Web Forms :: What Can Remove All Info From Viewstate And Making The Ispostback Again To False
Apr 23, 2010
I have a strange problem, my webform is loading twice.
when i debug i see ispostback is showing false for both times.
what happened to the first time load , and the viewstate.
What can remove all info from viewstate and making the ispostback again to false.
i am having real difficulty figuring out what is causing this problem.
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Sep 29, 2010
I am working on rewriting URLs Urlrewriting.net, and have run into what seems to be a common problem but I can seem to fix it. I'll present a simplified case.
The URL rewriting is working perfectly with the rule:
<urlrewritingnet rewriteOnlyVirtualUrls="true" defaultPage="default.aspx" defaultProvider="RegEx" xmlns="http://www.urlrewriting.net/schemas/config/2006/07">
<add name="catalog" virtualUrl="^~/catalog/(.*)/(.*).aspx" rewriteUrlParameter="ExcludeFromClientQueryString" destinationUrl="~/catalog.aspx?cid=$1&c=$2" ignoreCase="true"/>
On the page I have a DataList with 2 asp:buttons inside. When clicked, the page refreshes but does nothing.
I followed ScottGu's article to impliment a form control adapter to rewrite the action of the form to match the rewritten URL.
Page URL in the browser:
<form name="aspnetForm" method="post" action="/dev/catalog/13/Music.aspx" id="aspnetForm">
I now see the correct URL on the form action, and when debugging I can see the page load event firing.
The problem now is that every time the page loads Page.IsPostback is false, causing the page to rebind the DataList and therefore ignore the ItemCommand the buttons should be triggering.
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
I'm using .NET 3.5 SP1, there is a ScriptManager on the master page but no UpdatePanel on this page. I've also tried resetting the Form.Action property and bypassing ScottGu's solution with the same result. If I go to the page URL directly without using the rewriter everything works fine.
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Mar 23, 2011
I'm developing a custom URL Rewriter for a ASP.Net 3.5 project. This rewriter is not functionally different than most rewriters out there, the only difference being that the friendly URL collection is not loaded from a web.config file -- it's coming from a database instead. I made the naive assumption that it would be easy to develop a custom rewriter module from scratch, but now I know the mess I put myself in. I digress; let's go straight to the technical issues.
While testing the rewriter, I set up a friendly url that would take the user to a web form. Postbacks from this form should not alter the friendly address, as anyone would expect, sohttp://my.web.site/app_root/FriendlyURL is always rewritten asttp://my.web.site/app_root/not_friendly/form.aspxThings are fine when the browser first loads the FriendlyURL. The page comes up and is completely functional. However, when the form is posted back to the server, the page simply reloads but, at server-side, IsPostBack is false. It's like F5 was hit, except that a HTTP POST had indeed occurred.Unsurprisingly, when the interaction occurs through the "unfriendly" URL, the POST action triggers the postback as expected. This evidence suggests that HttpContext.RewritePath is somehow messing with the page lifecycle in a way that it loses sense of the postback operation.
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Feb 27, 2010
I have an asp.net page that sets a few session variables. On my development machine (localhost), I do a postback and the session values are still populated.
When I Reload the page by clicking on the url bar and pressing enter the session variables are still there.
However when i deploy this page to a webserver, the page still retains the session values when doing a postback, but as soon as i click the url and press enter the session values are lost (where the ispostback = false)
But when i press the refresh button the session variables are present (but i do get a popup warning me that the page data needs to be resent!)
i am running IE 7, and the webserver is iis6 what am i doing wrong?!
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Feb 8, 2010
When any of my page is idle for about 20 minute, and after that if I hit any button, like Sumit Button or any other button, at this time, Page.IsPostback is again False, and none of the click event is fired and page gets reloaded again.
This happens only if I go like this, open up any of my webpage, keep it idle OR do nothing for about 20 minute, exactly on 21st or 22nd minute, Click on any of the button on the page, and the page gets reloaded, click event does not get fired. I debugged for this and I checked the Page.IsPostback value at this point and I got it as False after 20 minute, I don't know why. It should be True. And because of this my page gets reloaded and nothing gets submitted and every control is in the blank position once again and user have to enter everything again.
But if I enter everything and hit any of the button or Submit button within 20 minute, then everything works fine, Submit button's click event is also gets fired and everything works perfect.
