Web Forms :: Want Sample Code For Upload Swf?

Dec 22, 2010

I want sample code for upload swf I dont want do save in the DB

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding Good Sample Code

Feb 20, 2011

do u also any good code projects for developing inbox functionality.

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C# - Pro Net MVC Framework Sample Code Not Working

Oct 21, 2010

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protected override IController GetControllerInstance(
System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext,
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Security :: Sample Code For .NET NT ID Authorization?

Jun 28, 2010

I am looking for some suggestions for an application I am writing. Here is a brief description of the application:The application is written in C# ASP.NET version 4.0 and is to be hosted on an IIS6 web server. The purpose of the application is to serve as a download page for sensitive documents. There will be several levels of access which will be granted according to user credentials stored in a SQL table. I don't want the application to check the user's NT ID and either allow or disallow access to the application depending on whether they are authorized or not, I want it to filter on data i.e. everyone can view the application, it will just limit the data they can view depending on their access.

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AJAX :: Modal Popup With Controls/ Looking For Sample Code?

Feb 21, 2011

I am looking for sample code where a button click on the server side will spawn a modal child page, having couple of controls such as textboxes and a button, where one could enter values in the text boxes and click the button; once the button is clicked, the page should postback to the parent page, where the entered values could be read. There is a video on this site about AJAX control kits describing modal popup, but unfortunately it wouldn't serve my purpose.

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Jul 6, 2010

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Dec 16, 2010

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Jan 1, 2010

i am looking for some sample code in order to upload and/or retrieve images stored in a database.even the web is full of samples, i was not able to find one without using blobs as i would like to save only the directory of an image when it comes to the place of storing. the reason behind is that i do want to have my database small for some reason and therefore only want to save links to my images inside.

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AJAX ::site Or Sample Code To Use Modalpopup To Prompt For Session Ending

Apr 12, 2010

looking for some sites or links to samples of using the modalpopup to display when session is about to expire.similar to godaddy.com.If it cant be used anyother solutions available to accomplish the same thing have an application we are building that they want to have something similar to that on the pages.They want to warn / prompt that their session is about to expire.Similar to online banking.

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AJAX :: Modal Popup Doesn't Work Using Sample Code Letter For Letter

Jul 26, 2010

I am trying to get the modalPopup to work. Don't get any errors, the panel popsup as is supposed to, but the background doesn't gray out and the background of the panel doesn't display correctly either (it is black). The background of the main page doesn't change. To make sure I wasn't doing something wrong, I downloaded the samplcode (vb) from the AJAX website, and created a completely new web page, css file, .vb file, etc. Still have the same issue. I am using the latest version of ajaxcontroltookit ( 4.1.40412.0), VS 2010 RC, and VB)

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Sample C# Code To Manage Roles With Roles Provider?

Sep 21, 2010

i want to implement asp.net role provider to assign users over my LAN to roles and have my asp.net intranet app implement security based on roles.

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can anyone provide me a link (or some sample code) to some sample i can use to admin roles and users over a LAN in asp.net with c#?

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Web Forms :: File (txt - Doc - Pdf) Upload In Code Behind?

Dec 15, 2010

i want upload only txt,doc,pdf file how can i uploadit . i should not validate this cliend side all of in code behind file

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Web Forms :: How To Write Code To Upload And View Movie

Jan 12, 2010

How can one write code to upload & view movie.

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Web Forms :: Code Is Upload Images Which Are On The Desktop Not From Another Path?

Nov 26, 2010

string fileName = FileUpload1.FileName; if (FileUpload1.HasFile && FileUpload1.FileBytes.Length < 2048) { fileName = new Random().Next() + "-" + FileUpload1.FileName; // My upload folder path is C:ConvocationWEbsite1Upload FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/Upload/")
+ fileName); } else { lblerr.Text = " File size should be less than 2 MB."; }

Reply me as soon as possible.

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C# - Paypal API And Paypal's Sample Code?

Oct 30, 2010


The sample code returns ACK, but where is the proper response?

For example
Getbalance, sample code returns ACK

but the document shows it returns other values?

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Web Forms :: Upload Picture From Desktop Code Seems Correct But Doesn't Work?

Feb 25, 2010

I am trying to do some code where a user will be able to upload a .JPG picture from the users computer. I have put the controls and also written the C# code wich in my eyes seems to be correct. What happens in the code is that the uploaded picture will replace the existing "TopHeader.JPG" picture.

However when I run the code after I have choosen a .JPG picture from the desktop on my computer. Nothing happens except of a postback of the page.

I wonder what I can be missing out in order to make this work. (I attach both the HTML code and the C# code, I will be happy to know what I could be missing out)


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Code To Upload Image In MVC C#

Jan 21, 2011

In my college project when user register they have to select their photo path to upload , i want to upload photos to the local drive.I dont like to store it in DB. whats the code and how to do that..???

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