Web Forms :: Array Cannot Work When Pass It To Different Cs Page

Mar 16, 2011

I am passing an array from .aspx page to different .cs page. It's not working for me

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Forms Data Controls :: Work When The Page Load Not When Pass The Querystring On The Browser?

Oct 16, 2010

i have a page, when the page loads, nothing shows up, when i pass the querystring on the browser as [URL]

I want it to work when the page load not when i pass the querystring on the browser.

Here is the code:




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Pass C# Array To Javascript Array?

Aug 12, 2010

how to pass a C# ASP.NET array to a Javascript array? Sample code will also be nice.

Let's say for simplicity that in my aspx.cs file I declare:

int [] numbers = new int[5];

now I want to pass "numbers" to the client side and use the data in the array within javascript. How would I do this?

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Web Forms :: Pass An Array That Is Filled In Page1.asp To Page2.asp?

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MVC :: How To Pass An Array Into An Action

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In my view I have this:


action is:


But numbers is always null. How come? How can I get this to work?

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Pass An Array To Stored Procedure?

May 13, 2010

I have a page with list box and user can select multiple values from that lst box. Now what I want to do is when user submits the page I want to generate a comma seprated string that contins the ID's of values selected and pass this string to stored procedure. String would look like something like that '2,5,9'

Now my question is how can I split these ids in my stored procedure and get the records based on these ID's. In want to pass this array to Source coloumn in the follwoing Stored procedure and get the data. Right now following stored procedure is working on the basis of single source id passed to it.


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C# - How To Pass An Array Of Structures Through Postback

Mar 23, 2011

I have the following structure:

private struct S_indiv
public int[] x;
public int s;
public S_indiv(int[] p1, int p2)
x = p1;
s = p2;
and array:
private static S_indiv[] ind;

How can I pass this array through Postback?

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How To Pass Values To A Javascipt Array

Oct 6, 2010

I am trying to implement the autocomplete method for textboxes.

I would like to use the example based on jquerys autocomplete provided here

<link href="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8/themes/base/jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
source: ["c++", "java", "php", "coldfusion", "javascript", "asp", "ruby"]

The first and Main problem is that i do not know the way of passing my values to the source:

By saying that i mean, supposing i have a a server-side ASP.NET function GetTheResults as listof(string) or GetTheResults as string ()

how am i supposed to pass those values as source required by the auto-complete?

The second problem is that the specific way does not use AJAX.
Which means i guess on the load of the form i will load all the available values to the source. Isn't that an overkill?

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How To Pass Image From Byte Array Control

Jul 30, 2010

Is there a control that you can use? It can be done by fetching a binaryread from an aspx page but why there isn't a simple free image control that you can put in the page and feed it a byte array?

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Pass Array To Client Side For Display?

Mar 20, 2010

I have an array which contains around 50-200 hyperlinks. How can I pass this array to the client-side so that I can iterate through the array and display each hyperlinks as a list item?
The array will be stored in 'Application' as it's system wide and rarely changes. Could there be a more efficient way of achieving the hyperlinks as a list?

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C# - Pass Array Of Strings Via Jquery Post?

Nov 23, 2010

What I have is a table that holds 3 input elements, They represent order, name, value. The user can add a new row of 3 inputs to add as many of these sets of data as they want.

To accomplish the dynamically adding in of inputs I use jquery's clone method. That works fine and I am able to iterate through each and grab the values, however the real pain I am having is that when the user has entered in all of the data I want to pass that data to an asp.net page through jQuery's post method. How do I go about passing an array of strings so that I send this format to the asp.net page, and when I've done that how do i parse the data on the asp.net side of it.

Desired Data Format:

["Name|Link|Order", "Name|Link|Order", "Name|Link|Order"]
jquery Code so far:
$("#saveBtn").click(function (e) {
//Perform Save Operation
var saveString = "";
$("#addTable tbody>tr").each(function () {
var o = $(this).find(".hsaorder").val();
var n = $(this).find(".hsaname").val();
var l = $(this).find(".hsalink").val();
saveString += n + "|" + l + "|" + o ;
////// Create Array here or some other method?
$.post("/modules/H/Modify.aspx", { OBVIOUSLY SOMETHING GOES HERE});
// Remove all but top table element to return to original state
$("#addTable tbody>tr").not("#addTable tbody>tr:first").remove();

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Pass The Content Of A File To A Array Of Bytes?

Oct 13, 2010

How can I pass the content of a File to a array of bytes?

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State Management :: Pass Array Values To Different Pages?

