Web Forms :: Pass The View State Properties From One Page To Another?

Feb 11, 2010

How can we pass the View State properties from one ASP.NET page to another in ASP.NET?

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Jun 15, 2010

I am having a ASP.net application it having three pages ,page 1,page 2,page 3,when the user navigating between this pages I want to maintain the view state in page level after postbacks(i.e.) .If a user visits page 3, passing some query loads some data .then he moves to page 1 doing some entries .after that he once again moves to page 3 now I want to display the data previously available at the time he moves to page 1, same
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Aug 2, 2010

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My problem is after navigating to the required page, the selected values from the drop down lists and the selected node from the tree are getting cleared.

I can set the selected values for the dropdown lists by making some properties in master page.
But how do i maintain the selected node?

In my content page, i have got the valuepath of the right clicked node.

Or is there any other way than setting the properties in master page?

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Apr 12, 2010

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Nov 20, 2010

i am using window.opener.location.href = window.opener.location.href; to refresh a page from another page

and it s working fine but i need to preserve state because i am loosing any ViewState on the first page when i do this. It will be as if the user typed in the url in the browser again instead of hitting refresh.

View 7 Replies

Web Forms :: View State Truncated And A Blank Web Page?

May 19, 2010

Recently I had migrated my ASP.net 1.1 based application from a IIS5.1 based platform to a IIS 6.0 based Platform.The new platform has 4 nodes with a load balancer.

One of the page of my application, which is perhaps the heaviest one in terms of form components like textboxes, dropdown is not behaving properly.Some times the users only get a "Blank White Screen" and some time they get a "Invalid ViewState" , Invalid length for a Base-64 char array.

Based on the KB
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/831150 I understand that the view state is getting truncated.

I had been facing this issue since we migrated to the new platform and the application was working perfectly fine on the old platform.

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State Management :: Pass Value To The Next Page?

Jul 20, 2010

I would like to pass vaule to the next aspx page. I am using sesseion variable, but I still get the error.

protected void sUBMIT_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["PID"] = DdlPID.SelectedValue;
Session["GID"] = DdlGID.SelectedValue;
PID = (string)Session["PID"];
GID = (string)Session["GID"];

Next submit page

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
LblPID.Text = PID;
LblGID.Text = GID;

ERROR: the name 'PID' does not exist in the current context.

View 14 Replies

Data Pass To Second Web Page Through Querystring And The Grid View In Second Page Fill?

May 16, 2010

i have two web pages, i have 6 text box in first page and a gridview in second page, i want when a user fill one or two or....all of these text box, the data pass to second web page through the Querystring and the grid view in second page fill, i wrote a store procedure and configured my grid view correctly but it does not work , i think i have a problem in my first page behind code.

this is my code:


View 7 Replies

State Management :: Pass Values From One Page To Another

Jul 28, 2010

i have a requirement where i need to pass values from page1 to page3. In page1 i have 3 textbox and 2 drobdownlist and one button named NEXT. In page2 i have 10 textboxs and button named Next button. In page3 i have 10 textboxs and Submit button. when Next button in page1 is clicked it goes to page2 and then to page3. In page3 i need to submit all the values of page1 and page2 to database. Is there any way to pass all the values of page1 and page2 to page3 without using sessions

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Web Forms :: Pass The State Name To Dropdownlist When State On Country Map Is Clicked

Mar 30, 2010

I am developing my map function. When i click the state on country map, it should return the state name. But it didn't. I've spending a lot of time google about it and try a lot of ways to solve it. But i keep getting the JS error:"null" is null or not an object. Is it because my dropdown list having this runat="server" attribute???I don't want to delete this attribute since i am using it in my code behind.

Here is piece of my code behind for the state ddl.


And here is piece of my html code:


Then, i have multiple events for the map onclick function. Here is the code:


View 2 Replies

State Management :: Clear The Session When Pass From One Page To Another?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a report parameter page which contains many pop up windows for the parameter selection. For example, for driver , there is a pop up window called driver.aspx which contains a listbox that contains list of driver's name.

Now, for each of these pop up windows, i am passing the values of these windows as a session value.

Now, when a user logs in the system, there are many parameter pages for different reports which commonly share the same pop up windows if the parameters are same for different reports.

The problem now is,a user selects 10 drivers for report 1 and runs it. When he goes to report 2 and runs the report, the report 2 takes only those 10 drivers as the driver parameter value.

It means, the error can arise on the system because he may forgot that he have selected 10 drivers for previous report 1. User will not have time to recheck each previous selected values of different paramaters.

What i want is, when a person moves from one report page to another, i want to clear all the session values and adjust it as default for the new report .

View 6 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: GridView Page Fail To Load View State

Nov 16, 2010

I have a gridview in which I have the autopaging option set to true, when i load the grid everything works on the first page, i can even go to second page , but when i click the edit button nothing happens and after that any click blows up the page giving me error Faile to load view state.

