Writing To And Retreiving From A Window File's Title, Subject Or Comments Fields?

Jul 9, 2010

VWD 2008 Express. Visual Basic.

When you look at the properties of a Windows file, it has a "Summary" tab. On this tab are fields that can be modified, such as Title, Subject, Comments. How from code behind could I modify these fields and retrieve their values?

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Social Networking :: Display Facebook Comments And Allow User To Post Comments To Wall

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how to apply this.. [URL] ....

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Web Forms :: Popup Window Of IE Is Not Coming With Title?

Feb 4, 2011

I am trying to open a new window by using javascript and .net code as given below.

And expecting to have a title of new IE window which is set in Javascript(Mark in Yellow), but it displaying it as "Untitled Page".


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Web Forms :: Deleting List Item / File - Writing New File With Remaining Items

Dec 23, 2010

Spent ages trying to get this right but am struggling now. I have a list box and textbox, I can happily enter Email addresses into the textbox which are saved into a text file and populated in a list box. I want to be able to select a list item and delete it, along with it's record in my text file. I was going to do it by on the delete list item / button click, it delete's the text file and then writes and a new one with the remaining list items in the list box. Unfortunately it's re-writing the file but either not including the remaining list items. Here's some examples of what I've changed and what populates the text file:

StreamWriter1.WriteLine(Addresses.Items); - System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItemCollection
StreamWriter1.WriteLine(Addresses.Text); - A blank line?!?

The code is below. The reason I wouldn't allow the user to delete the first list item is because I thought the code was working ok but for some reason putting in a blank line to start with, and if I deleted the line it'd delete all file content. No, I don't know why I thought that either.


where I've gone wrong? I've not actually slept since I woke up at 8am yesterday. It's now 11am... today.

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Writing To A File At Runtime

May 17, 2010

I am trying to write some lines at runtime to a text file using streamwriter, but i have to allow only 100 lines to be written to that file, if 101 line is supposed to be written to that file than first line of the file must get discarded/deleted and file must allow writing the 101 line so the file will actually always contain only 100 lines.

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Writing Xml To Memory Instead Of A File?

Feb 18, 2010

Is there a way to write xml directly to an object that can represent it in memory and use that with XPath instead of an .xml file?

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Iis - Extract 'Title' Property Value From File?

Dec 21, 2010

From an ASP.Net C# application I need to access the 'Title' property value from multiple (100+) files residing on the local file system.

e.g. Right click a file on your file system and select 'Properties'. In the 'Summary' tab there is a 'Title' property along with 'Subject', 'Category' etc. properties. I am after the value residing in the 'Title' property.

Whilst developing the web application and testing using Cassini, I was able to extract the 'Title' property value using Shell32.dll

Folder folder = _shell.NameSpace(Path.GetDirectoryName(path));
FolderItem item = folder.ParseName(Path.GetFileName(path));
folder.GetDetailsOf(item, (int)eDetailColumns.Title);

The above code doesn't work when running within IIS. The 'folder' object doesn't contain any items.

I have read that the ASP.Net worker process does not have a running instance of explorer - thus no Shell causing my Shell32 code not to function correctly.

Is there another way I can extract the 'Title' property value from within an ASP.Net application?

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Writing Mp4 File From Request.InputStream?

May 28, 2010

I have a page posting data to me via HTTP POST. What i want is write posted data into mp4 video format file. Here my code how to write that file:

string strFilePath = "D:\Video.mp4";
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(strFilePath, FileMode.Create))
byte[] bytes = new byte[Request.InputStream.Length];
Request.InputStream.Read(bytes, 0, (int)Request.InputStream.Length);
fs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

My problem is that i got the file, but it's corrupt when playback. Is there any problem with my stream or i missing some decode for mp4 file?

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Web Forms :: Writing To Log File On First Pageload?

Oct 27, 2010

Based on this piece of code, I want to do exactly like this demonstration. However, correct me if I'm wrong but if two or more users somehow simultaneously access the web page at the same precise nanosecond in time, then wouldn't we have a race condition? So is this piece of code valid? How would I correct this to make it thread safe?


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Use Of Writing Method As Webmethod In Cs File?

Dec 1, 2010

1.What is the use of writing method as webmethod in cs file

2.what is the use of calling webmethods through javascript file.

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Writing To A File Which Can Be Password Protected?

Mar 10, 2011

i have table data which i am currently writing to an excel file, but i need to be able to securely password protect the file. Ive been told excel passwords are easy to break, so is there another file type which i can dynamically write to and password protect for emailing elsewhere (and requiring receiver to type password in to access it)?

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Modify The Title Of A SiteMapNode From Codebehind File?

Jan 25, 2010

I have a site and Web.sitemap file added to the root folder of the site.

I want to create a new page that allows the user to change the title and description of the SiteMapNodes in the Web.sitemap file. I have completed it partially, in the sense, I am able to iterate through the nodes in the sitemap file using the following code.


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How To Display Icon IN Title Bar Of Browser With Title

Dec 9, 2010

How to Display Icon IN title bar of Browser with title?

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When Select A Title, That Title Should Be Returned To Model?

