Asp - Sniffer For Certain Port?

May 9, 2010

I need a sniffer to catch all http communications on certain port, recommend one for me.

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Similar Messages:

C# - How To Control A COM Port Parallel Port From Web Application

Jan 16, 2011

i can control a LPT port or COM port or any other hardware of server using ASP.Net with C#. I haven't found any clue in the internet.

I want to control a COM port Parallel port from web application.

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Specify Port Of SmtpClient?

May 21, 2010

I can specify a port number with SmtpClient object in ASP.NET, what I am wondering is, is that just the port .NET uses to send mail to the SMTP server? Or will that dictate what port for the SMTP server to use? Or is it that it MUST match the port configured for the SMTP server?

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ASP 2.0 And COM Port Communication?

Feb 20, 2010

ASP.NET 2.0 and COM Port Communication

I have a managed DLL which communicates with the devices attached on COM/Serial ports. The desktop Winforms application sends requests on ports and receives/stores data in memory. In Winforms app I have added a reference to DLL and I am using the methods. This works well. Now, there is a situation where I need to show this data from serial/com port on a web-page. And also users should be able to send requests to the ports using this DLL. I have made a web app in ASP.NET (2.0). Added a reference to the DLL. I am able to use this DLL, the DLL communicates on the COM upon button click on web-page and also the response is shown on web page. However I am not happy with the approach and strongly feel that this is a bad approach. Also the development server crashes after 3 -4 requests. What is the best approach in this scenario. If I use a windows service then how would my app will communicate with the Weindows service.Or can this be easily done using WCF. I have not used WCF any time nor any of .net remoting technique.

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C# - COM Port Can't Be Opened In Asp

May 10, 2010

I following this article for sending SMS it is a winform application.. I have referenced all the Dll's to my application. I use an aspx page to detect a mobile device connected to a PC..... But it alwys shows COM 'n' Port could not be opened.

using SMS;
using GsmComm.GsmCommunication;
using GsmComm.PduConverter;
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
GsmCommMain comm = new GsmCommMain(6, 9600, 300);
if (!comm.IsConnected())
Response.Write("No Phone Connected");
SmsSubmitPdu pdu = new SmsSubmitPdu("test", "+919999999999", "");


I use the web development server that ships with Visual Studio... If go to Control Panel -> Phones & Modems -> Modems i could see my mobile connected in com6.. i have tested the winform application it works fine.Is this the answer? ASP.NET pages are supposed to work.What is happening over here is that when you click on open_com button, the ASP.NET page posts back to itself, executes the event handler i.e., opensthe port. Then when the page finishesprocessing the post back, it is unloaded. At this point the COM1 objects is also destroyed.

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How To Change Website Port From 80

May 20, 2010

I have a web site developed in framework 3.5 , OS 2008 Server and iis 6.0 My web site running on port no. 80 and accessible in Lan network but it is not accessed when I changed to any port no like 8060 or 88. how to change port no so that I can access it in LAN network

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Intelligencia.UrlRewriter - Using Port Other Than 80?

Jan 20, 2011

Does anyone know if it is possible to configure Intelligencia.UrlRewriter to work when accessing a site via a port other than 80?[URL]

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Is It Possible To Use A Serial Port Like Session In C#

Jun 17, 2010

I am using serial port communication in my webform application...


This method works when i send i single message... But when want to send sms in bulk opening and closing port everytime is not a good idea... So my question is it possible to use a serial port like session in c#?... When i open a port i want it to be open for 1 hour and then if my time expires i want to close the port and open it the next time...

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C# - Port Forwarding On Windows 7?

Sep 15, 2010

How do I redirect an incoming request on port xxx to localhost:yyy on windows 7?

Development Server (vs 2008) only allow access from localhost which isnt good enough. I need to test my app from various computers.

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Configuration :: Port Used By Asp Server?

Nov 13, 2010

just like all applications uses a defualt port, which port does webserver use of the system.

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Access USB Port From Page (Server's USB)?

Dec 19, 2010

im creating a project.i developed a circuit for usb. i will connect this device to server's usb port. Can i access this device from a client?(not read/write file. i will send some commands to usb). Usb connection program is ready.How can i access from client? Which method will i use? web service,wcf or others.

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How To Change Port For A Website Project

Feb 1, 2010

I got a website project and found I couldn't assign a fixed port number for the application in development server. (When I debug, the port number following localhost:1194 always changes)

I've been googling it for hours, but the closest one is how to configure port number for web applicaiton, with a web application I know go to property-web-specific port, but with a web site project I can't find such an option anywhere.

All I can get from a website property is

4.start options
5.silverlight applications

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WCF / ASMX :: Can A WCF Service Listen To TCP Port

Aug 24, 2010

I have to develop a WCF Service which should listen to a particular TCP port for data coming in from clients. Is there a way wherein the client need not call any WCF Service methods, instead client can directly write data to that port and WCF listens to TCP port for data.

