Web Forms :: RequiredFieldValidator.RenderControl - Validation Firing On First Load?

Feb 5, 2011

I have today developed a page that builds a series of RadioButtonLists, which may or may not be required fields.

As the page varies depending on DB values, I have rendered the controls using .RenderControl().

Unfortunatley I do not have the code to hand right now, but its along the lines of:

RadioButtonList rblQuestion = new RadioButtonList();
rblQuestion.id = question.ID;
// Add ListItems...
RequiredFieldValidator rfvQuestion = new RequiredFieldValidator();
rfvQuestion.ControlToValidate = rblQuestion.ID;
rfvQuestion.ErrorMessage = "*";

I then use .RenderControl on both rblQuestion and rfvQuestion, concatenate into a string then use the HTML String to populate a PlaceHolder.

This seems to work fine, all appears as expected apart from the RequiredFieldValidator - I get a red asterix (My ErrorMessage) next to each RadioButtonList - But this appears as soon as the page loads, not on a post/button click.

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: RequiredFieldValidator Not Firing After Client Side Script Call

Mar 1, 2011

I have a form that contains controls that have RequiredFieldValidator.

Everything was working fine when I click the submit button that validators appeared on the empty field.

Now, I added a checkbox (chkAcceptTermAndCondition) that call javascript function to enable

the submit button only if the customer had accepted the "Terms and condition".

The problem is that once I check the checkbox, the submit button is enable, I click on it

and it doesn't use the validator anymore...like even if all the field are empty, no validator will fire.

Here's the javascript:


Code behind:


View 7 Replies

Submit Button RequiredFieldValidator Not Firing With Facebox?

Oct 23, 2010

I was trying to create a popup logon form for a site I'm working on so I decided to give facebox a try. The logon pops up ok, but the submit button and required validators are not firing. This is within the master page and is contained with a Progress Panel.

In the page header, I have:


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Localization :: Requiredfieldvalidator Not Firing In Case Of Using Explicit

Jan 24, 2010

i wold like to have a requiredfieldvalidator used with explicit localisation. my new code looks like this:


and is showing nothing beside of the image 'fehler.gif'. previously my code was like this and it worked like a charme:


how would like the code correctly?

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Web Forms :: When Any RequiredFieldValidator Validation Fails Display Generic Error Message To User

Aug 9, 2012

I use validation control in my page when users click on button if they don't enter data in textboxs it show massage in validation control

I want In addition to using validation control when users click on button to insert data  it show error massage thar show EX: "please complete your form"

How I can do it ?

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C# - RequiredFieldValidator Causes Validation On Server Even If Validator Is Disabled

Mar 28, 2011

I have a user control with a label and a field. I add the user control dynamically to a page at run time. There could be many user controls which are built dynamically from data I get from the data base. The data describes the label name and if the text box should be completed.. ie is it required. I have a submit on the main page which has a validation group.All the validators on the user controls have the same validation group. So far so good I hope.

The user control has a RequiredFieldValidator for the text box and looks all like this. The validator is enabled by default.

<asp:TextBox ID="dfControl" runat="server" Text="" ToolTip="ucsAlphanumericEntryDC" Width="95%" CausesValidation="true"/>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvContol" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Value is required" EnableClientScript="true"
ValidationGroup="ValidateContols" ControlToValidate="dfControl" Display="Dynamic" Enabled="true"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>

When I dynamically load the control I check a parameter to tell me if the field is required or not. The paramater is from the database which represents the control that I am about to draw. If the Field NOT a required field I disable the validation in the page_preRender.. also tried it in load.

if (!DisplayRequired)
rfvContol.EnableClientScript = false;
rfvContol.Enabled = false;
dfControl.CausesValidation = false;

So far so good. This all works on the client side validation for only the user controls with the Display Required set to true, leaving the Validator enabled.however on posting page from a submit button which I have wired to the same validation group as the user controls, I check the IsValid on the submit and if its false I dont save anything. But when the page re-renders on the client.. I have error messages on all the user controls, saying that they are required... even though I disabled some of them that where not required. the View state is default on the control which I assume to be on.

I also tried not redrawing the controls with the validators, by enclosing the code in a if(!IsPostBack)

why the validators fire when they are disabled on the first page load but dont get disabled on the postback.

