Web Forms :: Pull Image To Control Based On Textbox.text?

Mar 18, 2011

So I'm passing data from Form1 to Form2. The data that gets passed to Form2 populates a textbox. I would also like for an image to show up based on what shows up in the textbox.

For example, I passed the name "Chicago Bulls" to txtteam. I want seatingchart.jpg to show up once it recognizes "Chicago Bulls". Here's the code I started under page_load to get it started.


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Upload One Image . Uploaded Image Text(Character) Display to Text Box . If I Insert ASPFORUMS Logo Image Display To Textbox  ASPFORUMS.

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Web Forms :: Change Text To Image In Gridview Based On Value

Feb 25, 2010

I have a Gridview that I build out of a Stored Procedure, in that Gridview I have a column with a Training Grade. I would like to have a Green Check Mark or a Red Check Mark (.gif) depending on the value of the grade. This is my code so far:

If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then

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Web Forms :: Increase Textbox Height Based On Text?

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I'm building a list view that contains a list of message such as FaceBook...I need to keep a textbox to have the text to insert, a label and a imageI tryed:


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Web Forms :: Create A Server Control Based On TextBox?

Aug 4, 2010

Using: ASP.NET 3.5, C#

I'd like to create a new server control to use in my project. Basically, it should work and behave in exactly the same way as asp:TextBox except that the type attribute on the HTML input element it generates should not be "text" but a different value (I actually intend to create several controls for several different type attributes).

So (by the way I have very little programming experience), I'm thinking I need to get the source code for the asp:TextBox control and base my new control on that, then modify the source so it outputs with my desired type attribute.

Can anyone steer me in the right direction for this?

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VS 2012 - Dynamic Text Boxes Based On Textbox Number Entry

May 18, 2015

I'm going to have a textbox on my ASPX page - where users can enter a number between 1-50.

Based on their selection, I'd like to add three textboxes for each number and number them appropriately.

I'd like three textboxes for each "number", so for example, the fields would be:

Name1, PIN1, Desc1
Name2, Pin2, Desc2
Name3, Pin3, Desc3

So, how do I, at runtime, add these fields to my page?

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With those fields, it's rather easy, as the form has static controls that I'm looking up and sending to my file.

How would I add the dynamic controls to the file as well? Obviously, if they've selected to add 10 fields, I don't want 40 other fields of blank/nothing (since they can choose to add up to fifty). How would I iterate only adding the fields that they've chosen?

I'm writing in VB.NET not C

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Forms Data Controls :: Showing Image Control And Label Control Based On The Data In Grid View?

Aug 16, 2010

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How can i do that?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Show Label Control Text Based On Gridview Value

Dec 9, 2010

I am developing a form where I have a gridview control which I shows data from sql database. Sql query:

I also have a label control. What I want to do is to show label control when gridview cell value is > 3.

Could you tell me if it is possible to make label control visible based on gridview value?

Here is my code:


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VS 2008 - Can Add Text To Image Loaded In Image Control?

Sep 4, 2011

I am showing images of members on my website. The images are already saved to file. I want to add some text to the image that is loaded in the image control. I don't want to save it to file, just display the change on that web page. I have seen code on how to do this but I do not see how to load it into an image control. Is this possible without saving it to file?

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Database Text With HTML Formatting - How To Pull It Into Webpage

Jan 21, 2011

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing Webpage Label Text Based On Datasource Field In A Repeater Control?

Jan 27, 2011

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AJAX :: Display Image And Text In Autocomplete Textbox?

May 7, 2015

I'm trying to display an image and a text in autocomplete textbox. After using this article it works fine. [URL]....

But i have two questions about it:

1. how do i get the id on server side after the OnEmployeeSelected returns the text and value of the selected AutoComplete Item?

2. how i can use css to change the view of the image and text?

I want the label and the image to be located in the same line etc...

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Web Forms :: Updating A Text Within A Div Tag With Textbox Control?

Oct 22, 2010

I have a question regarding to the text in the html code. I would like to know if there is a way to change the content text in the html with text that has been written in textbox. For example i have following text in html, so how can I replace this text by using a text box in the server side.

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Web Forms :: Access Textbox Text From Asp Pages Control?

