Web Forms :: Assign Value To Button From Database

Feb 20, 2010

I hav a small problem, idont know how to express it. So i am using images for this purpose

First Page
Second page

As Shown above i have to had a first page with each button for each row and when someone clicks on that button, he should be redirected to another page with a reference of that row giving the complete details of that row. Hope u all understood, the problem, now how to give the reference of the row to the button is my problem hope u all understand. By seeing my points u can understand that i am a beginner, so pls kindly explain me in detail.

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Web Forms :: Assign Properties For Button Control At Runtime?

Dec 5, 2010

I have a button in a details view that I want to change the properties of at run time. When the user clicks the edit button the details view goes into edit mode. I also want the edit button to turn into an update(or save) button so the use can click it to persist the changes done in edit mode. I've had to create a new instance of the button which I can do. I've done that with the cast below, I assume this is a good way to do this. I'm now having difficulty assigning the properties. I tried this but get a "Object Reference not set to an instance of an object" error. I thought I was working with an instance of the object in the code below, but the compiler doesn't agree. How do I set the text, and other properties for my button instance?


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Web Forms :: Inline Code To Assign Value To Button Text

Jun 11, 2010

I tried to assign the value of button text through the following syntax where MyValue is the public variable with the value "Checkout" in the code behind.


But it turned out that it displayed <%=MyValue%> instead of "Checkout". Yes of course I can still assign button text value in the code behind but just don't know if there is any other solutions to it.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Assign The DynamicData Into Href={0} When User Click On The Pass Button

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how to assign the dynamicData into href={0} when user click on the Pass button?



HyperLink test = e.Item.FindControl("test") as HyperLink;

test.Text = string.Format(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(dynamicData));

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Assign Values To GridView's Cells And Update To Database

Nov 23, 2010

I have a gridview in a page, and some Texboxes along with a button(for issuing a command) in the same page. The TextBoxs were inputted values and the values could be assigned to the selected row of the gridview, some fields are the same values along the rows, and the values are inputted in the TextBoxes for using several times without change.

Well, I need to know: how can I assign the values of the TextBoxes to the selected row of the gridview. in another words, how can I access the cell members of the gridview when it is in edit mode? (Q1)

If the row is not selected, I have no way to know which row should be assigned values, since there is no such things like "current row".

So, if the selecting button(or link) of the gridview is not selected, the button along with the TextBoxes should keep disabled, until a row's "Edit" button is clicked. (Q2: How can I find if the Edit button is clicked? I guess I can use the property "mode" of the gridview to indicate the situation. )

And the last question is (Q3), how can I ensure the values are updated to the database? Maybe I dont need to do more things than just click the uppdate button of the row of the gridview.

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Forms Data Controls :: Assign The Image URL From MS Acsess To Image Button In C#?

Jun 21, 2010

I am new to .NEt, I am doing a classifieds website and tried to save the image in server,in a seperate folder and stored that address in MS access databse.when I wanted to display that image in a gridview,its not showing the image.

In the seperate column when Ia m trying to see the image location using bound field,its displaying C:websitesAzangouser_images j.jpg, but where as its not showing the image in the item template field.


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C# - Programmatically Add A Button To A Gridview And Assign It To A Specific Code-behind Function?

Mar 10, 2010

In runtime I'm creating a DataTable and using nested for-loops to populate the table. This table I later assign as DataSource to a gridview and on RowDataBound I assign the value of each cell. I want to know how I can give each cell a button and assign that button to a codebehind function. I'll have 12 buttons and each one will contain a different value. I would prefer if they all call the same function with some kind of event that stores the cell-specific value. This is the code where the Table gets created:


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SQL Server :: How To Assign Database Retrieve Values To Labels

Dec 2, 2010

I want to assign values that retrived from database to labels.im using select command.but it doesnt work.


my table customer table contains attributes Name,age,email and address.i want to ask user to enter to his id to display his datas.

after he enterd his id each label will be assigned with the database values accordingly.i tried like above.couldnt get the output.

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Access :: Assign Database To AccessDataSource Control Dynamically?

Nov 5, 2010

How do I assign database to AccessDataSource control dynamically.

If I load aspx page by mypage.aspx?DB=100 then I want to use 100.mdb as data base

If I load aspx page by mypage.aspx?DB=200 then I want to use 200.mdb as data base

Both databases are identical except for the fact that data is different.

