Web Forms :: Master Page Not Refreshing In Other Pages Than Default
Sep 21, 2010
I've got a custom menu in the master page, that hides items according to different conditions (nothing to do with roles and perms). Is in the MasterPage.master file where i'm trying to hide them, e.g.:
The function isNormalMode() is defined in the code behind file MasterPage.master.cs, and everything is working properly in the page Default.aspx, but in the rest of the pages it doesn't execute the function at any time, so the item always remain visible.
Here is the thing. I have an aspx page with NO master page. I have two resource files with the same name (and specifying the language) in the App_LocalResources folder. If I do something like text="<%$ Resources:lblUser %> works fine. What I do to test it is change the browser's selected language.
But, if I do the same in a MasterPage or in a Page that is inside a MasterPage... when changing the Browser's language and refreshing... I'm still getting the default language...
I've been reading some threads about this but the situation was a little bit different.
I'm using Master Page in my ASP.net application, in the master page I put a ContentPlaceHolder in Update Panel to support AJAX in child pages, the question is how to stop Refreshing "master page controls" while navigating between pages? For navigation between pages I tried to use Response.Redirect, windows.location java script with no success, shall I use the Frames or IFrames instead of Master Pages to stop Refreshing?
2. In this case, every time I hit {Enter} the submit button is fire but i want search button fire
Master.cs Page_Load() Page.Form.DefaultFocus = textboxSearch.UniqueID; //Page.Form.DefaultButton = btnSearch.UniqueID; Content.aspx.cs Page_Load() Page.Form.DefaultButton = btnSubmit.UniqueID; >>> So how do I make it fire the right button by hit {enter} when the related textbox is focus
I have two Master Pages, each with a SiteMapPath control that uses a separate sitemap assigned in markup via the SiteMapFile attribute. Both sitemap files are defined as providers in web.config, and sitemap "A" is set as default. My master pages are dynamically assigned to common content pages (in the Page_PreInit event).
how to set the default button when using master pages ? i use this in forms <form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server" defaultbutton="btnSearch"> but how to use default button in ContentPlaceHolder?
I am having an issue with content page refresh, when I change something in master page. My scenario is, I have a login button present in master page, on click of which am loading a modal popup with login controls. Once the credentials are valid, i am hiding the modal popup and stroing the user authentication result in a Session object. In content page's page load event, I am checking for this session object, for showing/hiding some of the controls based on the user logged in.The problem is, after login, the content page is not getting reloaded and proper controls are not shown to the user. To make the content page refresh programmatically, i added an UpdatePanel in content page and refreshed it after login button click event in master page. But still content page is not getting refreshed.
Currently I'm doing common functionality required throughout my site inside of my masterpage. What I want to do is move this functionality to a BaseClass so All my pages inherit from the Base Class. However, I'm not sure how to set this up interms of c# code with regards to Using a Base Class and then having a masterpage applied to my aspx pages that i create.
I have a master page setup that is used throughout my site that is basically a header with a menu. I recently added a textbox and a button to this master page which is to be a quick search box that is available anywhere in the site. When a user enters text into the search box and hits the button, I need to load the actual content page which is used to search and show search results (which also uses this same master page), and have the text entered available so the search can be triggered automatically. Again, this search text box and button is now in my master page so it could be triggered from anywhere in the app... it serves as a convenient way to do a basic search from anywhere in my app, without having to first navigate to the actual 'search page' that already exists. You can also navigate to the actual search page, which uses the same master page, where there is many more search options.I'm thrown off by the master page arrangement, which I have not used until this project. What do I do?
I got a Master page and nested master pages in the subfolders.
Top Level Master page
Second Level Master page inherited Top Level Master page
Third Level Master page inherited Second Level Master page
However, changes (i.e. new images & alt. name) that I made in the Top level master page did not apply to the second or third levels.My webpage has a correct front page but not in the sections. How can i correct this ?
