Web Forms :: Setting Up Custom Validation With VB Code-Behind?

Mar 3, 2011

I am trying to set up my first custom validator in VS 2010 VB. I want it to use a Sub or Function that is in my code-behind. I have searched the WEB but the instructions and examples that I have found do not show me how to use code-behind.

The main problem that I am running into is that I can not find a way to connect the validator to a sub that preforms the validation check.

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Web Forms :: Custom Validation, Show Message But Run Some Code?

Jan 10, 2011

I have web form in c# asp.net. I have an textbox where the user can enter some part number. When he click on the search button I would like to do some validation of the search text. It is not possible to use the following charachters (- _ / . spaces). When the custom validation found one of these characters I would like to show some error message (It is not possible to use one of these special characters: -, _, /, , . and spaces.). And than I would like to remove the special characters from the search text and execute a method to search.Can I do it with a custom validation like:

<asp:textbox id="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:textbox><asp:CustomValidator id="CustomValidator1" runat="server" OnServerValidate="TextValidate" ControlToValidate="TextBox1" ErrorMessage="It is not possible to use one of these special characters: -, _, /, , . and spaces."></asp:CustomValidator>
protected void TextValidate(object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args){ args.IsValid = (args.Value.Contains(""); string newSearchValue = // remove the special characters -, _, /, , . and spaces. // Run the search method without the special character, but show a error message search(newSearchValue);}

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Web Forms :: Dropdown Validation Not Working When Add Validation Control In Code Behind

Mar 19, 2010

I am creating dropdown controls in code behind. in some conditions I need to add validation control to dropdowlist. But Validation not firing when I submit button.

If mQuestion.RequiredToAnswer = True Then
Dim mValidator As New RequiredFieldValidator
mValidator.ControlToValidate = mDDL.ID
mValidator.InitialValue = mDDL.Items(0).Text
mValidator.Display = ValidatorDisplay.Dynamic
mValidator.ErrorMessage = "* Required!"
End If

I have other dropdown controls on aspx page with validation comtrols. Those are working fine. Only when I ddl and validations from code not working?

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Web Forms :: How To Disable The Code Behind Validation When Javascript Validation Is Present

Jul 25, 2010

How can I disable the code behind validation when javascript validation is present? Then if there is no javascript enabled then the code behind validation will do its thing. What I notice is that it's reading the code behind valdiation not the javascript.

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Setting A JavaScript, JQuery Setting From Code Behind

Feb 11, 2010

I would like to set a value:


...where [HERE] is the placeholder for my value, from my code behind in ASP.NET before the page is rendered. I generate a guid, and I need that apart of the script on the page.

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MVC :: Register Client-side Validation For Custom Validation Attribute?

May 19, 2010

I am trying to create a custom password validation attribute which has these requirements

1. cannot be empty.

2. doesn't contain space or other special chracters, which I'll define later.

3. length is between 6 - 12


it works fine on the server-side but I'd like to make this work on the client side as well, so I created a PasswordAttributeAdapter class


and in global.asax I added


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Custom Validation Attribute is not called by validation mechanism?




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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Validator Client-side Validation Cannot Work?

Jan 13, 2010

I've been trying to get a custom validator component working that ensures at least one checkbox from a checkboxlist has been checked. I've been used some code I found on dotnetjunkies.com but the client-side validation didn't work. I've been attempting to modify it to get the client-side javascript validation to work with no luck. Basically, I compile the below code into a DLL and add it to my bin folder.


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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Control Causing Validation?

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How To Go For Custom Validation Control And When To Do Validation In Javascript

Mar 12, 2010

When to go for custom validation control and when to do validation in javascript? What are pros and cons of each of them?

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Web Forms :: Inherited Custom Control Property Setting?

Apr 30, 2010

i am tryin to make an inherited custom label control.

what i want is i want to have a property for the label where one can select languages.

like <label id="lbl" language="">

so when the user gives "language" property he must be provided with an option of "EN" and "AR" like an intellisense.

