Web Forms :: Use For Asynchronous Pages?

Feb 17, 2010

I use for 5-Layer architecture and asynchronous Pages in my application(Presentation Layer,Caching Layer,Businnes Logic Layer,Transaction Layer,Data Access Layer) .I want to cancel Asynchronous Method if data was in cache.

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When To Use PageAsyncTask (Asynchronous Pages)?

Mar 7, 2010

From my understanding from reading about ASP.NET asynchronous pages, the method which executes when the asynchronous task begins ALWAYS EXECUTES between the prerender and the pre-render Complete events. So because the page's controls' events run between the page's load and prerender events, is it true that whatever the begin task handler (handler for BeginAsync below) produces, it can't be used in the controls' events? So for example, if the handler gets data from a database, the data can't be used in any of the controls' postback events? Would you bind data to a data control after prerender?

PageAsyncTask pat = new PageAsyncTask(BeginAsync, EndAsync, null, null, true);

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel And Asynchronous Pages ?

Apr 16, 2010

Could ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel could be used in ASP.NET asynchronous pages ? Could Page Methods be made asynchronous also ?

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Sending Asynchronous Emails From Web Pages?

Sep 3, 2010

Here is my situation and hopefully someone could guide me in the right direction.I have a shared or static class in my website (App_Code folder) which has static methods to send emails asychronoulsy. So whenever there is an exception in any of my pages or classes I call these methods to send an email to support asynchronously. Now when there is an exception in a page, to route that exception asynchronously I need to have Async = "true" for that page. I have more than 50 pages and I don't want to set Async= "true" on every page as I read that it affects performance.So I was wondering if there is any way I could send emails asynchronously without having to set async = "true" on every page.

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Asynchronous Pages In The Framework - Where Are The Other Threads And How Is It Reattached

Apr 4, 2010

IIS has a limited set of worker threads waiting for requests. If one request is a long running operation, it will block that thread. This leads to fewer threads to serve requests. Way to fix this - use asynchronous pages. When a request comes in, the main worker thread is freed and this other thread is created in some other place. The main thread is thus able to serve other requests. When the request completes on this other thread, another thread is picked from the main thread pool and the response is sent back to the client.

1) Where are these other threads located? Is there another thread pool? 2) IF ASP.NET likes creating new threads in this other thread pool(?), why not increase the number of threads in the main worker pool - they are all running on the same machine anyway? I don't see the advantage of moving that request to this other thread pool. Memory/CPU should be the same right?3) If the main thread hands off a request to this other thread, why does the request not get disconnected? It magically hands off the request to another worker thread somewhere else and when the long running process completes, it picks a thread from the main worker pool and sends response to the client. I am amazed...but how does that work?

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Web Forms :: VS2010 Master Pages / Everything Shows On The New Pages Except The Jpeg Image Logo?

Sep 5, 2010

i'm developing a site using VS2010 and with my windows vista busniness OS. i used the default VS2010 wizard for new web application to create it. included a folder in the root directory and created new aspx pages to derive from the master page in the root directory of my site. everything shows on the new pages except the jpeg image logo in the master page. But other aspx pages i created in the root directory shows every thing fine.

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Web Forms :: Master Pages - All My Pages Inherit From The Base Page Class

Jun 21, 2010

Currently I'm doing common functionality required throughout my site inside of my masterpage. What I want to do is move this functionality to a BaseClass so All my pages inherit from the Base Class. However, I'm not sure how to set this up interms of c# code with regards to Using a Base Class and then having a masterpage applied to my aspx pages that i create.

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Web Forms :: Asynchronous Loading User Controls?

Aug 20, 2010

I have 3 user controls that I have to load at the same time. They each contain a gridview that pulls data from the database. They are doing a "delay" load of the data so there is a progress bar template that shows that the data is loading however the first gridview fires and loads, then the second, then the third and I need them to all fire at the same time.

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Web Forms :: Asynchronous Paging And 3 Tier Layers?

Sep 3, 2010

I have a query about asynchronous paging using RegisterAsynchTask or AddOnPreRenderCompleteAsync

If I have a 3 tier web application with the UI, Business Layer and the Data Access Layer and I'm doing the Begin and End asynchronous processing of a method at page level (UI). This UI method accesses the DB and goes through all the layers starting asynchronously from the first page, then continuing "normally" through all the other layers. These underlying layers are all synchronous but started asynchronously through the first Page.

