Web Forms :: Set GroupItem Count In ListView Control

Feb 25, 2016

I  am using listview to show the data in my application...

Populate ASP.Net ListView from database and Repeat columns horizontally using GroupTemplate but the problem is that when i am doing GroupItemCount="4" its still showing the 3 items in a row.

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Forms Data Controls :: Nested Listview Has Incorrect Item Count?

Mar 8, 2011

I am trying to export a Nested Listview to Excel, but I am having issues with the code recognizing the records in the ListView. When I do a FindControl, that code works fine.The Issue arises when I try to loop through the Items of the Nested Listview. The Count always comes back as 0 (zero). However, if I do a watch on the nested listview variable and navigate to the Items collection, then the count is updated with the correct content. I've tried forcing a Databind() on the 2nd Listview, but that really shouldn't be necessary as I know the records are there. As a result, I am having issues Exporting the Data to Excel since only data from the Parent ListView is returned.


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Vb.net - Using Eval With Sum() And Count() With EntityFramework And ListView?

Dec 30, 2010

I am working on my first project with the Entity Framework and am having some difficulty displaying advanced information with the EntityDataSource and a ListView.

For example, given the two entities:

Items <---- Navigation Property to Items contained in the Order

I want to display a list of all orders with a column with the total number of items in the order and a column with the sum of the prices of all items in the order.

I am using an EntityDataSource configured as follows:

<asp:EntityDataSource ID="eds" runat="server" ConnectionString="name=NDSEntities"
DefaultContainerName="NDSEntities" EnableFlattening="False" Include="Items"

In the ItemTemplate of the ListView, I can write the order number as follows:

<%# Eval("Number") %>

I had trouble figuring out how to display a count of items in the order. I tried using Items.Count() function in select statement in the EntityDataSource but that didn't work. Eventually I figured out I could do the following in my ItemTemplate:

<%# Eval("Items").Count() %>

Now I am stuck trying to get the sum of the items. I am stuck here. I have tried using

<%# Eval("Items").Sum(Function(i) i.Price)%>

but I get the following error:

Public member 'Sum' on type 'EntityCollection(Of Item)' not found.

This confuses me because I know that Sum is a method of EntityCollection(Of ).

My two questions are as follows:

Am I getting the item count correctly?

How should I go about getting the sum of the prices of the items?

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C# - Count All Checked CheckBox In The ListView That Has Paging?

Feb 11, 2011

I'd like take both C# and VB.NET suggestion. I have a simple ListView with DataPager like the following:

<asp:ListView ID="lvStudent" runat="server">
<table id="TimeSheet" cellspacing="1" class="tablesorter">


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Data Controls :: Count Rows Item Values In ListView On Button Click?

Dec 23, 2015

I got below data on my listview:

id   salary    extra_salary   total_salary

1    1000      100               null

2    2000      50                 null

on my program, i have count button on below listview, when user click that button, system will auto count salary + extra_salary and updated into total_salary...

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView_RowUpdated Event The E.OldValue.count E.NewValue.Count

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In the GridView_RowUpdated event the e.OldValues.count <> e.NewValues.Count. 1 out of 5 columns has been converted to a template field.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Row Count / How To Get A Count Of The Number Of Rows That Are Returned

Dec 17, 2010

When a user submits the query to SQL when clicking a button I need to get a count of the number of rows that are returned. Which event does the gridview.count code need to be place in?

Right now I have it in the btn_click event, but in order to get it to count the rows you have to hit the button twice since the query is not returned yet. Here is my code.


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Nested User Control (ListView) In ListView Doesn't Get Bound

Apr 2, 2011

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Here is my code.


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Forms Data Controls :: Listbox Control Items Count Shows 0?

Jun 25, 2010

I am working on a screen where in it has a typical 2 listboxes & 2 buttons(add/remove), so when these buttons are clicked the items have to move from one listbox to another. its all working fine with javascript.but the issue is, I am not able to get the items of the 2nd listbox in the codebehind. I tried with html & asp.net listbox controls. I even tried to access the listbox using Request.Form["ControlName"] - which gives a null value.In the listbox1 the data's are coming from database.The data's choose from listbox1 will be moved to listbox2. And again i have to update this data to one of database table.

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Web Forms :: Count Query Not Displaying Results Properly In Label Control?

Apr 18, 2013

The query I used here is

SELECT top '"+lblCount.text+"' Company_Id, CompanyName, All_Countries,All_Industries,Employees,Revenue, Status FROM SN001CompanyTable where Client_Id=100 ORDER BY [Company_Id] DESC

but its not showing proper results..

In this lblCount contains the no of row to be displayed..

