Web Forms :: Rotate A Div Or HTML Table 90 Degrees Counter Clockwise?

Jul 26, 2010

I have an odd problem. I have 2 divs on a page side by side. The first div floats left and has normal orientation. The second div floats right and contains only a single table that contains labels but no form fields. This table needs to have an orientation of -90 degrees. In other words, the text reads from bottom to top, left to right instead of the normal English right to left, top to bottom. I can't seem to find anything on how to do this other than using an image file which won't work because the labels need to get filled from a database.

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Forms Data Controls :: Donut Chart Counter Clockwise And Starts Dividing The Donut From 90 Degrees?

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I have created a donut chart using ASP.NET chart control.The pies/sections are ordered in clockwise direction but I need them to be ordered in anti clockwise direction.I know that I can add the values in reverse order and achieve this but there must be a solution to this.

Also, it starts dividing the donut from 90 degrees to the right but I want it to start right from the top of the donut i.e. 0 degrees.

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Web Forms :: Rotate Images 90 Or 360 Degrees In List View C#?

Mar 27, 2010

I am working on one photogallery project, I have admin panel which will let administrators to upload images, save in the file system and name in database. I will retrieve all images in list view and let administrator handle all images which are verticle or horizontal.. I will let administrator to rotate image 90 degree or 360degree in listview edit mode. I have no idea about that.

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Latitude And Longitude Keep Changing Every Time Convert From Degrees Minutes Seconds To Decimal Degrees In C#

Dec 7, 2010

If I enter the a location of: Latitude = 28 Degrees, 45 Minutes, 12 Seconds Longitude = 81 Degrees, 39 Minutes, 32.4 Seconds. It gets converted into Decimal Degrees format to be stored in the database with the following code:

Coordinates coordinates = new Coordinates();
coordinates.LatitudeDirection = this.radLatNorth.Checked ? Coordinates.Direction.North : Coordinates.Direction.South;
coordinates.LatitudeDegree = this.ConvertDouble(this.txtLatDegree.Text);
coordinates.LatitudeMinute = this.ConvertDouble(this.txtLatMinute.Text);
coordinates.LatitudeSecond = this.ConvertDouble(this.txtLatSecond.Text);
coordinates.LongitudeDirection = radLongEast.Checked ? Coordinates.Direction.East : Coordinates.Direction.West;
coordinates.LongitudeDegree = this.ConvertDouble(this.txtLongDegree.Text);
coordinates.LongitudeMinute = this.ConvertDouble(this.txtLongMinute.Text);
coordinates.LongitudeSecond = this.ConvertDouble(this.txtLongSecond.Text);
//gets the calulated fields of Lat and Long
In the above code, ConvertDouble is defined as:
private double ConvertDouble(string value)
double newValue = 0;
double.TryParse(value, out newValue);
return newValue;
and ConvertDegreesMinutesSeconds is defined as:
public void ConvertDegreesMinutesSeconds()
this.Latitude = this.LatitudeDegree + (this.LatitudeMinute / 60) + (this.LatitudeSecond / 3600);
this.Longitude = this.LongitudeDegree + (this.LongitudeMinute / 60) + (this.LongitudeSecond / 3600);
//adds the negative sign
if (LatitudeDirection == Direction.South)
this.Latitude = 0 - this.Latitude;
else if (LongitudeDirection == Direction.West)
this.Longitude = 0 - this.Longitude;

If I don't make any change to the latitude or longitude and I click Apply Changes which basically does the above calucation again, it generates a different latitude and longitude in the database. This happens every time I go to edit it and don't make a change (I just click Apply Changes and it does the calculation again with a different result). In the above scenario, the new Latitude and Longitude is: Latitude = 28 Degrees, 45 Minutes, 12 Seconds Longitude = 81 Degrees, 40 Minutes, 32.4 Seconds If I do it again, it becomes:
Latitude = 28 Degrees, 45 Minutes, 12 Seconds Longitude = 81 Degrees, 41 Minutes, 32.4 Seconds The other part of this is that when I go into edit, it takes the decimal degrees format of the latitude and longitude and converts it to the degrees minutes seconds format and puts them into their respective textboxes. The code for that is:

public void SetFields()
Coordinates coordinateLocation = new Coordinates();
coordinateLocation.Latitude = this.Latitude;
coordinateLocation.Longitude = this.Longitude;
this.radLatNorth.Checked =
coordinateLocation.LatitudeDirection == Coordinates.Direction.North;
this.radLatSouth.Checked = !this.radLatNorth.Checked;
this.txtLatDegree.Text = coordinateLocation.LatitudeDegree.ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty);
this.txtLatMinute.Text = Math.Round(coordinateLocation.LatitudeMinute, 0).ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty);
this.txtLatSecond.Text = Math.Round(coordinateLocation.LatitudeSecond, 2).ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty);
this.radLongEast.Checked =
coordinateLocation.LongitudeDirection == Coordinates.Direction.East;
this.radLongWest.Checked = !this.radLongEast.Checked;
this.txtLongDegree.Text = coordinateLocation.LongitudeDegree.ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty); ;
this.txtLongMinute.Text = Math.Round(coordinateLocation.LongitudeMinute, 0).ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty);
this.txtLongSecond.Text = Math.Round(coordinateLocation.LongitudeSecond, 2).ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty);

