MVC :: Validation Not Firing Even When Form Is Obviously Invalid?

Jun 25, 2010

I've got the following View


The problem is that when I submit a blank form back to the controller, I get redirected to the "its valid" page, meaning that the form passed validation.

What might I be doing wrong?

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Similar Messages:

MVC :: The Form Is Submitted, The Server Side Validation Trips And I'm Told The Entry Is Invalid?

Jun 27, 2010

I've got my validation wired up through my Service layer, and my Birthdate property looks like this.


The client side validation works properly if I input something like `12/12/1990` but when the form is submitted, the server side validation trips and I'm told the entry is invalid. I'm using the jQuery-UI Datepicker to input the date, however when I disable the datepicker, the problem persists.Am I missing something here? I thought the client side and server side would be the same thing.If I remove


Then the form submits. It's obviously something to do with the Regex.

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JQuery :: Custom Invalid Validation / Using JQuery Plug-in Validation?

Oct 10, 2010

Is there a method in jQuery that I can customize an invalid validation myself instead of using jQuery plug-in validation?

For example, if the form is valid do this below.

if ($('form').valid()) {
//do something

But if I wanted to have a cutomize invalid method I could do this below.

if (!x == y) {
$('form').valid() = False; //[:(]
alert('Form is not valid.');

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Validation - Recaptcha Always Returns Invalid?

Mar 30, 2010

The reCaptcha example for ASP.NET does not seem to work. I followed the instructions but it always returns false, "The verification words are incorrect.". The entries are good. I'm using localhost as the site but am not getting any public/private key errors which I did get when adding a bad key (as a test).I've seen this error reported a lot but no good answers. Some suggest to call the validate on the control before checking to see if it is valid but this did not work for me.

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MVC :: Validation Fails And Returns Whole Form With Validation Message?

Mar 18, 2011

Can anyone tell me how to re-display a form when validation fails, i'm having a problem in that when i submit an empty form, the whole ascx file is returned with textbox and button etc.


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MVC :: How To Disable ModelState Validation Messages (The Value '' Is Invalid.)

Mar 9, 2010

I'd like to disable ModelState validation messages and keep my data annotation error messages.

When I update model, message "The value '' is invalid." apears in ModelState. I know that I'm trying to assign null to not nullable property, but I have my own validation and message.

I use something like this

[Required(ErrorMessage="Blahblah some error")]

I want user to see my message "Blahblah some error", but not stupid message: The value '' is invalid.

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Web Forms :: The Remote Certificate Is Invalid According To The Validation Procedure?

Sep 4, 2010

when sending email the' 2.0 i get the above error msg The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure. how to rectify this error msg soemetmes i get this error msg also Mailbox unavailable. The server response was:: bosauthsmtp15: Host :No unauthenticated relaying permitted

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Configuration :: Remote Certificate Is Invalid According To The Validation Procedure

Aug 25, 2010

i have created a mail application as a part of an support application for my company.when enabling ssl it is showing the error as "The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure"when commenting enablessl its working fine and mails are going. i know that the problem is with ssl autentication. i have made no changes to web.config file.

MailMessage msg = new MailMessage();
string[] a = mailto.Text.Split(',');
oreach (string str in a)

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Remote Certificate Is Invalid According To The Validation Procedure GMAIL

Oct 19, 2010

The function below works in a console application but it's not working in my web site. I am getting an error:The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.

public static void SendEmail(MailMessage mm)
SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();
smtp.Host = "";
smtp.Port = 587;
smtp.EnableSsl = true;
smtp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("", "Pass");

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MVC :: When Enable Client Validation The Property Always Gets Flagged As Invalid?

Jun 2, 2010

I have a property like this on my view model:


The date range validates perfectly during model binding. However, . Looking at the client validation code in MicrosoftMvcValidation.js, it appears that the Sys_Mvc_RangeValidator can only handle numeric ranges

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MVC :: Client Validation Not Always Firing?

Jan 25, 2011

Is anyone other than myself having issues with client validation not working all the time? I have MVC3 RTM installed. I'm looking at the LogOn view created with a new Internet Application with the razor engine. Both the User name and Password fields both have the Required attribute. If it enter asdf for the username and asdf for the password and go back and delete the values for both of them, only the error message for the password field comes on. If I keep entering values and deleting them, the validation will eventually trigger for the user name field.