Here's default code - Need to replace Bold Code with equivalent of DataFile = response.querystring("DB") + ".mdb"

<asp:AccessDataSource ID="AccessDataSource1" runat="server"
DataFile="c: rims2k&#65533;00001000.mdb"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [EquipmentUsage]"></asp:AccessDataSource>

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Assign .net Membership Roles To Individual Database Records?

Mar 26, 2010

I'm developing a system where we want to restrict the availability of information displayed to users based on their roles.

e.g. I have a tabled called EventType (ID, EventTypeDescription) which contains the following records:

1, 'Basic Event'
2, 'Intermediate Event'
3, 'Admin Event'

What I need to achieve is to filter the records returned based on the username (and hence role) of the logged-in user. e.g if an advanced user is logged in they will see all the event types, if the standard user is logged in they will only see the basic event type etc.

Ideally id like to do this in a way which can be easily extended to other tables as necessary. So I'd like to avoid simply adding a 'Roles' field to each table where the data is user context sensitive.

One idea I'm thinking of is to create some kind of permissions table like:


this has the drawback of using this is obviously having to use the table name to switch which table to join onto.

Edit: In the absence of any better suggestions, I'm going to go with the last idea I mentioned, but instead of having a TableName field, I'm going to normalise the TableName out to it's own table as follows:



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DataSource Controls :: Assign Dataset Values Retrieved From Database To Session Variables

Aug 16, 2010

I am looking to retrieve data from a database and assign those values to class objects which in turn will be turned into session variables. I am using an object datasource to retrieve the data from the database but I cannot find anywhere that shows how to assign these values to variables. The data is returned in a dataset. There is the added problem that there will be mulitple items returned which will have to be assigned to different arraylists of objects based on the a primary key in the database.

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Data Controls :: Splitting Comma Separated Values In Database And Assign To Multiple Textboxes

Apr 27, 2016

I have 5 textboxes in my webpage for entering address, i.e,

door no, village, city, district, pincode.

These are concatenated by comma (,) and stored into the database field address. at the time of retrieving, the concatenated address, should be separated and assign to each textboxes.

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Assign Validation Group To Asp.Button Dynamically On Client Side Using Javascript On The Base Of Item Selected In Drop Down List?

Jun 15, 2010

n a form I have multiple group of controls which are grouped using validation group property. I want to assign validation group to asp.Button dynamically on client side using javascript on the base of item selected in drop down list.

Here is JavaScript which I am using, but it is not working. It shows validation group undefined but actually a default group is defined.

<script type="text/JavaScript">
function NextClicked() {
var _ddlStatus = document.getElementById("<%=ddl.ClientID%>");
var _selectedIndex = _ddlStatus.selectedIndex;
var _btn = document.getElementById("<%=btnNext.ClientID%>");

alert(_btn.ValidationGroup); // here in messge it shows undefiend, yet I have defiend a group in button as default.

if (_selectedIndex == 1) {
_btn.ValidationGroup = "G1";
if (_selectedIndex == 2) {
_btn.ValidationGroup = "G2";

View 1 Replies

If The User Click On Button Then The Database Table Is Created In The Database?

Mar 24, 2011

then the database table is created in database(that is SQL express),how can do that.Please sir help me in that problem.I try that thing and debug the code and there is no error in the code but when I click the button in run time ,no table is created in the database(which is placed in sql express 2005).So my problem is that why the table is not created in the database.

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If The User Click On Button Then The Database Table Is Created In Database Through C#?

Mar 20, 2011

My question is that if the user click on button (which is place in default.aspx, for example) then the database table is created in database (SQL express), how can do that? I have tried but errors are occuring during debugging, errors are:the best overloaded method match for 'system.data.odbc.odbc command.odbc command(string,system.data.odbc.odbc connection)'has some invalid arguments.
Argument'2':cannot convert from 'system.data.sqlclient.sqlconnection' to 'system.data.odbc.odbc connection'.
The code written in c# behind the button (button is placed in default.aspx, for example) is:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

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Web Forms :: How To Set Radio Button Property Corresponding To Database Value

Aug 11, 2010

How to set Radio button property corresponding to Database value?

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Web Forms :: Disable A Button Based On Database?

Dec 28, 2010

I have an application that I am working on that is a time keeping site. I will use it to track the clock-in/out times of the employees. I have 2 buttons on a page. One that says clock-in and the other says clock-out.

