Web Forms :: Apply The Theme To The Email Message?

Apr 20, 2010

How to apply the theme to the email message ?

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Web Forms :: How To Apply Theme To Control

Jun 15, 2010

this will work


do I miss anything should do but I didn't

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Web Forms :: How To Apply Theme In Subfolder

Oct 26, 2010

My site structure is like that I've 4 sub folders and few pages at roots when sub folder pages are viewed in browser their css breaks some of the images doesn't work well.

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Web Forms :: Theme Doesn't Apply?

Oct 28, 2010

Am using various themes . when i change from one theme to another the previous part of the Theme is applied to some parts during initial load . Applying theme is done in Code Behind only . Attched is the image .

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Web Forms :: How To Apply Theme In Master Pages

Jun 5, 2010

can any body tell me how to apply theme in master pages and content pages

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Web Forms :: How To Apply Theme To Master And Sub-pages (VS2010 Pro)

Aug 12, 2010

Greetings I am brand spanking new to VS Studio 2010 and relatively new to ASP.Net, so be gentle in your reply.

Question: I am trying to set-up a theme which is viewable on all sub-pages.

In previous versions of VS, I could simply add <pages theme="myTheme" /> to the web.config file. Now in VS 2010 the web.config has been "refactored" and I cannot add that code ..

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Web Forms :: How To Apply Theme To All ASPX Pages From Master Page

Aug 10, 2012

I am working on Themes. Till now I can sussessfully change the Single Page theme when my user logs in.

I Used :

Page.Theme = "RedTheme";

and redirect it.

But if i take master page then i unable to apply the selected theme to all pages. My User can able change theme now. But only for single page. How to apply for all pages?

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How To Apply Theme For Website

Jan 19, 2010

I want to apply theme for my website. i am using asp.net.

I think there is some easy way in asp.net.using skin files and style sheet.

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WebMatrix :: Styling A Chart - Apply Theme?

Feb 11, 2011

In Displaying Data in a Chart tutorial there is a secion that talks about styling a chart. It mentions that there are many ways you can style a chart but then it just goes on talking about how to apply a theme. I want to style the chart myself but can't for the life of me figure out how to do so.

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Visual Studio :: Design View Does Not Apply Theme's Style Sheet?

Mar 16, 2010

I have a webapp with a Masterpage and 4 or so content pages. I have created a theme folder with a style sheet. I put the <pages theme="Default" in the web.config. When I run the app all the styles in the style sheet apply and it looks great. But design view does not apply the styles from my theme. Design view does not use the web.config setting or something. How do I get design view to apply the theme styles.

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Web Forms :: How To Apply Styles On The Message Displayed By Required Field Validator Control

Sep 17, 2010

I want to apply styles on the message (i.e. Name field is required) display by the asp.net required field validator control.

Styles=border, padding, background-color, font-color, font-weight, img etc

And I also want highlight the border or asp.net textbox and asp.net dropdown list with which this control is associated.

RequiredFieldValidator does not have style property !

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Web Forms :: How To Record Email Message

Apr 13, 2010

How can i record a Email message("Mail has been sent to [URL] on 04/11/2010 16:25:54") after i sent an mail in a Textbox,Textbox recides another form.

I have button called e-mail in Default.aspx form when i click this button i am redirecting into email.aspx form for sending email.I have textbox in Default.aspx to record the Message after sent an email, a messsage appears on the screen(email.aspx) after sent mail,same message should be displayed/recorded in Default.aspx textbox mean time email.aspx should be disappear .

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Web Forms :: How To Add Additional Information To Email Message

Sep 13, 2010

I have a contact form that has the standard email fields such as name, email, street address, city, state, and body. This is being done with System.Net.Mail. I understand how to use the body, to/from address, and subject. I don't understand how to include the street address, city, and state with the email though.

I want this additional information to be sent with the email some how so the recipient can have access to it. I assume this should be included with the body when the email is sent. I don't understand the best way to so this though.

I thought about appending the values of these fields to the body of the email. I don't know how to format this so it looks good though. The formatting I want to do is very basic. I would like each of these values to be on a separate line before or after the body of the email. I'm not interested in colors or anything too fancy. I prefer to send a plain text email, if possible, if these values can be included on their own line.

Can anyone provide an example or a link to an article on this? Do I have to use an html formatted email and create new lines with in the body for these fields?

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Web Forms :: Duplicate Email Message Send

Feb 2, 2010

I'm working with a code that first upload a file to the server and after sends a email and attached is the file previously uploaded, It's working everything the only problem is that email message is duplicate.


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Web Forms :: How To Embed Image In Email Message

Jan 14, 2010

I have an automated web report i send to users on a regular basis. The report is a web page template that i replace the main pieces of data with the current days data. In this case the reporting is shown in the form of a chart. Everything seems to work fine except for one image that does not show up in the email report. see the code below


Each time i send the email it goes throught with all the other images except the one above. When i view the email as a web page however the image does show up in the browser. This leads me to believe that there is a limitation with viewing embeded images in Outlook 2007. I have tried to follow suggestions like the one described here, [URL] but it does not seem to work. Can somebody tell me how to get my images to show up in an email message using outlook 2007?

