Web Forms :: Creating The Autoshapes In Excel?

Jan 21, 2010

i am using Converted Version of JExcel to Exporting the data To the Excel Because server is NOt having the office Installed so i am using JExcel for Exporting

up to Now it working fine...

i got a new Requirement from Client saying that need to Draw autoshapes (triangle Shape and fill withe Color)

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add Gridviews To An Excel File By Creating Multiple Worksheets

Oct 12, 2010

I have multiple gridviews on a page. I would like to add these to an excel file and have a worksheet for each gridview.

I found some code on the web to accomplish this. However, when i run it i always get all the gridviews on one worksheet. The code is shown below.

Can somebody tell me how i can send multiple gridviews to an excel file to get a workbook with multiple worksheets?


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C# - Creating And Saving An Excel File?

Apr 29, 2010

I have the following code that creates a new Excel file in my C# code behind. When I attempt to save the file I would like the user to select the location of the save.

In Method #1, I can save the file my using the workbook SaveCopyAs without prompting the user for a location. This saves one file to the C:Temp directory.

Method #2 will save the file in my UsersDocuments folder, then prompt the user to select the location and save a second copy. How can I eliminate the first copy from saving in the UsersDocuments folder?

Excel.Application oXL;
Excel._Workbook oWB;
Excel._Worksheet oSheet;
Excel.Range oRng;....

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Creating Excel File Using Vb Without Installing Office?

Mar 16, 2010

I want create my output in excel file. But in server i cannot install office, its too costly i am developing it with vishual studio2005 with vb. so anybody can give the solution for this.

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Creating Excel File Using Office.Interop?

Nov 10, 2010

In my asp.net page, I am creating excel file using Office.Interop and saving. The application works correctly in my local. When I am deploying in Win 2003 server I am getting below Error. I don't have excel installed in server.

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 80070005

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Error While Creating Excel File In C# Web Application?

Feb 24, 2011

i am getting following error while creating the excel file

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 80070005 Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005(E_ACCESSDENIED)). at QA.CreateExcel.createDoc() in e:~~CreateExcel.cs:line 33

i am using this code.

private Office.Excel.Application app =new Office.Excel.Application();

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Creating Charts From Excel And Exporting To Word?

Nov 8, 2010

So im trying to develop a web-based site that allows a set of charts to be created about different informationNow i need to use this information to generate some charts (most likely throught excel) and then export all of the charts to a word document. The problem im finding is how am i able to send all the charts to word and format them to put multiple on one page and formatted to certain locations. Is there a way to do this or will i be fored to send them to word and then open that document and organize them myself.?

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Configuration :: Excel Not Getting Creating In The Published Site?

May 14, 2010

My application has a requirement of creating an excel sheet from the database on clicking logout buttonThis is implemented using the following com Components:Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object LibraryI created a Folder(Temp) in the application .When ever user clicks on the log out button, A folder(with the session name ) in Temp Folder gets created and the excel file is created here.Now every thing works fine on the local machine(User is getting the prompt for open and save etc)When I publish this .Nothing seems to be working.There is a n error that says" Could not find the excel at the said location(Tempseesion NmaeName.xls)The excel is not geting created when application is publised.

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Databases :: Creating, Opening, Writing To Excel Files?

Aug 5, 2010

I am creating an site where a user uploads an excel file to check if any of the records exist in a database. Then they are returned an excel file with only the records that are NOT in the database.
I was thinking I should do it this way1. User uploads their excel file. The app opens excel file and loads records into a dataset (so far this is working with the code below)2. Using datarow and another function to check if each excel record exists in the database3 If the record does NOT exist, and it is the first record tested, create an excel file called records.xlsx and write the record into the file

4. Check the next record and if it does NOT exist in the database, then check if records.xlsx already exists then open it and write it into it.


Hopefully its clear, sorry if its not, I'm a bit of a novice at this. Is this a good way to do it? Does anyone know of any tutorials that might outline how to open an existing file and write to it?

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Data Controls :: Creating Excel Sheet From Datatable

Aug 29, 2012

I am converting DataTable To Excel Format using oledb im using following code

private void btnexcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Dictionary<String, String> schema = dac.DatasourceSchema(tablename); //data tables Columns Headers And Data types
string[] values = schema.Values.ToArray(); // column Headers
string[] keys = schema.Keys.ToArray(); // datatypes
SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();

[Code] ....

I want to insert my Dictinary key value pairs in below command

cmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE sheet1 (ID INTEGER,NAME NVARCHAR(100))"; /

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Forms Data Controls :: Creating Excel Like Data Gridview

Feb 14, 2010

I have a stored procedure that creates a global temporary table. I fill in five records with nulls into the temp table. I select * from my global temp table. (I can replicate this in sql and see my table from the select * command) In ASP.net; I create a gridview that binds to the stored procedure as the select.command. I run my webform

The idea would be then to figure out how to edit the nulls and then append the data from my temp table on the actual table. I see nothing. No error. No grid. Nothing. Just plain white! What am I not doing right? Or what am I doing wrong?

