Web Forms :: Shows Two Button Instead Of One When Clicking On Button

Aug 17, 2010

I have this issue i have been looking at for a while and cant seem to figure it out. I have two ddl's on my page and a InsertCommand from sqldatasource. My InsertCommand is actually updating the foreign key of the two ddl's in another table. When i click on my button it shows two numbers instead of one. The challenging thing now is that i have


after the insert so it would not duplicate what i am updating. If i take this statement out of my code. it updates well as in showing the one record that was updated. if i put it back in there it shows two records where updated. I tested my sql statement and its working fine meaning it shows only one record is updating.

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C# - How To Set The Page Focus To The Insert Button After Clicking The Add New Record Button

Jul 22, 2010

I have a telerik radgrid that has an allows inserts. After clicking the "Add New Record" button the textboxes appear with a couple of buttons. One for Insert and one to cancel. I would like the page focus to be on the insert button so when the user clicks the enter button, the insert button has the focus.

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C#: Calling A Button Event Handler Method Without Actually Clicking The Button?

Mar 5, 2010

I have a button in my aspx file called btnTest. The .cs file has a function which is called when the button is clicked.

btnTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

How can I call this function from within my code (i.e. without actually clicking the button)?

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Clicking The Button - It's Not Directly Going To Button Click Event

Mar 17, 2011

in my ASP page iam using button and drop down list controls. In the button click event i have some process, and dropdown list change event have some coding. while iam clicking the button its not directly goto button click event, its going to dropdown list click event.

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Button Re-appear Immediately After Clicking Button In ListView Row?

Mar 12, 2010

I have 4 buttons on a page. Each button opens a modal window and let's the user input data in a form. When the user hits the save button in the modal, a ListView appears on the page with the submitted data.

The button the user clicked to open the modal window is set to visible=false, so it's gone when the row is added to the ListView. Now there are 3 buttons and the same goes for those; when the user hits a button, a modal appears, and when the modal form is submitted, the button disappears and a row is added to the ListView.

In the ListView row, there is a delete button. When this button is clicked, the row is deleted and the button that was initially clicked to add this row (and open the modal), SHOULD reappear, but it doesn't. The row disappears, but I have to refresh the page before the button comes back. There is a ScriptManager on the masterpage, so I guess this is an AJAX partial refresh issue. I tried adding different events, but I can't find the one that fires at the right time.

I use an ObjectDataSource to fill the ListView, and the data comes from a database, wrapped in a business object.This code loads a business object in a List<> and checks if the user inserted an item of a specific type. If he did, the button he used to open the modal is hidden. This works fine (maybe not the most elegant)

_goals = GoalManager.GetGoalsByUser(UserID);

if (_goals != null)
foreach (Goal _goalinlist in _goals) [code]...

As you can see, I tried setting a boolean, and then check it when the page is re-loaded. But the problem (I guess) is that the whole page isn't refreshed when the delete button is clicked in the ListView.

This is the delete button in the ListView:

<asp:ImageButton ID="ImageButton2" runat="server" CommandName="Delete" CausesValidation="false"
ToolTip="Delete" CommandArgument='<%#Eval("GoalID")%>' ImageUrl="delete.gif"
OnClientClick="return confirm('Delete this post?');" CssClass="button"/>

I guess the question is, how do I make the button re-appear right after the ListView button is clicked?

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Web Forms :: Click A Button Which Shows A Table

Apr 22, 2010

When i click a button(button1) i want a table (Tblstats) to show.

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Web Forms :: Click A Button And Shows A Table?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a button (btn1) and a table(Table1).At the moment in the load of the page is: table1.visible =falseIve tried putting in the button: table1.visible but it comes up with the blue line attached to the error: "property access must assign to the property or use its value"

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Web Forms :: Conversion Into PDF By User - Upon Clicking Button?

Aug 12, 2010

Does anyone konw if it's possible for an asp.net web form to be converted into a PDF by the user, upon clicking a button on their web form?

View 6 Replies

Web Forms :: Set A Website Theme After Clicking A Button?

Jan 4, 2010

How do you set a website theme after clicking a button?

Also, how do you retrieve the current website theme ?

I am using a master page in my website.

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Web Forms :: Shows Bordered TextBox And Browse Button On Right Side Instead Of Left

Feb 8, 2011

I am facing problem with diplaying FileUpload control on my aspx page. The problem is that when I drag the control in design view, it is showing a bordered TextBox and a Browse button on it right side but when I run my application, the button becomes "Choose File" button and TextBox appears at the right side of the button instead of left side and also it does not have any border. When I select a file, it is only showing a file name instead of the complete path. let me know that how could I display this control the same way as it was displaying during design time? I am using below code to display the control.

<asp:FileUpload ID="FileUpload1" runat="server" Width="222px "/>

View 3 Replies

Web Forms :: Javascript Error Message Shows Up Even Though The Delete Button Is Disabled?

