AJAX :: UpdatePanel And Asynchronous Pages ?

Apr 16, 2010

Could ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel could be used in ASP.NET asynchronous pages ? Could Page Methods be made asynchronous also ?

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When To Use PageAsyncTask (Asynchronous Pages)?

Mar 7, 2010

From my understanding from reading about ASP.NET asynchronous pages, the method which executes when the asynchronous task begins ALWAYS EXECUTES between the prerender and the pre-render Complete events. So because the page's controls' events run between the page's load and prerender events, is it true that whatever the begin task handler (handler for BeginAsync below) produces, it can't be used in the controls' events? So for example, if the handler gets data from a database, the data can't be used in any of the controls' postback events? Would you bind data to a data control after prerender?

PageAsyncTask pat = new PageAsyncTask(BeginAsync, EndAsync, null, null, true);

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Web Forms :: Use For Asynchronous Pages?

Feb 17, 2010

I use for 5-Layer architecture and asynchronous Pages in my application(Presentation Layer,Caching Layer,Businnes Logic Layer,Transaction Layer,Data Access Layer) .I want to cancel Asynchronous Method if data was in cache.

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AJAX :: Datapager Displays Wrong Pages After Rebind Listview Using Updatepanel?

Mar 8, 2010

One thing I really don't like about Updatepanel is that I have to rebind almost all components in the page.

For example, I have to specify Eidit (Update) index (for inline editing) after rebind Listview using Update panel (after partial update).

It was too much job to rebind all components, so I redirected to same page and used Querystring to pass values in order to avoid all components to be updated based on one value...

If I update Listview using Updatepanel, the datapager has to be updated as well based on new Select SQL statement results.

Listview is pretty simple to update, using "Listview1.bind()" does the job.

Datapager is also in updatepanel, but it won't rebind with new results.

After post back, I'm still getting same Datapager as the orignal SQLDataSource.

In orger to "refresh" Datapager, what do I need to do??

I used to use iframe to do partial page update, but I'm having big problem using Updatepanel since simple rebind won't do the job.

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Sending Asynchronous Emails From Web Pages?

Sep 3, 2010

Here is my situation and hopefully someone could guide me in the right direction.I have a shared or static class in my website (App_Code folder) which has static methods to send emails asychronoulsy. So whenever there is an exception in any of my pages or classes I call these methods to send an email to support asynchronously. Now when there is an exception in a page, to route that exception asynchronously I need to have Async = "true" for that page. I have more than 50 pages and I don't want to set Async= "true" on every page as I read that it affects performance.So I was wondering if there is any way I could send emails asynchronously without having to set async = "true" on every page.

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Asynchronous Pages In The Framework - Where Are The Other Threads And How Is It Reattached

Apr 4, 2010

IIS has a limited set of worker threads waiting for requests. If one request is a long running operation, it will block that thread. This leads to fewer threads to serve requests. Way to fix this - use asynchronous pages. When a request comes in, the main worker thread is freed and this other thread is created in some other place. The main thread is thus able to serve other requests. When the request completes on this other thread, another thread is picked from the main thread pool and the response is sent back to the client.

1) Where are these other threads located? Is there another thread pool? 2) IF ASP.NET likes creating new threads in this other thread pool(?), why not increase the number of threads in the main worker pool - they are all running on the same machine anyway? I don't see the advantage of moving that request to this other thread pool. Memory/CPU should be the same right?3) If the main thread hands off a request to this other thread, why does the request not get disconnected? It magically hands off the request to another worker thread somewhere else and when the long running process completes, it picks a thread from the main worker pool and sends response to the client. I am amazed...but how does that work?

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Data Controls :: Place Nested Child GridView Inside UpdatePanel For Asynchronous Expand And Collapse

Jun 7, 2013

I tryed to put a nested Gridviews (parent-child) in an UpdatePanel, but it didn 't work as I want. Firstly the code of the Gridview (its from the example reffering to this [URL] .....)

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="scriptMgr" runat="server" EnablePartialRendering="true" />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="updatePnl" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<asp:GridView ID="gvCustomers" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" CssClass="Grid"
DataKeyNames="CustomerID" onrowcommand="RowCommand1">


 in the scriptManager, no exception will be shown, but on RowCommand a complete Postback is done.

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AJAX :: UserControl With ScriptManager And UpdatePanel, Some Pages With ScriptManager?

Feb 8, 2011

I have a user control with both an UpdatePanel and a ScriptManager.

