C# - Sending Emails With Specific Name Instead Of Sender Email

Apr 29, 2010

I need to send an email in asp.net but I need sender appears like "MySiteName" without info@[URL] need to send an email in asp.net but I need sender appears like "MySiteName" without info@[URL]

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Sending Emails Using C# / Sql Server / Asp.net And Passing Parameters To Email?

Jan 15, 2010

my company is hosting a reception for current / prospective clients, we have a list of invitees in a SQL database, using the following columns (ID, Name, Email, Company, Response). ID is a UID and Response is Int, others are varchar. by default, Response is '0'i want to generate an email that will invite each user in the database to the reception, and provide a link to pages on our website that will update the Response field to1 (attending) or 2 (not attending).

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Sending Multiple Emails / Hide Email Addresses Of Other Receipents?

Apr 16, 2010

i am sending email to the users using smtp client and MailMessage class.

i have been adding the addresses of multiple receivers in the to property of the object of MailMessage class. the problem is that the receiver can see the email addresses of other receipents. is there any way to hide the email addresses of other receipents.

i mean setting some property or something like that. otherwise i will be left with only option to send individual email to the users.

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Data Controls :: How To Use Dynamic Email Templates For Sending Automatic Emails

May 7, 2015

I am developing ecommerce website and i have some page where to send automatic mails , How to assign mail templates with particular module with mail templates , how to use  dynamic email templates for sending automatic emails in asp.net ?

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Data Controls :: How To Make Text In Email Bold When Sending Emails

Apr 24, 2014

I want to know how to make textbox.text bold , i have to send that to mail how to make that  below is my code

"Dear " + txtname.Text + "
" + "Thank you for your registration" + "

" + "Your Log in Id is " + txtemail.Text + "
" + "Your Password is " + txtpassword.Text +

I have to make txtemail.text bold when that is received through email by the user

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How To Develop Email Application "for Sending Multiple Emails"

Jul 22, 2010

I have to do an email application (for sending multiple emails).

Since i am a beginner i couldn't be able to begin the project.

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Data Controls :: Show Only Specific Columns And Hide Others When Sending GridView In Email Body

Jun 17, 2012

i have done sending gridview data  as excel  to mail, it is working fine

then  i had 5 columns in gridview but i want to send 4 column instead of 5 column.

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
fn_AttachGrid(); // here calling function to send mail gridview data as excel format


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Web Forms :: Send Email Without Sender Email Address

Sep 20, 2012

These are sender settingcode in web.config

<add key="Host" value="smtp.gmail.com"/>
<add key="EnableSsl" value="true"/>
<add key="UserName" value="neda@gmail.com"/>
<add key="Password" value="xxxx"/>
<add key="Port" value="587"/>

here is sender email but i want there wasn't any email address.I mean i want when users click on button and send me an email there wasn't any email address in sender details.

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Know Email Client Sender IP?

Aug 23, 2010

Is there away to know original email sender IP, I mean the client machine which is used to send the email not the smtp sever. where in the header if any?

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C# - Building A Email Sender Service

Mar 28, 2011

I have a couple of web applications which all utilize sending emails whether it be by contact form, or some kind of notification updates etc. The problem I have found is that there isn't really any way to track the emails which are being sent from the web applications, so I've come up with a possible solution: It's pretty straight forward really - instead of having each web application sending the emails themselves I would like to unify the process by creating a central Email Sender Service.

In basic terms, each application would just create a row in a 'Outbound Emails' table on the database with To,From,Subject,Content data. The Email Sender Service (Win Service) would then pick the emails from the outbox, send them and then mark as sent.

Even though I would store 'basic email' information (to,from,subject,content) in the database, what I would really like to do is also store the 'MailMessage' object itself so that the Email Sender Service could then de-serialize the original MailMessage as this would allow any application to fully customize the email. Are there any problems with using the MailMessage object in this way? Update: Another objective, is to store a log of emails that have been sent - hence the reason for using a database.

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Bulk Email Not Getting Delivery Status Report To From All Sender

Apr 24, 2010

I am not getting email delivery status report in asp.net. if i am sending 500 email if 200 failed then how to know which 200 email failed?

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Sending Emails With Images?

Mar 12, 2010

My code sends email via asp.net mail namespace. Basically I generate HTML code which carries an image tag referring to an image on server. It uses absolute path and then the html email is sent to recipients.

Now when they receive emails on gmail and other clients, it wouldnt display images and not that images are broken but it wouldnt get displayed. Gmail is an issue wherein it prompts of non-https message and then display link on top. I know how to get around but my recipients have no clue on this technical things. so they end up not seeing the images.

How can I resolve this issue? How can I ensure that they always receive images irrespective of their internet settings?

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Sending Asynchronous Emails From Web Pages?

Sep 3, 2010

Here is my situation and hopefully someone could guide me in the right direction.I have a shared or static class in my website (App_Code folder) which has static methods to send emails asychronoulsy. So whenever there is an exception in any of my pages or classes I call these methods to send an email to support asynchronously. Now when there is an exception in a page, to route that exception asynchronously I need to have Async = "true" for that page. I have more than 50 pages and I don't want to set Async= "true" on every page as I read that it affects performance.So I was wondering if there is any way I could send emails asynchronously without having to set async = "true" on every page.