View 11 Replies

Web Forms :: Setting Body Text For Email Message?

Nov 18, 2010

what can I use on a form that will hold images and text and can be sent as the body in an Email? For example, can I use a panel and add a table inside it and then organize text and images in the table and then use the panel as the body in the email?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Send An Email Or SMS Message Using C#

Feb 25, 2010

In Visual Studio 2008 I am using an asp.net 3.5 listview control as my frontend to an sql server 2005 database backend. I am also using a linq to sql datacontext to query and perform all my backend CRUD commands. Within the OnInserted event of my linqdatasource I am assigning a query string variable (customer_id) to populate a child page (code below). This works perfectly. However, what I would also like to achieve within this event is to build an email body containing other database column references, from my insert, that will send an email to all the email addresses contained within a seperate column from another one of my db tables. Any ideas on how I can achieve this? C# code examples will be appreciated.

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Web Forms :: How To Send One Email Message To Multiple Recipients

May 21, 2013

I have used the mail mechanism : [URL] .....

I have used this solution. And it's working fine for single id. But when i am using multiple id as reciepent mail id , it's mailing the text only to the first id. I am providing multiple id as below:

mm.To.Add(New MailAddress("k.sumeet@ymail.com,k.amit9906239675@gmail.com"))

Here, if I place gmail id first and ymail id second, the would be send's only to gmail id not to ymail id, and same in case if I place ymail first and gmail second then mail send to ymail and not to gmail.

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Web Forms :: How To Add Company Logo In Email Message Body

May 23, 2013

I want to send user image and company logo when send mail to any email address to users in my website. how to implement it.

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Forms Data Controls :: Sending GridView In Email Message?

Oct 1, 2010

How can I send GridView in Email Message.

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Web Forms :: Reading Body Of Email - Multipart Message In MIME Format

Mar 18, 2010

In my application, while reading body of mail. I am getting the text of the body as "This is a multipart message in MIME format."

Here is my code
SmtPop.POP3Client pop = new SmtPop.POP3Client();
pop.Open(serverName, 110, emailId, passWord);
SmtPop.POPMessageId[] messages = pop.GetMailList();
if (messages == null) return;
foreach (SmtPop.POPMessageId id in messages) {
try { Byte[] b = new Byte[0];
SmtPop.POPReader reader = pop.GetMailReader(id);
SmtPop.MimeMessage msg = new SmtPop.MimeMessage();
msg.Read(reader); Boolean kasbook=false;
String caseCode =null; string body = msg.Body; // read message
Regex rx = new Regex(@"(d{6}?)",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
MatchCollection matches = rx.Matches(msg.Subject);
if(matches.Count > 0) caseCode=matches[0].Value;
kasbook = Regex.IsMatch(msg.Subject,@"(kas)",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (msg.Attachments == null) continue;

Why I am not able to read the body of the mail.

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Web Forms :: When The User Press The Button If The Email Exists Want To Show A Message Box Him?

Feb 10, 2010

I am creating a newsletter and I have got a problem. I have 2 text boxes. In one textbox the user types his name and in the second one the user enter his email address. When the user press the button if the email exists I want to show a message box him that the email address already exists. If the email does not exist I want to insert his email on the database and show a message that he has been inserted in the newsletter list. Just to let you know guys I am using C#

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Web Forms :: Embed Binary Image From Database In Message Body And Send Email

May 7, 2015

I have been trying to add BLOB Image from Oracle Database table to Email content as HTML table elemnt.

<table style='width: 100%; font-weight: bold;'>
<tr style="border-style: groove; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; background-color: #45a297;">
<td colspan="2" style="font-size: 8px; font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold; padding-left: 0px; color: white; font-size: 16px; text-align: center">Flight</td>


I am getting my data in Email except Image in mail content.

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How To Email Error Message In Catch

Feb 14, 2011

I have the code below which I now need to figure out how to not only display but also email it all to my email, this way should any user encounter a error we get to see exactly what is it.

Catch ex As Exception,lblInformation.Text = ("<h4>Unable to save data in database</h4>" + vbNewLine + "The error was '" + ex.Message + "'" + vbNewLine + vbNewLine + "The SQL Command which falied was:" + vbNewLine + "<strong>" + mySQL + "</strong>" + vbNewLine + "Please contact the Service Desk to report this error.").Replace(vbNewLine, "<br />" + vbNewLine) [code]...

in a new line above "booInsertedRecord = False" and then creating a new "Dim objEMail New MailMessage()" but then realised that won't work because it's msg is defined in the catch so not to sure what steps next to take.It's been a while since I used VB and I didn't need to use anything like this

Edit - @tzup ToString() shows

[The error was 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.The statement has been terminated.at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)

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How To Develop A Webpage Using C# To Send An Email Message

Feb 26, 2010

I am hoping to upgrade the below two classic asp web pages to an asp.net web pages. The pages basically perform actions on incoming query string variables and also the login_fail_license.asp page sends us an email to inform us of certain situations. Currently they're a bit dated and I'm hoping to upgrade them to c# so I can fully understand what they are doing as we have been receiving strange IP addresses against our own license numbers (5000), I think the logic maybe wrong.


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