Web Forms :: Prevent ReadOnly TextBox Value Getting Cleared On Page Postback?

Dec 21, 2012

I have a textbox of read only type with jquery datepicker so when the page post backs then that textbox value gets cleared. I do not want the textbox value to get clear but at the same time i need postback the page also..

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Textbox Data Is Cleared On Postback?

Dec 6, 2010

have a change password form ..It has 3 textboxes in it ..There are corresponding 3 required field validators ..When i enter value in these textboxes and press submit button data in these textboxes are cleared ..I want these values to be retained by the textboxes ..How to do?

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How To Prevent Master Page Postback When Update Panel Asynchronous Postback Happened

Oct 15, 2010

When an asynchronous postback happened inside update panel, another postback happens also for MasterPage not only update panel embedded page .

I want to prevent this MasterPage postback .

is this possible ? think like i have a MasterPage

and another page which is test.aspx which is content page of MasterPage

i have update panel at test.aspx

when asynchronous postback happens at this test.aspx update panel it also loads MasterPage Page_Load

i want to prevent this (it should not also load MasterPage Page_Load)

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AJAX :: How To Prevent Master Page Postback When Update Panel Asynchronous Postback Happened

Oct 15, 2010

When an asynchronous postback happened inside update panel, another postback happens also for MasterPagenot only update panel embedded page .I want to prevent this MasterPage postback . is this possible ?think like i have a MasterPage and another page which is test.aspx which is content page of MasterPagei have update panel at test.aspxwhen asynchronous postback happens at this test.aspx update panel it also loads
MasterPage Page_Loadi want to prevent this (it should not also load MasterPage Page_Load)

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Web Forms :: How To Prevent Postback When Page Is Refreshed Or F5 Pressed

Mar 22, 2010

I need to display a popup dialog box when an Aspx page first loads. I do this inside of the page load method
with PageIsPostBack.

How can I prevent the popup from being displayed though when the user hits the refresh button or F5 button.
Or the back button?

// Dispaly popup here

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C# - .net DropDownList Gets Cleared After Postback?

Jul 8, 2010

This has been driving me nuts all day. I've seen this problem crop up here a few times, essentially I have a drop down list that populates a form below when it's changed - basic stuff. On first page load everything is fine, but when the dropdownlist is changed, it's entirely blank after postback and the SelectedIndexChanged event never fires. I believe it all points to a viewstate problem. Here's the code..

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="EditUser.ascx.cs" Inherits="Controls_EditUser" %>
<asp:DropDownList OnSelectedIndexChanged="SelectedIndexChanged" AutoPostBack="true" ID="UsersList" EnableViewState="true"
runat="server" DataTextField="EXTRANET_USER_EMAIL" DataValueField="EXTRANET_USER_ID">


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AJAX :: CalendarExtender Cleared After Postback?

Mar 18, 2011

i desinged an page with updatepanel within that i used ajaxcalendarExtender control. now i selects the date after that click on the button based on this date then the application will read the data from the database and bind into the GV. but after this postback the calendar get cleared. i checked my page there is no place i cleared this date. but i dont know why this date has cleared. below is my code

<asp:TextBox ID="txt1" runat="server" Width="80px" CssClass="searchtext" ReadOnly="true" />
<img id="img1" src="datePic.gif" title="Date" height="20px" />
<ajaxToolkit:CalendarExtender ID="cal1" runat="server" PopupButtonID="img1" CssClass="AjaxCalendar" TargetControlID="txt1" />
<asp:CustomValidator ID="dateValidator" runat="server"></asp:CustomValidator>

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How To Retrieve The Particular Row Of Detailsview Into Textbox On Page Load Event If Details View Defaultmode Is Readonly

Jan 9, 2011

How to retrieve the particular row of detailsview into textbox on page load event if details view defaultmode is readonly i want to retrieve the email id from detailsview email row in textbox1 on page load event ?

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Data Controls :: DropDownList Values Getting Cleared After PostBack

Nov 28, 2012

In my web application i am setting the EnableViewState="false" for particuler page. In that page i am having two dropdowns,this dropdown binding the data in Page_Load event. So when i am clicking the button that two dropdown values are getting celared. see the below sample code.

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MobileMaster.master" AutoEventWireup="true"
CodeFile="ViewMapTag.aspx.cs" Inherits="ViewMapTag" EnableViewState="false" %>

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlHashTag" EnableViewState="true"

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Prevent Postback When Page Is Loading?

Oct 6, 2010

I am a problem with Postback event.

I have a web page (aspx) which takes longer time to load the page. If this page is loading and if user requests same page by clicking menu link again, it is considered as not postback and page starts loading again (as soon as it finished first page load).

I want to prevent this from happening. When page is loading and user requests same page again, it should not process those requests and should be neglected.

This aspx page is requested from menu (which is designed on seperate master page).

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AJAX :: Prevent Full Page Refresh During Postback?

Jan 26, 2010

I have 2 checkboxes (yes/no) that when selected cause the entire page to refresh during postback mode. How can I elimiate this?


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C# - Prevent Updating The Content Of The UpdatePanel From The PostBack Of The Page?

Jan 30, 2011

How to prevent the content of the UpdatePanel from the PostBack which is occurred in the whole page ?

I have the following code:

<head runat="server">
<script type="text/C#" runat="server">
// I don't want it to call this event handler


The previous code will write in the TextBox2 in spite of it exists inside an UpdatePanel with Conditional for UpdateMode.