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C# - Can't Read Excel File After Creating It Using File.WriteAllText() Function

May 27, 2010

I have created an excel sheet from datatable using function. I want to read the excel sheet programatically using the below connectionstring. This string works fine for all other excel sheets but not for the one i created using the function. I guess it is because of excel version problem.

OleDbConnection conn= new OleDbConnection("Data Source='" + path +"';provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;";);

which i can create an excel sheet such that it is readable again using above query. I cannot use Microsoft InterOp library as it is not supported by my host. I have even changed different encoding formats. Still it doesnt work


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview - Export To Excel And Formatting Excel From Right To Left

Jun 10, 2010

How can I export data from a Gridview to excel and once exported the data should be formatted in right to left (arabic) manner. How can I achieve this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Export Datagrid To Excel Without Excel Component?

Sep 22, 2010

We have the requirement to export the data from the grid excel. We can't install the Excel on the server. The excel generated need to be in the printable format. The excel generated needs to have custom headers, footers, repeatble rows, columns and landscape / portrait orientation style.

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Forms Data Controls :: Export Gridview To Ms Excel - Set Excel Page Orientation As Landscape

Jan 22, 2010

I am exporting a gridview in MS Excel as mentioned in the following link:


I want to set orientation of excel pages as landscape. Is there any way to do that? Any header information to be added for file being exported to set orientation of pages as landscape?

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Forms Data Controls :: Exporting Gridview Into Excel Is Not Generating The Result On Excel File?

Apr 1, 2010

when I used a code of exporting gridview into excel this code worked for a new website which is without masterpage.

my code:

public override void VerifyRenderingInServerForm(Control control) { }
protected void BtnGenerateReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.Buffer = true;
Response.Charset = "";
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel";
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();.....

Now the same code when I copy it in my project having masterpage . there is no compiler error but it is genereating excel file withno data in it but in fact there is data in the grid view at runtime.

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Forms Data Controls :: Export To Excel - Desing And Build Big Html Table Into Excel?

Feb 25, 2011

i have table something like this on click of export to excel i need to save that or export that to excel file .can u plz help me how i can do this.one more thing how i can desing and build that big html table into excel is there any simple way i can do the same

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Access :: Creating An Excel File From Dataset Or Access File?

Nov 21, 2010

i have an asp.net application

c# code

i have adtabase in access and i craete adatset from it

i want to create excell file

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Forms Data Controls :: Export Data To Excel And Set Excel File Column Format?

Sep 1, 2010

i have try to export data to excel using gridview.

I have export it successfully but some data is missing which is due to the column format in the exported excel file is not TEXT .


I need to set the exported excel file column format to TEXT but find no solution on this.

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Web Forms :: Exporting Multiple HTML Tables To Multiple Excel Sheets Excel

Mar 30, 2010

is there any way that i could export multiple tables already formatted into multiple excel sheets. I know how to export data to multiple sheets through dataset while looping through tables, rows and columns and then add styles.

But I really want to export formatted html tables each into seperate sheet

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Visual Studio :: Exporting A .rdlc To Excel / Analagous Export Of That Report To Excel?

Nov 2, 2010

I've got an .rdlc report which I print from my .net app (C# Visual Studio 2005), where I use a RemoteReportPrinter object. I give it as parameters the server name, report name, report parameters, etc. Works fine. My question is, I would live to do an analagous export of that report to Excel. Set it up exactly the same, but have it export to Excel rather than print, probably using some other type of object than RemoteReportPrinter.

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Data Controls :: Export GridView To Excel And Save Excel File To Folder?

Apr 6, 2014

i use this code to export data into word.

Protected Sub Export(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_printexcel.Click
Response.Buffer = True


but the export docs will be downloaded into the user computer.

what should i do so that the exported docs is save into the server?

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Controls :: AutoFit DropDown Cell Width In Excel File Using Interop Excel

Jun 11, 2013

I need to auto fit the dropdown width to auto fit with the cell in excel using c#.net.

I have exported the dropdown to the excel using c#.

when  the column width of the cell is increated, the width of the dropdown should be auto fit to the width of the cell.

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Databases :: Export To Excel Multiple Sheets Without COM Interop Or Excel Object?

Feb 18, 2011

i want to export multiple tables in a dataset to excel workbook with each tables as sheets without using COM Interop or Excel Object.

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Open Excel Application On Click Of A Button Without Having Ms-excel Installed In Server

Apr 9, 2010

In my project I have to open excel application on click of a button without having ms-excel installed in server and the same case applies to word also. Please suggest me a solutions asap

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