C# - Prevent Updating The Content Of The UpdatePanel From The PostBack Of The Page?

Jan 30, 2011

How to prevent the content of the UpdatePanel from the PostBack which is occurred in the whole page ?

I have the following code:

<head runat="server">
<script type="text/C#" runat="server">
// I don't want it to call this event handler


The previous code will write in the TextBox2 in spite of it exists inside an UpdatePanel with Conditional for UpdateMode.

I want it to update only when I call UpdatePanel1.Update();

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C# - Prevent An UpdatePanel From Updating Programmatically?

Feb 11, 2010

I have a GridView inside an UpdatePanel and because of some bug I can't seem to find, when I download a file (through an iframe inside another updatepanel) the background images of my buttons don't show up.I thought that, since the download doesn't really need to update the panel (which is causing the bug) I want to prevent the UpdatePanel only in this case from updating.I know that I can use the atribute "ChildrenAsTriggers = false" but I don't want to put an updatePanel1.Update() in every function called from inside the gridview.

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AJAX :: Updating Content Within A Placeholder (updatepanel) Using A Timer?

Feb 1, 2011

GOAL: on a web page (vb.net) content in a placeholder will refresh with a different .ascx (user control) every 30 seconds (rotating 3 in total) and of course i dont want to refresh the whole page, just the placeholder.

I'm new at AJAX (that's my first problem - lol)

I set the timer up to call a function, but not sure how to go about refreshing the placeholder with a different ascx file. I'm sure i'll be using UpdatePanel to do this, but haven't been able to figure this out. Easy to replace a value in a label using AsyncPostBack trigger, but nothing on how to achieve this.

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How To Prevent Master Page Postback When Update Panel Asynchronous Postback Happened

Oct 15, 2010

When an asynchronous postback happened inside update panel, another postback happens also for MasterPage not only update panel embedded page .

I want to prevent this MasterPage postback .

is this possible ? think like i have a MasterPage

and another page which is test.aspx which is content page of MasterPage

i have update panel at test.aspx

when asynchronous postback happens at this test.aspx update panel it also loads MasterPage Page_Load

i want to prevent this (it should not also load MasterPage Page_Load)

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AJAX :: How To Prevent Master Page Postback When Update Panel Asynchronous Postback Happened

Oct 15, 2010

When an asynchronous postback happened inside update panel, another postback happens also for MasterPagenot only update panel embedded page .I want to prevent this MasterPage postback . is this possible ?think like i have a MasterPage and another page which is test.aspx which is content page of MasterPagei have update panel at test.aspxwhen asynchronous postback happens at this test.aspx update panel it also loads
MasterPage Page_Loadi want to prevent this (it should not also load MasterPage Page_Load)

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AJAX :: Can Change The Content Of The Content Place Holder To A New Page With Asynchronous Postback

Jan 4, 2010

I am building a website in which all of the site layout is in Master page and the content of the site is in the inherited pages. I have various links for navigation in which i simple use Response.Redirect to transfer to different pages. Now the problem is that I want to put the content place holder inside Ajax Update panel so that the postbacks are Asynchronous and I want to show the postback by an animated image inside Update Panel progress control. The problem is that I am unable to achieve this result and the entire page is posted back and rendered again. I have placed the content place holder inside the Ajax control toolkit's Update panel but it does not work. Is there any way that I can change the content of the content place holder to a new page with asynchronous postback.

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AJAX :: Updatepanel Is Not Updating Page?

Mar 5, 2010

I've the following html


and my server code is:

the sever code is executing correctly but the page's html is not updating.

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Web Forms :: Prevent Master Page From Loading Whenever Content Page Loads?

Mar 10, 2010

The problem with my web application is when ever i load the home page - The master page as well as content page loads ---This seems fine but when i navigate thorugh the website which have the same Master page but diffrent content page .... the master page loads again. What i want to do is ..I want to keep the master page intact and only the content page loads. How can I accomplish it..

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Prevent Postback When Page Is Loading?

