Web Forms :: Menu Like Site In Which State Is Maintained On Click Of That Link Page?

Apr 7, 2010

i am looking for the menu like asp.net site in which state is maintained on click of that link page.as if i am clicking on forums tab its showing forums tab selected.

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: From Site Master Page - Menu Disappears When Click On Any Button

May 15, 2012

I am using ASP: menu in my site.master page ' but when I clicked on any button or drop down from other page the menu is disappeared. Why my menu is disappearing from the site.master page ?

My code is :

<asp:Menu ID="MainMenu" runat="server" Orientation ="Horizontal"  CssClass="menu" EnableViewState="false" IncludeStyleBlock="false" >
        <Items > 
        <asp:MenuItem  Text ="Home" NavigateUrl="AllEMP.aspx" >
            <asp:MenuItem  Text ="Menu" NavigateUrl ="~/Default.aspx">

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Web Forms : File Upload Control State Can Be Maintained During Postbacks?

Jul 14, 2010

I have a requirement where i need to add file upload contorls dynamically.Intially i have a upload control in my page and button named 'Add fileupload' and another button named 'Upload'.the fileupload control is added dynamically when 'Add fileupload' button is clicked andUpload button is used to upload the files.when i click on 'Add fileupload' button after browsing the file to fileupload control, the new fileuplaod contorl has been adding successfully but the first fileupload control is empty.Can any one please help me how the state of fileuplaod control is maintained.Here is the code


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Web Forms :: When Click On A Menu, The New Page Loads Which Uses The Same Master Page, But The ASP:Menu Vanishes?

Nov 5, 2010

I have an asp:Menu control on a master page that is reading its menu items from a web.sitemap file via a SiteMapDataSource.When I click on a menu, the new page loads which uses the same master page, but the ASP:Menu vanishes. I have put some plain text next to the menu for testing, this appears on the new page but the menu does not.Does anyone know how to get the asp:Menu to remain visible on the page?

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Deployment Process For Site Maintained By 2 Companies?

Jun 16, 2010

I work for an agency that has been responsible for maintaining a client's .net 3.5 website for a number of years along with another agency. Work is farmed out by the client to both agencies on a pretty much ad-hoc basis.

The site is quite old and has a structure and deployment process to match. The site is setup that developers have local copies of the sites. There is a staging environment, where client feedback and approval happens, followed by the live environment. There are a number of scenarios where work from one agency will be on the staging environment awaiting approval, and changes from the other agency need to go through staging, approval and deployed to live without the original changes being affected. Most of the time we get away with it but it's far from ideal as not all conflicts can be resolved.

Up until recently we had still been on Sourcesafe but have moved over to Subversion and are running into many more scenarios where work is overwritten. This obviously isn't a fault with subversion, rather that the locking of projects and files in Sourcesafe served as a good indicator to developers from both agencies that someone was working on that project or file. The process previously was that you checked out a file from sourcesafe and kept it checked out until changes went live (acknowledge that this is a rubbish process hence the desire to move away from sourcesafe and such a model)

The trouble is that even though we know that the way we do it now is bad, I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to restructure the overall site and deployment process to make it "better". Some ideas we've pondered are:

Separate dev, test and live branches in subversion so we need to commit and build the appropriate branch before deploying (not really sure how to make that work)Single repository for both agencies but a separate staging environment for each. Staging environment could then reflect the changes assigned to each agencyA separate instance of the staging site for each branch

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Web Forms :: Load A User Control On Link Click Event Of A Link Button During Postback Of Aspx Page?

Mar 2, 2011

Here is my requirement -

1. I need to load a user control on link click event of a link button during postback of aspx page.

2. On button click event of a save button on that aspx page, I need to read the selected values from that user control on further postback.

If I write the loadcontrol code in link_click event, the control is not recognized at all in the button_click event. When I shift it to page_init and execute only during not postback, the user control loads with default values.

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State Management :: Session Is Not Maintained In IE?

Aug 27, 2010

After hosting my web application in the production server, I am getting null object reference for all session objects in IE (it is working good in all other browsers).

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State Management :: Session Not Maintained In IE8?

Jan 20, 2011

we have faced a problem accessing an ASP application with the IE 8.One of our customer updated his browser version from IE6 to IE8 and browed an ASP application. while browsing the asp pages, the session was broken and redirected to the login page. This problem we are facing only in IE8 not in IE6.Can anyone guide us to resolve this problem.

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Web Forms :: Menu Control Click Event Not Firing / How To Pass The Selected Menu Item Text To The Other Page

Jan 10, 2011

I am using frames in my webpage.in one of the frames i have a menu control whose items are database driven.when click on the menu item, i want another page to be displayed in other frame.

now i want to pass the the selected menu item text to the other page using session variable which is in the menu item click event method.but the thing is when i click on the menu item, the click event is not firing.

is there any better way to pass the selected menu item text to the other page?

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Display The Context Menu On Right Click Of Link Button?

Nov 17, 2010

I want to display the context menu on right click of link button in asp.net. I want this in javascript.

I could find javascript event of right click.

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Web Forms :: Show The Sub Menu When Clicking The Main Menu Link?

Jun 23, 2010

I am using menu control . I want to show the sub menu when clicking the main menu link ?

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Web Forms :: When User Click On The Link It Pass All Those Value To Another Page?

