Web Forms :: Is It Possible To Create Aspx Pages On The Fly

Jun 28, 2010

Quick question... Is it possible to programmatically create and .aspx file on the fly, complete with Master page and user controls?

If it is, can anyone point me in the direction of how this can be done?

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Dynamically Create An Event For Button For Aspx Pages

Mar 8, 2011

I have 1 UserControl and 3 aspx pages.3 aspx pages are using this same UserControl.UserControl have button hen i clicked the button of usercontrol i want to save individual aspx form data. that should be dynamic

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Tried To Create A Website With Two Pages Make A Button In Default1.aspx Wait For 5 Minutes?

Feb 2, 2010

if u add this to web.config, then if a page have gone through long process, the client will not have a timeout exception.

<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="1024000" executionTimeout="36000"/>

they are timing out things for a purpose, what is it?, I tried to create a website with two pages I make a button in default1.aspx wait for 5 minutes. the other page requesting is not affected by that.

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IIS 6/7 Threading - Long Running Aspx Page Keeps Other Aspx Pages From Loading

Oct 11, 2010

I wrote a test page that does a bunch of busy work in a method called at page load. This process as I have it now takes around 12 seconds.

If I try to load another page while the first long running page is loading, this second page doing nothing except writing out a world, it doesn't load until the first long running page is finished.

Why is this the case? I would think IIS would be able to handle multiple concurrent connections, it seems crazy that one long running page would stop every other page in the application from loading. I must be missing something or not understand how IIS works.

I would think multiple independent requests would be spawned on different threads. Is this only the case if the requests are from different sessions entirely? Are all requests from a single session bound to a single thread?

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C# - Possible With ASP.NET Master Pages To Create Content Pages Dynamically?

Jan 22, 2010

Is it possible with ASP.NET Master Pages to create content pages dynamically?That is, I know we can create content dynamically, but the content pages themselves,can those be created programmatically? I want to give my users the ability to define new content pages (i.e. Categories: Sofas, Tables, Lamps, and add/delete as they see fit) through a management panel. The resulting content pages should have proper URL naming, so that they index properly.An example: http://www.example.com/products/Lamps/contentpage.aspx.Is there a demonstration of this somewhere I can view?

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Web Forms :: How To Get The Pretty URL With An ASPX Pages

Mar 25, 2010

How do i get the pretty URL with an ASPX pages. I have listed a couple links below and their associated print page url. As you can see it resembles the Class instantiation method of declaring object but is used for a webpage with its extension.

I was wondering if this method can be used or if this is a URL rewrite to mask all the querystrings and sub directories being referenced. I remember doing stuff like this when i was working on a UNIX system using the .htaccess file to mask effective query
string being shown. I believe they called it a Clean URL, i maybe wrong as it has been well over 8 years since i dealt with the Unix .htaccess file and massaging urls with it.

For instance, look at the MSDN site pages:


Now when you want to print it:


Now you select the same page but choose a different framework than its birth:


and the print URL:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.servicemodel.actionnotsupportedexception(VS.100,printer).aspx

As you can see they are not visually passing query strings but more like Class parameters. Is this just a simple URL rewrite after the page is loaded so the user doesnt see the query string information?

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Web Forms :: Use Regions In ASPX Pages?

Feb 5, 2010

is there any alternative to use regions in ASPX pages?

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Web Forms :: Running Aspx Page Along With Asp Pages?

Feb 17, 2010

I am trying to add aspx pages to my website which already has Asp Pages. I made a virtual directory and pointed to existing website where I have placed new Aspx files along with previous Asp files. Now when I try to execute the file. It runs good in first attempt, however, when I click a couple of times of "click me" button browser keeps on processing and does displays my message again.

Code in Default.aspx.vb
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Label1.Text = "Heello how are you?"
Code in Default.aspx
<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="WebApplication1._Default" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label> <br /><br />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Click Me" />

I initially ran this code in Visual Studio 2008 and it executed well. Later on i transferred my files along with existing Asp Page? Version configured in IIS for ASp.Net is 2.0.50727 Visual Studio 2008 To clarify further, I would like to know, if I am proceeding in right direction to excute my Aspx pages along with Asp? Secondly, why does my browser keeps on processing if I click the button second or third time ? I am not getting exceptions or errors.. And have no idea of reading logs for the program..

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Web Forms :: Creating Aspx Pages At Runtime?

Jan 9, 2010

I need to create aspx pages on the fly or at the runtime.I read that creating a template page and posting content to the page would be a solution, in a few posts in the forum. Can i get information on this method.

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Web Forms :: Deploying Aspx Pages In Sharepoint?

Mar 10, 2011

provide me any pointers for deploying aspx pages in sharepoint layouts folder.

and also how to add any OOTB webpart in that deployed aspx pages. Can we open those pages in sharepoint designer to add any OOTB webpart.

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Web Forms :: Adding Aspx Pages To A New Server?

Jun 10, 2010

while i was trying to add my aspx pages(framework2.0) to a precompiled html pages, i get the following error--

The XML page cannot be displayed

Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. correct the error and then click the
Refresh button, or try again later.

A name was started with an invalid character. Error processing resource 'file:///D:/Site/Login.aspx'. Line 1, Position 2


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Web Forms :: Pass Values Between .aspx Pages?

Mar 28, 2011

I've got a pretty simple problem but I am not sure what is the best way to accomplish this. I've got an input aspx where a user fills in about 15-20 input fields and I want to display this information on the next page however; I am not really sure what is the best way to go about doing this?

