Web Forms :: Validation To Be Done In Code Behind?

Mar 17, 2011

I have two textboxes(one for mobile number and one for phone number).Following validations neeeds to be done in code behind. [1]one of the two(from mobile number and phonenumber) needs to be there. [2]If phone number is enetered then std code needs to be enetered also.(There is textbox for std code)

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Dropdown Validation Not Working When Add Validation Control In Code Behind

Mar 19, 2010

I am creating dropdown controls in code behind. in some conditions I need to add validation control to dropdowlist. But Validation not firing when I submit button.

If mQuestion.RequiredToAnswer = True Then
Dim mValidator As New RequiredFieldValidator
mValidator.ControlToValidate = mDDL.ID
mValidator.InitialValue = mDDL.Items(0).Text
mValidator.Display = ValidatorDisplay.Dynamic
mValidator.ErrorMessage = "* Required!"
End If

I have other dropdown controls on aspx page with validation comtrols. Those are working fine. Only when I ddl and validations from code not working?

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Web Forms :: How To Disable The Code Behind Validation When Javascript Validation Is Present

Jul 25, 2010

How can I disable the code behind validation when javascript validation is present? Then if there is no javascript enabled then the code behind validation will do its thing. What I notice is that it's reading the code behind valdiation not the javascript.

View 7 Replies

Web Forms :: Validation Fires After Code Executes?

Jan 7, 2010

i have Build Simple Form And Fires The Validation In Control And Write Codfe in Button Event but Code Executes First and Then Fires validation.

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Web Forms :: Setting Up Custom Validation With VB Code-Behind?

Mar 3, 2011

I am trying to set up my first custom validator in VS 2010 VB. I want it to use a Sub or Function that is in my code-behind. I have searched the WEB but the instructions and examples that I have found do not show me how to use code-behind.

The main problem that I am running into is that I can not find a way to connect the validator to a sub that preforms the validation check.

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Web Forms :: Adding Client Side Validation In Code Behind?

May 21, 2010

I am having issues correctly setting up reference to javascript code to a custom validator.This is my javascript code in the .aspx page.


And here is where I add the Client Validation to the customer validator in the code behind.

The validation is if there is a value present in the first text box then the second text box is required.The page throws an error when the validation should fail, but if I ignore the error the validation works correctly.Do I need to move my javascript to the code behind as well?

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Web Forms :: How To Write A Code For Client Side Validation

Sep 8, 2010

let me knw abt the validations in asp.net...

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Web Forms :: Custom Validation, Show Message But Run Some Code?

Jan 10, 2011

I have web form in c# asp.net. I have an textbox where the user can enter some part number. When he click on the search button I would like to do some validation of the search text. It is not possible to use the following charachters (- _ / . spaces). When the custom validation found one of these characters I would like to show some error message (It is not possible to use one of these special characters: -, _, /, , . and spaces.). And than I would like to remove the special characters from the search text and execute a method to search.Can I do it with a custom validation like:

<asp:textbox id="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:textbox><asp:CustomValidator id="CustomValidator1" runat="server" OnServerValidate="TextValidate" ControlToValidate="TextBox1" ErrorMessage="It is not possible to use one of these special characters: -, _, /, , . and spaces."></asp:CustomValidator>
protected void TextValidate(object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args){ args.IsValid = (args.Value.Contains(""); string newSearchValue = // remove the special characters -, _, /, , . and spaces. // Run the search method without the special character, but show a error message search(newSearchValue);}

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Web Forms :: Trigger A Javascript Code After Client Validation?

Dec 25, 2010

How to do trigger a javascript code after client validation?

View 6 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Javascript Validation For Assigning Validation Group To Validation Summary On Datalist Item Click?

Dec 25, 2010

I am using one datalist control for uploading multiple images.I hv used one Asp:FileUplaod Control and one button in one itemtemplate.I am using reqired field validator and regular expression validator for file upload cntrl I am assigning validation group for both of them on ItemDataBound event of my datalist so that each upload cntrl hv same validaton group as required field and regular expression validator.Now what i want to do is - i want to show my error message in validation summary which is right at the top of the page.I want one know how to write javascript that will assign validation group of my control in datalist on which i click ?

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Web Forms :: Textbox Validation Code Doesn't Run When Textboxes Are Empty?

Jan 13, 2011

I want the validation condition to be: on a pair of textboxes, to be valid as long as at least one of them isn't empty.

So I put a customvalidator on the 2nd textbox, hooked up to the following server code and client code:

<script type="text/javascript">
function ECPhoneOrEmailRequired(source, args) {
var ecPhone = document.getElementById("txtEmergencyPhone");
var ecEmail = document.getElementById("txtEmergencyEmail");
if (ecPhone.value.length < 1 && ecEmail.value.length < 1) {
args.IsValid = false;
else {
args.IsValid = true
Protected Sub CustomValidator1_ServerValidate(ByVal source As Object, ByVal args As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ServerValidateEventArgs)
If (txtEmergencyPhone.Text = String.Empty And txtEmergencyEmail.Text = String.Empty) Then
args.IsValid = False
args.IsValid = True
End If
End Sub

From what I can tell thru breakpoints, this code works fine as long as there's something in one of the two textboxes. When both textboxes are empty, the code is never called - and so both boxes empty ends up being allowed.

So what's the correct way to validate one-or-the-other-nonempty condition?

