Bind Checklistbox Inside Repeater Control Having Datasource As LINQ

Aug 23, 2010

i my website i am using Repeater control which further contain checkboxlist control. Now my problem is that i have successfully bind "Parameter Type" in repeater control but when i am binding checkbox values, it does't appears in display

<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server">
<asp:CheckBoxList ID="chkParList" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"
DataTextField = >
<br /><br />
<hr />
In *.cs file following are my code
IMonitoringDataInfo objMonitoringDataInfo = new ChannelFactory<IMonitoringDataInfo>("MonitoringDataInfo").CreateChannel();
Collection<ParameterDetailDTO> clParameterDetailDTO = objMonitoringDataInfo.GetAllParameters(idList, out errorCode);
var parameters = (from resx in clParameterDetailDTO
select resx.ParameterType).Distinct();
Repeater1.DataSource = parameters.ToList();
counter = Repeater1.Items.Count;
while (i < counter - 1)
foreach (var parType in parameters)
var items = from resx in clParameterDetailDTO
where resx.ParameterType.ToLower().Contains(parType.ToLower())
select new { resx.ParameterName, resx.ParameterID };
((CheckBoxList)(Repeater1.Items[i].FindControl("chkParList"))).DataSource = items;
((CheckBoxList)(Repeater1.Items[i].FindControl("chkParList"))).DataTextField = "ParameterName";
((CheckBoxList)(Repeater1.Items[i].FindControl("chkParList"))).DataValueField = "ParameterID";

I am using LINQ as datasource.

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ASPX Code:


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The use of "Select Customer.CustID", with or without the Distinct, causes this runtime error. CustID is a valid field in the table, and it shows up in intellinsense and compiles. If I just Select Customer, the error goes away, but Distinct doesn't know to look for distinct custid's.

DataBinding: 'System.String' does not contain a property with the name 'CustID'.

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I'm wanting to be able to do a count on the repeater and get a valid number back. A count that doesn't also include the hidden items.

Is it possible to de-bind specific items perhaps in the ItemDataBound event?


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<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="_Default" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">


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struct DataItem { int level; string name; Guid key };
List<DataItem> myList = API.GetList();
ListView1.DataSource = myList;

All this works fine for display. However, the table must edit the level value. I am unsure how to make that happen. I have tried event handlers on the listView, but they are never called. I have tried a text box for the level field (with both Bind and Eval) and an event handler OnTextChanged, but the event handler is never called. (I have tried with various combiniations of AutoPostBack and ViewState enabled.)

How can I programatically edit this data structure?

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dtlIfmembers.DataSource = objBLL.GetRandomFedImage()

Error :

An invalid data source is being used for dtlIfmembers. A valid data source must implement either IListSource or IEnumerable.

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I need to access a control inside a repeater and change its properties. To enable it or not. I got an erorr message Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Here is my code inside a method. protected void

rptCAP_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
LinkButton lnDel = (LinkButton)rptCap.FindControl("lnkDelete");
lnkDel.Enabled = false; //<<<<< this is where the error occur

The name of the repeater control is id="rptCAP"

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Forms Data Controls :: Repeater Control Doesn't Bind Correctly After Editing?

Dec 20, 2010

I have a custom page (Page 1) in SharePoint where I have a repeater control. From Page1 I open Page2. This is where I generate a collection of object which i use to bind repeater control in Page1. For the first time everythings work fine. If I have 5 objects to bind, repeater control shows 5 elements.

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I debug my code. The collection which i am binding to repeater shows the correct elements. But while displaying i is not showing correctly.

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Jun 23, 2010

I have tried binding images to repeater from one folder called images . But now, I am trying to bind the repeater with different folder's images, based on which menu item is clicked like "Wedding", "Birthday". When "Wedding" is clicked then it repeater should be loaded from Wedding folder's images similarly with "Birthday".

Currently i am using following code to load from single folder.

Repeater1.DataSource = di.GetFiles();
(!IsPostBack)string imgDir = Server.MapPath("~/images");DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(imgDir);


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Forms Data Controls :: Bind GroupBy Values In Nested Repeater Control?

Sep 24, 2010

In a dataset i m getting values like this

IdApplication ApplicationDesc Permissions
1 User Add
1 User Delete
1 User Update
2 Role Add
2 Role Delete
3 User2 Modify
3 User2 Change

How can i Bind like in nested repeater control

In my Nested repeater control bound i need to Bind the Values like this Formate According Groupwise

User Add Update
Role Add Delete
User2 Modify Change

In the nested repeater control i taken a label in Header Template i need to bind 3 different values Application Desc once User, Role, User2 and in Item Template i had binded the <%# Eval("Application Desc")%> but i am getting like this all permissions in 1 line

Add Update Add Delete Modify Change

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Forms Data Controls :: Use (create And Bind A Object Collection) A Repeater Control Complete Through Codebehind?

Mar 14, 2010

i am developing a sharepoint webpart. In this webpart i need to use a repeater control. The problem is, i can only use codebehind for creating and using the control. So i have some questions:

1. After creating the repeater control in codebehind, how to create some templates (itemtemplate, footertemplate, etc.) and use it?

2. How to bind a object collection to a repeater control?

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Setting ID To A Control Inside Repeater Itemtemplate?

Apr 1, 2010

Inside repeater's itemtemplate I have a Panel server control.I need to assign special Id for it, because I need to work with some javascript functions that use this Id.

In repeater ItemDataBound event I have this:

pnlButtonsPanel.ID = pnlButtonsPanel.ID + DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "ID");

But this solution is not good because after a postback the page is re -rendered and I lose the new ID. (And I don't want to rebind repeater after every postback)

I tried to set the ID on aspx page like that:

<asp:Panel id='<%# Eval("ID") %>'

and some other variations but always get compile errors.

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