Web Forms :: Site Theme Based On Url?
Feb 4, 2010
I have a few sites that use the same application but use details to populate the site content such as title, logo and theme based on the URL. These details are stored in a database.
What is the best way to populate these details. I was thinking this should be done in the Global.asax rather then my page.master
I have a master page that is used for all the sites and had the code called ther but it might be better to do the database calls in Global rather then in the master page?
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Jan 20, 2011
I am now in process doing theme for my web application.
This is how i want my Theme work :Whenever user choose to change the theme, the whole web site theme should changed accrodingly.
Most of the examples that i find out online require to assign the theme in Page_PreInit event in every page. The theme name is store in session variable.
My concern is that is there anyway to assign particular theme to whole web site without having assing it to every page and store the theme into session variable.
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Jan 20, 2010
The theme I'm using is not working in Visual Web Developer, I have the following code in place:
Inherits="Default2" %>
the theme is getting applied to the live site.
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Feb 2, 2011
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Dec 16, 2010
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Feb 4, 2010
I have provided 2 theme in home page (default.aspx) , onclick of this link i am able to change the css path and image path according to the theme selected but once i login the image path are comming correctly accordinly to theme selected but the css (stylesheet) path is not changing.
when i select a theme and view the source of default page all the paths are changing but once loged css path is not changing.
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Feb 22, 2010
I need to change the css and image path based on theme selected..
to achieve it, it required to add code in preinit event in very page to change the page.theme
is there a way where the same can be achieved in master page itself instead of using preinit event in all pages ??
in all pages in have used
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Nov 10, 2010
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Aug 12, 2010
I need to change website theme (css) by clicking button on Master Page.
protected virtual CSSClick (_sender : object, _e : System.EventArgs) : void
//Session("Theme") = "Advanced";
Google & MSDN didn't gave me the answer :( So no matters on C# or VB.NET , just how to make it ?
View 2 Replies
Jul 12, 2011
I have a simple intranet site. It has a role based authorization in the web.config file.
Any user's in a specific role called as "Apr-Sales-Writers" will be authorized to use those pages. If not, they will not be authorized. So far so good. Works fine. But we added additional functionality where a new active directory group (means new role) has to be added and user's belonging to this new AD group should be given access to only specific .aspx pages on the intranet site. I am using a web.sitemap and it looks like this.
If the user's belong to say AD group "Apr-Sales-Writers", they should access only default.aspx and salesData.aspx pages. User's belonging to new AD group (which I did not include in the web.config file below), should have access to other .aspx pages.
[CODE]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<siteMap xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/AspNet/SiteMap-File-1.0" >
<siteMapNode url="default.aspx" title="Home" description="Home">
<siteMapNode title="sales Data" description="sales Data">
<siteMapNode url="salesData.aspx" title="sales Data" description="sales Data" />
[Code] ....
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Mar 10, 2010
I'm curious if anyone knows if this site is a forms based app or if it is MVC.
View 1 Replies
Apr 4, 2011
I have an existing asp.net mvc website that uses basic forms authentication. The site has a login page that posts back to a login action, which logs the user in via FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(). I am looking to add an api to the site, as an mvc2 area, where users would be authenticated based on a token passed as an http header. This area will consist of only json actions, so redirecting the user to a login page doesn't make sense. Instead, I want the users to just pass a token along with each request. That token is mapped to each user account and the user would be authenticated automatically.
I'm struggling with where to put this logic. At this point, the best choice seems to be adding the header lookup logic and authentication to the Global.asax in the Application_AuthenticateRequest method. I want to avoid needing to redirect the user after calling FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(), though. I want the login action to be transparent to them. Am I approaching this the wrong way? As a side note: Requiring a username/password for api requests is not possible, as the site has a mix of users. Some joined using OpenID while the rest joined with a username/password.