And this is happening in all of my page. I am not sure what configuration is wrong.
But just for more details, I have a master page, I am using Telerik Controls and I have session Timeout set as 60 minute everywhere, in web.config and in IIS settings and in my App_Pool also. On my Master Page, I have ASP:ScriptManager, Tekerik:RadMenu, ASP:ContentPlaceHolder controls and some other controls and javascript code too.
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Apr 16, 2010
I have a page with a (gridview nested within a gridview) in an UpdatePanel (UpdateMode="Conditional"). The nested gridview drops down when you click on an arrow and then you can click on each subgrid rows command field. The gridviews are loaded from the Page_Load event. When I click on the commandfield in the subgrid the Page_Load fires during the partial page postback. From what I have read this is normal with UpdatePanels. But What I don't understand is why both Page.IsPostBack and ScriptManager.GetCurrent(Page).IsInAsyncPostBack test false after I click on the command field in my grid. I need to stop the rebinding of the gridviews ( which causes the subgrid to collapse ) when the command field is clicked.Also: I am using MasterPages and the <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"> </asp:ScriptManager> is located in my mater page form section.Would anyone have any suggestions how to test if a partial page postback is occuringHere is a link to the page source: http://pastebin.org/153774here is a link to the code behind: http://pastebin.org/153781
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Oct 7, 2010
When Session attribute Cookieless ="True" the page.Ispostback is always false.Cant understand the reason behind it.
And one more thing what is happening when we click Remember Me option in login control.As per my knowledge it is storing authentication cookie in it. If we can add data to authentication cookie then why we need session...we can add session data in that.. and authentication token is also regenerated for every new request like sessions.....i got confused after browsing for few hours.
Which one is more secure using cookies or URL for authentication and session.
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Nov 3, 2010
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divMessageDescription.InnerHtml = dbreader["Message"].ToString();
but now for a particular group of people I want to make the read only property of this div as false.
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Mar 15, 2010
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Sep 15, 2011
I have a Gridview that has some controls above you can use to select how much data the Gridview displays - a week's worth, a month's worth, a year's worth etc.
And, as it's a view only grid, I thought 'I'll keep the page size down by doing this:
<asp:GridView EnableViewState="false" etc.
But, if I look at a year's worth of data and look at Page Source - the ViewState is massive. If I look at a week's work, the ViewState is small. A month's worth - a bit bigger and so on.
So, despite setting EnableViewState to false - the ViewState does seem to grow in proportion to the data being displayed in the Grid. I don't need all that data held in ViewState so why is it happening?
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May 26, 2010
Why when a control does contain value but it's set to .Enable=False that all controls become disable (that's ok) but why that the ViewState doesn't retain the data on the next post back? If I get the UserControl without modifing its Enable state, the ViewState work between post back.
How can we disable a UserControl that all its control become disable (this part work) but all of them KEEP use the ViewState (this doesn't work)?
1)In the aspx.cs click button EDIT:
myControl.Enabled = false;
//This produce to have all controls in myControl to be disabled.
2)In the asp.cs: click Save to leave the EDIT state:
myControl.Enabled = true;
//This produce that all controls inside myControl are blank : no viewstate!
Other postback works because we do not put myControl.Enable to false.
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Jan 17, 2011
Just spent a lot of time exorcising asp.net's large (but understandably useful) viewstate from an app, and i think it's worth sharing how it's done.
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Dec 3, 2010
I want to remove viewstate from page completely without using MVC pattern.
I am using c# 4.0
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Mar 12, 2010
I have a site that features some pages which do not require any post-back functionality. They simply display static HTML and don't even have any associated code. However, since the Master Page has a <form runat="server"> tag which wraps all ContentPlaceHolders, the resulting HTML always contains the ViewState field, i.e:
EDIT: I tried both variants of setting EnableViewState on page level with no luck at all:
<%@ Page Language="C#" EnableViewState="false" %>
<%@ Page Language="C#" EnableViewState="true" %>
I realize, that when decrypted, this value of the input field corresponds to the <form> tag which I cannot remove because it is on my master page. However, I would still like to remove the ViewState field for pages that only display static HTML. Is it possible?