From the above examples, you can see that the Minute kept increasing by 1, which would indicate why it is generating a different latitude and longitude in decimal degrees in the database, so I guess the problem is more in the above area, but I am not sure where or why it is doing it?

public void ConvertDecimal()
this.LatitudeDirection = this.Latitude > 0 ? Direction.North : Direction.South;
this.LatitudeDegree = (int)Math.Truncate(this.Latitude);
if (LatitudeDirection == Direction.South)
this.LatitudeDegree = 0 - this.LatitudeDegree;
this.LatitudeMinute = (this.Latitude - Math.Truncate(this.Latitude)) * 60;
this.LatitudeSecond = (this.LatitudeMinute - Math.Truncate(this.LatitudeMinute)) * 60;
this.LongitudeDirection = this.Longitude > 0 ? Direction.East : Direction.West;
this.LongitudeDegree = (int)Math.Truncate(this.Longitude);
if (LongitudeDirection == Direction.West)
this.LongitudeDegree = 0 - this.LongitudeDegree;
this.LongitudeMinute = (this.Longitude - Math.Truncate(this.Longitude)) * 60;
this.LongitudeSecond = (this.LongitudeMinute - Math.Truncate(this.LongitudeMinute)) * 60;

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Display Text Vertically (rotated 90 Degrees) In IE And Firefox

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C# - How To Format HTML Table With Inline Styles To Look Like A Rendered Excel Table

Sep 8, 2010

I'm currently stuck settings border in a html table. (I use inline stiles for a better rendering in e-mail-clients) I have this piece of code:


That will be rendered as this:

I want the table to be rendered like Excel would render a table with inner and outer border.

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C# - Highlighting HTML Table When A Link In The Table Is Clicked?

Apr 1, 2011

have a lengthy asp.net page. A HTML table in the page has a link. when the link is clicked the page refreshes and takes me to the top part of the page. Instead, i want to see the part of the page that has the link. It should automatically scroll down to that part once the page refreshes. How is that possible.

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How To Rotate An Image In .NET

Feb 10, 2011

I have an asp.net 2010 project. I write a jpg to the filesystem. Then I display it in an Image control. Then I use this code on button click to allow the user to rotate it 90 degrees.

string path = Server.MapPath(Image1.ImageUrl) ;
// creating image from the image url
System.Drawing.Image i = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(path);
// rotate Image 90' Degree
// save it to its actual path
// release Image File

It does rotate (I can actually watch that happen in Windows Explorer). But when I run the app again and it grabs the file from its path, it still displays it in its original form.

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Reading HTML Table Data / Html Tag?

May 22, 2010

I have some 50 pages of html which have around 100-plus rows of data in each, with all sort of CSS style, I want to read the html file and just get the data, like Name, Age, Class, Teacher. and store it in Database, but I am not able to read the html tags

space i kept to display it here
<table class="table_100">
<td class="col_1">


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Web Forms :: Create Website Hit Counter C#

Sep 17, 2010

anyone implemented hit counter?i don't want to count the page when it refresh as the website viewed it must be count and not when refresh!and also i know to save using gloabal.asax and save to text file but it save as 1,11,111 etc but when reset again it start from 0,anybody implemented pl post codings

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Web Forms :: Counter Placed In A Label On A Form?

Feb 10, 2010

I am bit of a newbie but..... I am trying to DIM a counter in my VB code, add to it and then, at the end of my filling a form, I want to take the counter and put it in a label or something on the form. In other words, I want to count the rows and display them on my form. It will not let me take the counter and put it in the label even if I convert it to a string. I know is probably very simple, but how do I do this.

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.net - How To Correctly Rotate An Image

May 28, 2010

I want to rotate an image with asp.net. I used TranslateTransform and RotateTransform. After rotation, the image is damaged. How can I solve this problem?

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Web Forms :: How To Get Particular Row Of HTML Table

Apr 20, 2010

I am using HTML table control and I have to update particular <td> and also number of <td>s are not fixed.

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Web Forms :: Make A Counter For Downloaded .exefiles?

Jan 9, 2011

I have a special banner that will download an .exe file that is located in: "Files1/Setup.exe".

Now I do not have any click event for this banner which makes it impossible to write code that count the clicks on this banner to a .txt file.

I wonder how this can be possible to do?, for example is it possible to detect when this URL is requested in somehow and count this to a .txt file?


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Web Forms :: Create A Hit Counter For All Pages On A MasterPage?

Dec 4, 2010

I'd like to track how many visitors I get in each page on my website (entirely coded with .aspx pages). I'm not very familiar with ASP.NET, but I'm sure that it has an easier way to count each page's hits than putting code on each one of my .aspx pages. I assume that this "way" is using the MasterPage I already use. Am I wrong or correct?I'm using Visual Studio 2010. How shall I proceede?Just to put things clear: I'm using VB on my code and I'd like to store the information (number of visits) internally on server, not using a third party site.*cross posted here:http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/vsreportcontrols/thread/b1a8ec3d-3881-4da5-9e64-002601b72e68?prof=required

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