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Jan 5, 2011
i have a web site that based on ajax and all content will be replaced by ajax (not by going to other pages)
so i have html page with <head> inside it i have this code
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Sep 12, 2010
I'm working on an existing site based on nopCommerce 1.6 CMS (.Net 3.5) I'm using VS2010 and C#.I can create new pages and new .cs code to go with it but when I'm trying to chage existng code on .aspx pages inside the nopCommerce classes I can't build/re-build the project. the compiler just can't find the chages to the .cs code for example - when I add a simple button to the .aspx and an OnClick event to the .cs and trying to build the project it just can't find the OnClick event code on the codeBehind page and the build fails.I understand the project is pre-compiled (there are alot of .dll files in the bin directory)
even if I'll delete the entire .cs file and build the build will succeed - it is as if the build doesn't work at all... doesn't the build/re-build suppose to re-create the .dll files? I've tried changing the target .Net framework for the compiler - doesn't seem to be the problem here.Another thing - every .aspx page comes with both .cs file and .designer.cs file. the .designer.cs file look something like this: [Code]....
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Feb 22, 2010
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Mar 24, 2011
I am doing a simple secured site using the login control. I would like users to be redirected to their dashboard page once they log in, but after that if they choose to browse I do NOT want them redirected based on their login status. I am using the generic template provided in VWD with the basic login setup in the template including the tabbed ASP menu control - nothing fancy, nothing custom. This is intended to be something very simple and quick. Here is the code I am using for the page load...
So if I do this code WITHOUT the "IsPostBack", logged in users are always redirected to their dashboard and cannot see the hompage. However with that IsPostBack test, the redirect after initial login doesn't work.
I know this is extremely basic and simple, but I am restarting with this stuff after a year away, and I need a nudge.
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Oct 19, 2010
I want to make a 2nd website and am using a copy of the site files from my 1st site built for me, I added them via FTP to the hosting company. I realise when I edit the new site via the CMS it is editing both sites plus when I try to change anything to the CSS file I get the following error -
So my questions are what do I need to change to be able to deploy a new site with the files I have to make a new site?I also don't understand where the password is coming from, I can see the User ID comes from the database. in the Asp.net connection strings are the following:
site Data Source=sql7.hostinguk.net;Initial Catalog=***;User ID=***;Password=*** - Where is this password coming from?
membership Data Source=sql7.hostinguk.net;User ID=***;Password=***;persist security info=False;initial catalog=***;
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Jan 7, 2010
I am new to ASp.Net 3.5 and the concept of themes. I have a master page named ParentMaster in a web site along with a theme in the App_Themes folder. When i publish this website, i get 2 dll's one for the masterpage and one for the theme. Now i am inheriting the parent master page in another web project's child masterpage using the property
Now i want to get the theme also like this. I have a theme dll that i have referenced and i need to set the theme on an aspx page based on this dll. How can i do that?
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Jun 15, 2010
this will work
do I miss anything should do but I didn't
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Oct 26, 2010
My site structure is like that I've 4 sub folders and few pages at roots when sub folder pages are viewed in browser their css breaks some of the images doesn't work well.
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May 27, 2010
i download a css theme and i want use it in my website but i have some problem with menu in this theme menu use ListItem:
and the style for the menu id is:
but when i use a horizontal menu in my masterpage and set the rendering mode to list it's not working like the sample that i have. is there something that i have to change?
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Jun 4, 2010
In web.config I have this line:
On the page, I have this line:
Codebehind="Default.aspx.cs" %>
I thought Theme1 should be additional to BaseTheme with Theme1 has higher priority in case of conflict. But Theme1 seems to have replaced BaseTheme completely and nothing in BaseTheme shows on the Default.aspx page. If this is the right behaviol, how to add additional theme to a page?
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Nov 15, 2010
in my web application i want to give theme or css dynamically sal for example there are 5 radiobuttons each with some different theme user will choose any one and than that theme should apply to his page.i don't want give class name dynamically i want to give entire theme dynamically.
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Jan 2, 2010
I'm just beginning to learn about themes and skins and I'm wondering if it is possible to include some js.files in a themefolder.
I've created a theme called "bluefixed" but it needs some javascript that other themes don't. I thought it would just be a matter of putting a js file in the correct themefolder and than that js filed would be included, but i'm not able to get this working.
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