Web Forms :: View Tiff Without Storing In Temp Folder
Jun 28, 2010
I am using alternatiff plugin to view tiff in web browser. But my main aim is to disable saving the copy of tiff file in temp internet files folder. and the second is to view some specific 2-3 pages from the entire tiff files. (SECURITY IS THE MAJOR CONCERN) or is there anything alternative which can help me out from thes.
I am working on this from last two days but couldnt get to the solution for this.
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Dec 22, 2010
I suppose this question has been asked to death all over the web, but I can seem to find a clear cut answer. What I am trying to achieve is as follows: I have a web application that lists various products, their descriptions, names etc and also an image of that specific product. The user will type in a product code or name of the product and a page will pop up with al the previous mentioned info and image or images of that specific product. The problem I am having is: I read somewhere that storing images in a database is 'bad idea' since it effects performance, then I read somewhere else to keep it in the images / or app_data folder. But what would be the best approach and how would I call it from the database (if that's the best way)? And if App_Data / images are the way to go how many images can I put in there (??) already the product catalog has several hundred images of various products. So how would one go about sorting everthing in those folders without having a few hundred images rolling down in my solutions explorer.
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Feb 9, 2010
I am Using ASPX the VB Version
Ok says i have a folder thats like www.some-url.com/data/ and in data there is all picture files there and i want to use a ASPX controller like in PHP to dispaly all the pictures in a image boc thats 250 250 and be a clickable link but in a table too how would i do thing..
In a break down
I need to view all the picture files as picture in a image controller like the asp:Image
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May 10, 2010
My website provides a facility to upload images, using the ASP.NET FileUpload control. We accept both jpeg and tiff formats but I have just decided that all tiffs should be converted to jpegs at the time of upload. If possible, I want to avoid saving the original tiff to disk. I would any sample coding for achieving this conversion prior to saving (ideally in VB.NET, though I could always run C# code through a converter).
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Jan 6, 2011
My website provides a facility to upload images, using the ASP.NET FileUpload control. We accept both jpeg and tiff formats but I have just decided that all tiffs should be converted to jpegs at the time of upload. If possible, I want to avoid saving the original tiff to disk.
I would appreciate any sample coding suggestions for achieving this conversion prior to saving (ideally in VB.NET, though I could always run C# code through a converter).
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Mar 15, 2011
I am looking for a free or commercial programme which will let me open up TIFF files in .NET.
Ideally it would open up in a new window, with 2 restrictions 1) That user isnt able to save the file 2) That there is no print button available.
View 2 Replies
Apr 28, 2010
I've been thrown into the middle of this project without knowing all the background. If you've got WTF questions, trust me, I have them too.
Here is the scenario: I've got a bunch of files residing on an IIS server. They have no file extension on them. Just naked files with names like "asda-2342-sd3rs-asd24-ut57" and so on. Nothing intuitive.
The problem is I need to serve up files on an ASP.NET (2.0) page and display the tiff files as tiff and the PDF files as PDF. Unfortunately I don't know which is which and I need to be able to display them appropriately in their respective formats.
For example, lets say that there are 2 files I need to display, one is tiff and one is PDF. The page should show up with a tiff image, and perhaps a link that would open up the PDF in a new tab/window.
The problem:
As these files are all extension-less I had to force IIS to just serve everything up as TIFF. But if I do this, the PDF files won't display. I could change IIS to force the MIME type to be PDF for unknown file extensions but I'd have the reverse problem.
Is this problem easier than I think or is it as nasty as I am expecting?
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Oct 7, 2010
I may be forced into using a tiff image on a webpage.
Do most modern browsers handle tiffs. Are there any gotchas?
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Dec 10, 2010
When I upload small sized tiff file(approx. 800KB) in my website folder on local system through fileupload control in asp.net. It uploads the file successfully. But when I upload 5MB or more in size tiff file. It can't upload file and display the following message.Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage.Here is my code:
if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
string filename = FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName.ToString();
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May 11, 2010
I have a File Uploader in my ASP.NET application Using C#, we can upload any type like images, documents, pdf etc.