View 3 Replies

Web Forms :: Click Event Validation By Using VB In The Code Behind And SQL Server 2005

Jan 31, 2011

On one page, I have 2 buttons. One that says Clock-in and the other says Clock-out. As of this moment, the application will allow you to click on the clock-in button without having clocked out the previous day and will allow you to click the clock-out without being clocked in. If a user is clocked in and they click the clock-in button again, I would like an alert to pop-up that would say "you must clock out before you can clock in". And if the user clicks clock-out without being clocked in, it should say "you must clock in before you can clock out". I am using VB in the code behind and SQL Server 2005. My current button click events are below:


View 8 Replies

Web Forms :: Change Validation Group For Server Controls In Code Behind

Aug 6, 2010

I have individual controls with different groups in two separate divs in an aspx page. I am passing a querystring value to this page and on page load depending on the querystring value want to show the divs n change the validation group.

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Username Validation Using C# Code?

Oct 8, 2010

I wnat to check "UserName" input with for the following conditions using C#, must Srating with alpha numeric character length is 6 to 15 chars do not use more than 5 numeric characters do not use any special characters.

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Excel Sheet Validation In Csharp Code

Jul 21, 2010

iam have 5 columns in my sheet1,in that 5 column i have data in nth row, how to validate my container column if the data is blank, i need to fire in 10th row no data available

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C# - Validate RadCaptcha From Code Behind / Without Using Validation Group

Nov 2, 2010

How Can We Check The Validation Of RadCaptcha From Code Behind - With Custom Validator(ServerValidate) / WithOut Using And Setting ValidationGroup ?

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Adding Javascript From Code Breaks The Validation On Page?

Nov 13, 2010

What I have is button that should open another page only if textbox length is 8. Javascript must be added from code because it does not simply calls the bla.aspx, it's more like bla.aspx?id=4&code=234 etc etc...

I have this code on server side


on client side i have

<asp:TextBox ID="policyNumberTxt" runat="server" MaxLength="8" CausesValidation="true"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="policyNumberTxtRev" runat="server"
ControlToValidate="policyNumberTxt" ErrorMessage="Length must be 8."
ValidationExpression="{.{8}.}" ValidationGroup="bla" Display="Dynamic"></asp:RegularExpressionValidator>
<asp:Button ID="printBtn" CssClass="button" Text="Print" runat="server" CausesValidation="true" ValidationGroup="bla" />

What happens is that when I click the button page bla.aspx opens, and even postback is trigered. Validator is showing the message, but page is opened and postback trigered.

How to handle this? Validation is broken...

View 3 Replies

Mvc3 Unobtrusive Validation Not Generating Client Code?

Mar 25, 2011

For some reason fields named with '.value' or .anything does not generate client validation. For example this code:

generates this:
<textarea rows="2" name="ContentObjectFirm.Description" id="ContentObjectFirm_Description" data-val-required="Firm description is required" data-val="true" cols="20">

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4.0 Framework Request Validation Will Not Allow Code-behind To Htmlencode Textboxes?

Jan 8, 2011

I have a form that I have been getting submissions that have punctuation and special characters that trigger the potentially dangerous Request.Form value error. I have been trying use the httpUtility.htmlencode and Server.htmlencode method to sanitize textboxes and textareas.All my tests do not fire because the built-in request validation of the 4.0 framework prevents the code-behind from executing to perform the sanitization. I have included the ValidateRequest in the page header but no matter what I set it too it still does the same thing.

This is the code I have so far.

Session("RequestID") = Server.HtmlEncode(txtRequestID.Value)
Session("FirstName") = Server.HtmlEncode(txtInstFirstName.Text)
Session("LastName") = Server.HtmlEncode(txtInstLastName.Text) [code]....

What can I do to make this work? According to all the websites I have visited it should work.

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MVC :: Write Email Validation Code In Httppost Register Method Of Accountcontroller

May 20, 2010

I have just started using MVC2 in VS2010, and I noticed that on the Register page DataType.EmailAddress doesn't actually do any validation, so it does not check whether or not the Email Address entered is valid. Should I write some email validation code in the HttpPost Register method of my AccountController, or is there another way to do this?

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Client Side Validation / When Build The Code, And Clicks On Image Button, These Validators Do Not Work?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a text box in which I want only digits (either decimal or whole numbers). I have applied Required Field Validator and Regular Expression Validator on it.I have an Image Button, by clicking on which, I want this validation to be performed. But when I build the code, and clicks on Image Button, these validators do not work and I am redirected to the server side method of Image Button and after completing the execution of server side method, control comes to these validators and client side validation executes.I am fed up by finding solutions on Google and unable to find any solution.Please tell me of anyone of you know the solution that why server side code is running first and client side validation is executing after server side code execution.

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Web Forms :: Cascading Dropdown Validation - Required Validation When The Second Ddl Is Visible Only

Dec 4, 2010

i have cascading dropdown ..the second ddl would visible or hide dependg on first ddl value.

i want required validation when the second ddl is visible only..if not visible the no validation should be done.

View 5 Replies

Web Forms :: Validation Control - Finding Syntax For The Validation

Nov 1, 2010

I am using the File upload control in asp.net

In that control filter option not available at least i need provide the validation for file upload control

like xml, xsls, txt

give me the syntax for the validation.

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Forms Data Controls :: Client Side Validation For DetailsView W/o Validation Controls?

Feb 24, 2011

Is it possible to do client side validation on a detailsview (insert or edit) without using validation controls? I.E. somehow capture the onClientClick event of the autogenerated Insert/Update link buttons to call my javascript function?

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Web Forms :: Master Page Validation Effects Content Page Validation?

Jul 8, 2010

I have a search control in my master page with the following validation on the search btn's OnClientClick:


Then in the content page I have various controls with validation and a validation summary. I have few custom validators on the content page like below:


which uses the clientvalidationsfunctions which set the validity of the page.Now when I leave the search box in the header blank and I click the submit btn in the content page it posts me back to same (source) page and while debugging I find that the Page.IsValid is false. But if I write something in the search textbox in the master page and the fill the required fields in the content page and click the submit btn in content page it works fine. Why is that so? My validation groups are different on master page and content page.

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