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MVC :: Client Validation Not Working For Invalid Data The First Time In 3 With Razor

Mar 2, 2011

I've run across with client-side validation. Firstly I'm assuming that everything is set up properly because client validation is working fine other than this specific scenario. The scenario is that if I have a field with a validation attribute on it then I can clear th field value and client validation won't flag it as an error even though the validation should fail. If, however, I type in something that is invalid then from then on it works correctly. It seems like client validation is missing the clearing of the field if it has not yet generated a validation error. Here's a simple model to demo the issue:


Now assume that I have this as my model instance: new SimpleModel() { Id = 1, Name = "One1", EventTime = DateTime.Now } The model is valid. Now I drop in an edit form generated by the Add View dialog. Again I'm assuming client validation is properly set up because it works except for the very specific scenario given earlier.........................

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Invalid Postback Or Callback Argument, Event Validation Is Enabled

Jul 27, 2010

I have a TabContainer, within a tab, i have a gridview, within the gridview i have a ImageButton. When I click on the ImageButton, I will call a javascript. The javascript will call a Hidden Button click. This hiddenbutton is the TargetControl of the Modalpopup so that when I click on the ImageButton, modalpopup is trigger. The Popup panal, Hidden Button and ModalPopupExtender below:

<asp:Panel ID="panEditAccessLog" runat="server" CssClass="gc_modalPopup" Style="display: none" BorderWidth="0px">
<table width="400px">
<td width="150" height="20">
Employee ID:

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MVC - Mark Multiple Fields Invalid In Custom Validation Attribute?

Mar 2, 2011

I have a form where users enter their preferred contact method. It has:

- a radio button where a user selects whether they'd like to be contact by phone or email or either

- a textbox for the user's email address

- a textbox for the user's phone number

I have validation via a custom attribute that verifies that if the user selected phone they entered a phone number, if they selected email they entered an email, etc... but it's at a class level on my ViewModel. As such the validation doesn't mark the expected field as invalid.

Is there a way that my IsValid override (or some other method) can mark the child property's value as invalid so I get highlighting?

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Web Forms :: Validation Button Isn't Firing?

Mar 10, 2010

Something strange is going on. I have requiredfieldvalidators on 2 textboxes. I enter data and I cannot click the asp button. but when i remove the validation group I can click the button.


There are 2 boxes within the group

And the lower button. Any ideas why this isn't working? I enter info into all textboxes and I still can't fire the button event. Remove the group and it's fine.

View 12 Replies

C# - Calendar Control Firing Validation Controls?

May 21, 2010

I have a set of validation controls on my page, to validate values in textfields. I also have a calendar control on the same page. When I click on the calendar image, the validation control message box pops up. How can I avoid that from appearing when the calendar icon is clicked?

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Custom Validation Control Of Image Not Firing?

Jul 18, 2010

I have this code:

protected void registerBtn_click(object s, EventArgs e)
bool agencyPictureActive = agencypicture.HasFile;
agencypictureValidator.Enabled = agencyPictureActive;
if (Page.IsValid)

and this control:

<asp:label runat="server">Logo</asp:label>
<asp:FileUpload id="agencypicture" runat="server"/>
<asp:CustomValidator id="agencypictureValidator"
ErrorMessage="some error msg" Text="*"

I want to validate and save the image along with other form value upon "registerBtn_click" , but the custom validation control of the image does not activate somehow... why?

This is my submit control:

<asp:LinkButton id="btnSubmit" OnClick="registerBtn_click"
ValidationGroup="userForm" Text="Submit" runat="server">

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.net - Apply CSS Class To Invalid Controls On Web Form?

Jun 17, 2010

I need to apply a css class to invalid controls on a web form. I'd like to make it a resusable class. This is what I have so far:

public class Validation
public static void ApplyInvalidClass(Page page, string className[code].....

The problem is what I call this on a .Net user control, I guess because I'm passing in Page, page.FindControl(bv.ControlToValidate) is always null.Is there a better way to do this?

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Submit Form Cause Validation Error In Other Form?

Oct 3, 2010

i have post detail page (, umbraco cms), with search box and post replay box.the problem is that when user try to search using the search box, it cause validation error in the post replay box.the search is client side form.the post replay is server side can view it live at:[URL]

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Web Forms :: RequiredFieldValidator.RenderControl - Validation Firing On First Load?