My question is how should asynchronous paging processing be handled with regards to layers? Do I need to set the methods being used at all levels asynchronously (using Begin and End event handlers) ?

And what about MasterPages... I can't Asynchronous processing for them. RegisterAsynchTask is not available and neither AddOnPreRenderCompleteAsync.... what I'm missing?

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Web Forms :: How To Do Asynchronous Postbacks From Generated Controls

Apr 28, 2010

I am generating an html flow into Update Panels in a content ASPX page (VB.Net 2008 Professional w/ SP1). These include EDIT anchor tags that call a javascript function which calls __doPostBack(target, args); so I can interact with the code behind. This all works fine except on some of the postbacks the connection with the browser just seems to get closed prematurely and suddenly the webpage displays a directory listing. When debugging it, it only happens sometimes, at different places for the E and D options below but not for the V or AddPost or AddArticle. I am just stepping through E or D and suddenly the web page show a directory listing. (What is that? Is the connection crashing? Is the page suddenly redirecting to the base directory because it crashed?)


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Web Forms :: Using Asynchronous Calls With Dropdownlist Control?

Jan 7, 2011

I am currently developing a project management application using ASP.NET (VB). I am nearly done with it. But whenever users select an item from drop-down list control, a post back is triggered and screen is returned to the bagining. This is very irritating at times.

So, I want to know how can I make partial postbacks so that page is not refreshed again and appropriate binding of list control with my oracle database is also made.

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Web Forms :: How To Distinguish Between Asynchronous And Full Postback

Mar 6, 2012

how do i differeintaite between full & asynchronous Postback using updatepanel

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Web Forms :: Use Link Master Pages In Content Pages?

May 11, 2010

My requirement was to share master files among diff projects i read this doc [URL] so i use this technique to share msster pages among my diff projects in a soln but i dnt know how to reference such shared master page as if i use such

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" MasterPageFile="../masterPages/masterInvGen.Master"

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Web Forms :: ASPX Page Calling Web Service Asynchronous

Jun 17, 2010

I need help calling a web service asynchronously. Current scenario is, I have a classic ASP page which does some processing and then redirects to a ASPX page which would call the wcf service asynchronously and then redirect to another classic ASP page. Im currently using the Asynchronous method to call the service with Async="true" included in the header. Testing the ASPX page induvidually it appears that the service call is asynchronous and does not wait for the the service to process data. But when integrating it with classic ASP page i.e ASP to ASPX to ASP it appears that the process takes a while as if the service call is synchronous.

So is there a better idea to use in calling a wcf service asynchronously. The idea behind my work flow is the ASPX page would be used to call the service and then the ASPX page would redirect back to the classic ASP page is came from. Let me know if there is a work around on how to call async wcf service in aspx page. I dont need the ASPX page to wait for a result or anything it is just used to call the WCF service async

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Asynchronous Loading On A Web Page

Jul 1, 2010

I have a scenario where I have two data grids (both dynamic) to be loaded onto a page. However, the data that needs to be shown on one of the grids has no dependence on the data of the other grid. So, when fetching the data, I want to fetch it in an asynchronous manner and bind that data to each of the grids individually. Currently we have a code like

GetData(ForGridOne) ;

I want to make these calls asynchronously so that in order to load the page, the time taken would be lesser. What should be the ideal way to go forward with this ? One more thing, we would be hosting the application in a portlet which doesn't support AJAX.

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Web Forms :: How To Use RegisterAsyncTask Method For Asynchronous Page Design

Aug 30, 2010

i want to impliment the asynchronous page for the improvement of the peformance. how to use the RegisterAsyncTask method for asynchronous page...

i have already read the blog onto the code project on to the link [URL]

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Execute Asynchronous Event

Jan 5, 2011

I am having a gridview in which there are many columns. The Last column is button column with command name as Select.

In row command event, I am creating a webreqest instance and passing the url of the required page in my application, and based on the response status code, updating the column value for that particular row.

