Web Forms :: Move Whole Panel To Fck Editor?

Jun 6, 2010

how can I move whole panel to fckeditor?

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WebMatrix :: Rich Text Editor / Use the AjaxToolkit Html Editor or Another 3rd Party Editor?

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I went through the documentation and looked at the asp.net/webmatrix pages but could not find a RichTextEditor.

Is there one built into WebMatrix or can I just use the AjaxToolkit Html Editor or another 3rd party editor?

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Cute Editor Replacement - Editor Text Boxes In Different Forms

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i need to create a html editor for use to every page to update the web page content. By right, the html editor only can seen by administrator. So , i should create a custom web part/user control to update different table of database or create a custom editor zone better? how can we do it just like the share point html editor web part?

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i want to get data from database of field Name and Gender, and then display it in Label name and gender. when i click save it move to next record and display name and gender that next record.

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C# - FCK Editor + Update Panel + ValidateRequest="false" ?

Mar 8, 2011

When I set fckEditor to Some Value like

fckDescription.Value = "Description Text";

It creates problems such as Update Panel not doing Async PostBack for DropDownList control and gives error when DropDownList selection changes:Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: An unknown error occurred while processing the request on the server. The status code returned from the server was: 500

But when I Comment out these lines
// fckDescription.Value = "Description Text";
It Works Fine... I am wondering why it is so !!?!!

Also, fckEditor is outside UpdatePanel and DropDownList Control is inside UpdatePanel.

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Sep 9, 2010

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Web Forms :: Is There Any Free Rich Text Editor Server Control "NOT DHTML Editor" Available

Feb 14, 2011

there is any free Rick Text Editor server control available for web, note that I am not asking about DHTML controls like FreeTextBox and similar.

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AJAX :: Display HTML Editor Created Text Outside Of The Editor?

Jan 26, 2010

I have an Editor control on my page and the user can go in use it hit save and that all works.

In another part of the page I have a simple dropdown to select a note and view it. When you push view it loads the text which was entered in via the editor control.

If the user used an order or unordered list. The text shows up but not the list part.

So if they did this:

ThisAnd this

What is displaying is

And This

Without the bullets. Same for the numbers.

I have it going to a literal control which should render the html, but it doesn't.

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Jun 22, 2010

I was wondering if there was an easy way to change the output generation properties of the HTML editor.

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Web Forms :: Disable A Panel Until A Selection Has Been Made In A Dropdown List In Another Panel

Nov 16, 2010

I have a page with several panels. panel1 has a drop down list to select client. panel2 has two drop down lists to select facility1 and facility2. I want panel 2 to be disabled (both facility1 and facility2 drop downs disabled) until a selection has been made in panel1 drop down list. when a client is selected from dropdownlist1, I want to enable both dropdown list2 and 3 in panel2.

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Web Forms :: Stretch Image In Panel - Want To Change The Height Of The Panel?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a panel and a background image. to stretch this image in the panel if the height is adjusting. I have tried to google this but have trouble find a solution for this.The image has the size: (647 X 158).

The only thing that will change is the height of the panel. Now it does repeat by default. no - repeat will probably only make the image its orignal size wich is not stretching it out over the whole panel.Otherwise I am thinking of change the size of the image itself in C#. [Code]....

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Oct 28, 2010

Using VB, VS2010, I have a large image in a panel and want to be able to pop-up panels while hovering over it. This one large image is a picture of a lot of components that I woulld like to treat individually when I hover them. I have done this before by placing a transparent button in another panel that is absoultely positioned over the larger one. I have the button transparent with a border that shows up using hover in css. Everything works fine expcept that the panel does not show itself in the right place when viewiing in the browser window. It shows fine in design view, but shifts over while browsing in the browser. I have tried making all panels absolutely positioned. Still a problem. Is there a better way to put a panel over a panel?

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Web Forms :: How To Move Text To Left With CSS

May 16, 2010

My code css:

I have a button. I have a picture in the background. I'd like to know how to move text to the left and up? My button: [URL]

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Web Forms :: Can Move The Text Together With The Textbox

Jul 14, 2010

If I use a div and the text "Test Label" textbox and how to determine what textbox is spaced from the text "Test Label"?fecal: margin-left or margin-right.Somehow be able to use 2 div, one aimed at the text, the second textbox.But beware: the two must be joined to span so that when I move down the text or textbox, the textbox and the label "Test Label" to move together (simultaneously).

