Web Forms :: Change The Css And Image Path Based On Theme Selected?
Feb 22, 2010
I need to change the css and image path based on theme selected..
to achieve it, it required to add code in preinit event in very page to change the page.theme
is there a way where the same can be achieved in master page itself instead of using preinit event in all pages ??
in all pages in have used
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Feb 26, 2011
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Oct 18, 2010
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But I want to change this "http://localweb1" to "http://www.mypage.com/ so the img src will show as <img src="http://aeroprod.com/combox/img/products/prod1.gif">
How should I do this in my code? Do I have to parse? In this case how do I do it?
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Jul 8, 2010
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I have changed the sql imagepath, but can find where is the code for uploading to a folder, so that i can change, also, how to change the dropdownlist to read from the new folder.
the below is the codes:
and its cs:
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<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$("#EndDate").change(function() {
var selectedItem = $(this).val();
$.getJSON("<%=Url.Action("FetchData")%>/?dropdownValue=" + selectedItem,function (dropdownvalue) {
Fetchdata function :
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Jun 16, 2015
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Now I want when I select currency name from dropdown list the code the and the country name show in the other textbox value .for example when I select Currency name like UK pound the value show .one show currency code 2 and other country name United state. All text box value change on changing vale in droupdownlist dynamically means all value dependent on the dropdown list .
All value from the data base
I bind three value with the currency name ,id,currency code and country name. because when I change the dropdown list so change value in text box .but I fail to do that.
How to value change in textbox to changing value in dropdown list. I know code show be on the DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged but I have no exact code
My data base.table
Id (primary key)Currency NameCurreny codecountyname
1 Bangla Taka3 Bangldash
2 Chines Yan5China
private String strConnection = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|Database1.mdf;User Instance=true";
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
[Code] .....
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Nov 15, 2010
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Jun 8, 2010
I am planning to use grid view control, before was using datagrid, planning on switching to gridview:
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Deleted">
<asp:Image id=ImgDeleted runat="server" Height="13px" Width="21px" ImageUrl='<%# [code]...
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Jan 26, 2011
I'll use a default Theme in the web.config
<pages styleSheetTheme="deftheme">
But on a admin directory, i use a different theme. So i change the aspx file header:
But right now he uses both themes. I would like to change it so in the admin directory he should use 1 theme and not the default one. How can i change that ?
of course by deleting it from the web.config and adding it to all other aspx files. But i want to use it in the web.config for the deftheme items.
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Feb 2, 2011
this is my code, i want my users to change the theme of my site.
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Oct 17, 2013
if (!IsPostBack) {
string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("~/PMRF/"));
List<ListItem> files = new List<ListItem>();
foreach (string filePath in filePaths) {
string ext = Path.GetExtension(filePath);
foreach (GridViewRow gr in GridView1.Rows)
i want the image of image button to change according to file extension . But its not working.
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Mar 8, 2011
We have a problem on a new server where disabling a themed button loses its theme. This happens consistently on all buttons now.
We just switched to a new iis server 7.5 using asp.net framework 4.0
Before, the buttons through out the website have a nice style/theme. These are not set inside each button and there are no classes set specifically for buttons I dont think but I believe inherit the theme from I believe the web.config in either:
All the buttons did display a nice light blue gradient, and when disabled they go a few shades lighter blue
For some reason now in .net framework 4.0 all disabled buttons seem to lose their theme and become the default grey color. Enabling them again brings its theme back
why the disabled button would look different now?
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Jul 16, 2013
my question is i want to change the colors of my sites on dynamically and also images like
In this website their is one panal is given at left middle side and u can change the color of websites.
i want exactly this type
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Feb 10, 2011
I would like to change a Theme in an ASP.NET web application, depending on the login credentials. So, if user1 logs in, then the Theme will automatically be set to say User1Theme. And if user2 logs in, then the theme will automatically be set to User2Theme. Otherwise, I would like the theme to be set to DefaultTheme.
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Feb 23, 2010
I am wanting to re-theme a .net website which has theme upload it is the nopCommerce website I have html templates with images that I created but when I uploaded the theme it only showed bg image header etc. and all text and other properties where far left aligned.
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Oct 1, 2010
I know how to display an image in gridview from image path in database. Now, I want to display an image in an asp.net image control from image path in database. Can anyone point me to a tutorial? I haven't been able to find one that explains how to do it when I don't know what the image path will be. The images are in the root folder.
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