Web Forms :: Accessing A HTML Button's Value From Code Behind File?

Jan 8, 2011

Is it possible to accessing a HTML button's value from code behind file?

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Web Forms :: Accessing The Html Element From C# Code?

May 11, 2010

I was able to acces an HTML element from my c# code this way:

Page.Request.Form["Name"].ToString(), where name was an html element:

<input id="Name" style="z-index: 102;" type="file">

Now that I put this html inside a Tab containe (subpanel) the Page.Request.Form["Name"].ToString() fail, actually while I was debugging I could not find this element inside Page.Request.Form.

maybe there is another way of accessing the Html element from my c# code?

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Web Forms :: Accessing A Button From C# Code?

Mar 5, 2010

I am trying to access Buttons on my web form from the c# code to set the command Argument and click event handler. I am getting following two errors.

Error 1
The best overloaded method match for 'System.Web.UI.ControlCollection.this[int]' has some invalid rguments

Error 2
Argument '1': cannot convert from 'string' to 'int'

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Web Forms :: Catch The HTML Button Click Event On A Class File Including HTML Text Box Value

Sep 24, 2010

I want to catch the html button click event on a class file including html text box value..


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C# - Accessing Checkbox Inside Html Table Loop From Code Behind?

Feb 8, 2011

I have a question about asp.net

I have this table with checkbox for each row:


table code inside the ASPX page:


So I'm trying to implement the delete selected button.. How exactly do i point to the specific checkbox for a particular row from codebehind when all 3 have the same name chkSelected? I know how to do it with a gridview, but not quite sure how if we do it with a for loop..

Can I do something like this inside btnDelete_Click?


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Accessing Html Controls Within File From Server Side C#

Feb 27, 2010

Following code is an example, I just want to know if this can be done. I have an test.aspx file with this server side include tag;

<!--#include file="listOfCountries.htm" -->
Within listOfCountries.htm, I have:
<select id="countryList" runat="server">

Now, Is there a way to access "countryList" in test.aspx.cs file? On another note, say I didn't have the #include "Countries.htm" in test.aspx, is it possible to access the controls within Countries.htm from test.aspx.cs ? (i.e. accessing an external html file controls in cs)

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Html - Accessing Input Type File At Server Side?

Jan 4, 2010

I am using the <input type="file" /> tag to upload a file to the server. How do I access the file at the server side and store it at the server? (The file is an image file)The client side code is :

<form id="form1" action="PhotoStore.aspx" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" id="file" onchange="preview(this)" />


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Web Forms :: How To Use An HTML Button To Access C# Code In A Script

Jun 9, 2010

How do I use an HTML button to access C# code in a script?

The code I have looks like it should work, but it doesn't.


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Web Forms :: How To Dynamically Create HTML File From The Code

Sep 17, 2010

Precisely and concisely, I have aspx page that has only one button "Generate". If the user clicked on this button, one HTML page should be created.

The created HTML page should have title "Home" and the Body should contain "Hello World".

1) What is the code that should be written inside "Generate" button in order to accomplish this functionality?

2) Assuming the HTML page gets created, How to store it inside specific folder on the local drive? Or how to store it inside DB?

View 7 Replies

Web Forms :: Allow Users To Click Button To Insert HTML Code In Multiple Text Boxes?

Jan 25, 2010

I have several text boxes on a page that need to be filled out. When users fill out those boxes they need the ability to enter in bold, italics, superscripts, and trademarks. It has been recommended to use a WYSIWYG. The problem with a WYSIWYG is that it is all tied to 1 large text box. I just need a panel on the side that can hold Bold, Italics buttons to transform whatever text the user has selected to be Bolded/Italicized and then I need to be able to add in predetermined Superscripts and Trademarks where the cursor is as defined by the user. Now this would work with a WYSIWYG but I need this to apply to several (sometimes up to 10 fields on a page) text boxes on a page.

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Web Forms :: Load Pure Html-code In An Ascx-file When Needed?

Jan 9, 2010

i have two buttons, which point to some onclick-methods in my code-behind file. inside these btn_click-codes i want to start adding pure html-code to my page, which was told to me in this forum having done by using ascx-files. note: there would be no code-behind in case of using the ascx-files.

however i do not see a possibility to load these ascx-files within btn_click-code? how to do?

in order to give you an idea of my html-code i have pasted two of them here:


maybe this is the complete wrong approach (as i.e. i believe that body-tags should not be included in .ascx-code). in this - how to do better?

View 7 Replies

Web Forms :: Reference "ASP:Button Tag With An ID Of BtnDelete" Button From The Usercontrol Code Behind File?

Nov 8, 2010

I have an user control in my default.aspx page

<uc1:FileGridVB ID="FileGridVB1" HomeFolder="~" runat="server" PageSize="5" />
Basically this user control list some files and folders in a gridview.

In my default.aspx file I have an ASP:Button tag with an ID of btnDelete. How can I reference this button from the usercontrol code behind file?

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Looking For Code To Convert Html File Into Pdf File?

Feb 18, 2010

send me code to convert html file into pdf file using asp.net

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Get The Html Code In Cs File?

Jan 28, 2011

I have a form which contains Gridview(With paging enabled) and some other controls

I want to the html source code of the gridview after it is rendered in the browser

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Radio Button Using Html.RadioButtonFor Runs Server Code When Clicked?