This is working.

What I want is this should be asynchronous. Means, if I click the first row Select button, then it should fire and process request. Meanwhile I should be able to click other row's Select button, even if the previous button's click event is still in process.

Means the communication should be asynchronous. Even if

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Web Forms :: How To Update Drop Down List Using Asynchronous Calls

Jan 7, 2011

I am currently developing a project management application using ASP.NET (VB). I am nearly done with it. But whenever users select an item from drop-down list control, a post back is triggered and screen is returned to the bagining. This is very irritating at times.

<p> So, I want to know how can I make partial postbacks so that page is not refreshed again and appropriate binding of list control with my oracle database is also made.

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Web Forms :: Notifying User Before An Asynchronous Operation Starts?

Jun 24, 2010

I my web application I perform a time-consuming asynchronous operation. For this, I need to inform user before it starts and after it ends. The latter works as expected, but I cannot make GUI change before asynchronous operation starts. Here is the code snippet:

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


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Web Forms :: Start Two Asynchronous Database Access Calls That Are Executed Onto The Separate Thread?

Sep 2, 2010

i have the code for asynchronous call to the database. i execute the sql command into the begin method that will executed onto the separate thread. now i want to execute the another database call asynchronously so that this also execute onto the separate thread. code for one database cal is here....

private SqlConnection con, con1;
private SqlCommand cmd, cmd1;
private SqlDataReader dr, dr1;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
AddOnPreRenderCompleteAsync(new BeginEventHandler(Begin),
new EndEventHandler(End)
/////////////BEGIN METHOD
IAsyncResult Begin(object sender, EventArgs e,AsyncCallback cb, object state)
string connect = "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Asynchronous Processing=true;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True";
con = new SqlConnection(connect);
cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT FirstName,LastName,Age,Company,Profile FROM Person",con);
return cmd.BeginExecuteReader(cb, state);
void End(IAsyncResult ar)
dr = cmd.EndExecuteReader(ar);
Label2.Text = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode().ToString();
GridView1.DataSource = dr;

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C# - Asynchronous Webservice?

Feb 18, 2011

How can I set up an asynchronous web service in asp.net? I want to call a webservice to post some data to a database, but I don't care if the response failed or succeeded. I can use .net 2.0 or 3.5 only and it can be in vb or c#.

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Web Forms :: Batch Creation Of Content Pages (re: Master / Content Pages)

Apr 19, 2010

I have over 300 content pages to create. Each has some standard styling. I would like to generate these pages, and was just wondering if there is a utility in web developer 2008 express to do so (otherwise I will just build one - but it would be great not having to do so!)

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How To Send An Asynchronous WCF Call

Mar 18, 2011

How to make a call to my WCF service asynchronous?

Here is how I am doing it

Dim wcfService = New EmailBlastService.EmailBlastServiceClient

But when I actually do the call it seems to tie up the server for about a minute (even though I know the async process takes longer than that and is still processing the request). Even if I try to hit the page in a different browser it still takes a minute to load.

Basically I just want to make the WCF call and forget about it, I don't want users to be waiting while I am doing some heavy processing and calling an external

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Asynchronous - How To Update The UI During An Event

Jan 17, 2011

I've got a user control with a couple of buttons. Think of them as 'On' and 'Off'. When either button is clicked an async method is called. If the method is successful an event is fired. Within the event I want to update the enabled property of the two buttons so that only a single button is clickable at any one time. The problem is that any changes I make to the properties are not shown on screen because the postback is already complete. I tried wrapping the buttons in an UpdatePanel but I get an "Update method can only be called on UpdatePanel with ID 'xxxx' before Render' error. I understand why the problem occurs but I can't think of a solution.

Ideally what I'd like to do is simply call a method within the event that will update the UI, but I don't know if that's possible.


Here's some example code. I can't post the exact code, but this explains the problem:


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Vb.net - Asynchronous Callback To Web Service?

Feb 12, 2011

I have been trying to figure this our for far too long and I cannot get my head around it. Every example I have seen seems to be far more complex that I need.

I have a web service in my project (.asmx). I want to call it very simply from a button on a webpage.

Run service asynchronously
return control back to webpage (web
service running in background)

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