they are timing out things for a purpose, what is it?, I tried to create a website with two pages I make a button in default1.aspx wait for 5 minutes. the other page requesting is not affected by that.
I have 1 UserControl and 3 aspx pages.3 aspx pages are using this same UserControl.UserControl have button hen i clicked the button of usercontrol i want to save individual aspx form data. that should be dynamic
I have a client that currently has a comprehensive php website (with a huge amount of functionality built in).
We have been requested to link into our c#/SQL server application and pull information from the SQL database and display this on the existing website.
I would like to do this as aspx pages. However, I do not want to re-create the complete existing website. I would like to add the aspx functionality onto the current website.
I'm using a hosting service and I tried putting the default pages (that you get when you make a new website in web developer) onto the hosting service. But they only show up "normally" when I change the extension to html. if it's .aspx it just shows the code.
Question is how can I view the aspx file in the browser from the website normally without using "View in Browser" in that popup menu in Visual Studio Web Developer? And side note I can't use IIS (don't know if that's important but other places talked about it)
The first user of my site per day (or if nobody has used the site for awhile) gets a pretty long wait to bring up login.aspx. Subsequent users, site comes up immediately.
I understand this is an IIS setting to save resources. (I'm on IIS6). What is the community doing about this problem? I've read about writing programs to keep the site alive by hitting it every 20 min, but there must be a better way. One of my project is for a small business to provide order information for their customers -- gets used every day but not that many times per day.
Is this the reason most developers will have the first page as index.html then you click to login from there while it says "please wait for login" or similar?
I'm trying to add Google Adword conversion code script to certain aspx pages in our website but I'm running into an issue with the site using master pages. The Google instruction said to place the code before the body tag but with master pages being used the code will be on all the pages using the master page. I would like setup it up where certain pages use individual conversion codes with others not using anything. Any suggestions or examples would be appreciated. Also, I'm using C#.
I have atleast 10 websites that have different css,html,javasacripts and webconfig. But the same code behind files.With this design everything is hard to maintain. So I decided to work on it and I started moving all the queries in the code beghind file to stored procedures. Since every website uses the same database.
What I have decided is to make use of themes and multiple master pages? IS this the best way to go about it?
Also lets say I have two templates. There is site A and site B. both using different templates. And have pages Home About Us and Contact.
Now would I be creating three different masterpages? for each template so 6 in total? ( since none of the templates are supposed to look the same)
or Should I just create two masterpages? if so how would I manage the html of the page so it looks different?
I have a system set up to lock certain content in a database table so only one user can edit that content at a time. Easy enough and that part is working fine. But now I'm at a road block of how to send a request to "unlock" the content. I have the stored procedure to unlock the content, but how/where would I call it when the user just closes their browser?
how to create a popup box that is used as a wait box? This box has a circle in the middle that has a pointer that changes colors and spins when waiting for the next window or page to appear.Is this AJAX or a programming option?
i am calling a function which is creating a PDf. now i want to wait that function to call untill the pdf get created for 10 seconds. My code is something like this
MakePDF.PDFCreation(MyPath, Type, TypeID.ToString()); it is creating a PDF file.
after that i want to open the pdf automatically in new window. I can do this but how can i put this function to wait untill PDF get created,
I have 3 master pages with names master1.master, master2.master and master3.master and a webpage named as home.aspx how can i change my master pages to inherit with home.aspx using radio button linst.
I want to create an interactive website using aspx and ajax, that there will be an option to create chess game room for example and other players will be able to join.
I have 2 Questions:
how can I make that after one player clicks on a button and finish his turn, the other player will be able to do a move. After the first player finish his turn I will change the turn by using the database, but the point is how can I refresh the other player's site so when the other one finish his turn, the turn will come to the second player? When someone creates a room and than close his browser - I need that room to be closed. Shall I use the Session_OnEnd to close the room he opened?
I need to create a membership section in my ASPX website and I was wondering how do I start. It should be a simple member log in section, where they could register, see their profile, and upload documents once they register. Do I need to create a database for that or visual studio 2010 already has some templates included?
That doesn't make any sense at all but what I mean is, if you've got a button for example which takes say 10 seconds to complete whatever is in the button click routine, and somebody else on a different computer clicks the same button just after, is it possible for that second button click routine to wait until the first one is complete? And most importantly is it something fairly simple to do? I'm sure I accidently found some information on this when searching the web for something else but I can't remember what I was searching for before and can't find it now
I have a "Save" button in my (VB.Net 3.5) page. When clicked it saves data in the database and redirects to another page. Before it redirects, I have to show a popup messagebox informing the clients that the data has been saved. The popup box will have a "OK" button. Only when this button is clicked, the page should be redirected to another page.
If I used Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript to register a javascript to show an alert message, it is never shown and page is redirected straightaway. Similar behavior happens when I tried to show a mesage box by creating it through a server control as described
I would like to know how to efficiently promote aspx website on search engines such as google. Reason i am asking is because with old static html pages we had meta data, with keywoards on every page, but where do i put all those keywords in aspx website?
Do keywords still exist in aspx? Where do i put them?
I would like to mention that my new aspx website is using master pages what makes it even more complicated.
I want know, If an error has occurred and website is redirected to the Custom Error Page and is also logged out. If back button of the Mozilla browser is pressed, previous logged in page is displayed. I have also used 1. Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); 2. Response.Cache.SetExpires(DateTime.Now);
in Page_init on Custom error page. Also set the values of .ASPXAUTH and other cookies to 1 but again page is not going to the Login Page. These cookies could also not be removed.
I need some guidance on creating and running a Cron Job in to run my page every 30 minutes. My Web page has to load data from Sql Server to MySql database every 30 minutes with this cron job.
to create an image from some data in my database on the server every 5 minutes. The image path is Images/top5.jpg, so that users can place a link to that imagine on some forum or whatever and it will update every 5 minutes.I am doing this by using a
System.Threading.Timer in Global.asax: Code: Public Class Global_asax Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication Dim path As String Dim timer As System.Threading.Timer Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) [code]...
I want to create a login in my website. I have 2 textbox one for importing the username and the other one for importing the password and I have a button for sign in. How can we create a login when the signin button is clicked? I want to write my codes with session.
I want to redirect the user after 2 mins if there is inactivity for 2 mins. I am not using ASP.NEt membership. And I dont want to use Sessiontimeout for this. Session timeout will logout the user even if he is working on the system. My objective is like screensaver process.
If there is no action for the specified time, the screensaver runs. Similarly, I want to redirect the user to login page.
note that i have already handled it with the following javascript:
Here what my problem is,
the user is working on the site...ok.. he want to see someother site.he browse someother site and works on....or even he can do some other work in his system...but he is active in his system... What this script does is, it automatically logout the user and redirect him to login page. But it should not do while he is active...IT SHOULD REDIRECT IF HE IS NOT ACTIVE REALLY (Similar to Screensaver process)