Mar 29, 2011

In my application I have the following message:Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

@Html.DropDownList("Title",ViewData["PersonTitle"] as SelectList, Model.Person.Title)

The dropdownlist contains simple strings (person titles). When you select a title, that title should be returned to my model. Controller code:

ViewData["PersonTitle"] = new SelectList(new[] { "Dhr.", "Mevr." });

Why is this not working ? Edit: The purpose is to change

@Html.EditorFor(model => model.Person.Title)

into something like this

@Html.DropDownList("Title",ViewData["PersonTitle"] as SelectList, Model.Person.Title)

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Web Forms :: Rollback From File Reading / Writing

Mar 9, 2011

I am using more than one files to read and write to the server. Suppose during writing or reading any of files gets error the already stored files need to be rollback or removed from storing.So that the user agin try to write without error. Simply the all of the files need to be stored into the server without error, of error occurs to any of file none of files need to be read/write

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Writing .txt File When There Is Large Amount Of Data?

Jul 22, 2010

i have write data from db to .txt file,where db have large amount data,i need to wite data into file, if some error occure, then reInitiated that file and write data again without stop process.that is Continuous calling same process

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Web Forms :: Writing A File (doc) To Different Server On The Network?

May 18, 2010

I am trying to create and write a file on a remote server using the below code:


but i am running into issues and getting errors. Below are some tries i have given. My IIS settings are 'Anonymous Access' checked and also 'Integrated windows authentication' checked.

a. As i understand asp.net site would run using ASPNET account, i tried giving full permission to ASPNET account to the folder on the remote server (where i want to drop the file). But i am getting this error - "Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password"

b. The other thing i tried is giving full permissions to 'Everyone' to the remote server folder. But i get the same error as above. But when in my web.config i enable impersonation by using:

then the error goes away and everything works fine as expected. The file gets dropped to the network share.

why the scenario (a) doesn't work because that should work as if i give ASPNET account full access to the folder, and my website is running under the same account, then it should work.

Also, in the scenario (b), i believe it is using my domain account, as the impersonation is true without specifying any username and password and also the remote server folder has Everyone access to full control.
BUT, as a security breach, i cannot use Everyone account to the remote folder. In that case, how can i make this working.

I was also thinking if i can use the virtual directory as the path to the remote folder, something like
http://domain.com/remotefolder but dont know how can i use this approach. Can someone pls share some sample code and the configuration.

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Web Forms :: Writing Bitmap File On Server?

Oct 19, 2010

I'm making an application which takes image from user upload it to server and then perform any image processing like to convert to gray or invert etc.

My problem is this when i did the process on image to gray it or invert then how to write this new file on server or is there any other way so that i would be able to show this (new) image to user and make it downloadable?

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Web Forms :: File Reading And Writing For Number Of User

Mar 16, 2011

In my application i want to share one .txt for read and write among no. of users. in Button click i m writing data in that file and in tick event of Timer i m reading that file, In tick event i m reading that file based on file based cachin means if file have been changed then only i m reading that file but when i have put m application i IIS then i m not able to get updated file.

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Configuration :: Writing A Connection String In Web.config File?

Jul 30, 2010

I have written the web.config for same server without username and server and its working.

but not been able to provide the username and password in web.config file.

Following is my web.config for Server:


I have to write another web.config for client application with username and passoword. how could i use it.

server name is "BM", User is "Sa" and Password is "abc"

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C# - Complete The Post Back After Writing Out A File To The Response?

Jan 28, 2011

I have a button that when clicked, will generate a PDF and write it out to the response.This is the basic structure of the code:

using(Stream stream = generatePdf())


Downloading the file works fine, except that it doesn't complete the postback.If I were to throw an exception above file.Transmit, the error handling would work properly and I would see the message get displayed in my browser. However, if there is an exception after the file.Transmit then nothing happens. The user saves/opens the pdf and the page does not reload.How can I make it so that the postback always completes, that way I can display an appropriate message to the user?

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Web Forms :: Writing A Log In Xml File Or Insert Query In Database?

Feb 20, 2010

i want to maintain a log of the visitors for a website.. the number of visitors is fix approximate (800), but i have to maintain the record of each visit page wise like page Id, time visited, user id. i am doing it using a database as it was .

i was asked to use a insert query on every page ,(ie each time user visits a page write the log to database), but i dint like the idea.. of making server trips every time the user visits a page and also we have a seperate database server. I had a idea of using XML.. but which is the best way performance wise writing a log in Xml file or insert query in database?

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Web Forms :: Writing To A Text File Upon Application Login

Aug 24, 2010

I have the following subroutine in an asp.net application class. The subroutine writes data to a text file upon application login. My question is that if this function was called at the same time by two different users would it cause any kind of error. Is there a need for a try catch?

Public Shared Sub writeToLogFile(ByVal UserName As String)
Dim strLogMessage As String = String.Empty
Dim strLogFile As String = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Log.txt") Dim swLog As StreamWriter
strLogMessage = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString().ToString() " ==> " & UserName
If Not File.Exists(strLogFile) Then
swLog = New StreamWriter(strLogFile)
swLog = File.AppendText(strLogFile)
End If
End Sub

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C# - StreamWriter Stops Writing When File Is Opened From Web Link?

Mar 22, 2010

Following on from my previous question...

The following code creates log files on a web server:

private void LogMessage(Message msg)
using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(_logDirectory + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + ".txt"))

The log files are linked to from an admin page on the web site:

foreach (FileInfo file in logDir.GetFiles())
Response.Write("<a href='http:// .... /Logs/" + file.Name + "'>" + file.Name + "</a>");

I'm getting the problem that after someone looks at one of the log files from the link, that log file stops being written to.

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.net - Log4net - FileAppender Writing New Entries At The Beginning Of File?

Jan 11, 2010

Is is possible to configure FileAppender in log4net to add new entries at the beginning of log file? Currently it is adding entries at the end and reading newest entries requires scrolling whole log down. It would be more comfortable to read from the beginning.

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