Dec 21, 2010

when the link button is disabled the javascript error message comesup just by clicking it.When it is disabled it shouldnt come up not sure why it is coming up.

confirm('Are you sure you want to do this?');"

View 2 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Button Not Firing After Clicking On It?

May 18, 2010

I have a panel, panel is a button and listbox, when the user clicks the button it should fire but it doesn't. Why would this be?

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Web Forms :: Stop Validation After Clicking Save Button?

Sep 29, 2010

i have validation controls in my form. i have save and exit button in the form and side menus in the page...

i set property" causevalidation=false" to all the side menu controls and exit button....

so when i press side menu or exit button no validation fires...but the problem comes here... if the user accidently pressed save button(which already caused validation), and now he want to exit from the form and user dun wanna enter any details in the form.in that case i cudnt leave from the form coz of validation

how can i achieve that?

View 5 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Want To Get The ID By Clicking On The Button Does Not Work?

Oct 18, 2010


If I want to get the ID by clicking on the Button does not work.

Even if the change: (Button).

How do I change the code to obtain ID in Button1?

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Generating Textboxes By Clicking Add Button?

Sep 4, 2010

my problem is i want to generate gropu of texboxes by clicking add button(one row of textboxes).in my application i want to generate one complaint id.one customer may give two or more complaints at a time.suppose,he give two or more pnr numbers and their status andprioirty may differs.for this complaint i need to generate one common complaint id.how it is possible..?

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Web Forms :: Can't Call Javascript Function After Clicking Button

Jan 20, 2010

I don't know why i can't call the javascript function after clicking the button.

protected void clickSave(object sender, EventArgs e){
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "MyScript", "function_me( "" + Strname + "");", true);

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Web Forms :: Check If The User Have Modified Or Not Before Clicking Button?

Feb 10, 2010

I want to do the effect like MS Word, if the user modified something, then click close button, will prompt a msg to remind the user to save changed.

my page has the web controls textbox,dropdownlist, and repeater, how to check these data??

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Web Forms :: Mozilla Firefox 3.6 - Unable To See Value After Clicking Button

Feb 16, 2011

I have problem that is I cannot see value after clicking button. this happens on mozilla firefox 3.6

1, I have a maste page,

2, I have a webform.aspx

3, I have a asp:textbox in webform.aspx

4, I have a asp:label in webform.aspx

5, I have a asp:button in webform.aspx and this control will process user input from textbox and write the value into label.

6, The process is not work on mozilla firefox 3.6

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Web Forms :: Load Into Placeholder By Clicking Button In Currently Loaded Usercontrol

Oct 23, 2010

How can I load a usercontrol into a placeholder on the parent page when a button on the currently loaded usercontrol, in thesame placeholder is clicked: I have a page called default.aspx that has a placeholder called placeholder1 on it into which I want to dynamically load a usercontrol I have 2 usercontrols, user1.ascx and user2.ascx user control user1.ascx has a linkbutton, when the linkbutton is clicked, I want the event to load the usercontrol user2.ascx into thesme placeholder, that is placeholder1

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Web Forms :: Draw Data By Clicking Image Button At Runtime

Mar 8, 2011

i have an image button that i draw with its data in the runtime and i want in the event og onclick of it, apopup model appears to confirm delete or update that row. the problem is here that i made alot of searches but all i found was in the design time.

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Web Forms :: Change Link To Embedded Video By Clicking Button?

Feb 1, 2010

I have code for embedded video as follows:


I don't want to create 10 similar pages with different video. I want to have buttons to different videos, which will onclick just change links (value=)

Cannot realize how to make this connection in C#.

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Web Forms :: Multiple Tab Panel - Navigation Using Button..not Through Clicking Header

Dec 6, 2010

I want to navigate through multiple tab panels using buttons. I am sucessful in doing that using buttons on each tab.want to remove the hand symbol which looks like tab header is clickable and can navigate through header.i want to remove the hand symbol and put a pointer symbol instead.Is there any property i can do to achieve this.

coding in vb.net , asp.net 3.5 frame work for a web application.

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Web Forms :: Get Html Area Value While Clicking Button And Post To Server?

Oct 29, 2010

i have html page for example like this..


how do i get all content in string area "content" and pass to server ..

The value that pass to server should be like this :

area = "<div><h2>bla bla bla</h2><p>bla bla bla <br /> </p></div> <br /> <br /> ";

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Web Forms :: On Clicking The Save Button The Page Remains Idle

Feb 1, 2010

In a page hving some textboxes and dropdownlists with every control having server side validation controls.On selecting a dropdown all the validation controls are disappear and on clicking the save button the page remains idle.

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Web Forms :: Create New Page Linked To Masterpage By Clicking Button?

Apr 29, 2010

I want to put button in page of web, when click the button it will create new page linked to already created masterpage

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