Apr 14, 2010

i have a hyperlink button which i assign few value (eg: custId, custDetail, custProd) then when user click on the link, it will pass all those value to another page. my question here is how can i get those value to display in the other page??

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Create A Link To A Specific Page In Listview From External Site

Sep 30, 2010

I am using Web Expression and Access database to build an aspx page.I am displaying records using listview Tiled option and DataPager is enabled also which is creating multiple pages.

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Web Forms :: When Click The Other Menu's That Is Directing To The Correct Page?

Jan 22, 2010

i'm using usercontrol in my website.i use this lines to show the home page.
Dim tempControl1 As Control = LoadControl("index.ascx")

with this line i'm getting the correct form of page.but when i click the other menu's that is directing to the correct page(i.e the palce holder is not loading correctly).the navigation url,which i have given is not working.

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Security :: Sign Out Link / Click The Back Button On Browser, Still Go Back Into The Site?

Jun 24, 2010

I've created a Sign Out link on my page, just like the one you see on the top right hand corner of this forum.

This is the code i use :

<asp:HyperLink NavigateUrl="~/Login.aspx" ID="hypSignOut" runat="server" Text="Sign Out"></asp:HyperLink>

However, after signing out, I click the back button on my browser, I can still go back into the site. How do I prevent this?

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Web Forms :: Display Page When User Click On The Menu Item?

Jan 29, 2010

I have created menu on my page and on the same page I have "Iframe" control in that I want to display page when user click on the menu item.Where can i give path for Iframe so it display page in Frame,or is there any configuration in the Menu property. Below is the code for creating the menu and menu item:

<asp:Menu Width="100px" ID="Menu1" runat="server">

Code behind File :

Dim mainMenu As New MenuItem("CustInfo", "", "", "~/DetailView.aspx?CatID=1002", "_parent")
Dim subItems As New MenuItem("DocumentInfo", "", "", "~/DetailView.aspx?CatID=10021", "_parent") [code]...

how can I display page in IFrame which is on the same page as MenuItem.

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Web Forms :: Menu From Master Page Get Collapsed After Click On Print Button

Jun 25, 2012

Menu from master page get collapsed or ditrubed  after click on print buttton  from asp page

menu comes back to originally posn after click on cacel button from print page 

I refer [URL] ....

Below is example of my code 

Before Click on print button 

Print button 

page code vafter click on print button from page my page changes 

Master page 
Print button 
page  code 

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get Row Values To Next Page When I Click On Gridview Link Button

Jan 27, 2011

I have a gridview.In that one column has linkbutton.When i click on Link Button for selected row,The row willdisplay data in next page.

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Web Forms :: Menu Collapses Automatically When Click On A Menu Item?

Feb 21, 2011

i have a menu which is collapses as a default. This is done by following query.


Now, the problem is, whenever i click on any menu item by expanding the menu, the item page opens but the menu collapses again. I want to let the menu remain as expanded although a menu item is clicked. i.e. menu shouldn't refresh when a menu item is clicked.

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Web Forms :: Menu Item Click Event For Menu Control

May 7, 2015

Sitemap & Menu:

<asp:SiteMapDataSource ID="Menu" runat="server" ShowStartingNode="false" />
<asp:Menu ID="Menu1" runat="server" Orientation="Horizontal" OnMenuItemDataBound="OnMenuItemDataBound" DataSourceID="Menu" >
<asp:MenuItemStyle CssClass="Menu" />
<asp:MenuItemStyle CssClass="Level" />
<siteMapNode url="javascript:Logout" title="Logout" description="Logout" roles="*">
<siteMapNode title="Logout" description="Logout"></siteMapNode>

I want OnClick event instead of navigation .

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Web Forms :: Append Right Click Menu To A Textbox (Context Menu)

Jul 17, 2015

How to append right click menu to a textbox in asp.net c#?

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Web Forms :: Why The 1st Link Cant Play Out After I Click The 2nd Link

Dec 28, 2010

For example, i browse the web page in browser, at first, i clink "home", home page is show out, then i click the "Contact us", then the "contact us" web page is showing out, BUT the problem is come out when i try to click the home page again, the home page doesn't come out and still at the contact us page...any1 know WHY?Thank you for helping...

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State Management :: Display A Link On The Same Content Page That Actually Clear The Cache?

Jul 20, 2010

I have an content page that got

<%@ OutputCache Duration="600" VaryByParam="*" %>

Now i want to display a link on the same content page that actually clear the cache.


But its just not working, What i am doing wrong here?

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State Management :: After Reading File Page Expires When Click On Another Page?

Jan 5, 2011

I have created a demo application to read data from the CSV and after read the data from the csv file there is a button to save all the CSV loaded data in the database. When i load the large CSV (2MB) file . after load all the data from the file i will save all the data in datatable and store in view state.

when i click on another Link the page doesn't work and page become expires. Where is the problem.

Its simple doing read CSV file .. file stream closed. store all the csv data in view state. and click on the another link save into the database. but click save database button page expire.

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Click A Link By Code - Logout User And Navigate To Login Page

Mar 16, 2011

I have a login status object on each page for logging out. Clicking on this object will logout the user and navigate to the login page. I would like to set it up when a page is loaded, if certain conditions are met the user will be automatically logged of and redirected to the login page. If I could just somehow have the program click on that object, that would do the job.

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