Web Forms :: Pass Additional Parameter Into Client Validation Function?
May 19, 2010
I'm using a CustomValidator control to validate some controls in a GridView. I have the validation working perfectly on the client and the server, but would ideally like to pass the GridView ID into the client function so I can move it out into a separate
.js file. The signature for my client function is:
function valOrder_ClientValidate(source, args) { // Code here}
And my CustomValidator control looks like:
Is there a way I can pass an additional parameter into this function?
Hi. I have two chained CascadingDropDowns. Both are working fine. The thing is that in the underlying web methods which are supplying values for DropDwonList I need read one additional parameter. This parameter is needed for setting up the default item for dropdownlist.
I do not know how to pass that parameter or read it. I've read on the Internet about the ContextKey property. But I do not know how to acces it from the WebMethod.
I've tried to get to the session through HttpContext.Current.Session (hoping that I could extract some parameter from the session) but it seams that the Session is different for the WebPage and WebMethod.
I am migrating my application to MVC3 and getting this error message Validation parameter names in unobtrusive client validation rules must start with a lowercase letter and consist of only lowercase letters or digits.How can I ovoid it without going and modifying all my ViewModels
I have a label "lbl1" that I am trying to locate in a content page from the Master page. I want to do it dynamically so I am trying to pass the name of the control (which in this case is lbl1) through as a parameter. I don't get an error, it just doesn't work. If I do an alert to see what the string "temp" looks like, it is correct, but iit seems as if Javascript ignores it. I believe it has something to do with the '<%= not being interpreted correctly by the browser I'm sure it is a simple solution, but I can't figure it out!
I have a gridview inside a user control bind to an object datasource. Now I want to bind the object datasource with a parameter from parent page. For this purpose I defined a public property in user control but how do I pass it with object datasource? I am calling from parent page like myusercontrol.parameter=querystring["id"]; How to bind object datasource with my parameter?
I have a page with some datasources in it. I am doing reenginering of the page itself and would like to split some parts of the page in several user controls. In my code I have an ObjectDataSource object with the following params
This piece of code automatically bind the hidden field "txtAlbumId" to the datasource. In my revision this datasource should be moved to a user control. What is the best way to handle a scenario like this?
</textarea></p> <input type='hidden' name='ID[7]' value='34389' /> <input type='hidden' name='URL[7]' value='http://forums.asp.net/t/1627446.aspx' /> <input type='hidden' name='CAT[7]' value='Web Forms' /> <input type='hidden' name='BOARD[7]' value='microsoft' /> <input type='hidden' name='P_DATE[7]' value='Nov 26, 2010 08:25 PM' /> <input type='hidden' name='RANDOM[7]' value='UEVLcNi9r' /> <input type='hidden' name='REPLIES[7]' value='4' /> <input type='hidden' name='USER[7]' value='aziz' /> <p><input class=subject type='text' size='90' name='SUBJECT[7]' value='Web Forms :: How to parse a string variable for diplay in control' /><select name='INDEXED[7]'><option value='1' selected>UPDATE</option><option value='2'>DELETE</option></select>Nov 26, 2010 08:25 PM - Replies: 4 CAT: Web Forms<a target=_blank href="http://forums.asp.net/t/1627446.aspx">View</a></p> <p> <textarea rows=10 cols=100 name='POST[7]' onfocus='setSelRange(this, 0, 0)'/> How can i display the string variable data "234,345,567,678" into a listbox?
i wish to parse the delimited string as seperate items.
the string can vary in length. </textarea></p> <input type='hidden' name='ID[8]' value='175584' /> <input type='hidden' name='URL[8]' value='http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2866868/datasource-select-parameter-from-get-value' /> <input type='hidden' name='CAT[8]' value='ASP.NET' /> <input type='hidden' name='BOARD[8]' value='stackoverflow' /> <input type='hidden' name='P_DATE[8]' value='May 19 10 at 15:21' /> <input type='hidden' name='RANDOM[8]' value='XYAWdt1ps' /> <input type='hidden' name='REPLIES[8]' value='1' /> <input type='hidden' name='USER[8]' value='aziz' /> <p><input class=subject type='text' size='90' name='SUBJECT[8]' value='c# - DataSource Select Parameter from GET value' /><select name='INDEXED[8]'><option value='1' selected>UPDATE</option><option value='2'>DELETE</option></select>May 19 10 at 15:21 - Replies: 1 CAT: ASP.NET<a target=_blank href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2866868/datasource-select-parameter-from-get-value">View</a></p> <p> <textarea rows=10 cols=100 name='POST[8]' onfocus='setSelRange(this, 0, 0)'/>How can I use the value of a GET form value as a SelectParameter?