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Load User Control Based On The Count?

Mar 17, 2010

Im working with asp.net web application,I need to get multiple gridviews dynamically based on the count (which i get from database) for that i took a web user control and i added a gridview there . iwant to load that usercontrol in aspx.cs based on the count..

but im able to bind only one grid view...

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Data Controls :: Display Total Row Count And Count Of Specific Types In Label In GridView

Oct 5, 2012

I HAVE A GRID VIEW IN asp.net + VB Code. There is a drop down list and the selected data is displayed in web page. I placed a label in web page and code behind i used following code.

Protected Sub GridView1_DataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.DataBound
Label1.Text = GridView1.Rows.Count.ToString()
Dim ONYO As Integer = 0
Dim DONE As Integer = 0
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If GridView1.Rows(i).Cells(0).Text = "ON YO" Then

[Code] .....

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C# - Custom Control's Controls.Count Zero?

Jan 6, 2010

In a custom server control, I am simply writing out the number of child controls.

Is there a reason that the count would go to zero if <% %> tags are used within the body of the control tags?

Here's my extremely simplified control:

public class Script : Control
public override void RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter writer)

When passed only Literal data, the count written is 1 as expected:

<my:Script runat="server" ID="script3" >
function foo(){}

When passed Literal data and some computed data, the count goes to zero:

<my:Script ID="Script1" runat="server" >
function foot(){}
<%=String.Empty %>

There's nothing special about the String.Empty either. Anything I put here results in a count of zero.

Interestingly enough, other Control tags work fine however. The following counts 3:

<my:Script runat="server" ID="Script2">
<asp:HyperLink runat="server" NavigateUrl="/" Text="hi" />

Is there another way to get the child "content" of the custom control? I would think there is some way, as does it, but I can only inspect the metadata for System.Web.UI.WebControls.Content - not the implementation.

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AJAX :: How To Count Value Of Last Column In Repeater Control

May 7, 2015

Look at the below picture I want to count value of last column (cnt) I am using repeater control.


if (last column (cnt) is greater than 5> ) {
response.write ("yes");

SQL Query

SELECT id, category, ( SELECT COUNT(id) FROM entry_table WHERE category.id = entry_table.Cat_id) as cnt FROM category
<asp:Repeater ID="CloudTags" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="CloudTags_ItemDataBound">
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink9" runat="server">

[Code] ....

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Jun 16, 2015

int countControl=gridView.Controls.Count; not work.

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how to i can use listview control with ado.net(without wizard),and insert image in itemTemplate when nothing is present in html code section....(i use an sql query to retrieve data,and i have image name in db,but i dont know howto show it in listview)

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May 6, 2010

I have a ListView on my webform and want to display some text and a button to the right of the ListView ("to remove this list and all its items click <asp:button text="Remove List">)

I don't seem to be able to achive this, above, in, below yes but not right/left.

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I have listviews that I would like to modify the look and feel of the default datapager. How do I do that?

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Web Forms :: How To Print ListView Control Using JavaScript

May 7, 2015

In listview I have data I need to print at the same time need to save the details in button click event...

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Display Total Count Of Records In Database Table In Label Control?

Apr 17, 2013

I want to display no. of rows a table contain from database on label, how can i do that..

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Web Forms :: How To Implement Custom Paging For ListView Control

Feb 7, 2010

How can i implement Custom Paging for ListView control using row_number in sql server 2005 stored procedure.

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Forms Data Controls :: Cannot Find Control In Listview

Jan 31, 2011

I've an anchor tag in listview itemtemplate, I'm trying to find that control in Listview Item databound event with the below snippet


but lnkEdit is always null.

I wonder why it is not able to find the control while I can see it in page view source.

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Web Forms :: Can't Find FileUpload Control Inside ListView

Jan 25, 2011

I have a Listview that houses a FileUpload control. However, after using findcontrol the next line of code tries to convert the filename into a string and produces the familar error object reference not found.

Note: I have used identical code in a formview and it works fine.

Here's my relevent codebehind:

protected void AccessDataSource1_Inserting(object sender, SqlDataSourceCommandEventArgs e)
FileUpload FileUpload1 = (FileUpload)ListView1.FindControl("FileUpload1");
string Fupload = FileUpload1.FileName.ToString();
DateTime DateNow = DateTime.Now;
string DateNowSTR = DateNow.ToString();
string NewImageName = DateNowSTR + Fupload;
FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~//images//" + NewImageName));
e.Command.Parameters["SponLogo"].Value = NewImageName;

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Forms Data Controls :: ItemPlaceHolder In Listview Control?

Sep 29, 2010

Why do we use this in ListView?


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