View 5 Replies

Web Forms :: Setting DataNavigateUrlFields In Code?

Jun 15, 2010

I'm trying to dynamically create a grid view in C#, the grid will have two columns, one of which is a hyperlink field.Now i've noticed when creating the grid view statically in aspx, the DataNavigateUrlFields property accepts a single string as it's value (the field in the data source with the URL in).

When creating it in code, the very same property is a string[] array, rather than a single string, and is expecting multiple fields which combine together to make the URL (if I've understood MSDN correctly), but what if I just want a single field for the URL?

Why does aspx let me do this, but the C# not?

Here's my code:

Name.HeaderText = "Exercise"; Name.DataField = "Name"; Link.HeaderText = "More Info"; Link.DataTextField = "Link"; Link.DataNavigateUrlFields = "Link";

The code above does NOT compile, I got the following error:

Error 2 Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'string[]' This is regarding the last line.

Here is the aspx code, which it's fine with:

<asp:HyperLinkField HeaderText="More Info" DataTextField="Link" DataNavigateUrlFields="Link" target="_blank" />

Does anyone know how I can dynamically create a hypertext field for a grid view, where it only takes a signle field from the data source as the URL?

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Web Forms :: Custom Validation For Email?

Apr 3, 2010

I am creating a system in visual web developer. I want to use the custom validation to validate an email address.I am using Visual basic to do it in.so far i have

Dim ampposition As Integer
Dim dotposition As Integer
For i = 1 To Len(txtemail.Text)

As i want to use a for loop to validate the email

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Web Forms :: Custom Validation Of Two Controls As A Unit?

Sep 28, 2010

How can we implement a custom validation of two controls as a unit, say a picture upload control and a dropdown ("0", ""100", "200") for the width of the picture display.

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Web Forms :: Setting Menu Selected Item From Code Behind?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a master page (Site.master) with a navigation menu linked to a datasource (Master.sitemap). I have a nested master page that has another navigation menu. For any item clicked in this nested navigation menu, I want a particular menu item in the Site.master navigation menu to be selected.

Here's my Site.master menu:

In my Site.master.cs I have this:

In the nested master page, Products.master I have this:

In the Products.master.cs file I try to change the selected item.

The master navigation and products navigation menus work just fine by themselves. But when I've tried to set the selected item of the master menu in the Page_Load above, I can't seem to access it. What I've found in trying to do this is the NavigationMenu seems to be uninitialized. The menu Items list is empty. What am I missing here? Why are there no menuItems in the Master.NavigationMenu control?

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Forms Data Controls :: Setting EmptyDataText From Code Behind

Jun 10, 2010

I would like to be able to set the EmptyDataText property using code-behind. I have created a custom GridView control called PagingGridView. Here is the definition:

public class PagingGridView : GridView {

In my ASPX page, I would created a new GridView definition by doing this:

<cc:PagingGridView id="MyGrid" runat="server" ><cc:/PagingGridView>

When I databind the control, I would like my custom control to automatically detect an empty data source and build a table with all the header columns and a row containing the empty data text. The rendered code for the empty data source would be like:

<td colspan="2">No Records to display</td>

My initial thought was to override the EmptyDataText property but I could not get that to work.

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Web Forms :: Call Textbox Events When Setting In Code Behind?

Feb 5, 2010

How can I call onblur event or calculate javascript function in the textbox when I setting values in the textbox in code behind??

<asp:TextBox id="txtQuantity" onblur="calculate(this.id);" Columns="6" Rows="1" TextMode="SingleLine" MaxLength="10" CssClass="xTextBox" runat="server"/>

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Web Forms :: Setting Part Title Style In Code?