I want the clock-in button to be disabled if the user has not clocked-out and the clock-out to be disabled if the user hase not clocked-in.

I'm using MSSQL 2005 and VB.

View 13 Replies

Web Forms :: How To Insert,update The Radio Button Value Into Database

Nov 17, 2010

I have a Radiobutton on my webform along with textbox and dropdown controls, I am trying to insert and update radiobutton value but not succeededFor Insert i have applied following code (Bolded letters are radiobutton values)

Dim rdValue As String
If rdFA.Checked Then
rdValue = rdFA.Checked [code].....

when i check one of radiobutton and click on insert button radio button value saved as true.when i retreving this record from data base it is displaying as True in radiobutton field.For Updatei have applied following code (Bolded letters are radiobutton values)

updateRecord("update status set PartNumber='" + txtPartNumber.Text + "',FA='" + rdFA.Text + "',Prod='" + rdProd.Text + "' where WONumber='" + txtWON.Text + "'") but unable to update.

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Web Forms :: Connect Textbox To SQL Database Through Save Button?

Dec 28, 2010

I am using MS Visual Web Developer 2010 express and i am just new..

can someone tells me how to connect textbox, combobox, radio through "save" button to mdf or sql server.. anyone who can guide me?

Name: "textbox1"
Last Name: "textbox2"

and other combobox or radio etc.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Button To Update Database?

Jan 29, 2010

I have a gridview with a button and when this button is pressed i want to update a database record that corresponds to that gridview post.

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Web Forms :: Insert Radio Button Selected Item To Database

Jun 30, 2012

I have 2 radiobutton  

1 text box and   1 button



And this is my table

price name Id 

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Web Forms :: Store Selected Option From The Radio Button List To Database?

Jan 26, 2011

Im doing a project which requires me to store the survey results to database.

For the options, I am using the radio button list.

However, I have problems storing the selected option back to database.

Is there any solution to it? Im using visual studio C#! :)

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Forms Data Controls :: Using A Formview To Update A Database With A Insert Button

Jan 5, 2011

I am *VERY* new to ASP.net. This may seem simple to you all, but I'm really lost. I have a small sized page with three text boxes (part of the InsertItemTemplate) of a formview, and a slightly modified link the system generated to submit the data to be inserted in the database:


If this page is run, it inserts the data into the database fine, clears the form and sits there. I want it to return a simple "Thank you" page in a window of the same size, with a Close Window buttom at the bottom to close the window:


When I set the postbackurl property on the first page, everything appears to work, except the write is never done to the database. If I remove the postback, it works as it did previously.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Checkbox Value To Database On Button Click?

Jun 12, 2010

I am posting this in the webforms section as I don't think I was clear on my last post. I am trying toinsert a gridview checkbox value to a database when I click the submit button. I have looked at dozens of examples but can't seem to put it together and I know this must be pretty simple.

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Forms Data Controls :: Load Values From Database To Dropdown Before AddQuotenumber Button?

Mar 11, 2010

I have Dropdown for Quotenumber(auto increment ).i have created a function to retreive the data from database.data loading into dropdown. when i click on Addquotenumer button the new quotenumber generated and same loading into dropdown but 2 set of Quotenumbers are displaying rather than singleset, i debudded the code the reason was i have called this function twice one is form load and another one in AddQuotenumber button event,both should manadetory as per my requirement. how can un load this dropdown before AddQuotenumber button

Function to retreive data to dropdown
Public Sub retriveDataToDropDown()
Dim connectionString As String = "Database=fabdb;" & "Data Source=localhost;" & "User Id=root;Password=pacvision"
Dim query As String = "SELECT QuoteNumber FROM quotes"
Dim connection As New MySqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim da As New MySqlDataAdapter(query, connection)
Dim ds As New DataSet()
If da.Fill(ds) Then
DDQuote.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
DDQuote.DataTextField = "QuoteNumber"
'DDQuote.Items.Insert(0, New ListItem("Select", "Default value"))
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
AddquoteNumber button code
Protected Sub btnAQ_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnAQ.Click
Dim connectionString As String = "Database=fabdb;" & "Data Source=localhost;" & "User Id=root;Password=pacvision"
Dim rowsEffected As Integer = 0
Dim Query As String = ""
Dim connection As New MySqlConnection(connectionString)
'Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand(Query, connection)
Query = "insert into Quotes(query follows...................)
End Sub

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