C# - Building A Email Sender Service

Mar 28, 2011

I have a couple of web applications which all utilize sending emails whether it be by contact form, or some kind of notification updates etc. The problem I have found is that there isn't really any way to track the emails which are being sent from the web applications, so I've come up with a possible solution: It's pretty straight forward really - instead of having each web application sending the emails themselves I would like to unify the process by creating a central Email Sender Service.

In basic terms, each application would just create a row in a 'Outbound Emails' table on the database with To,From,Subject,Content data. The Email Sender Service (Win Service) would then pick the emails from the outbox, send them and then mark as sent.

Even though I would store 'basic email' information (to,from,subject,content) in the database, what I would really like to do is also store the 'MailMessage' object itself so that the Email Sender Service could then de-serialize the original MailMessage as this would allow any application to fully customize the email. Are there any problems with using the MailMessage object in this way? Update: Another objective, is to store a log of emails that have been sent - hence the reason for using a database.

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Web Forms :: Send Email Without Sender Email Address

Sep 20, 2012

These are sender settingcode in web.config

<add key="Host" value="smtp.gmail.com"/>
<add key="EnableSsl" value="true"/>
<add key="UserName" value="neda@gmail.com"/>
<add key="Password" value="xxxx"/>
<add key="Port" value="587"/>

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Public ActionResult Contact(string firstName, string lastName, string Email, int Age, string Company, ...)
// ...

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Web Forms :: Sending Scheduled EMail From Web Application As External Service?

Dec 27, 2010

As indicated in the Subject, I have a web application (say APP) that should feature an e-Mail Notification Service (ENS). Activation of the Service is controlled by a Button in a dedicated page where some parameters are also included to set running Period (FromTime - ToTime), Interval, Recipients, etc.

When said button is clicked, it should maintain those parameters into database then launch ENS. Since ENS is expected to run for good according to set parameters, it logically should run as an external application/service, independent from APP.

When ENS starts, it needs to consult database to fetch parameters, then schedules its Timer to periodically check database for some transactions that when found, should trigger ENS to dispatch e-Mails to concerned Recipient(s).


1. Launch ENS as an external application on button click from APP.Achieved by using System.Diagnostics.Process class. However, I encountered a problem in verifying if the process is already running before starting it. The root of the problem lies in
ProcessName property. Since ALL web applications must be launched via IE, hence, have
iexplore as their ProcessName, which is also applicable to all processes started through IE, it is very likely to have multiple processes utilising IE. How to check which is which? I couldn't figure out that.

Eventually, I ended up with a workaround: when the Process is started from APP, capture its ID and save it to database, then use this ID with GetProcessById() method for later verification. When the Process is terminated, reset stored ID in database.

2. What sort of application should ENS be: Windows Application or Web Application?

In either way however, ENS will always run invisible in the background being a Process. If this is the case, how about creating it as a Windows Service instead?

I did a lot of reading but still confused. However, the choice is limited now to either Web Application or Windows Service. Which one is more convenient to the task in hand?

3. What Timer to use?

I tried System.Timers.Timer in a test web application but it didn't fire! Then I used ASP AJAX Timer and it worked pretty well (I still need though to try running it from APP to judge its functionality). I came across some recommendations to use System.Threading.Timer but haven't tested that yet. Would it worth the trial?

4. ENS as a Windows Service.

If I create ENS as a Windows Service, would I be able to communicate with database? How would this influence the Timer to use?

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Feb 12, 2010

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Jan 15, 2010

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Mar 22, 2010

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Security :: Sender URL For HTTP POST?

Jul 19, 2010

I am working on a application which will accept the data in the post request.I will surely implement the data encryption to make sure that communication is secured. But my concern is, any body who knows the URL will be able to send the POST data request to my application, can I restrict the request from once specific IP address/URL.From a Request object can I find out which application/HOSTname/URL has sent this request. I looked at RefererURL but it can be populated and cannot be used. Is there any other field/properly which will tell me about the party who has sent this request.I want to make sure that I process request received from one specific URL/IP and want to ignore all others.

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