I just like to know how to pass a parameter to the datasource of my dllItemCodeFooter and dllItemCodeEdit Drowndownlist which calls my getItemCodeList(decimal categoryID) method in the code behind. The value of the parameter will be seletectedValue of the first dropdownlist ddlCategoryFooter or ddlCategoryEdit).I know it could be done in code behind, but i prefer to bind my datasource in asp page. I want to achieve something like this DataSource='<%# getItemCodeList(ddlCategoryEdit.Seletected)%>'
Basically, I have a gridview that is opened in a new window from the parent window. It has a bunch of records with a view button to view the details of each record (which stays in the same newly opened window). I have a calendar in the parent window that accepts a Date querystring parameter to set the current date on the calendar at page load. I'm just trying to refresh the calendar in the parent window to match the date of the label in the newly opened window. All the code below is in the newly opened window. The .Net code-behind below refers to when that view button is clicked and everything is populated. At the end, I call the js to refresh the parent window and pass the value of the LabelScheduleDate as the querystring parameter. Now the label comes through as '03/25/2010' in the code-behind, but when I pass it to the js, it comes through as '0.00005970149253731343' in the end querystring. I'm not really sure what is making the value change, and I want to pass it as just text. Do I need to pass it as a string object? I tried but I don't think I was doing it right.
JavaScript Function function RefreshParent(inputDate) { window.opener.location = window.opener.location + "?Date=" + inputDate; } .NET Code-Behind Protected Sub RadGridOnlineRequests_ItemCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.Web.UI.GridCommandEventArgs) Handles RadGridOnlineRequests.ItemCommand If e.CommandName = "ViewOnlineRequest" Then ' populates LabelScheduleDate among other controls values ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript( _ Me, Me.GetType(), "clientScript", "RefreshParent(" & LabelScheduleDate.Text & ");", True) End If End Sub
using (Entities db = new Entities()) { LoadDropDownList(ddlFirst, db.MyTable , (bool)(myMember.Id == 0), (int)myMember.RevenueRangeID); LoadDropDownList(ddlSecond, db.OtherTable , (bool)(myMember.Id == 0), (int)myMember.OtherID); }
I am stumbling on what the type of the second parameter should be - I am essentially trying to pass in the Entity-Framework 'table' into a generic routine that loads the DropDownList with data from the 'MyTable' table using custom logic/filtering.SInce I do the same thing about 6 times for 6 different dropdownlist/table combos I wanted to use a generic function to accomplish this.
In a GridView, I am using ItemTemplate section for multiple editing. I am using ClientValidationFunction property of MaskedEditExtender to run a client side function. Let's call it MyClientFunction . How can I pass an ID of a control found in the gridview row to my MyClientFunction?
I know how to do it via RowDataBound as follows: Is there a way to wire it up in ClientValidationFunction property?
Dim NewDte As TextBox Dim PrvDte As Label NewDte = CType(e.Row.FindControl("EditReadingDate"), TextBox) PrvDte = CType(e.Row.FindControl("lblEditLstRdgDte"), Label) NewDte.Attributes.Add("onkeyup", "javascript:ChkDteMultiple('" & PrvDte.ClientID & "')")
I'm interested in identifying a means to verify the server-side validation is performing as expected, but need to bypass the client-side validation being done using ASP.NET validation controls. To test this, I've tried using the form Poster add-on to Firefox that allowed me to get/modify the page contents and post it, but the .NET framework interpreted the submission as harmful and threw an application error ("A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client").I've created a WinForm that includes a WebBrowser control and I'm able to manipulate the contents of the web page and invoke the button click, but am interested in seeing how to allow a postback with invalid input values. I don't want to assume the server-side validation works (even though I do check if Page.IsValid on the server on postback).This submits the web form in the WebBrowseer control and the expected client-side validation fires: extendedWebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById(formButtonName).InvokeMember("click"); This is how I've manipulated some of the page contents (this just prevents submission): mshtml.IHTMLDocument2 doc = extendedWebBrowser1.Document.DomDocument as mshtml.IHTMLDocument2; string html = doc.body.innerHTML; html.Replace("Page_ValidationActive = false", "Page_ValidationActive = true"); doc.body.innerHTML = html.ToString(); extendedWebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById(formButtonName).InvokeMember("click");
this is regarding a tutorial posted here at [URL] , as such this example is working fine, but what if i have a textbox in the page and i want to call the value in the web handler, how can i achieve that?
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { for(i=0;i<5;i++) { Textbox tbox = new Textbox(); tbox.AutoPostBack =true; tbox.TextChanged += new EventHandler(tboxevent); //Here I need to pass 'i' value to the tboxevent } } protected void tboxevent(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label1.Text = "i value"; }
I have create a masterpage and add content page include user (firsname,lastname,password,new password,confirm new password adn etc..)detail update field. i try to give a client side validation all the function work,but in confirm password its not hide wen give a correct password.. anybody give correct solution..code are below..
I guarantee the title of my thread does not explain what I am looking for, but I just can't think of a better way to word it. What I have right now is an application that the user can add, search, and update various orders in the System. I've been working on the front end page, and wanted to display a summary of all orders performed this month. Right now the Orders are represented as labels (based on data pulled from the database). What i'd like to do is replace these labels with hyperlinks. I was hoping that by doing that I could somehow write some code so that when an order is clicked that the user is taken directly to the search page and that order is displayed.
How to pass addtional parameters to AutoCompleteExtender's ServiceMethod.I am trying to create common web service method for all the autocomplete textboxes in my web apps.
I want to pass the source table name,the key to be retrived, and any filtring criteria to the web method.
i'm trying to upload files by AjaxFileUpload, i have got it done. But now i need also to know 2 parameters, 1 is given on the URL adreess myPage.aspx?parameter=2...the second is in ViewState.
But on event OnUploadStart or OnUploadComplete...i dont have access to these values event when i tried session.