Feb 5, 2011

I have today developed a page that builds a series of RadioButtonLists, which may or may not be required fields.

As the page varies depending on DB values, I have rendered the controls using .RenderControl().

Unfortunatley I do not have the code to hand right now, but its along the lines of:

RadioButtonList rblQuestion = new RadioButtonList(); = question.ID;
// Add ListItems...
RequiredFieldValidator rfvQuestion = new RequiredFieldValidator();
rfvQuestion.ControlToValidate = rblQuestion.ID;
rfvQuestion.ErrorMessage = "*";

I then use .RenderControl on both rblQuestion and rfvQuestion, concatenate into a string then use the HTML String to populate a PlaceHolder.

This seems to work fine, all appears as expected apart from the RequiredFieldValidator - I get a red asterix (My ErrorMessage) next to each RadioButtonList - But this appears as soon as the page loads, not on a post/button click.

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Custom Validator Not Firing (No Error Message, But No Validation)

Jan 17, 2011

I have a custom validator:

<asp:CustomValidator ID="QuestionValidator" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Please select an option" ClientValidationFunction="QuestionValidator_ServerValidate" OnServerValidate="QuestionValidator_ServerValidate" ValidateEmptyText="true"></asp:CustomValidator>


When I run the page, there is no validation and no error message. Please can you point out where I am going wrong, I'm suspicious it is at Page.Master.FindControl("form1").Controls.I have previously done such validation by looping through controls via form1.controls but this is unavailable as the page uses a form passed down via the master page.

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Web Forms :: Non-validating Button Will Not Postback Invalid Form?

Nov 10, 2010

(Using ASP.Net 2.0 on Visual Studio 2005, coding in C#)I write in the hope that someone will be able to provide a clue as to how I might best overcome this issue:I've got a form with 2 RequiredFieldValidators, and 2 buttons. Button 1 has 'CausesValidation' set to 'False', and populates some of the other fields on the form from the database (via a postback).Button 2 fires the validation, then if the form is valid brings a javascript popup confirmation box and then, if true, it puts the data in the form into an email.All this is working fine. However......My problem is this: If I press button 2 with my required field(s) empty, the form quite correctly refuses to submit, and highlights the appropriate field(s) with a red *.But: if I then press button 1 (my populating button) it DOES NOT FIRE until I press it a second time!Code snippet follows (markup only - I will of course post code-behind if nec. but I don't think it is)

<script type="text/javascript">
function ConfirmSubmit()


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Cause Validation = True Not Firing Server Button Click Event?

Aug 17, 2010

I have two buttons in my page.If i make button cause validation false then am able to
fire button click event on server side but not able to validate text box values(but i need to validate text boxes) using required field validator.

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AJAX :: Validation Callout Extenders Firing When Other Buttons Are Pressed?

Oct 25, 2010

I have several buttons on a page, but have assigned some validators and AJAX validator callout extenders to one button in particular. However, the validator callout extenders seem to be firing even if I press a different button. I thought this was the point of setting a TargetControlID (for the valiator callout extender) and a ControlToValidate for the validator itself!


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Session_Start Firing On Every Form Change?

Feb 18, 2011

I'm running a 2.0 .NET app on my local machine; the app uses Global.asax to trigger logic at both Application and Session Start. Up until this week, session management in this application was behaving normally. Now, after no apparent change to my system, it is not. The application has a sign-on screen at startup, in which the user selects a user profile, and proceeds to a main menu. The user info is stored in a Session object, and carried forward to the main menu for the remainder of the application. Normally, a new session is created when the user times out; however, I am finding now that, on my machine, a new session is created on each form change (Response.Redirect,, etc.)

Web.config for the app, when testing locally, uses a <sessionState> setup of 'mode="InProc" cookieless="false"'. My IE7 browser is set up to "Always allow session cookies". When I attempt to run the app 'cookieless="true"', it works up to a point where a popup form is displayed, at which point a new session is created, and the Session_Start logic kicks in, where I lose my user info characteristics. This in turn triggers logic which assumes the user timed out, and a "Session Expired" screen is presented.

I do not have IIS installed locally; ASP.NET is used for session management. I have tried setting the timeout to an extremely high value, without effect.

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