Web Forms :: Textbox Resizing After Postback?

Apr 5, 2010

I'm having a little problem with textboxes automatically resizing after postback.

I have a textbox on set with a width of 90%.

Now the text box works fine but if I have something in the textbox that is longer than what it can display, when I save and the page reloads with the string in there the textbox automatically makes itself larger and becomes bigger than the 90% that I set and goes off the page, a scroll bar appears.

Is there a way to turn this off? I have been searching and can't seem to find anything..

I realize that if I set it to a fixed with this problem goes away if I set a fixed width but I need it at 90%.

Also, I have some multi-line textboxes and they have the same issue, even though it's multi-line, it still becomes a little bigger wrap less times than it can.

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<div id = "weadas>
content content content..
<script type="text/javascript">
var content = document.getElementById("weadas");
window.resizeTo(content.offsetWidth + 50, content.offsetHeight + 50);

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dynamically resize a user control depending on the container it is currently in,or the other way around.and be able to resize a container based on the user controls size.Let me explain.Right now I have a page using the Ajax TabContainer and within one of the tabs I have my user control.My user control accepts a DataSet and simply lists the results in a GridView.

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and my code behind


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Aug 9, 2010

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