Some pages in the system have a ScriptManager of their own, and need to include the UserControl.

This throws the "You can only have 1 ScriptManager" exception.

If I remove UserControl's ScriptManager, I'll get 'UpdatePanel1 requires a Script Manager" exception.

I've tried to modify the UserControl to dynamically include it's own script manager if none exists. But all the methods I've used before involve adding a delegate to Page.OnInit-- which won't work, since the UserControl Init fires first.

Because the system designers here like making my life difficult, I can't create a MasterPage, or a BasePage for the system in inherit off of. I'd be stuck going to each page an adding a ScriptManager before the UserControl on each of them. Is there any way of, in the UserControl, detecting if the page has a ScriptManager, and if not, adding it dynamically in a way that makes the UpdatePanel happy?

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AJAX :: Updatepanel Control / Drag Updatepanel On Asp Page It Is Not Resizable?

Mar 11, 2010

I am currently using a asp.net 2.0 with visual studio 2005.

I am trying to build a web application using ajax.

but when I drag the ajax updatepanel on asp.net page it is not resizable,so how should i put other controls on it?

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AJAX :: TabContainer And UpdatePanel - Embed An UpdatePanel In Order To Update Each Tab?

Oct 14, 2010

i am using a TabContainer and at each TabPanel i have embed an UpdatePanel in order to update each tab alone.

this is my code:


the problem is that it makes several seconds to update each tab (the same time for every tab) and i asume that this is happening because it updates all the TabContainer and not the selected Tab.

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AJAX :: Asynchronous Calls To Same Method?

Mar 12, 2010

I am relatively new to asp.net. In My asp.net website, i have a method GetData(int id) which is called Repetitively, depending on id count, GetData is desinged to get data from sharepoint and sql server both. if the Id count is high say =10, my page load time increases because GetData is called 10 times and the page load time keeps adding up. so I want to ask, is there any way that this GetData() be called asynchornously or by the use of some thread, so that my page loads faster.

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Asynchronous Ajax Call Using QueryString?

Nov 23, 2010

Since i am fresher to .net, i m unable to handle asp.net. I have call asynchronous ajax call using XMLHTTPRequest and also use QueryString to filter Employee details.

I have following files:

1. Default.aspx code

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Task2._Default" %>

<%@ Register TagPrefix="uc1" TagName="SearchResult" Src="SearchResult.ascx" %>


3. Ajax.aspx is empty in design

what should be the code in Default.aspx.cs when u take some text in textbox to search, OnClick of "ok" button there should'nt be any postback.

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AJAX :: Set A Textbox's Value Before A Asynchronous Postback?

Mar 16, 2010

Is there any way can let me set a textbox's value before the asynchronous postback. but I don't want to add a handler for a control which caused that asynchronous postback, because there are too much control can cause that. I want to know if there is a client event would be caused before the postback.

I tried the event initializeRequest of PageRequestManager to do this, but it did not work, it seems like the request has been generated when this event was executed, the value i set in this event for textbox did not be sent to server.

here is a page I used to test

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> runat="server">


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AJAX :: Improve Asynchronous Postback Speed?

Oct 10, 2010

i am trying to increase my web based game movement system speed as much as possible.

i am using ajax asynchronous postbacks for moving on the map. (if you wanna check address [URL] )

so i am looking for all kind of tips to increase ajax asynchronous postback speed.

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AJAX :: Asynchronous Data Load In Dropdownlist?

Aug 20, 2010

first i'll describe my problem:

I have payment form with a clients dropdownlist that is populated from a database on form load with:

value field = clientIdtext field = nameId
<asp:DropDownList ID="selClients" runat="server">

When user makes a payment, it's necessary to chose a client from selClients, and so i get the clientsId value and build my insert SQL query.

Until here, no problems.

The problem with my UI has started since i had a lot of clients been registered: My dropdownlist became huge and it's taking too much time to load it's contents on page load. Also the dropdownlist area is taking a large area from page screen.

So i tryied a solution with jquery autocomplete plug in. I put a textbox with autocomplete for client name and another hiddenfield to receive the clientId when user select a item.

That solves both problems:

No more large amout of data loaded on page loadThe dropdownlist doesn't take a large area from page screen
But it gave me another problem!