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Web Forms :: Unable To Move Controls?

Feb 27, 2010

i have made the master page and included content placeholder in it. i created one child page and now i am not able to move label control in content place holder with absolute position. i am using visual studio 2008. i tried with button and text box controls but the controls are going out of content placeholder what to do for the same

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Web Forms :: How To Move File From One Folder To Another

May 24, 2010

I am developing web application using csharp on visual studio 2008. I would like to be moving a Microsoft Excel file from one folder to another. Anyone with url or example to move file from one folder to another in Csharp.

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Jun 6, 2010

how to move a button at runtime. I need to slide it to the left under certain conditions. I am using vb in code behind and really need to do it here.

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Web Forms :: Hit Return On Screen Move To Next Box?

Mar 18, 2010

I am generating textboxes dynamically. So now my questions is, If I click enter I need to go to next text box. How to focus into other textbox while text boxes are dynamically generated ---

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Web Forms :: Move Files From One Folder To Another?

Oct 23, 2012

I need to process files xml files which are present in Transfiles folder and then need to move that files to processed folder.Here is my code.I am getting issue asĀ 

Could not find file :'file path'

string Tranfiles, ProcessedFiles;
//Tranfiles = Server.MapPath(@"~goduriansth100 ransfiles" + Filename);
Tranfiles = Server.MapPath(@"~ ransfiles" + Filename);
if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath(@"~ ransfiles" + Filename)))
File.Delete(Server.MapPath(@"~ ransfiles" + Filename));
//ProcessedFiles = Server.MapPath(@"~goduriansth100ProcessedFiles");
ProcessedFiles = Server.MapPath(@"~ProcessedFiles");
File.Move(Tranfiles, ProcessedFiles);

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Web Forms :: Wizard Move - Doesn't Work

Apr 20, 2010

I have an issue with my asp:Wizard, where basically I am calling the MoveTo function and it is not moving to the desired step. I have used the MoveTo function elsewhere in my wizard, but I only have the problem with this specific location.


In the above code, ValidateSelectModelStep() returns false, and so the block of code is entered. urchaseWizard.MoveTo(this.SelectModelStep) is called, and yet the Wizard just continues on to the YourDetailsStep. This however is not he case for the other steps. When the validation fails on the other steps, and purchaseWizard.MoveTo(currentStep) is called, the Wizard correctly goes to the current step and displays the errorText. What is really bizarre, is that if I change the step that we want to go to when ValidateSelectModelStep() fails, the Wizard will correctly go to the specified step. So it seems as though there is only the problem with when you are on the first step, trying to MoveTo the first step. Even more so, is the fact that if I try to call purchaseWizard.MoveTo(this.SelectModelStep) from some other step in the wizard, it correctly brings you to the first step. Note: In the first step I have a repeater, which for the validation I need to loop through all of the items and find if one is selected. My Validation function for that works fine, and the MoveTo function does get called. (I checked it through debugging) Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening and how to stop it so my validation restricts progression through the wizard correctly?

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Web Forms :: Unable To Move WebParts Between Zones

Apr 26, 2010

We have a generic site which we deploy to clients and they personalise the text using the web parts. The problem we are currently experiencing is that they are unable to move web-parts between zones. This is not a JS issue as no errors are being thrown and this is not a CSS issue either, as we re-deployed the website here on our own server and it works perfectly fine. On our client's site, we can drag parts around in the zone it is in, however when we try to move a part out of that zone, we are given a circle cursor with a line through it. Adding parts to a zone is not an issue.

This could perhaps be linked to a previous issue of being unable to view any editable parts of a webpart. I resolved this by removing all the WebPersonalization from the WebPersonalization table in our MSSQL database.

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Web Forms :: How To Move Cursor Position In Web Application

Oct 11, 2010

On Button Click how to move the mousecursor position in web application???

In case of windows application on button_click i have written the following code:

Point p = new Point();
p.X = 41;
p.Y = 400;
Cursor.Position = p;

This works fine & cursors position also change.

but how to do that on aspx page or in web application?

In my case also on button click i have to move the cursors position.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Move Up Row In Gridview

Dec 22, 2010

I need sample for move up row in gridview.

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