Web Forms :: Tree View Control Postback On Click Of Plus Sign When Rendered With RenderControl Method
May 27, 2010
I am using TreeView Control in Asp.net. I have placed this control inside a panel. The tree control is completely binded (we don't want populate on demand) with an Xmldatasource during a callback and then I call Panel.renderControl to return the response (HTML) to the client side callback handler. Problem: 1. The tree expand/collapse (on click of plus sign) is causing postback whereas when I normally bind a tree with xml during postback and without using renderControl of container control, the expand/collapse (on click of plus sign) is being handled at client side. I want to stop this postback and allow tree node to call javascript to toggle nodes as it does when tree is binded and renderd in case of normal page life cycle.(when render control function is not used)
I have four TreeViews bounded to different SiteMaps with custom Provides. When I click on the +(expandCollapse) near the node that appear under the CurrentProvider.CurrentNode of the page- just in the first click, in debug ,I see it's cause to commit the OverrideChildControls that I write and then goes to PageLoad...it's disrupt everything..I want that all the Nodes will be load without Load all the page Did someone had this problem?I will be glud to know the solution..
MainMenu is the Parent node and Tracker, Reports ... are subodes. I want that if I click the node Tracker the all it's parent nodes(NBD, EOI, Proposal, Project, Sub Contract) should expand the remaining treevew remain same.
I am trying to find out what html is generated when a control is rendered. For most controls, the following worked fine: Dim tempbuilder As New System.Text.StringBuilder() Dim tempwriter As New
System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter(New System.IO.StringWriter(tempbuilder)) Dim generatedhtml as String Me.imgImage.RenderControl(tempwriter) generatedhtml = tempbuilder.ToString()
However, when I tried doing it with an ImageButton, I recieved the following error: Control 'ctl00_cphExampleContent_imgButton' of type 'ImageButton' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server. What can I do to avoid this?
how to top align a bulleted list using MS tree view control? The default wraps the text and puts the bullet (square) in the middle of the text. I would like to be able to top align the bullet and do a right alignment with text.
I want to integrate the gridview to tree view like gridview inside the tree view.. by clicking the +,it has to display the gridview control using tree view control..
why asp.net does not render a dropdownlist with the autopostback property set to true when using the RenderControl method.
Dim sw As New IO.StringWriter Dim tw As New HtmlTextWriter(sw) Dim table As New Table
my output renders the dropdown list without the onchange="javascript:setTimeout('__doPostBack(ddl1','')', 0)" that is generated by asp.net when using the dropdownlist normally.
I have two control page in my aspx page. first one left side "tree view",second one right side " form design".Form design will change based on tree view selected index changed.i have 4 level child node(site, master , slave, space). I have seperate forms to each level of node.
cannot update tree node when update the forms. so i reload tree view.
now i need how to auto selected index change to tree node.
1 parent node
1.1 child node
1.2 child node
i have update "1.2 child node" rename to "1.3 child node"
and reload treeview so it will chage...
how set tree node.selected index = 1.3 child node....
If I have an HtmlTextWriter with some content in it, is it possible to append the output of ontrol.RenderControl to the existing content of the HtmlTextWriter directly?
Or do I always have to output to a separate HtmlTextWriter/StringWriter/StringBuilder and then append the StringBuilder?
I have a webpage with two usercontrols. Usercontrol1 displays the time and the Session["Username"]. The default Session["Username"] is 'guest', which will change as soon as you are signed in. Usercontrol2 is the sign in form. The webpage doesn't cache so everytime you should get a "fresh" page?
The follow happens when a user signs in: In usercontrol1 the Labeltime gets updated but labelWelcomeUsername doesn't.