Web Forms :: Move A Button At Runtime?

Jun 6, 2010

how to move a button at runtime. I need to slide it to the left under certain conditions. I am using vb in code behind and really need to do it here.

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Feb 1, 2011

I have a gridview control in my asp.net page.

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below given is how i have defined my gridview.


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Web Forms :: Two Listboxs Data Move One To Another When Button Click?

Jan 13, 2010

I have two listboxs, one contains the author list and another contains the author for the selected book.And I have button two move author from first listbox to second listbox. All are working but the problem is:If the author is already exist in the second listbox, do not move from first listbox.So what kind of code can I write into move button so that it checks the selected value in the first listbox with the values in the second listbox, if exists; display the message "Already exists; try another one"

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Move To The Button Of Control When New Text Is Added

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Web Forms :: Assign Properties For Button Control At Runtime?

Dec 5, 2010

I have a button in a details view that I want to change the properties of at run time. When the user clicks the edit button the details view goes into edit mode. I also want the edit button to turn into an update(or save) button so the use can click it to persist the changes done in edit mode. I've had to create a new instance of the button which I can do. I've done that with the cast below, I assume this is a good way to do this. I'm now having difficulty assigning the properties. I tried this but get a "Object Reference not set to an instance of an object" error. I thought I was working with an instance of the object in the code below, but the compiler doesn't agree. How do I set the text, and other properties for my button instance?


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SQL Server :: Retrieve Data From Database Into Label / Move Next And Move Back?

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i want to get data from database of field Name and Gender, and then display it in Label name and gender. when i click save it move to next record and display name and gender that next record.

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C# - How To Move Move Apache Windows With Mod_aspdotnet

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We have an already existing project on IIS and we want to move to Apache (windows) with mod_aspdotnet. What things could not work? If we use 3rd party DLLs? Will office components work fine (export to Excel, Word, etc). If you have any experience on this type of migration, I'd like your inputs! Also, is there another alternative to mod_aspdotnet?

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Adding Radio Button Event Handler At Runtime?

Sep 10, 2010

I am trying to add a radio button click event at runtime.

Radiobutton button = new RadioButton();
button.GroupName = "buttonGroup";
button.OnCheckedChanged = "buttonGroup_OnCheckedChanged"; //I can't do this?

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Web Forms :: Move The "label", Or "textbox", Or "button" On The Component ImageButton?

Jun 8, 2010

move the "label", or "textbox", or "button" on the component ImageButton.

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Crystal Reports :: Viewer Toolbar Button Control - Microsoft JScript Runtime Error

Nov 2, 2010

I am working with crystal reports. I created a button on crystal report viewer toolbar using the following code protected void Page_Init(object sender,

EventArgs e)
Control ts = CrystalReportViewer1.Controls[2];
if (ts.ToString().Contains("ViewerToolbar"))
ImageButton BtnExport =
BtnExport.ID = "BtnExport";
BtnExport.ImageUrl = "images/pdf.png";
BtnExport.Click += BtnExport_Click;
UpdatePanel UpdatePanel1 =
System.Web.UI PostBackTrigger trigger =
new System.Web.UI.PostBackTrigger ();
trigger.ControlID = "BtnExport";

My problem is whenever I click the button to export the report, it shows an error like below: Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modified by calls to Response.Write(), response filters, HttpModules, or server trace is enabled.
Details: Error parsing near .....

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Error: This Assembly Is Built By A Runtime Newer Than The Currently Loaded Runtime

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Mar 2, 2011

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I have a button. I have a picture in the background. I'd like to know how to move text to the left and up? My button: [URL]

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Jul 14, 2010

If I use a div and the text "Test Label" textbox and how to determine what textbox is spaced from the text "Test Label"?fecal: margin-left or margin-right.Somehow be able to use 2 div, one aimed at the text, the second textbox.But beware: the two must be joined to span so that when I move down the text or textbox, the textbox and the label "Test Label" to move together (simultaneously).

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Web Forms :: Unable To Move Controls?

Feb 27, 2010

i have made the master page and included content placeholder in it. i created one child page and now i am not able to move label control in content place holder with absolute position. i am using visual studio 2008. i tried with button and text box controls but the controls are going out of content placeholder what to do for the same

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I am developing web application using csharp on visual studio 2008. I would like to be moving a Microsoft Excel file from one folder to another. Anyone with url or example to move file from one folder to another in Csharp.

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I am generating textboxes dynamically. So now my questions is, If I click enter I need to go to next text box. How to focus into other textbox while text boxes are dynamically generated ---

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Web Forms :: Move Files From One Folder To Another?

Oct 23, 2012

I need to process files xml files which are present in Transfiles folder and then need to move that files to processed folder.Here is my code.I am getting issue asĀ 

Could not find file :'file path'

string Tranfiles, ProcessedFiles;
//Tranfiles = Server.MapPath(@"~goduriansth100 ransfiles" + Filename);
Tranfiles = Server.MapPath(@"~ ransfiles" + Filename);
if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath(@"~ ransfiles" + Filename)))
File.Delete(Server.MapPath(@"~ ransfiles" + Filename));
//ProcessedFiles = Server.MapPath(@"~goduriansth100ProcessedFiles");
ProcessedFiles = Server.MapPath(@"~ProcessedFiles");
File.Move(Tranfiles, ProcessedFiles);

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