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Mar 8, 2010
<div class="pages2" id="more" runat="server">
<a href="" onmouseover="mover()" onmouseout="mout()">More</a><!--<![endif]-->
<ul style="background-color: #626669; padding: 0 6px 0 6px; margin: 28px 0 0 0px">
<asp:DataList ID="DataList2" runat="server">
<ItemStyle Wrap="True" />
I have this datalist in a user control i want when i keep mouse over "More", it should be invisible. it is working on .aspx page not on user control. How to do this. This control is placed on master page.
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Jul 22, 2010
I'm building an ASP.NET MVC 2 site where I'm currently implementing an OpenID sign-up form. Unfortunately, I'm foreseeing a possible security bug/vulnerability inside my architecture.
Here's how I want OpenID login to work:
User requests /Account/Login, Controller sends back OpenIDLogin View. User enters their OpenID into the View, then OpenID authorization takes place, and finally the OpenID is returned to the Controller.The Controller checks whether the OpenID is currently in use by a user in the system or not. If it is, the user is logged in to that account. If not, the registration process begins.
And now, the OpenID registration process:
The OpenID identifier, as well as any other information provided by the OpenID provider (such as email address or name), is put into my custom ViewModel and sent to my OpenIDRegistrationForm View.The RegistrationForm View stores the OpenID in a hidden field to make sure that it gets sent back to the Controller.The user fills in the RegistrationForm View and sends it back to the Controller.The Controller creates the user account and puts the OpenID into the database.
The bug that I see within my architecture is that a user could modify the hidden value in the RegistrationForm View. Thus, they could spoof their OpenID! I will make sure to add another round of checking to the final Registration Controller Action to make sure that the OpenID that is provided doesn't exist yet, but there is still a possibility for spoofing. Can my architecture be improved somehow? I don't want this to end badly...
One solution I'm considering is encrypting the OpenID before I send it to the View and then decrypting it when it reaches the Controller. Should I try this?
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Aug 16, 2010
have gone through many post but unable to identify how IsPostback peroperty of page works.HTTP is a stateless protocol so how server identify that a client is making request 2nd time not 1st time and set the value for IsPostBack Peoprty.
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Apr 16, 2010
the simple difference between Ispostback and Iscallback..
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Aug 4, 2010
I have a page that uses a user control, I have to detect the pages !IsPostBack in the User Control and do some operation
In the User controls page Load method I tried using the following variations to detect the first load
None of these worked, they all fail to detect the parent pages 1st load in the usercontrols page load method
I also tried using
if (Request.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath.ToString() != "/PreviosPage.aspx")
This worked for Fire Fox and Chrome but not IE (IE has issues with Request.UrlReferrer, it throws a null exception)
So I cant use this approach as well.
View 5 Replies
Jan 17, 2011
I dynamically add the webcontrol in onInit or onload (page_load). it will cause the second post back and with the ispostback==false;
if first enter the page is no problem. but if I click on the some button. it will trigger postback two times.
first time: ispostback = true.
second time: ispostback = false.
the second time postback caused me headache because all my value has been initialized due to the coding like below:
DataTable _temp;
if(! ispostback)
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Apr 22, 2010
What is the best sequence order for Page.IsPostBack and User.Identity.IsAuthenticated? From what I have search for, this comes up most common:
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
If User.Identity.IsAuthenticated Then
~Some kind of code~
End If
End If
Is this considered "best practice" or can the two items - Page.IsPostBack and User.Identity.IsAuthenticated -be split into their own sections so the fuctions of these can be independent of each other?I am trying to troubleshoot a placeholder that disappears from a master page when a content page button is pressed to change the content pages active view (I have a multiview w/ 5 views inside of it).
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Dec 2, 2010
I am using ASP.NET. I have to set the value of a variable [testVar] into javascript on page load. only for the first time when the page load. Just like !IsPostBack event on code side. From next postback this function of javascript should not call.
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Oct 9, 2010
Now here is the weird thing. First i am running it locally on the built in vs2008 web server.I load my control in fine, do a postback from a linkbutton, locally on my machine it all works fine, no issue.However when it goes onto my host, it falls over with the message:
Failed to load viewstate. The control tree into which viewstate is being loaded must match the control tree that was used to save viewstate during the previous request.Now i also load controls dynamically and use postbacks and things in the admin area of the site...and that works fine, however my front end just keeps failing? See the code behing below:
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