Feb 3, 2014

I've been trying to find an easy way of highlighting the current selected menu item of an asp.net menu (so the user knows which page they are on), but no matter what I have tried I can't get it to work. In my markup I have:

<asp:Menu SkinID="modulesMenu" DataSourceID="modulesSource" runat="server" ID="ModulesMenu"
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink2" CssClass="moduleName"

[Code] ....

 This is the c# side

protected void ModulesMenu_MenuItemDataBound(object sender, MenuEventArgs e) {
SiteMapNode siteMapNode = (SiteMapNode)e.Item.DataItem;
string pathStringFormat = IsNodeActive(siteMapNode) ? ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ModuleImagePathFormatString_Active"] : ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ModuleImagePathFormatString_Inactive"];

[Code] .....

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Web Forms :: TreeView Menu Third Level Viewstate?

Feb 22, 2010

I am trying to make TreeView menu with three level deep. I have problems, and can't figure it out how to save TreeView position in third level, when I click it. When I click it in second level, It saves position(expanded), but when I click third level, the whole menu collapses into root level :In my example I search for selected node name, expand it with node.Expand(); .. that is for masternode, but how to expand childnodes of masternode with selectednode name? Just cant figure it out..my code:


View 2 Replies

Web Forms :: Menu With Custom Second Level Items?

May 28, 2010

my menu control is bound to a sitemap. I would like to be able to customize the second level of the menu (the dynamic level), so that I can insert an item image, link and text. An example is the top menu in [URL]

Is it possible to achieve using asp.net menu and sitemap ? maybe using the dynamic item template of the menu ?

Here's my code so far:


my site map:


code that binds to site map:


View 3 Replies

Web Forms :: Set Tabs At Item Level In RadioButtonList?

Apr 7, 2010

Is there a way to set tab order on each ListItem within a RadioButtonList? The listitem does not have a TabIndex attribute, so can this somehow be done via javascript?

A similar thread indicates there is not a way to do this [URL], other than using individual RadioButtons instead of a RadioButtonList.

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Web Forms :: Get The Drop Down Level 2 Menu In Aspx Page?

Jan 3, 2011

I have develope a application with the help of Visual studio 2003 with sql server 2005

Its having Level2 HTML menus. In HTML page its working properly,but in aspx page its not working.How to get the drop down level 2 menu in aspx page?

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Web Forms :: How To Remove Menu Item Or Sub Item By Value

Sep 20, 2010

I have an asp.net menu in which i have to let some nodes visible or invisible base on some logic.I know i can find value by item but i wnated to FindItemByValue of my asp.net menu.Could it be possible?

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Web Forms :: Menu - Role Security Not Working On Second Level Of Sitemap

Sep 24, 2010

I have role assignments on both the first and second level of my menus within my sitemap file. The first level works fine, and I only see items assigned to my role. But roles assignments seem to have no effect on the second level. It seems like if you have access to the first level, you have access to everything on the second level. Is this correct?

From my sitemap (either a SalesRep or an Administrator can see everything underneath):
<siteMapNode title="Administration" roles="SalesRep,Administrator" description="Admin" >
<siteMapNode title="CompanyMaintenance" roles="SalesRep" url="~/Admin/CompanyManagement.aspx" />
<siteMapNode title="Initialize Roles" roles="Administrator" url="~/Admin/Roles.aspx"/>

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