Retrieving image from sql database, on pageload takes too long, sometimes 6-8 seconds long. That is too much time to retrieve a binary file and display it on image button. How can I retrieve image in just 2 seconds?
I have selected around hundred data and then bind to the repeater each times it take a long time to save data after clicking the save button. How can i improve the performance?
I have a stored proc that takes a bit long to run. I tried to do this command.CommandTimeout = 200;still gets time out within 200 secs.How is this done?
One of my web pages populates a droplist with about 60k items pulled from SQL Server, and this operation takes upwards of 10 seconds to complete. Are there some tricks or optimizations I can try to improve performance? I'm using a SqlDataSource configured as a DataReader.
I'm running a single page (default.aspx) web site in Visual Studio 2010. I have a few other projects in the solution, but they're all taken out of the build queue at the moment. I'm using Visual Studio Development Server as the web server (I haven't tried IIS yet). I'm using the HTML5 Boilerplate from [URL] I'm testing in Chrome and IE8
Visual Studio 2010 is outputting "Debug" information to the Output window every time I refresh my browser. Whilst this isn't a problem in itself, it seems to be extremely slow in doing so... it takes around 4 seconds to show the page in full from initial refresh.
I've noticed that the "Script Documents" folder appears in my solution view, and some files (notably JS files) seem to take a while to show up. I've tried removing all the JS and CSS file references from my page, but it still does it.
So, to troubleshoot I've created an index.aspx page with no content apart from the generic ASP.Net template code, set this as the start page, but it still takes just as long to load up as the other page.
As a last resort, I've created a new project and tried it with no changes to the default page - still the same, takes a few seconds to finish loading in either browser.
The strange thing is that this happens even when I stop debugging in Visual Studio and browse directly to the URL on the ASP.NET Development server.
Whenever I stop debugging an ASP.NET IIS web application it seems to take very long before VS2010 becomes responsive again (2 or 3 minutes). This happens when I close Internet Explorer 9 (which stops the debugging session), stop debugging in VS (which closes the browser) or when I detach the debugger from the debugging menu (which leaves the browser open).
My CPU time for devenv.exe goes up to 25% during this period of time. I use the professional edition (no intellitrace). Starting without debugging performs ok when I close the browser. I have some add-ins and extensions installed like TestDriven.NET, Resharper, PowerCommands, Productivity Power Tools, VisualSVN,...
I there I have recently created an ASP website wich uses .net 4 and SQL db but soem some reason even displaying 20 records in a gridview is slow... So after some reading I converted the website to a Web Application Project so its compile prior to publish.. But yet again this is a bit slow. pages loading time is not of a bit issue...
saving my aspx file takes too long, it has some nested tables, but it is nothing huge, it has like 50+ overall controls on the form. When I hit the save button, it takes a few minutes and drives cpu crazy, so I am guessing it is doing something in the background.
So, what is the reason, any clues how to speed this up?
I am working on a ASP.NET 2.0 application. It is hosted on IIS 6 on Windows 2003 server.
Few pages have jpeg images (around 50 images and 50 KB each). It takes long time to load the page for the first time. But when i open the same page for the second or third time it is faster.
why does a web page take long time to load for the first time?
Is it cached somewhere when it loads for the first time? Do we have any control over it?
I am working on a website hosted with GoDaddy, SQL Server 2005. I have a table in my SQL Server database with a full-text index. On my website, a user can type in search terms and the terms are then passed to a stored procedure in the database which performs the search. The first search takes about 45 seconds to get results. Subsequent searches return results immediately. I found a description of this problem in a Microsoft knowledgebase article: tech support says I need to purchase a dedicated server to make the changes suggested in this article.Surely there is some other solution. Does anyone know how to avoid this delay without changing the server configuration?
I've been trying to get image caching working for the last 8 hours and I keep the same problem time and time again, I'm trying to cache Images at the moment and then when thats succesful, apply this to cache my js and css files. I have at the moment Sql Dependancy caching working on my dynamic pages but the page still takes to long due to images not caching.
What I have tried is going to IIS7 Management and adding HTTP Response Header for the images folder and setting various things for the cache control.i dont care how long it caches it on the client or on the proxy servers i just would like it to check when the file was modified and compare it with the one in the client or proxy cache and if they are different then fetch the new image which has been ftp up. i could solve this by changing the image name but the thing is the image name is generated when they are ftp'd to the site by an application and the name is a direct reference to the product so i cant change the name each time, as it would mean making a lot of otherpages accross the board.
so What i would like, is to set and expiry date of lets say 32 days or more on the images and then check to see if they have changed by date modified or some other way of checking(Etags maybe) I'm not sure, if they have changed on the server then redownload and recache them, I tried using post-check and pre-check together but that just permantly cached them, so when i change the image the only way it would display the new image is to just hit F5.
In Brief, how can i Cache images, on the client machine/ proxy cache and recache them when the modified date of the file has changed.
I am trying to create a progress bar for page load as it takes long to load. I need help to resolve jscript error 'null' is null or not an object on line $get("btn").click();
I have my own jpg to add to the page and I want to onclick take me to another URL.I tried image control but it does not have naviagte URL property and it does not have onclick eventhandler.What control I should use and how to code it /which property to set URL ?
I am working on a web application in C#. I am using FormsAuthenticationTicket to authenticate the user. The user's information is check against a sqlserver database, if the correct credential is entered, (combine the username and password, encrypt them using the FormsAuthentication, and assign the random number generated to a session.), the users is redirected to a welcome pages.
However, I notice that there are times when I run the application, and it takes over five minutes to display the login screen, or I have to stop and start the application in order to display the login screen . Does anyone have an idea what may cause this issue?
I have a problem about image control. I am using VS2005 in Vista and suddenly uploading and retrieving image to a image control doest not work. I am working with this in Windows XP and all goes fine. After transfering it to vista, I can't upload and retrieve an image stored in the File System. My codes are all the same.
I've dynamically made an ImageButton, the problem is when I hover the Image, it takes a few seconds to load the hover image (imgHover.png in my code)..
Is there a way to preload the images or something?
Displaying loading gif image whenever my page takes time to load but not for particular single control. i had seen this. URL...but it working for button , can i check it for my whole page and all controls whenever it takes times to load.
I am trying to show an image on Mouseover and hide it on Mouseout. I am successful in mouseover and mouseout but the image is actually taking the space around the text though i have visibility as hidden..The text is surrounded with the space of image but the image is displayed on mouseover. Here is the code:
I've developed a web application to accept video file uploads and then pass them to a backend service on an external server. The application runs without error on the visual studio debugging webserver, but once on a production iis 6 or 7 server, yields a timeout error at about a consistent amount of time into handling a large upload. Specifically, it errors in the middle of transferring the video file to the external server, once the application has successfully received it from the client. I'm aware of several timeouts to be configured related to the problem, and have done so. The application's web config has been tested with one or both of the following settings
<system.web> <httpRuntime executionTimeout="9999999" maxRequestLength="2048000" /> </system.web> and <configuration> <location path="default.aspx"> (the page at issue that's timing out) <system.web> <httpRuntime executionTimeout="9999999" maxRequestLength="2048000" /> </system.web> </location> </configuration>
And within the initialization of the webrequest made to the external server to send the video received from the client browser:
So with the execution time limits on both the webform as a whole and the connection made to the external server, I'm at a loss for what timeout is left unconfigured, or how to determine such, when I continue to get the following error: Unexpected error executing Brightcove Upload:...........................