I have an updatepanel on my master page that just updates the database every 30 seconds, what is happening is that everytime it is fired, it will refresh everything on the page_load of the content page that are not under ispostback = false. to disable such a thing just for this specific updatepanel?
I have a master page that has a text box at the top with a couple of words in it. Below that I have a horizontal menu and below that there is the content place holder.I wish to set a default background color on the master page so that each other web page that uses this master page will inherit this background color.How do you do set a background color on the master page?I can't seem to select the background to set a default background color because the controls I have placed already.
I have Master page with search option. when user hit enter then onclick event of the button should get fire.I cant user Default button option in master page form.Because by using that i got the following The DefaultButton of 'form1' must be the ID of a control of type IButtonControl.is there any other way to implement this default button option
I have a "Master Page 1" and "Master Page 2".The "Master page 1" I have the main menu.How does this view show in "Master Page 2".Should I copy all the code from the "Master Page 1", "Master page 2"?If you create a "Master page 1" and choose the option "Select Master Page" and choose "Master page 2", it works.But then we have a problem if I create a default.aspx and select "Select Master Page" and "Master page 2"In default.aspx writes: Error master page.
I have a requirement where a user logs on to a server where exists a website. The user bring up the site on a browser on that server and loads a power point presentation slide. At that time, users using their laptop clicks on the link to that site and sees that particular PPT slide loaded on the server. Then the operator/user on the server clicks on the second slide and the laptop would now see the second slide. Is this possible to do? If yes, then what technology to use? DHTML? or something else.
First i had taken Default.aspx Page .after that i added master page to my project.Now i want to include this master page into default.aspx page I was mention master page attribute in Page directive of defult.aspx.
Now problem is i am not able to Get the attribute of <asp:contentplaceholder>.
I have had this problem for a long time now and have just dealt with it but i am at the point finally that i need a solution or i need to look at other options besides visual studio for web development. it is way too time consuming now to have to worry about changing one thing and then having to search all other pages to be sure they are still fine. So this is what i have: visual studio 2008 pro sp1 asp.net web application targeting .net framework 3.5
a master page with several tables. i have broken out into several tables because it seemed to help the issue. the tables are all stacked on top of each other, no special positioning. the tables seem to be fine for the most part but if i make changes to the table which contains the content placeholder, i will find other pages have formatting incorrect, such as backcolor of text in different areas changed, bulleted lists are overlapping. when navigating to some pages, one of the tables i have at the top that is not related to the table with the content placeholdder, will not show the background picture, and it will show either different font size of the menu that is in the table with the content placeholder, or bold font on other buttons text, such as link button, on the master page.
so they seem to affect each other. changes on the master page affect the other pages and when displaying the other pages, whether in a browser in the IDE, parts of the master page will be affected. this is only on certain pages and they are never consistent. they will stay consistent once changed, but each time i make a change to the master page, the pages which are affected are not consistent. However, it used to be a issue that was always consistent with certain pages i kept in their own folder. i had taken the time once to go through them and make fixes and after that i didn't really have any more issues. but now they are being affected again as well as others.
i had started using link buttons instead of hyperlinks because it seemed to not affect the other pages when formatting them. for instance i would highlight the backcolor of a link with yellow, and other pages text in random places would show with the same yellow backcolor. it does not seem to matter what any of the affected text is in whether in p or div, it doesn't seem to follow a pattern other than sometimes it does seem to favor text that is bold. i think in some ways it has to do with new content pages i add to the site. those seem to be the ones that are usually affected for sure. but there are always others and i never know for sure which ones they will be.
I am developing a website with lot of database interactivity. My 60% website is done. My question is can I add master page to already created pages. does Masterpage affect performance of website while loading pages? I am using gridview in most of website pages
I have some of the methods in the master page,I want to inherit the master page to content page and use its methods...How will be able to do that..Do we have some techniques with inheritence?Please specify the techniques andPlease in C# with Code Behind...