Oct 6, 2010

I am a problem with Postback event.

I have a web page (aspx) which takes longer time to load the page. If this page is loading and if user requests same page by clicking menu link again, it is considered as not postback and page starts loading again (as soon as it finished first page load).

I want to prevent this from happening. When page is loading and user requests same page again, it should not process those requests and should be neglected.

This aspx page is requested from menu (which is designed on seperate master page).

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AJAX :: Updatepanel Updating - Lblemail1 Do Not Update On The Page With The New Values?

May 6, 2010

I have the following code -

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Always" >
<asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/captcha.aspx" /> [code]....

Problem is the lblname1, lblphone1 and lblemail1 do not update on the page with the new values, if I step into the routine I can see the values and a success asssignments but on the page I get NO values. I removed from code the updatepanel and I get the values on page.I also tried conditional updatemode with no success but again I get NO values.

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Web Forms :: How To Prevent Postback When Page Is Refreshed Or F5 Pressed

Mar 22, 2010

I need to display a popup dialog box when an Aspx page first loads. I do this inside of the page load method
with PageIsPostBack.

How can I prevent the popup from being displayed though when the user hits the refresh button or F5 button.
Or the back button?

// Dispaly popup here

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AJAX :: Prevent Full Page Refresh During Postback?

Jan 26, 2010

I have 2 checkboxes (yes/no) that when selected cause the entire page to refresh during postback mode. How can I elimiate this?


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AJAX :: Updating Or Refreshing Only Content Page Like Gmail?

Aug 17, 2010

I have used master pages inside application and menu is placed on master oage.On click of that menu content pages are called,i want to update only content page But the whole page is being refreshed.I have also used the Update panels on content.

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AJAX :: Page Content Not Updating With ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript?

Mar 23, 2010

I'm trying to do the next steps:1 - Click in submit Button inside update panel to make some server work - Ok
2 - If the work is succefully made i need to ask the user to confirm some information - I'm using a javascript function - Ok3- Javascript function executes and clicks in another button (hidden) inside the same update panel. - Ok4- Button click event fires and some server work is done. - Ok.5 - The panel doesn´t update - Wrong

function confirmSubmit(buttonId, msg)


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Web Forms :: Prevent ReadOnly TextBox Value Getting Cleared On Page Postback?

Dec 21, 2012

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Updatepanel - Update Panel In Master Page, Refresh Button In Content Page?

Feb 26, 2011

I have Update panel in Master page:

<asp:ScriptManager id="CartScript" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager>
<asp:UpdatePanel id="CartBox" runat="server" updateMode="Conditional">
<ContentTemplate> [code]...

But i got same error. how I can add to my Update Panel that Button from Content Page can refresh it?

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AJAX :: Refresh UpdatePanel At Content Page Asynchronously From Master Page?

Mar 5, 2011

I have master page

MyMasterPage.aspx and content page MyDefault.aspx.
MyMasterPage.aspx has one input button [value="Menu-1"]. When user click the button, the button will pass value "Menu-1" into
TextBox1Default1 at content page MyDefault.aspx, and then refresh
UpdatePanelDefault1 at content page MyDefault.aspx asynchronously.

My problem is the post back is full post back when refreshing UpdatePanelDefault1. I would like asynchronously post back during refreshing UpdatePanelDefault1. copy the full code MyMasterPage.aspx and MyDefault.aspx below, and then paste / overwrite it into your blank aspx page for testing. I am using VS 2008

Below is full code MyMasterPage.aspx.[Code]....

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel On Master Page Keeps Refreshing Content Page?

Mar 29, 2010

I have an updatepanel on my master page that just updates the database every 30 seconds, what is happening is that everytime it is fired, it will refresh everything on the page_load of the content page that are not under ispostback = false. to disable such a thing just for this specific updatepanel?