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Configuration :: How To Run Website On Different Port In Iis 5.1 Server

Aug 29, 2010

how to run asp web site on different port in iis 5.1 server?

i have change the port no. but i can't run my web site on that port so plz. give me complete information and step to run asp web site in iis server on other than different port.

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Configuration :: Adding New Website On Same Port?

Oct 21, 2010

When I add a second website to my solution, it is putting it on a different port. My first website is running on port 50483, and my new website is running on port 55760. I was a little surprised, because I don't see the need to run them on different ports since they are seperate virtual directories.

It makes using response.redirect difficult.

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Configuration :: Application Not Working In Port 80 But In 82?

Jan 4, 2011

I have we have deployed an ASP.NET applicatio (3.5 framework ) in IIS 6.0. It works fine in port 82 but it gives error in port80. we have installed follwoing KB969612 for IE8 issue to make it work

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C# - Controlling A Hardware Connected To A Com Port?

Dec 18, 2010

i want to make a web site which is able to control a hardware on a clients computer.

the the hardware for example be a simple gsm modem

this is a general question, for asking of methods and opinions as for the following

control this hardware using the computer the hardware is connected to.
control this hardware using another computer over a network
control this hardware using a web site application or a simple web site

the thing to consider --> this is a class group project which we implement in c#


hope the broadness is narrowed down.

assume there is a remote control attached to the comm port of my computer, which controls a small car.

i want user around the world to be able to move the car using there keyboard.

i can write a desktop app to control the remote using the printer port but thats on my local host only.

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WCF / ASMX :: WCF Service As Https Using Port 80?

Nov 9, 2010

I have just noticed that a WCF service referenced as https in the web address is showing that the client is connecting on port 80

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Access The Port Occupied By System?

May 18, 2010

we have a built in fax modem working on com4 without any problem but i want to access this modem and issue some AT command to it, when im trying to do this im getting error saying some other program is using this device and unnable to connect.

Does anyone know how to access this modem. or is thier a better way to access this modem.

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URL Losing Port Number In Every Page Load

Mar 16, 2010

I'm currently taking care of a certain local website.

The default port has been changed, and can no longer be not included in the URL due to technical reasons, so now i'm using a certain port in the end of the IP at the URL, for example

no longer works (which accessed 80 by default)

with the port, works.

Works, though I can't click in any link or anything and the port vanishes (new page doesn't load). Then I keep the same URL and just include the port at the end of the IP and it works again, until I click in another link inside of it.

I have access to changing each link, but I guess that would not be the right approach.

How should I procceed ?


All URL's are already relative, and the whole issue of this question is not applicable in IE, this only happens on other browsers.


What I said about changing each link would be something like


But I really don't know..


As requested:

<asp:HyperLink runat="server" Text="link" NavigateUrl="~/folder/folder/page.aspx" />

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Web Forms :: Port Application To Asp 4 And Can't Compile - Class Not Available

Sep 21, 2010

In an old ASP.NET 2.0 Web Site application I have reference to a class named ProfileCommon which gives me access to profile properties from the Web.Config. Now I'm trying to port this application to ASP.NET 4.0 and cannot compile because this class is not available in the 4.0 version.... What is the best way to get around this problem?

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C# - Webpage Interfacing With COM Port To Control Page?

Aug 6, 2010

I'm looking at creating a project that has a touch screen panel on a com port and a front facing website.

I want the touch screen panel to interface with the web page, it will have two buttons (left & right) and I want those actions to "do something" on the web page.

I'm trying to work out which programming/scripting language would be best to, I could use JS but I believe that'd mean polling a c/perl/php script that is listening on the COM port considering JS has no socket capabilities.

Would it be easier if I used ASP.NET/C# - would it cause me less headaches?

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Configuration :: Access The Webpage Without The Port Number?

Sep 27, 2010

on my vistual studio 2010 I can see my project by [URL]

but I can access my project on either localhost or Ip address without the port number , how can I access the web page without the port number?

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WCF / ASMX :: Testing Web Service With No Port Number?

Jun 18, 2010

The way I quickly test the asmx file is to "View in Browser" from Visual Studio (I'm using 2005, and have IIS 6). The address shows up like this:


where 1399 is a generated random number and can change each time I test by this process.

The books I've been reading (as well as other sources in the internet) keep referring to testing web services by typing something like this in the browser:


where "MyWebService" is the name of the web service and "MyFolder" is where that webservice is.

This "http://localhost/" with no port number testing never worked for me. Some books mention random port numbers, but most do not even mention port numbers. [URL]

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Configuration :: VS 2005 - Set Use Dynamic Port Property?

Nov 24, 2010

I am working on a ASP.NET 2.0 application. I am accessing thewebsite on my machine using


I want to access this application from another machine using IP. (http://IPAddress:Port/Main/login.aspx)

How to access ASP.NET 2.0 website that is being developed on one machine from another machine.

In VS 2010 there is an property (usedynamicport) to set port value.

How to set usedynamicport property to false and set port number in VS 2005.

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