I m storing it in the Filesystem and having only the Name of the File in DB.My doubt is can we store the entire file, images in DB. State me Which is good practice and why we need to use it.
Either file System Storage or SQL DB Storage.
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Oct 14, 2010
How to display tiff, png images in ASP.NET or windows application in IE browser.
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Apr 13, 2010
I've got a ASP.NET site that's located on a local server (MY_SERVER). And one of the things it does is pull up tiff files which are located on another server (ANOTHER_SERVER). The location of each of these files is stored in SQL. I pull up each of these images and am supposed to display them. The problem is:
the files are not named with a tiff extension (does it matter?) they aren't displaying at all.
I am using an Image control to display these images, and I'm not sure if it matters that the extension is not set (does the image control know the difference between an jpg and a tiff without the extension?)
I am guessing the images aren't displaying because they are not on the same server MY_SERVER that the images are located (ANOTHER_SERVER).
edit: actually displaying the tiff files were amazingly simple:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.ContentType = "image/png";
new Bitmap(Request.QueryString["ImagePath"]).Save(Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Gif);
but because the images are located on ANOTHER_SERVER I still can't access them. I may just do a hack where I copy them to a local directory on MY_SERVER but there's gotta be a simple way to fix this. Anyone?
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Jan 29, 2011
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Nov 18, 2010
I want to modify the way the Views are organised in my project to allow for a custom way of handling Globalization
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My mapRoute rule in Global.asax is set up like this...
So I want to just have 1 controller called main and then have my view folders organised like this..../Views/Main/en/Index.cshtml/Views/Main/fr/Index.cshtml I have tried creating a custom view engine but i don't know how to access the countrycode route value because none of the examples show how to do this.
Here is my attempt at a custom Razor View Engine
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Dec 6, 2010
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I would like to change the template it uses to do this to use a different value for pagBaseType. I assume there is a template somewhere I could modify, but I don't know where it is.
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Apr 29, 2010
I am developing a website in MVC 2.0. I want to change the View folder location in my website. I wanted to keep the views folder inside other folders, When I try to do so i am getting following errors
The view 'Index' or its master was not found. The following locations were searched:
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
My Views folder will be in ~/XYZ/ABC/Views instead of ~/Views. Will I get any problems If I change the default Views folder location. Do I need to change anything in HTML Helper classes because I don't know anything in MVC as this is my starting project i dont want to risk.
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Apr 28, 2010
have a FileUpload page where the user must upload an image, but what i want to do is when the user Click and Browse then select the image, there is an Image Control which will display immediately the Selected image,Note, the image is not yet uploaded.Question, it this possible? if yes, and i hope so it will, how?
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Nov 30, 2012
I am using MS Chart Control in my Web App,after some time I got the issue "The temp directory in chart handler configuration is not accessible" in Live App,even though my web.Config file is containing every thing related to charts like...
<add key="ChartImageHandler" value="storage=file;timeout=20;" /> under <appSettings>
<add path="ChartImg.axd" verb="GET,HEAD,POST" type="System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartHttpHandler, System.Web.DataVisualization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"
validate="false" /> under <httpHandlers>
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Oct 18, 2013
I need to open/view a file in gridview.... I successfully uploaded the file to a directory on the server, and added a filename field in a table....
I can view the table data row by row, but now want to click on the file or SELECT in that row - and that click event must open the file for me....
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Jan 13, 2010
I am trying to populate a datagridview control using a stored procedure in SQL Server database. The stored procedure accepts a parameter value.The output is a select * from #temptableoutput . Since the columns of the #temptable can not be seen by VS since they do not exist yet how do I configure the datagridview control to use the yet to be "initialized" columns?I have not found any tutorials on using stored procedures to fill datagridview controls
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