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State Management :: Pass Values From Html To Aspx Page?

Jan 3, 2011

i want to pass values from html to aspx page.....Html PageTextBox 1 , TextBox 2 & onClick textBoxs values Pass to aspx Page...

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MVC :: Pass Data From View To Master Page / Can Also Specify A Parameter

Jul 12, 2010

Can a view pass some sort of model like data to a Master page? I am using the ViewData collection, but that makes for confusion in my code. When I specify the Master in the View, can I also specify a parameter?

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State Management :: Pass Multiple Selected Checkbox Values To Another Page With Session?

Nov 23, 2010

i want to pass multiple selected checkbox values to another page with session.


Second Page...

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View State Is Not Getting In The Page PreInit Event?

May 13, 2010

I have a master page and i am changing the masterpage file property to some other master page dynamically in the page PreInit event and that changing url is taken from a viewstate. but the view state is not getting in the pre init event.

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Is It Possible To Declarative Pass Properties

Apr 19, 2010

is it possible to declarative pass properties (in my case property of DataContext type) to User Control without DataBinding.

Now code looks like this:


View 4 Replies

Where Are Static Variables Stored In Aspx Page / Is It In The View State

Apr 4, 2011

where the static variables are stored in asp.net aspx page.Is it in the view state? If so I guess you wouldn't want to stored big complex objects?

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Web Forms :: Store A Whole Page With Control In View State And Retrieve Control?

Mar 14, 2011

how can i store a whole page in view state and retrieve each control usiing view state findcontrol on


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C# - Force View-state To Be Loaded In An Earlier Stage Of The Page Life-cycle?

Mar 27, 2010

I am developing a custom control that needs it's viewstate to be loaded on init. Can I antecipate the view state loading at any time?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Access To Grid View Columns Properties

Jun 25, 2010

I have search for a long long time and could not find a solution to access to grid view's column properties. I have binded a grid view through this method, the bindGridView function will return a table with columns and rows.

The problem here is I cound not access to columns properties such as Grid_View.Columns.Count or Grid_View.Columns[0]."something". It seems like the grid_view does not have any column. But I can access to the Rows properties.

I have put this code within a (!IsPostBack) and set the AutoGenerateColumns to true?

I need to access to columns badly as I need t add additional column to the binded grid view.


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MVC :: How To Pass The Value In Main View To Partial View When Using Html.RenderAction

Jan 27, 2011

Let's say there is a textbox and a dropdownlist in mainview page, these two values are used by three partial views as well. when I use Html.RenderAction to post action to those three partial views, how to pass these two values to those partial views and in those views how to get these two values as a part of a object to send to database.

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Custom Class To Store The Properties And To Pass Its Instance Across The Pages

May 12, 2010

I've a requirement where i need to pass some objects across the pages. So i created a custom class with all the properties required and created a instance of it and assigned all the properties appropriately. I then put that object in the session and took it the other page. The problem is that even when i set the properties values to the class it is coming as null. I set a breakpoint in the getter-setter and saw that the value itself is coming as null.

public class GetDataSetForReports
private Table m_aspTable;
private int m_reportID;
private string m_accountKey;
private string m_siteKey;
private string m_imUserName;
/// <summary>
/// Asp Table containing the filters
/// </summary>
public Table aspTable
return m_aspTable;
m_aspTable = aspTable;
/// <summary>
/// Report ID
/// </summary>
public int reportID
return m_reportID;
m_reportID = reportID;
/// <summary>
/// All the accounts selected
/// </summary>
public string accountKey
return m_accountKey;
m_accountKey = accountKey;
/// <summary>
/// All the sites selected
/// </summary>
public string siteKey
return m_siteKey;
m_siteKey = siteKey;
/// <summary>
/// Current User Name
/// </summary>
public string imUserName
return m_imUserName;
m_imUserName = imUserName;

This is how i'm creating an instance in the page1 and trying to get it in the page2. Page1 Code

//Add the objects to the GetDataSetForReports Class
GetDataSetForReports oGetDSForReports = new GetDataSetForReports();
oGetDSForReports.aspTable = aspTable;
oGetDSForReports.reportID = iReportID;
oGetDSForReports.accountKey = AccountKey;
oGetDSForReports.siteKey = Sitekey;
oGetDSForReports.imUserName = this.imUserName.ToString();

But the values are not getting set at all. The values are not passing to the class (to the setter) at all. Am i making any OOP blunder?

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State Management :: View State Doubled If I Call Prerender Event?

Oct 1, 2010

i have one method which save datatable in viewstate.i am calling this method in. page_load2. Prerenderthe page was every heavy,i did tracing of page i found due to calling of method from preprnder it doubled the viewstate sizewhat was the reseon behind this.

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