Apr 19, 2010

I'm using user controls as web parts in an asp.net application. I have skinned the webparts by adding .PartTitleStyle (etc) to my css. I'd now like to let the user select from a list in an editor part to choose the style for the web part.I'm able to change the title for the webpart, but can't seem to figure out how to change the css to use .PartTitleStyleCustom instead of the default, even trying to set the wp.BackColor seems to have no effect. Here is the code I have so far in the page load event of my user control:



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Web Forms :: Dropdown List & Textbox Custom Validation

Mar 19, 2011

We have a page with quite a few textboxes and a dropdown list at the end. The dropdown list at the end is a "Result" and dependant on the result certain textboxes need to be filled in and this needs to be checked when they submit the page. I was thinking of using a custom validator

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Web Forms :: Validation With Custom Controls Client-Side

Jan 14, 2010

I have a custom control which I need to be able to operate with the validation controls available within asp.net. I would like the message to be shown to the user client-side so as not having to wait for a postback each time.I have the ValidationPropertyAttribute("value") set at the top of the control. However it is still being completely ignored by the validation controls. I have found the following from microsoft, but I'm not sure I'm interpreting it correctly, could someoneIn order to be referenced by a validation control, a control must have a validation property. All controls that can be validated have a ValidationPropertyAttribute, which indicates which property should be read for the purposes of validation. If you write your own control, you can make it take part in validation by providing one of these attributes to specify which property to use.

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Web Forms :: Custom Validation Only Works For FileUpload Control

Oct 12, 2010

I have 2 custom validator controls on my page but for some strange reason the Custom Validator for FileUpload control works and the custom validator for TextBox control does not work. Here is the aspx code:

<asp:FileUpload ID="_fileCv" runat="server" Width="500px" /><br />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="_rfvFileCv" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Resume; " ControlToValidate="_fileCv" SetFocusOnError="True" ValidationGroup="APPLY">
<img src="images/mandatory.gif" alt="Required" /></asp:RequiredFieldValidator
<asp:CustomValidator ID="CustomValidator1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="_fileCv"
ErrorMessage="Max file size for documents is 4MB." OnServerValidate="CustomValidator1_ServerValidate" ValidationGroup="APPLY"></asp:CustomValidator>
<asp:TextBox ID="_txtHealthComments" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine" Rows="5" Width="500" />
<asp:CustomValidator ID="CustomValidator2" runat="server" ControlToValidate="_txtHealthComments"
ErrorMessage="Kindly enter health Comments ." OnServerValidate="CustomValidator2_ValidateHealth" ValidationGroup="APPLY"></asp:CustomValidator>

Here is the code behind:
protected void CustomValidator1_ServerValidate(object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args) {
if (_fileCv.FileBytes.Length > 4194304) {
args.IsValid = false;
} else { args.IsValid = true; } }
protected void CustomValidator2_ValidateHealth(object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args) {
if (_rdoHealth.SelectedValue == "1" && _txtHealthComments.Text == "") {
args.IsValid = false; } else { args.IsValid = true; } }

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Web Forms :: Password Field Validation Using Custom Validator?

Jan 12, 2010

How can validate Password field using Custom validater control in asp.net 2.0 ?

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Intellisense When Setting A Value On Custom Properties

Dec 6, 2010

I have the following property:


I want to be able to have the user see the available options when they try to do something such as DateRange = .... (i want intelllisense in here and I can set the values). Is this a possible functionality? I am using VS 2008 .NET 3.5

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C# - Setting Custom Control Properties?

Apr 20, 2010

I though it would be very simple but I can not get it today.I have a user control, with a grid control contained in it.

public Unit Width


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Web Forms :: Custom Login Control In Masterpage With Coded User Validation?

Jan 17, 2010

I have a little doubt about creating a login control in the master page within a contentplaceholder.

What i want is to create my own login control in the masterpage, using a loginview inside a contentplaceholder. The code is the following:


So far so good, but now i want to create the logic to do the actual login. In a regular aspx page i'll do it in the cmdlogin click event, but as i'm in the masterpage, i'm not sure if i can do that. I actually tried to do it in the code behind of the masterpage, but it didn't work. What can do?? do i ahve to use the asp.net login control?

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