Nov 12, 2010

I had created one array who's value I want to pass to different webpages in asp.net,

I am looking for session variable ,,,, Is this correct way ,,,, and hw to insert value in array and fetch from it using session variable

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Pass An Anonymous Array Of Strings To A JavaScript Function?

Apr 5, 2010

I want to pass to an array of controls' IDs to a javascript script function so it will switch control's enable state.

For example, in C# it would be like this:

func(false, new[] { "Control1", "Control2", "Control3" });

In that function I want to find corresponding controls and disable/enable them. For one control I do this next way:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function switchControls(value, arr) {
for (var n = 0; n < array.length; n++)
document.getElementById([n]).disabled = value;
<asp:CheckBox runat="server"
'<%= Control1.ClientID %>',
'<%= Control2.ClientID %>'
Text="Take?" />

How to implement this properly? Have I to use jQuery?

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AJAX :: Pass And Save JavaScript Array Values To Database Using JQuery?

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I have create a web page having dynamically created text boxes if  i select value in dropdown list,text boxes auto generates .but i want to save all text box values in SQL server database after clicking on submit button using ajax/JSON request

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DataSource Controls :: How To Pass The Array ( Object[]) Or Structure Data Type Value To The Store Procedure

May 6, 2010

I want to pass the Array ( object[]) or Structure data type value to the store procedure through
ibatis .net. I can do same by commandtext using SQLDBType.Structure. I am using Table value function in sql server 2008 and .Net 2010.


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Select And Pass A Grid Column Value To A Text Box For Other Work

Oct 20, 2010

i want know, How we can select and pass a grid column value to a text box for other work

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Web Forms :: Getting An Array Of List From Database To Client Side(javascript Array)?

May 12, 2010

Iam getting an array of list from database to client side(javascript array). Now my aim to place those values in a div one by one and that div should attach to the textbox similar to Autocomplete extender.

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Add Values To Array and Replace Preexisting Array Items With New Values without The Array Changing Size?

Aug 19, 2010

I need to know what would be the best choice of array to use given the following specifications. This array's size will be predermined upon the loading of the appication. All I want to do is be able to add values to this array and replace preexisting array items with new values without the array changing size. Someone suggested that I use a Dictionary Array Object? I would appreciate any suggestions.

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How To Pass Unit Of Work Container Into Constructor Of Repository Using Dependency Injection

Jul 23, 2010

how to complete my implementation of the Repository pattern in an ASP.NET web application.

At the moment, I have a repository interface per domain class defining methods for e.g. loading and saving instances of that class.

Each repository interface is implemented by a class which does the NHibernate stuff. Castle Windsor sorts out the DI of the class into the interface according to web.config. An example of an implemented class is provided below:


As pointed out in a previous thread, the repository class needs to accept an unit of work container (i.e. ISession) rather than instantiating it in every method.

I anticipate that the unit of work container will be created by each aspx page when needed (for example, in a property).

How do I then specify that this unit of work container instance is to be passed into the constructor of StoredWillRepository when Windsor is creating it for me?

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Passing An Array From Child Page To Parent Page?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a listbox containing a list of the datas In the child page. Now, if a user selects a multiple number of the items of the listbox, i have to pass all of them through the session.

So, i want to create an array in the child page and pass the values in the session and in the form of an array to the parent page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass Value In GridView From Page To Another Page?

Mar 21, 2010

how to pass value in GridView from Page1.aspx to Page2.aspx

In the GridView, I add one column that have CheckBox and the GridView have 5 rows then it will be 5 CheckBox.

What I would like to do is, when we checked 3 CheckBox from the GridView and click submit button, it will go to the Page2.aspx and display back the GridView but only display 3 rows that had been checked from the Page1.aspx I'm using VB

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Web Forms :: How To Pass Values From One Page To Another Page Using Querystring

Dec 7, 2010

in my webpage pass values from one page to another page Querystring

in first page there two textboxes both textbox values pass to them ,but sometime only one value select if am entering only

first textbox value it will pass,if am entering only second textbox value it wont pass value the value taken like that

Response.Redirect("~/Admin/VegaFABS.aspx? symbol=" + txtSymbol.Text);
second page
string s2 = Request.QueryString["symbol"];

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Web Forms :: Pass Info On Aspx Page To Cfm Page

Dec 20, 2010

I am trying to set up with a pay portal. The example they gave to add the "buy now" button was a standard form in HTML with inputs. I need to keep the form in .aspx because I have some of the values populating from another page. How can I pass the information in my .aspx page to their .cfm page?

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Web Forms :: Master Page Pass Value To Content Page?

Jul 15, 2010

How do you pass a value from a Master Page to a content page with an OnClick event from the master page?

I have used the find control to reference from content to master but haven't found something that works from master to content.

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