With a textbox, there is a possibility for wrong input client name. So if i don't have a valid clientId in hiddenfield, it will generate a database INSERT exception because it doesn't respect the client table constraint:

payment table REFERS client table

I'm trying to find kind of dropdownlist where the user can type text with autocomplete. Like this, the user will be able to select only data within the possibilities of the dropdownlist and i always will have a valid clientId.

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AJAX :: ScriptManager Will Not Perform Asynchronous Postbacks?

Jul 14, 2010

I am trying to integrate ASP .Net AJAX into an existing application, but so far I am striking out.After significant digging, I found that for some reason, the ScriptManager was set so that SupportsPartialRendering is false, overriding EnablePartialRendering. From looking at the MSDN documentation, it seems to me that this should not be the case.The rules for determiningrSupportsPartialRendering are (from MSDN):The W3CDomVersion property value must be greater than or equal to 1.0.The EcmaScriptVersion property value must be greater than or equal to 1.0.The SupportsCallback property value must be set totrue.Using Firefox 3.6 and IE7+, these tests should have passed. W3CDomVersion = 1.0, EcmaScriptVersion=1.4, and SupportsCallback=true.n an effort to see if I could get around it by setting the value myself, I overrode the OnInit function in the code behind to explicitly set SupportsPartialRendering to true.his appeared to attempt to start an async postback, but failed with the javascript error "this._postBackSettings.async' is null or not an object" from within the ASP.Net AJAX scripts.

Also, I created a sample application outside of my existing project and got it working exactly as I wanted. When I copied and pasted all the code from the sample project and put it into the existing solution (aspx and code behind) it experienced the same issue. I know that it has something to do with the existing solution, but I am at the end of my rope as to what it could be.Other relevant information:he solution I am trying to integrate this into was at one time upgraded from ASP .Net 2.0 to 3.5.The controls which trigger the async postback are in a repeater and are being registered with ScriptManager.RegisterAsyncPostBackControl during prerender by looping over the bound items in the repeater. This occurs after the Repeater is databound. At the same time, triggers are dynamically added to the UpdatePanel. Code snippet (taken from OnPreRender):


I think the "_postBackSettings.async is null" error is something of a red-herring and is an indication that I am headed down a wormhole, so I am not considering heading down the path of forcing SupportsPartialRendering to true for now. Does anyone know what else could be turning it off in the first place? Or what else could be preventing partial rendering from functioning as expected?

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AJAX :: Stop 2 Asynchronous Web Service Calls?

Nov 22, 2010

We have a custom Ajax checkbox control. In that control we set value (from inside the control) via a web service call (say WSCall1) to the business engine. There is also an event exposed on the OnClick of checkbox for the end user to have their custom code where the end user have their own web service call (say WSCall2). This event that end users will write is handled inside the ajax checkbox control on the "OnSuccess" of the internal web service call (i.e WSCall1) with an expectation that if WSCall1 succeeds, WSCall2 will get executed. This works fine with Firefox and Chrome but not in IE. In IE sometimes WSCall2 gets executed first and then WSCall1 -- actually there is no gurantee which web service gets called first. For WSCall1 we have used " Sys.Net.WebServiceProxy.invoke"

Is there a way we can make sure that WSCall2 gets only executed on the "OnSuccess" of WSCall1? Isn't the OnSuceess supposed to be executed when the WSCall1 thread returns?

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AJAX :: Asynchronous Code For Checking Ports?

Nov 7, 2010

I have some code which connects to a port quickly and if it can connect then it turns the line in the gridview green, if it cant and times out then it turns the line red. This is great, the problem i have is that the page takes a long time to load (as it has to check each port first) and then if i want to check again if the port is up / down i have to manually refresh it which is not what im after.


The code is in a loop and cycles through the various ports in the DB, what i want to know is how i can write a loop that will going through each port without waiting for the last port to come back with a result

Secondly do this in some way that it will auto refresh every 30 or 60 seconds without having to refresh the whole page.

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AJAX :: In IE8 When Asynchronous Postback Gets Fired On Textbox Control?

Jan 8, 2010

I have textbox in which pincode has to be entered and it checks with database and gets city and state from database and fills data in other 2 textbox.I have kept asynchronous postback trigger on textbox textchanged event. After reterving data from database i set focus on other textbox of STDCode.But the problem with ie7,ie8 browser is that the focus comes on control but i can't write anything in stdcode textbox untill i move to another textbox. When i come back from another textbox i can write in stdcode textbox.Problem gets occured only in IE7,Ie8 browsers only.Here is design file of that page.