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C# - Sending Large Volume Of Emails Using C#?

Jan 20, 2010

I'm having an issue sending large volumes of emails out from an ASP.Net application. I won't post the code, but instead explain what's going on. The code should send emails to 4000 recipients but seems to stall at 385/387.

The code creates the content for the email in a string.

It then selects a list of email address to send to.

Looping through the data via a datareader it picks out the email address and sends an email.

The email sending is done by a separate method which can handle failures and returns it's outcome.

As each record is sent I produce an XML node in an XML document to log each specific attempt to send.

The loop seems to end prematurely and the XML document is saved to disk.

Now I know the code works. I have run it locally using the same SMTP machine and it worked fine with 500 records. Granted there was less content, but I can't see how that would make any difference.

I don't think the page itself times out, but even if it did, I was sure .Net would continue processing the page, even if the user saw a page time out error.

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Use Built - In Templates For Sending Emails?

Sep 21, 2010

Is there any samples on how to use ASP.NET built-in templates out of the page, just for rendering text with params. For instance, to build email message.

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ChangePassword And PasswordRecovery Not Sending Emails

Mar 8, 2010

I am using the ASP.NET membership provider controls (ChangePassword and PasswordRecovery) and they generally work just fine. Unfortunately they don't send any emails once the process is finished. I set up the SMTP server using the ASP.NET Configuration Website and it added the following lines to the web.config:

<smtp from="maildaemon@pagetailors.de">
<network host="pagetailors.de" password="XXXX" userName="XXXX" />

I also tried using the IP adress of the server instead of the domain. In addition to that I set the maildefinition properties on the used web controls:

<MailDefinition From="maildaemon@pagetailors.de"
Subject="Your new password">

Once I finish changing or resetting the password, the controls shows the success message. It does not show any errors but the mails are not sent. I also checked the SMTP log files on the server (it's a MailEnable server) but couldn't even find an attempt to send these messages. I am using a custom email helper class which manually sends an email using the following settings:

public static void SendEmail(string from, string to, string subject, string body)
SmtpClient mailClient = new SmtpClient(ConfigReader.GetStringValue("MailServer"));
mailClient.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ConfigReader.GetStringValue("MailUsername"),
MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage(from, to, subject, body);

The values for mailserver, username and password read from the config file are the same as defined in the ASP.NET configuration tool. These mails are delivered successfully.

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Web Services - Sending Out More Than 20000 Emails

Apr 12, 2010

I am writing an application that will need to send a massive amount of emails to our students who will be selected from our database (each email will be personalized to the extent that will include their name, course of study etc...so needs to be sent one at a time).

I could do this looping over an SmtpClient, but I'm afraid that with the numbers I'm trying to send, I'll ultimately run into timeout issues or my thread being killed because of lack of machine resources. if looping over SmtpClient is an ok solution, how I should go about handling it to prevent what I posted above.

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WCF / ASMX :: Service For Sending Emails?

Mar 15, 2011

i am developing a project wich sends massive amounts of emails. Lets say 200-300 emails per query. And each user can conduct multiple search querys. So at times it gets relly great number of emails to send.So this is what i need:1. a webservice with a fireAndForget type method, that i can pass in single or multiple email messages

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Sending Emails With High Speed?

Jul 10, 2010

I want to send multiple emails with high speed. I am sending a newsletter on daily basis to around 4000 contact-IDs. I developed VB.net code for sending emails through THREADS. My threads are sending Emails to my contacts. But the problem is the speed is slow. I wanted to send emails with high speed and with less email bounce ration.

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Sending Individual Emails To List In Db?

May 26, 2010

We were just asked to create something that would query a db and send an individual email to each email returned in the query.

how to do this.. and its not alot of emails.. probably about 50 to 100 but each email will be customized to each receipient as they are our vendors.

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Configuration :: Smtp Server 5.1 In Xp Not Sending Emails?

Aug 26, 2010

iam using asp.net 2.0 with c#.net.

in my application when client completes its shopping email will goes to user this works fine when there is internet connection is working fine, if there is some problem in internet connection if one mail stops then all the mails will be stopped even now internet works fine,

how to resend the emails using smtp server, is there any option to resend the emails automatically when internet works fine.

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Asp Code For Sending Bulk Emails For Various Users?

May 24, 2010

i am a new comer in asp.i needed asp code for sending bulk emails for various users.

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Web Forms :: Smtp Client Is Not Sending Some Emails?

Feb 1, 2011

I use a Smtp Client to email submitted information from an asp.net form. 3 users sent in their information and the user on the other end did not recieve either one of the emails. On the 2nd time around, she did recieve the emails. What could it be?


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Web Forms :: Sending Emails In Background In Web Application

Mar 25, 2013

I have a requirement like sending multiple mails for each update in database.But if i write mail sending code on button click then it will delay the page load time till all mails are send.Is there any way to send mails using seperate thread that runs at backend or maintain a queue.

One more think content of all mails are not same always.

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Web Forms :: How To Track Bounced Emails After Sending

Nov 15, 2012

public void mail()
System.Net.Mail.MailMessage mail = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage();
System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient();
//create the mail message
//set the addresses
mail.From = new MailAddress("kamalakkanavar@gmail.com");


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