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Using ScriptManager / UpdatePanel In Content Page

Aug 21, 2011

I have a small website that uses 1 masterpage and several content pages. I'm able to insert a <ScriptManager> onto my content pages (just a couple of them). However, when I try to insert the <UpdatePanel>, it won't take it. I tried to wrap the <UpdatePanel> around a <Div> and it didn't like that, so then I tried wrapping the <UpdatePanel> around the actual textbox and it didn't like that. Below is some sample code.


<%@ Page Title="" Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" MasterPageFile="~/Site1.Master" CodeBehind="Profile.aspx.vb" Inherits="PF.Profile" %>

<asp:Content ID="Content3" ContentPlaceHolderID="contentProfile" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager>
<div class="ProfileDIV" style="width: 48%;">


How can I incorporate the <ScriptManager>/<UpdatePanel> onto my content pages?

View 7 Replies

AJAX :: Adding Trigger To UpdatePanel From Content Page?

Sep 10, 2010

I got an updatepanel which contains a normal panel on MasterPage. The updatepanel does not contain content place holder. On the content page, I have to add triggers to updatepanel for buttons that are dynamically created on "page_load" event. The problem is that, since the page_load event of content page is being called before master page's page_load event, UpdatePanel is not being created. So that, whenever i try to add triggers in page_load event of content page, i got an error like "A control with ID 'ctl00$editableContent$ctl42' could not be found for the trigger in UpdatePanel 'up1'."

The code below is for adding triggers to updatepanel for buttons.

MasterClass master = (MasterClass)Page.Master;
AsyncPostBackTrigger trig = new AsyncPostBackTrigger(); [code]....

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel Not Working For RadioButtonList In Content Page?

Feb 4, 2010

I have the same problem as [URL] However, the solution doesn't work for me since I'm using .Net 4.0 and xhtmlConformance is not there from start.

Basically, using a master page, the RadioButtonList still do the whole page postback even it's in the UpdatePanel. When I put the exact same code in a standalone page without a master page, it works as expected.

Master Page:


Content page:


Standalone page:


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AJAX :: Updatepanel And Double Postback On Page

Feb 7, 2011

i am using an updatepanel and loading diffrent user controls(.'ascx') in to it by the server side.

in every user control i have diffrent controls, max 4 controls in one user control.

no matter what control i am using when ever i cause an event from any control on the user control

the page postback twice and the item/option/text ichoose or checked or wrote in the control disappers, and the control

that caused the event returns the his original position like no change was made to it.

does anybody have any ideas or have a suggestion what causes thes double postback.

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AJAX :: LinkButton Inside Update Panel Is Updating The Whole Page On Postback

Aug 3, 2010

I have a link button inside an update panel. The problem is the link button on postback is updating the whole page. Tried it with a normal button and the page is not refreshed all. Here's the code.

<asp:Content ID="BodyContent" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent">

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel And Update Progress Content When The Page Refresh

Jan 14, 2010

I have a page under MasterPageFile, I try the following code into my page; However, I can't see the update progress content when the page refresh.

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="Server">
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="upLN" UpdateMode="Conditional">

<!-- My Web page content here.... -->

<asp:UpdateProgress runat="server" ID="ugLN" AssociatedUpdatePanelID="upLN">
<ProgressTemplate>Image here for showing the progress bar...</ProgressTemplate>

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Javascript - Defer Loading UpdatePanel Content Until After The Page Renders?

Oct 7, 2010

Old hand at ASP.NET, new to the UpdatePanel. I have a reporting page which executes a fairly length SQL query... takes about 10 seconds right now. What I would like to do is have my page fully render, with some placeholder text (Loading...) and then have the UpdatePanel kick off the actual time-consuming reporting process and render the report when it's done.

So... my theory is to use RegisterStartupScript() to kick this off and drop the string from GetPostBackEventReference() to trigger the UpdatePanel update. Some problems crop up:

1) Can I actually use GetPostBackEventReference w/ the UpdatePanel or do I need to trigger it some other way? Use this method on a button inside the Update Panel?

2) What event gets triggered when the postback reference is the UpdatePanel? It's not clear to me. I've got to call my databinding code somewhere! Again, maybe I need to use a button inside?

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