Web Forms :: Remove Scrollbar To Webpage?
Sep 21, 2010I got a masterpage, in that i got login control and that page has height="800px" and i should not change the height but i need to remove the scroller to that page.
View 2 RepliesI got a masterpage, in that i got login control and that page has height="800px" and i should not change the height but i need to remove the scroller to that page.
View 2 RepliesI want a hide horizontal scrollbar..so i need a code to add it in masterpage..so that all screens will be seen without horizontal scrollbar
View 1 RepliesI'm using Master Page Structure on my webpage. Although I Added "EnableViewState="false" ViewStateMode="Disabled"" in both Master Pages and Web Pages, I still see Below Hidden Field on my web page which cause W3C Validation Error. I want to know How Could I Remove these fields.
I am creating web page using asp.net. Is it possible to remove/hide the browsers address bar or toolbar using Javascript for IE.
View 2 RepliesGrid vertical scroll barÂ
<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" Height="172px" Width="500px" ScrollBars="Vertical">...
I have a grid in the panel as i need to scroll vertically for grid records but even if rows r more i am not able to get vertical scrolling...
I have a listview with multiple records inside a div whose overflow property has been set to enable scrollbars. Now I have another search panel in which If i click on a particular item the corresponding item in the listview gets selected. But the problem is that the item gets selected but the user cannot view it if its way down on the list.I also want the scrollbar to move in order to let the user show the selected item.
View 8 Repliesafter refreshing only scrollbar are working.Following code I write in one page and call this page in master page
<asp:Panel ID="Pan1" Height="80px" Width="250px"
BackColor="#8FBC8F" ScrollBars="Auto" runat="server">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="100%">
.scrollBarCol {
scrollbar-face-color: rgb(35,53,110);
scrollbar-arrow-color: rgb(155,203,235);
scrollbar-track-color: rgb(155,203,235);
scrollbar-highlight-color: rgb(35,53,110);
[Code] ....
 I have used this code for changing the color of scroll bar but it does not work for mozilla.
I've been researching an issue for quiet some time, but most of the posts I'm reading are older. I'm trying to figure out if there is a new solution to getting an asp:dropdownlist vertical scrollbar. I have several dropdownlists with fixed widths, but the data that populates these dropdownlist do not fit inside the width. Is there a recent - acceptable workaround or solution? I'm using Visual Studion 2010.
View 4 RepliesWhen the page is loading i have the problem, that the Page shakes a little to the right and then to the left. That´s maybe because of a scrollbar effect in the browser.
I tried to fix a vertical scrollbar, but it does not work.
Take a look at the site: [URL]
There the pages in progress are available. When you hit the Navigation bar, the Page reload is shaking.
I have placed my aspx controls inside html div like below-
<div style="width: 960px; height: 600px; vertical-align: top; overflow: auto; ">
<my controls>
Due to which it adds a horizontal scrollbar to my controls. Now i have a checkox inside this with autopostback property enabled due to which whenever i checked it, my sroll position changes which makes a difficult task for user to enter data. Is there any way to maintain the horizontal-position of scrollbar om autopostback? although i have tried maintainscrollposition=true in page tag but doesnot work for horizontal scroll position
How do i Maintain ListBox scrollbar position on postback ?
further details*
Listbox is populated from database size can change.
Scrollbar is vertical.
Is it possible to show from the begining a vertical scroll bar associated with a datagrid control, i want to avoid using overflow property in div:
<div id="Div1" style="OVERFLOW: auto; WIDTH: 730px; HEIGHT: 260px" runat="server">
<asp:datagrid id="OrdersDG" runat="server" Width="700px" CssClass="GridTextboxes" DataKeyField="orderid"
i designed a gridview with HeaderStyle Freeze like this
<HeaderStyle CssClass="FreezeMe" Wrap="true" />
background: #ecf5ff;
color: #333;
background-color: #6D91BF;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 1px;
border-color: #9cc9ed #5c9fde #6daddb #b4d2f0;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
color: white;
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 13px;
position: relative;
top: expression(this.offsetParent.scrollTop);
z-index: 10;;
i have applied my gridview within DIV tag because i need horizontal scrool bar(if no. of record is high) but i didnt see the scrollbar ...