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="100%">


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AJAX :: Webforms And Master Page Asynchronous Postback?

May 18, 2010

I am building a website in which all of the site layout is in Master page and the content of the site is in the inherited pages. I have various links for navigation in which i simple use Response.Redirect to transfer to different pages. Now the problem is that I want to put the content place holder inside Ajax Update panel so that the postbacks are Asynchronous and I want to show the postback by an animated image inside Update Panel progress control. The problem is that I am unable to achieve this result and the entire page is posted back and rendered again. I have placed the content place holder inside the Ajax control toolkit's Update panel but it does not work. Is there any way that I can change the content of the content place holder to a new page with asynchronous postback.


I have same problem, can anyone write a code project exemple

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AJAX :: Asynchronous Web Services, JQuery Or .NET (BeginInvoke) Calls?

Sep 24, 2010

I have been moving my application to be more AJAX-based. Currently I have a web service call where I use jQuery to gather some textbox (string) and checkbox (boolean) results and pass it to a web service. Everything works really well, the response time is super quick. The only downside that I can see to this is

1) you need to use jQuery, which will add to the user's download time - this doesn't really affect my application too much because I am using jQuery throughout the site

2) users can see the code and potentially try to hack the web service because they know where it is

I am most concerned with #2. I've been reading a lot about .NET web service calls, using IAsyncResult,

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2e08f6yc.aspx, and I am beginning to understand the 4 methods available in this article. However, is there extra bloat using this way compared to the jQuery web service call?If there isn't that much bloat or lag time using this method, I'd like to convert my application. Which one of these 4 methods is best in a scenario where I am just returning a small string value? The 4 methods in the article are to wait for EndInvoke itself, which from what I read is not recommended because this may block the first thread; and this should not be used on a service that affects the UI.Create a WaitHandle to wait for the 'OK' before EndInvoke is called Poll the IAsyncResult for .IsCompleted, using sleep() and a Do While until IAsyncResult.IsCompleted is true, then call EndInvoke Pass a delegate function to BeginInvoke to be called once the operation is complete.

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel Doesn't Update Another UpdatePanel?

Jan 20, 2011

I have two updatepanels on my site (upanProfileSearch and upanMemberList). When I hit the button in the upanProfileSearch it should bind the Data Items in the gridview in upanMemberList and here make a RowFilter on the text in upanProfileSearch. When I make a run to curser, I can see, it happens. It makes a RowFilter. but it doesn't update the gridview. Can anyone tell me why it doesn't update? I have UpdateMode="Always" and RenderMode="inline" on both UpdatePanels.



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AJAX :: How To Change UpdatePanel Content From Another UpdatePanel

Jun 23, 2010

I have a dropdownlist, that causes a postback. On the SelectedIndexChanged event, is it possible to force a placeholder that is within a different UpdatePanel to change it's visibility?

For example, when the SelectedItem.Value of DropDownList1 is "1" then show Placeholder1, otherwise hide it.

What I am most interested in is how to configure the UpdatePanels to allow this.

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AJAX :: How To Implement Updatepanel Functionality Without Updatepanel

Nov 11, 2010

How to implement updatepanel functionality without updatepanel?

I am tring to use XMLHttpRequest but I am getting problem while redering a usercontrol containing postback controls in response of an Ajax request.

Here is my code




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AJAX :: How To Trigger Updatepanel Postback From Another Updatepanel

Mar 4, 2011

I have a web user control with one updatepanel (pnlUpdate_2), some controls and one apply button. I display the web user control as a modalpopup in my default page. In my default page i have an updatepanel (pnlUpdate_1) with a gridview and I modify that gridview with the apply button of the web user control. The web user control is for made a custom search of the gridview data. I have a problem with both updatepanels. If I set the updatemode as always in one of them (pnlUpdate_1) and the other as conditional (pnlUpdate_2), the pnlUpdate_1 make a postback in the pnlUpdate_2; I'm not an expert on this but I think that's why the pnlUpdate_2 disappear and reappear after postback of some controls in that updatepanel (not the apply button, it close the modal after postback). I try all the combinations and the problem persists. So I put both updatepanels as conditional and in some way it works; now the problem is that when I click the apply button in pnlUpdate_2 to modify the gridview in pnlUpdate_1 the pnlUpdate_1 not made the postback I get the pnlUpdate_2 postback when I use some control inside the pnlUpdate_1.

How can I postback the pnlUpdate1 from pnlUpdate_2 with the apply button?

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