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Implement A RequiredFieldValidator With A ValidationExpression Which Is Fail Validation?

Jun 8, 2010

I'm trying to implement a RequiredFieldValidator with a ValidationExpression which is fail validation if the value is -I'm guessing there will probably be a very simple RegEx for it but I am still trying to get my head around it.

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How To Use The Client-side Validation Of A RequiredFieldValidator In Combination With Custom Usercontrol

Apr 13, 2010

Using the ValidationProperty I've managed to connect a RequiredFieldValidator with my custom control. When I enable client script in the validator, JavaScript errors occur.

Is there a way to tell the RequiredFieldValidator how it can validate my custom control in the client?

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Web Forms :: Validation Button Isn't Firing?

Mar 10, 2010

Something strange is going on. I have requiredfieldvalidators on 2 textboxes. I enter data and I cannot click the asp button. but when i remove the validation group I can click the button.


There are 2 boxes within the group

And the lower button. Any ideas why this isn't working? I enter info into all textboxes and I still can't fire the button event. Remove the group and it's fine.

View 12 Replies

Web Forms :: Page Load Not Firing

Dec 27, 2010

I'm sure this is an easy one, but when I'm not using a code behind, I can get the Literal to change to my default text, but when I am using the code behind to insert my code, it's acting as if the Page Load event doesn't fire off, and the default text ofText to display2 is still shown, when it should show test. Can anyone show me what I've done wrong?

CodeBehind Page


Code Page


View 8 Replies

Web Forms :: Page Load Firing Twice

Jan 21, 2011

[URL] and that is not my problem.

I have a page with some updatepanels and som jquery code. Within an updatepanel, I have some dropdownlists that are filled bases on its precedenting. Basic.

On other browser it works very well, but in IE the postback is fired twice, and my application doesn't works properly.

If i remove soem jquery scripts, it works well. But I can't see any explanation for that and I can't remove jquery code.

The jquery code dos a datepícker, autcomplete, inputmask and some calculation.

View 4 Replies

Web Forms :: Page Load Method Is Firing Two Time?

Apr 21, 2010

I have as asp.net website the code behind is C#.

i my application Page load method is firing two time.

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Web Forms :: Button_click Event Not Firing On Control On First Page Load?

Aug 26, 2010

I have a page with in a master page. This page has a user control with a text box and a button. I also have another button on the page. As the page first loads the button_click event on both the controls does not fire when clicking the buttons. I also have an event on the enter key on the text box. This event fires which causes a post back. After post back now my button_click event fire. The button_click event does not fire on the first page_load.

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Web Forms :: Master Page Load Event Firing Multiple Times

Jan 27, 2010

am using a master page, with children pages.

I am using forms authentication, and a session object to hold user information once the user is authenticated.

I am able to login and log out. I am able to log in and use the "remember me" functionality of the forms authentication.

When attempting to test the "remember me" functionality, the master page load event contains code to check the forms authentication & remember me, and retrieve user info from the database to automatically log the user in. This fires correctly, and the screens all load with the user successfuly logged in, and the users info is successfully stored in a session object.

Without touching anything on the screen, a moment passes and then the master page load event spontaneously fires again, Page.User.Identity.Name still contains the user name, however the session variable is now null, and throws an error.If I tell it to run past this error, it does, and the application continues to function normally, withthe session variables set correctly.

Its almost as if that second firing is ina different session, or something.

I have no problem posting code, but I have a profile class holding / handling the session communication, etc so it is a bit cumbersome.

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Web Forms :: When Load The Form / Combobox SelectedIndexChanged Event Is Firing Automatically

Feb 17, 2011

I am using 2 combobox , In form_load event i am loading the combobox using dataset and In selectedIndexChanged event of the combobx1 we have to load combobox2

I am having a problem that when i load the form, combobox selectedIndexChanged event is firing automatically So how can i avoid this.

I understand that if it's a web application then IsPostBack method will be useful, but what to do as it's a windows (desktop) application.

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Web Forms :: RenderControl And TreeView?

Mar 16, 2011

I have read many posts in the past about TreeView in Custom CompositeControls and using RenderControl but have yet to see a solution. I declare a new Tree in the CreateChildControls method and in the render I try to call the RenderControls method and it gave me an object reference not set to instance of an object error. I have set the SkipLinkText to Nothing, String.Empty and "". Once I do that I get the second stack trace. The control worked when it was a control on the aspx page.