Oct 18, 2010

How can I use Html.RadioButtonFor to create radio button which when clicked runs code on the server and controls visibility of certain text box. earlier I used to create <asp:control with autopostback="true"

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Put C# Into Html File - Code Doesn't Work

Oct 16, 2010

How can I put the C# code into the htm file ? Then following code does not work. How can I make it work?

-------------- begin RSSTable.htm ---------------
ProductId = <%= Request.Params.Get("ProductId") %
-------------- end RSSTable.htm ----------------

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MVC :: Comment Out A Mixture Of C# And Html Code In A View File

Mar 28, 2011

The following dummy code in a view file works fine:


It simply displays "iFoo = 3". Commenting out the if block as following does not work:


What is the correct way to comment out a mixture of C# and html code in a view file?

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How To Change The Button Text Of File Upload HTML Control

Jan 19, 2010

How do I change the button text of file upload HTML control from default "Browse" to anyother text?

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Web Forms :: Accessing HTML Tags From C#?

Jun 9, 2010

Is there anyway to access HTML tags using C#? For example, I am able to change the text of the ASP Label, but not the HTML label in the below example.


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Web Forms :: Accessing Html Input Control With C#?

Feb 24, 2010

I need to take information in ASP.net profile and add it as a parameter to html input control as follow:

html snippet is as follows:

value="Load Channel"/>
code behind
ProfileCommon oProfile = Profile.GetProfile(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);


oProfile.mediaid is the oarameter required in <input> parameter doLoadChannel(mediaid)

I have tried a number of approaches to get a member of ASP.net proviles as a parameter of the function called by the control "input"

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Web Forms :: Accessing Custom Property In HTML?

Sep 20, 2010

i have a usercontrol with a few dropdownlist....n i am using that usercontrol in few pages and depending on pages those dropdownlist can be enabled mode or disabled mode.

so i created a property:


Now i am accessing in HTML as


it seems to work.

Just curious know that am i going in right direction or any better approach is available?

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Web Forms :: Accessing HTML Table Back At Server?

Mar 26, 2010

I wanted to know whether this is possible or not. I have a page with a div. I populate div at run time with a HTML table I wanted to access that table to get the data back.

I am trying with ParseControl() method... Not success Yet.

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How Can Call The PHP File From The Code Behind Page After A Button Is Clicked

Mar 11, 2010

I have a script written in PHP that does a number of things. I do not want to have to rewrite this in ASP.NET. I wanted to know if anyone knew how I can just call the PHP file from the code behind page after a button is clicked.
I cannot use javascript because things need to be added to the database and need to be successful in the function before I can call this php file. I do not need any of the php code to show up, I just need the php file to run and I need to add a parameter to the end of the URL.

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Web Forms :: Accessing Custom WebPart Control Using HTML Browser DOM

Jun 10, 2010

does anyone know how to access a webpart using the HTML Document Object Model? for example: for a given page which contains a webpart manager and a webpartzone.


I cant access the custom control using the HTML DOM Like this: HtmlDocument doc = HtmlPage.Document;
HtmlElement element = doc.GetElementById("HostTest");
HtmlElement element1 = doc.GetElementById("silverlightControlHost");
HtmlElement element2 = doc.GetElementById("WebPartZone3");
HtmlElement element2Parent = element2.Parent;
HtmlElement element3 = doc.GetElementById("SLRoomConsumerPart1"); //element3 does not return anything at all just Null!

all of the other elements are returned except for element 3 which returns a null! Any controls (regardless if it is a custom control, ASP control, Usercontrol . i tried it by replaceing the custome control with an aspnet button. i go t a null value as well) placed in the <ZoneTemplate> Tag of the <WebpartZone> is not returned using the HTML DOM. I find this stupid and pointless, as the whole point of a webPart is that you can place all sorts of controls in it :
customcontrols, usercontrols html controls, html server controls, aspnet controls and you cant seem to get access to those controls using the HTML DOM model in codeBehind
<asp:WebPartZone ID="WebPartZone3" runat="server" Height="90%" Width="
<cc1:SLRoomConsumerPart ID="SLRoomConsumerPart1" runat="server" />
HtmlDocument doc = HtmlPage.Document;
HtmlElement my_WeBpart_Element = doc.GetElementbyId("myCustomWebPartControl1")
can anyone point me to a solution or a work around as i am trying to access the dom from silverlight 3 but should be exactly the same as doing it from the webpart'shosting page's code behind. so that i can reference the controls inside my web part from the code behind of the custom page once i get hold of the webPart Element referece.

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing Html Element In Gridview?

Jun 27, 2010

I have the following html in my gridview in an item template :


So I thought that you could use id="name" and access this just like an ASP control such as <ASP:Checkbox

or <ASP:Label etc. My code continues to caugh and state object not set to an instance of an object when I uncheck my checkbox

Line 741: ElseIf Not Me.CheckBox1.Checked Then
Line 742: Dim row As GridViewRow = gvLink.SelectedRow
Line 743: Dim recip As HtmlAnchor = TryCast(row.FindControl("recip"), HtmlAnchor)
Line 744: Response.Write(recip)
Line 745:


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