I want it to update only when I call UpdatePanel1.Update();

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Web Forms :: Validating A ReadOnly Textbox?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a textbox that is set to readonly so users won't try to type something in it. It is then populated when a treenode is clicked. I want to validate what is in the box after it's populated from the treenode click but if i have it set to readonly, in the codebehind it shows up as an empty string. if i take the readonly off it shows up populated. what would you do about this?

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Web Forms :: How To Show Readonly Values In Textbox

Oct 21, 2010

I have 4 textboxes. On which I want to show values which are readonly. After a button click event I have to show the updated values again.

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Data Controls :: Adding New Row To GridView TextBox Value Getting Cleared

Apr 4, 2014

i have grid asĀ 

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False">


when i click on add button to add second row the values from first row get vanished. So how i can maintain the viewstate for those controls

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Web Forms :: How To Make Panel-contained Textbox ReadOnly

Jan 24, 2011

I've got some textboxes in a panel, that I want to disable client-side upon radio button selection. I've got it basically working - but I discovered that javascript's control.disabled = true still allows the user to type in the textbox. So I've moved on to control.readOnly (in addition to disabled) - that seems to give the result I want.

Problem is, setting readOnly at the panel level doesn't seem to propagate down to the contained controls (the textboxes). I still have to call textbox.readOnly directly in order to get the no-typing-allowed result I need. And this makes the whole panel-concept useless for me in this instance.

Am I doing it wrong somehow, or is this just the way panels work (i.e., can only make textboxes readOnly by directly manipulating its property)?


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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Values From Readonly Textbox In Gridview Footer Row

Sep 7, 2010


works if the textbox is not readonly. What do i do to get the readonly textbox value?

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Forms Data Controls :: Set Readonly Attribute In Gridview Row Itemtemplate Textbox?

Mar 29, 2011

I have four Itemtemplate textbox with in my Gridview.... i want to set Readonly attribute dynamically only one itemtemplate textbox, how to do that,

I have done one for my gridview footer its working,

DirectCast(GridView1.FooterRow.Cells(2).FindControl("TxtSum"), TextBox).Attributes.Add("readonly", "readonly")

this time i'm expecting for row template textbox.

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Data Controls :: Dynamic Controls Created On Button Click Get Cleared On PostBack

Jun 15, 2013

I have created a web form in which i have used user control there is linkĀ  button on different link button user control loads . i have added dynamically webcontrol to that link button . they are loading properly but when i try to save data through one of user control on click of button the user control disapper from that place but when i put static user control to my page its working

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Web Forms :: Multiline Textbox Page Postback?

Nov 2, 2010

Is it possible to perform a postback on a textBox with multiLines? I have the following set up:


I open the page via a queryString but where there's multiLines in this text box then the queryString is blanked out. Is it possible, what do I need to do?

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MVC :: Show Style And Readonly In TextBox?

May 18, 2010

I have a view with a textbox in it and want to specify that the textbox is readonly and style='width:255px;' what i have is:


how do i do that in a one-liner? there is not CSS attribute for read-only in a text-area and after i do this textbox i will move on and want to do the same on the text-areas.

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AJAX :: How To Get Value For CalendarExtender From Readonly Textbox

Dec 15, 2010

When I set textbox readonly property true I'm getting textbox.Text empty value on postback




How to get value for CalendarExtender from readonly textbox

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AJAX :: Readonly Textbox Value / Why Value Is Available When Use Code Behind Attribute Add

Feb 17, 2010

I have a TextBox in my page

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" ReadOnly="true"></asp:TextBox>

I am not able to get the changed value ( I have attached a ajax calender with this textbox)

in code behind because it is readonly

I can do this using TextBox1.Attributes.Add("readonly", "readonly"); or I can get the correct last value using Request.Form[TextBox1.UniqueID]

Why value is available when we use code behind attribute add

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Security :: CreateUserWizard Fails With Readonly Username Textbox?

Jan 20, 2011

"How to: Customize the ASP.NET CreateUserWizard Control" [URL]

In the final example, a wizard step, "CreateUserWizardStep0", is used to validate the username as unique before proceeding to the createwizardstep that collects the remainder of the user's registration information. In order to keep the user from changing this username on the next screen I have set the textbox for username to ReadOnly=true. However, this changes causes the registration to fail without ever executing the method "CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser."

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Using Javascript To Flip Flop A Textbox's Readonly Flag?

Apr 30, 2010

I have a frame with several radio buttons where the user is supposed to select the "Category" that his Occupation falls into and then unconditionally also specify his occupation.If the user selects "Retired", the requirement is to prefill "Retired" in the "Specify Occupation" text box and to disable it to prevent it from being changed. The Specify Occupation text box should also no longer be a tab stop. If the user selects a radio button other than Retired the Specify Occupation text box should be enabled and once again and the Specify Occupation text box should once again be in the normal tab sequence.

Originally, I was setting and clearing the disabled property on the Specify occupation textbox, then I found out that, upon submitting the form, disabled fields are excluded from the submit and the REQUIRED validator on the Specify Occupation textbox was being raised because the textbox was being blanked out.What is the best way to solve this? My approach below was to mimic a disabled text box by setting/resetting the readonly attribute on the text box and changing the background color to make it appear disabled. (I suppose I should be changing the forecolor instead of teh background color). Nevertheless, my code to make the textbox readonly and to reset it doesn't appear to be working.

function OccupationOnClick(sender) {
var optOccupationRetired = document.getElementById("<%= optOccupationRetired.ClientId %>");


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