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MVC :: Client Validation Not Always Firing?

Jan 25, 2011

Is anyone other than myself having issues with client validation not working all the time? I have MVC3 RTM installed. I'm looking at the LogOn view created with a new Internet Application with the razor engine. Both the User name and Password fields both have the Required attribute. If it enter asdf for the username and asdf for the password and go back and delete the values for both of them, only the error message for the password field comes on. If I keep entering values and deleting them, the validation will eventually trigger for the user name field.

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Web Forms :: Using The RenderControl Method With An ImageButton

Oct 1, 2010

I am trying to find out what html is generated when a control is rendered. For most controls, the following worked fine: Dim tempbuilder As New System.Text.StringBuilder() Dim tempwriter As New

System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter(New System.IO.StringWriter(tempbuilder))
Dim generatedhtml as String Me.imgImage.RenderControl(tempwriter) generatedhtml = tempbuilder.ToString()

However, when I tried doing it with an ImageButton, I recieved the following error: Control 'ctl00_cphExampleContent_imgButton' of type 'ImageButton' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server. What can I do to avoid this?

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MVC :: Validation Not Firing Even When Form Is Obviously Invalid?

Jun 25, 2010

I've got the following View


The problem is that when I submit a blank form back to the controller, I get redirected to the "its valid" page, meaning that the form passed validation.

What might I be doing wrong?

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Web Forms :: Control.RenderControl To An Existing HtmlTextWriter?

Jan 6, 2011

If I have an HtmlTextWriter with some content in it, is it possible to append the output of ontrol.RenderControl to the existing content of the HtmlTextWriter directly?

Or do I always have to output to a separate HtmlTextWriter/StringWriter/StringBuilder and then append the StringBuilder?

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Web Forms :: Chart, RenderControl, & System.NullReferenceException?

Feb 23, 2010

I need to get the html of a chart control built at runtime. When I call .RenderControl, I get System.NullReferenceException. What could the problem be? Is there another way to go about this (saving as image)? Below is my code.


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C# - Calendar Control Firing Validation Controls?

May 21, 2010

I have a set of validation controls on my asp.net page, to validate values in textfields. I also have a calendar control on the same page. When I click on the calendar image, the validation control message box pops up. How can I avoid that from appearing when the calendar icon is clicked?

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Custom Validation Control Of Image Not Firing?

Jul 18, 2010

I have this code:

protected void registerBtn_click(object s, EventArgs e)
bool agencyPictureActive = agencypicture.HasFile;
agencypictureValidator.Enabled = agencyPictureActive;
if (Page.IsValid)

and this control:

<asp:label runat="server">Logo</asp:label>
<asp:FileUpload id="agencypicture" runat="server"/>
<asp:CustomValidator id="agencypictureValidator"
ErrorMessage="some error msg" Text="*"

I want to validate and save the image along with other form value upon "registerBtn_click" , but the custom validation control of the image does not activate somehow... why?

This is my submit control:

<asp:LinkButton id="btnSubmit" OnClick="registerBtn_click"
ValidationGroup="userForm" Text="Submit" runat="server">

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Firing Off Some Url Requests (GET) After Page Load

Jan 14, 2011

After a user logs off from our web-site we need to fire off some HTTP requests to 2-3 other external urls (we don't need a response from these btw).

The url request must be performed on the client as the requests will cause a log-off to be performed on these external sites on the users current session.

The only way I thought that this could be achieved would be to render some invisible iframes and set the url to each of them so that when the page loads the requests will be executed.

Is there another way this could be achieved? The above solution seems a bit hacky.

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Custom Validator Not Firing (No Error Message, But No Validation)

Jan 17, 2011

I have a custom validator:

<asp:CustomValidator ID="QuestionValidator" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Please select an option" ClientValidationFunction="QuestionValidator_ServerValidate" OnServerValidate="QuestionValidator_ServerValidate" ValidateEmptyText="true"></asp:CustomValidator>


When I run the page, there is no validation and no error message. Please can you point out where I am going wrong, I'm suspicious it is at Page.Master.FindControl("form1").Controls.I have previously done such validation by looping through controls via form1.controls but this is unavailable as the page uses a form passed down via the master page.

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