I tried using 'Server.Transfer' and 'FindControl' API calls but have struggled to use them because the value is always null because it cannot find the asp:textbox ID I have specified from the previous page.

What would be the best way to just simply transfer the values from my previous page to the next page??

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Web Forms :: Multiple Default.aspx Pages In Different Folders?

Mar 3, 2011

I would like to create different folders in my .net project with following scheme;

+ students
- default.aspx
- query.aspx
+ teachers
- default.aspx
- pictures.aspx
- groupname.aspx
- default.aspx
- login.aspx
- getresult.aspx

and i would like to let it be reached as

[URL] (goes to the it's local default.aspx page, not default.aspx of at the root) [URL](goes to the it's local default.aspx page, not default.aspx of at the root) [URL] (goes to the root's default.aspx page) I hope i could tell my question understandable.

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Web Forms :: How To Displaying Source Code On Aspx Pages

Jul 11, 2010

I need to display c#, vb.net or any source code on a web page. The source code that will be displayed should indented, colored as we see in any IDE. I am not sure how would i achieve this. Is there any in-built control available in asp.net that i can use to display the code or can someone tell me how can i achieve this.

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Web Forms :: What Folder Is The Best Place To Put The Standard Aspx Pages

Sep 8, 2010

I always create a folder "App_Pages" and use it ot put my aspx pages but I see with VS 2010 that it has several default folders created when adding a page. Which one is most applicable. Is it App_LocalResource? I assume that "App_Code" is where custom classes go.

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Security :: How To Use Forms Authentication On Specific Aspx Pages

Feb 15, 2010

I want to use the login component with forms authentication, but i don't want to use the whole package. I have a database with users in it, and i create the users manually, through another section of my site. I will authenticate them using my own functions, in the Authenticate event.

But, specifying the forms authentication in web.config, i seem to recall having seen somewhere, that i could add pages that were protected, while the rest of the site wasn't.

How do i do this? Currently, i have only 1 page that i want to protect.

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Web Forms :: Aspx Master Pages And Linking C# Code Behind?

Jan 29, 2011


Source File: c:UsersfrankDocumentshealingHeartsWShhhhMaster.cs Line: 3 Show Detailed Compiler Output

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Web Forms :: Passing Values Between Aspx Pages(Master Page)

Dec 28, 2010

I've a form containing 30+ textboxes. I'd like to save the data entered in the form texboxes in an object(session) and pass them into another page and simply display the values in a tabular form. How can i do that. Also, suggest me the best way to do it.

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Web Forms :: Pass Values Between User Controls On Two Different Aspx Pages?

Sep 12, 2010

I have 2 user controls that is hosted by 2 different aspx pages.


srcpage.aspx --> hosts the --> sourceusercontrol.ascx
destpage.aspx --> hosts the --> destinationusercontrol.ascx

I would like the values in the text fields of the sourceusercontrol.ascx to be passed on to the labels in the destinationusercontrol.ascx.

I have gone through the MSDN ASP.Net examples and i was able to successfully pass values between two aspx page using the postback URL functionality, but cannot do the same thing with the usercontrols on 2 different aspx pages.

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Web Forms :: Embed And Pass Values Dynamically In Aspx Pages?

Feb 8, 2011

I am using flow player for my online tutorial site, which passes values dynamically. i.e. i am passing course id values, each id values having separate videos. Here is my code:

<a href="Content/Video/2-record-ppt-presentation.mp4"
style="display:block;width:520px;height:330px" id="player"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/flowplayer-3.2.4.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
flowplayer("player", "flowplayer-3.2.5.swf");

My requirement is i want to pass url values in 'href' dynamically.And i am using vb code behing in asp.net.

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Web Forms :: HTML Image Tag On My Master Page And There Are Aspx Pages?

Feb 16, 2010

I have a HTML IMG tag on my master page and there are aspx pages in the same folder which access this master page and it works fine.but if i have aspx pages in sub folder(inside root) which access the master page,the IMG doesnt work,the master page is in root folder.

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Web Forms :: Changing User Control Properties In Aspx Pages?

Feb 25, 2011

I have a simple user control(.ascx) with a asp label inside of it. Using the codebehind(C#) from a aspx page, how can I change the text of that label? I have tried using public classes in my user control and a few other things that I could think of off the top of my head. Can somebody give me a quick example of how this would be done?

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Web Forms :: How To Apply Theme To All ASPX Pages From Master Page

Aug 10, 2012

I am working on Themes. Till now I can sussessfully change the Single Page theme when my user logs in.

I Used :

Page.Theme = "RedTheme";

and redirect it.

But if i take master page then i unable to apply the selected theme to all pages. My User can able change theme now. But only for single page. How to apply for all pages?

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C# - How To Create Create Variables / Properties In Master Page And Let Sub-pages Access Them

Apr 14, 2010

How to create create variables/properties in master page, and let sub-pages access them? So my master will have a string property HomeUrl How can any page that uses the master page access this property?

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Security :: How To Turn On And Off Access To Aspx Pages During A Session Using Forms Authentication

Apr 9, 2010

Using VS 2010 RC, VB, and Forms authentication to allow access to the site, depending on the login rights of a user, I want to turn on and off access to certain pages. I can turn on and off buttons to access the pages, but a user can type the page into the url, and it will still go to them.

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