I have a gridview and its contains 16 column. I would like to use the scrollbar in the gridview with Freezing first two columns and use the scrollbar to show remaining data..
View 2 RepliesI got the following datalist populated with 12 images a page average size is 75kb.If i move the scrollbar in internet explorer up and down it goes very laggy and stuttering, while firefox has noproblem at al fast and smooth. If i remove the images there is noproblem. if i disable the setting smooth scrolling in ie it's a little better but still not good enough. I can't seem to find a way to get this right is there some kind of script or am i doing something wrong. Or maby do i have to put the datalist in a user control?
how do I write a code for the remove button I want to remove the row where the remove button is clicked. he code for my webform is below
html code for remove
<asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="lnkbtnRemove" Text="Remove" OnClick="lnkRemoveGuest_Click" ></asp:LinkButton>
I'm working on a website to showcase some of my bird photography, using ASP.NET 2.0 and C# with a SQLServerExpress backend.What I have right now is a ListBox bound to my database that displays a list of common names of birds and when the user clicks on an item in the listbox the main image on the page is changed to the image for that bird. For style reasons I want the listbox to always be a fixed size and because I specify the size (using CSS) a vertical scrollbar appears. My problem is that I want to provide my own images of arrows that go above and below the box such that when the user hovers over an arrow the box scrolls slowly and when the user clicks an arow the box scrolls quickly. Finally, my main problem is that I want to get rid of the ugly default vertical scrollbar that comes with ListBox.
Can you guys help me figure out how to do this? I don't mind using a different control other than ListBox as long as it is available in ASP.NET 2.0 and as long as it can be bound to my db. I also don't mind using JavaScript (which I'm sure I'll end up doing for the hover effects). Right now I'm fooling around with subclassing the ListBox control but I've never subclassed a control before so I'm somewhat clueless.
how to make gridview with scrollbar with making header static.
View 2 Repliesmy page contains gridviews, textboxes, comboboxes... : one of the gridview is hidden; the user needs to press a button to make it visible (it is inside a panel that contains a vertical scroll, and have a header and a footer, and this last panel is contained in an update panel).
i want to make the header and footer fixed while scrolling. i need this to work in ie and in firefox the latest versions.
I am working on a financial portal and I am having a problem..I don;t know what to call it so i mentioned it as an 'unknown to me' problem..I have a webpage..whenever I click on any button on my webpage, the request goes through..but nothing show up on the webpage..then If I click on another link and then again come back to previous link,then only I see the results of button_click..
I have a currency conversion and investment form..so after filling up the form in following way and if I click on "INVEST" then nothing shows up..
so now if i click on any other link and go back to 'buy currency' link I see the result as 'investment successful'
I think this sould be a really easy one, but I just can't find it ! I have a page that his direction is set to : "RTL", and naturally the scrollbar is on the left, but how can i set the scrollbar to be on the right instead?
View 1 RepliesI developed an application form which includes some textboxes for input. When the user click on the button the following tasks has to be done.
1) If page is valid all data should be stored in database
2) A new webform should appear on the same window and the some content of the application form should be displayed in it.
3) When clicking on browser back button it should not post back to previous page.....
I did the first task..and i don't know the code for the remaining tasks. Here is some information
.aspx button control code
I opened new webform by using Response.Redirect ("submit.aspx"). Where submit.aspx is the form to be opened after data stored upon the button click in application form.
I know browser compatability isn't fun, but this one is odd. I have the following code:
When the user clicks on a link in any version of IE, Chrome, or Safari, the scrollbar on the right side is there, no problem. But when they do it in Firefox, the scrollbar is missing. They can hit page down to scroll through the info, but why wouldn't the scrollbar be there as well?
I want to add scrollbar in modal popup.i have put popup panel in a div tag and set it to overflow:scroll.but scrollbar are not coming.
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