Jan 12, 2010

is it possible to access textbox text in dropdownlist's value field?Something like below:

<asp:DropDownList ID="...
<asp:ListItem Text="request_ID" Value="<%txtValue.Text%>">Request


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Web Forms :: Control Where Text Starts And Ends In Textbox?

May 19, 2010

I am trying to use a custom image for my textbox controls. In Photoshop I used an inner bevel. The only way I can find is to use the CssClass property and then use background-image in css. Problem is the text appears a few pixels to the top right in the box and is not very readable with the shadow. I need to center the text in the textbox. How can I do that?

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Web Forms :: How To Get The Text In A TextBox That Is Inside An InsertItemTemplate In ListView Control

May 27, 2010

I have ListView and I inside InsertItemTemplate that has two control: TextBox and Button.

If User click on the Button OnClick event is raised but I don't see how I can get the TextBox.Text property.

I have tried

t = (TextBox)ListView1.FindControl("txtAddMessege");

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AJAX :: Show Hide Image Control On Page Based On Database Value

Dec 14, 2013

Below is House_info table

id name behcode

1 Neda 1111
2 Jack 2222
3 Sara 3333

House_p table

id Product behcode

1 sofa 1111
2 iron 1111
3 scarf 2222

and below is SP

ALTER procedure [dbo].[storeinfo1]
@Behcode nvarchar(10)
select behcode,Name
,(select Behcode from House_p where BehCode=@Behcode) behcodeP
from House_Info
where BehCode=@Behcode

I have image=>Productimage  in product.aspx page I want if in House_p table there be my users behcode it do Productimage.visible=true 


In House_info table exist user Sara with behcode=3333  her behcode  isn't in House_p table so I want in product.aspx page ProductImage.visible=true

How I can do it?

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Web Forms :: Looking For Rft Server Control not HTML Based Server Controls To Display And Store Text As Well As Images?

Feb 14, 2011

I need rft server control not HTML based server controls to display and store text as well as images, from which i can get rtf text and can save it as it is in DB.

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Data Controls :: Show Or Hide Image Control In GridView Based On Condition From Database

Dec 19, 2012

i am using template field display image based on condition in table field. i have field name  verify i used to store yes or no value if it is yes then display image else noting to display in gridview

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Jan 14, 2010

i'm trying to develop a ASP.Net control. If it based on System.Web.UI.Control id doesn't work correctly with Ajax.Net updatePanel. If I change it to System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl the it works fine with Ajax controls. What is the difference between them and how I implement it on Control based Control?

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Web Forms :: How To Perform Validation For A Textbox Based On Other Textbox

Jan 28, 2011

I'm using 3 text boxes for allowing user selecting different ranges. I want to perform below validations on three text boxes.

1.User should enter a value (i.e. a valid number,doesn't allow to enter zero,decimal numbers and negative numbers) in 1st text box.

2. 2nd text box value should be greater than 1st text box.

3. 3rd text box value should be greater than 2nd text box.

I want to perform validations on client side only using JavaScript. If anything goes wrong I want to populate a message box.

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Keep Upload Image Control Value In Textbox

Aug 9, 2010

i am using file upload control in ASP.NET for uploading images. In my form there are two buttons.one for assigning criteria which redirects to other form and other for submitting form. After assigning criteria only the user has to use submit button. My problem is when is upload image and click on AssignCriteria button and return back to original page,the upload control is getting blank. How to keep that upload image control value in that textbox even if we redirected to other page and come back.

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AJAX :: Updating A Control In An Updatepanel / Want To Modify The Text In A Textbox?

Dec 8, 2010

I have a radiobuttonlist control in an AJAX tabpanel, which I would like not to postback whenever the selected item is changed. But I do want to modify the text in a textbox, that is within a separate updatepanel, to be the text of the new selected item.

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Security :: How To Clear Text In The Textbox Control Of Create User Wizard Using C

Oct 29, 2010

I am using CreateUserWizard control on my admin page.After successfully creating a user with the control, it displays "Complete Your account has been successfully created."After clicking on continue button it sets the ActiveStepIndex Correctly.The problem is, while it sets the ActiveStepIndex correctly, it retains the old user account credentials.

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